Paul Wilcher & Gunther Russbacher, by Rayelan Allan Russbac

Paul Wilcher & Gunther Russbacher, by Rayelan Allan Russbac

Postby admin » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:58 am

Paul Wilcher & Gunther Russbacher
by Rayelan Allan Russbacher



I met Paul Wilcher in early 1992. A mutual friend in Chicago, Sherman Skolnick, told Paul about my husband, Gunther Russbacher. Gunther was a CIA/ONI operative who, at the time, was incarcerated in Jefferson City, Missouri. When Paul first called me, I thought he was just another investigator or reporter who was interested in doing a story on Gunther's case. It never occurred to me how entwined our lives would become in the next few years.

In the two and half years that Gunther and I had been married, I had spent hundreds of hours telling our story to any reporter who would listen. It was no different with Paul. Each time he called, I went into more detail about what had happened to Gunther and me since we had married.

I can't even begin to remember how many times I have told the story. Gunther had been arrested two days after we had married. The FBI told me that "Gunther was a conman, on a crime spree, marrying and defrauding wealthy widows." When the FBI left my home that night, not only did they take my new husband, but they took everything that was his. His clothes, his papers, his briefcase... everything. They didn't even leave me a picture! All I had to prove that it had actually happened was our marriage license from Reno, Nevada.

Gunther was held in various county jails and prisons for 11 months. During that time, I was working for a friend who was a film producer. He was making a film that everyone in Hollywood felt would be the big hit of the year. He was fascinated with what was happening to us, and finally offered to buy the rights to our story for $40,000. The county prosecutor heard about my film deal and agreed to release Gunther for $40,000.

Gunther pled the Alford plea, which means he neither pled guilty nor not guilty. He was released on probation with the agreement that he would live with my friend until the script was done and the money had been paid to the prosecutor.

The only problem with this scenario, is the moment Gunther was released from prison, his boss in Navy Intelligence ordered him to Offutt Air Force Base. Shortly after Gunther was released from the county jail near St. Louis, Missouri, we drove to Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska. Offutt was the home of the Looking Glass Command. Gunther and I were on the base from July 19 to July 22 of 1990. At the time, a top secret meeting was going on. Many Congressmen and Senators were in attendance. The only one I recognized was Congressman Pete Stark from California. If anyone ever wants to check that this meeting actually took place, they should try to see his daily calendar for these dates in 1990.

While I was on base, no one discussed the meeting because it was still top secret. But several days after the meeting had concluded, it was in every paper in the world. The top secret meeting had been held to close the Looking Glass Command.

From the Sacramento Union, Saturday, July 28, 1990:
"WASHINGTON--With President Bush's approval, the Air Force this week quietly ended its 29-year-old practice of keeping a "Looking Glass" emergency command plane in the air at all times in case of a surprise nuclear attack.

"With no fanfare or advance public notice, the last in an uninterrupted string of flights named "Looking Glass" landed at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Neb., at 2:28 p.m. CDT Tuesday, July 24.

"The United States began the flights from Offutt on Feb. 3. 1961, shortly after the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy and at the height of the Cold War."

Offutt Air Force Base was one of the most secure military installations in the country. At the time Gunther and I were on Offutt Air Force Base, one of the most top secret meetings in Cold War History was going on.

Gunther and I stayed in V.I.P. quarters at the Malmstrom Inn. In the suite to our right was the Director of Central Intelligence, William Webster. In the suite on our left was the National Security Advisor, Brent Scowcroft. On Saturday, July 21st, for a few short hours, Barbara Bush was in the suite directly across the hall.

President and Mrs. Bush had been in California attending the opening on the Reagan Library. On their trip back to Washington, they stopped off in Wyoming to fish with Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney. After the fishing photo ops, Cheney and Bush flew directly to Offutt Air Force Base where another highly classified, "above" top secret meeting was taking place. Ostensibly, they were there to oversee the closing of the "Looking Glass Command."

However, the Looking Glass Command's top secret meeting was only the cover for another, even more secret meeting. Gunther Russbacher had been ordered to Offutt Air Force Base to be briefed on a top secret mission for which he would be the command pilot.

Gunther had just spent 11 months in a county jail. For that eleven months, Gunther and I were both being disciplined by the CIA discipline officer. We had broken the rules. When Gunther had requested permission to marry me, it had been denied. Instead of waiting the two years he was told to wait, we chose to marry immediately and face the consequences later. If I had known that the CIA discipline officer was the same man I had lobbied against before the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I think I would have thought twice about disobeying CIA rules.

At the time of our marriage I was working with a group of loose knit group of investigative reporters who were working to expose the treasonous October Surprise hostage delay. In 1979, Iranian revolutionaries stormed the United States embassy in Tehran and held the embassy personnel hostage. The October Surprise is the theory that the Reagan/Bush Campaign made a deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election.

The polls showed that the margin between President Carter and Candidate Reagan was so narrow that the election hinged on whether or not Jimmy Carter could free the 52 hostages before the election. He if did, he would win. If he was too "weak" to free our hostages, then Candidate Reagan would become the President. Needless to say, the hostages were not released before the election, and Reagan won. In an usual move, that I still remember vividly, the Iranian Ayatollah released the 52 hostages at the very moment Reagan was sworn in as President.

In early 1986, my best friend, former Reagan campaign worker, Barbara Honegger, and I started investigating the October Surprise. In July of 1989, Barbara asked me to hand carry documents to my friend, Senator Claiborne Pell. Pell was the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. At that moment, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was doing a confirmation hearing on a long time CIA operative named Donald Gregg.

Mr. Gregg had been George Bush's National Security Advisor while Mr. Bush was Vice President. President Bush had just nominated Donald Gregg to be the Ambassador to South Korea.

The packet I carried to Senator Pell contained detailed affidavits implicating Donald Gregg in the October Surprise negotiations. At the time I hand carried these documents to Senator Pell, I did not know that Donald Gregg was the chairman of the CIA discipline committee!

Two days after I married Gunther, he was arrested for the first time by the FBI. It took me many months before I figured out that he and I were both being disciplined for disobeying orders. Donald Gregg didn't like either one of us.

After eleven months of discipline, we were assured that we had paid the price and the CIA was going to allow Gunther to return to active duty in the Navy. We were told that he would be promoted to Admiral and in two years we would be allowed to retire and leave the country. Gunther was an Austrian and he wanted to return to his country. With this assurance from his immediate superior, Gunther and I drove from St. Louis to Offutt Air Force Base, in Omaha.

On Offutt, I met the four star Admiral who was Gunther's immediate superior. He introduced himself to me as "Vilhelm Johann". He quickly dropped his thick German accent and said I could call him William. I never did. He has always been Admiral J. To me.

Gunther also took me to lunch with his friend, Bill Webster, who happened to be the Director of Central Intelligence at the time. As three Air Force Generals stood, Gunther and Bill carried on a conversation while we waited for our lunch to be served.

Gunther and I left Offutt on July 22nd. We were not scheduled to leave. We did so because I had been drugged the night before. They had drugged me so Gunther could attend a top secret meeting while I slept. When I realized they had put something in my water, I thought they had poisoned me. Gunther flew out of his chair and threw the Club manager, a man named Al Harris, up against the wall.

Al quickly told him that Admiral Johann had given him some Valium to put in my drink. Since I didn't drink anything but water, it was put in my water. Al told Gunther the Admiral wanted me to get a good night's sleep.

I did not have a good night's sleep. I knew they had done something to me. When you have the Director of Central Intelligence on one side, and the National Security Advisor on the other side, you realize that anything could happen to you. Even though Gunther had assured me that they had only given me Valium, I lay in bed, going in and out of consciousness, thinking that they had given me a slow acting poison. When the effects of the drug wore off, I packed my bags and left. I didn't know where I was going, I only knew I was getting off Offutt.

Gunther asked me if I wanted him to come with me. I told him that was his choice. He quickly grabbed his things and threw them in the car. William Webster, wearing red shorts and a red Hawaiian shirt, watched from his window as we packed our car and left.

Gunther and I drove straight through to Winnemucca, Nevada where we stopped at the Red Lion Inn. Gunther requested a specific room. When we walked in, he told me to turn on the television and turn to channel 13. I did. We watched a black and white CIA training film that starred George Bush, William Webster, Jean Kirkpatrick and several other well known people. The film had been made in the early 60's.

I had only watched the film for a few minutes when I was suddenly so tired I could not keep my eyes open. Gunther and I both woke up 10 hours later, feeling drugged. The story of the missing ten hours is told in an article titled, "Rayelan Russbacher Meets the King of the World."

From Winnemucca, we drove to Sparks, Nevada and checked into the Western Motel and Casino. The first thing Gunther did was teach me how to find certain slot machines that were designed to fund covert operatives who were in need of funds. After winning about $600.00 Gunther and I ran some errands.

This trip was my first experience living life on a "need to know" basis. Gunther never told me anything until it was time for me to know it. On the afternoon of July 25th, Gunther told me we had to go down to the local CIA shop, which was located in a Quonset hut, surplus store.

He told me to drop him off in front of the store and to keep driving around the block. As he got out of the car, a younger man was approaching the store. He was carrying a Navy flight suit. When Gunther came out of the store, he had the flight suit with him. It had his patches sewn on it, and Navy Eagles on the collar. I asked him what he was going to do with that. He replied, "I have to fly a mission to Moscow tomorrow. That is why I was on Offutt. I had to spend time in a flight simulator."

The next day, July 26th, 1990, I took Gunther to the Reno Municipal Airport. We pulled into a side parking lot. Gunther and I waited until we saw a small Learjet approaching. The Lear was the same plane we had "borrowed" to go to Reno one year before to get married.

Gunther ran through a gate and onto the tarmac. The Lear stopped, the side door dropped down. Gunther got in. I watched the Lear as it taxied around and assumed a take off position on the runway.

Then I heard the sound of a larger plane approaching. I didn't recognize the sound of its engine. I looked up and saw a military plane that looked like a large fighter. It was painted desert camouflage. Its nose had a needle like point that was turned downward. It almost looked like a huge insect.

I had been married to a civilian employee of the Navy for 16 years. My husband, Dr. John Dyer, had been the Dean of Science and Engineering at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. That was where I had first met Gunther.

Because of being married to John, I had seen many Navy fighters. But this plane didn't look like any fighter I had ever seen. I kept looking at it. The drag chute popped and slowed the plane down. Even the drag chute was too big for a fighter.

Then I heard the sound of another one approaching. I looked into the sky and saw the same kind of "fighter" plane descending. It was also painted desert camouflage. I looked at the shape of the two planes. They reminded me of the model that my husband John's nephew had given him. John's nephew was an SR-71 pilot who had been stationed at Beale Air Force Base in northern California. John and I had visited him and had toured the base and visited the SR-71's.

The two camouflage planes looked very much like SR-71's, but I knew that paint couldn't stay on them because of how fast they flew. Paint would burn off, so the SR-71's remained black, the color of their titanium hulls.

A third desert camouflage plane came in for a landing. It too popped out its drag chute and landed. The three planes taxied down the runway and lined up next to the white Learjet at the end of the runway.

Finally, I heard the sound of another plane approaching. This plane had the same whine as the others. It was the same shape and size as the other airplanes, but it was BLACK! I looked at the sleek black titanium hull and instantly recognized it as an SR-71. It too popped a drag chute. Four SR-71's had come into a public municipal airport in Reno, Nevada.

The black SR-71 taxied down to the end of the runway and turned around. The five planes sat side by side on the runway. I watched as they spooled up their engines for takeoff. If I had blinked my eyes, I would have missed the take off.

The five planes were lined up abreast. They started their taxi at the same time. I expected the usual type of taxi and takeoff. But this isn't what happened. All five planes took off at once. They utilized a steep military takeoff which made them appear to be taking off vertically.

The speed and angle of the takeoff caused the planes to disappear from sight in seconds. The entire episode, from the Learjet landing, to the five planes taking off at once, had lasted approximately seven to ten minutes.

Gunther arrived home in the early hours of the morning. He had a pack of Russian cigarettes in his flight suit pocket. He said that he had flown a treaty to Moscow for Gorbachev to sign. He also said that the black SR-71 had been left in Moscow, a fact that has been confirmed by author Rodney Stich.

If you remember history. July 25th is a very important date in the Persian Gulf War. It was the date that April Glaspie, the United States Ambassador to Iraq, met with Saddam Hussein. The transcript of her meeting with Hussein has never been released. It is supposed that she encouraged him to invade Kuwait.

The flight Gunther flew to Moscow occurred one day after the Glaspie meeting with Saddam Hussein. Again, no one knows what was contained in the treaty Bush signed with Gorbachev, but it is presumed that it was an agreement that the USSR would not enter the Persian Gulf War on the side of Iraq.

The next morning, Admiral George Raeder called and told me to get ready to become the wife of a base commander. He told me that with all the experience I had as a Dean's wife, that I would have no problem with the entertaining duties.

Admiral Raeder also told me to order a Navy Commander's uniform for my cat. My three legged white Angora cat had become quite a hero ever since he survived the attack by the FBI dogs.. The Admiral told me that any cat that can fight off three FBI attack dogs deserved to be a base mascot. The Admiral told Gunther to go to the Naval Air Station in Fallon, Nevada and pick up a pair of whites. He told me to have my cat measured and get a uniform made for him.

Gunther and I did as we were told. We had a few days to get this done, and then we had to report to Castle Air Force base for a promotion ceremony and a debriefing. When we got to Castle, there was a debriefing, but instead of a promotion ceremony, the FBI came in and arrested Gunther one more time. He was accused of impersonating a Naval officer and was arrested. This eventually caused his probation in Missouri to be revoked.

At the time of the arrest, Gunther and I were on Castle Air Force Base because one of Gunther's bosses, Admiral George Raeder, had ordered us there for a promotion celebration and a press conference which would have explained why Gunther had just spent 11 months in a county jail. We were both expecting to be on our way to our new command at Whidby Island, instead he was arrested by one of the same FBI agents who had arrested him a year before. I had been through this a year earlier. I couldn't believe it was happening again.

As I told the story to Paul, he couldn't believe it either. At the time, I didn't know Paul was recording our conversations. He later transcribed many of our conversations and included them in the report he wrote for the House and Senate October Surprise Taskforces.

Like most people, Paul had a hard time understanding how the FBI could arrest Gunther after Gunther and I had just been on Offutt Air Force Base with the Director of the CIA, the National Security Advisor, the Secretary of Defense, the President of the United States and the First Lady. There is no way I can help people, who are not part of the Intelligence Community, to understand how things like this can happen. All I can say is that this appears to be standard operating procedure for the intelligence community.

Gunther and I married August 30, 1989. He was arrested September 1st. He spent 11 months in jail in St. Charles, Missouri. He was released for two weeks and re-arrested. The second time he spent 24 months in Federal prison for misuse of the Learjet when we took it to Reno to get married. When he was released from Federal Prison we were told he was being deported to Austria. We were overjoyed and I was making plans to leave the country with him. Instead, our hearts were broken again, because the Missouri courts used the charge of impersonating a Naval officer to revoke his probation and put him in prison for 28 years on the original Missouri charges.

Gunther had come to the attention of the world of investigative reporters in May of 1991 while he was still in Federal Prison at Terminal Island, California. There had been an attempt on Gunther's life. Several of his friends had been killed in a helicopter crash. Gunther was supposed to have been on that helicopter. He had called me earlier in the day to tell me that he and his boss were coming up to see me. This was in preparation for our leaving the country. I needed to fill out some papers. Gunther told me that he would be in a black helicopter and they would pass over my house at 6:30. Exactly as he said, the helicopter passed over the house. I stood out in front and waved, then went back into the house and prepared the hors d'oeuvres and drinks.

Gunther told me it would take him a half hour to get from where they had to land, back to my house. It was the longest half hour of my life... and it kept getting longer. Seven o'clock came, 7:30. There was no word from him or from his boss. I had the television on in the background. Suddenly the program was interrupted with an emergency news flash.

A helicopter had crashed. They showed a picture of it. It was the same black helicopter that had just flown over my house. I was heart sick. I called our friend Rodney Stich. Rodney had been with the FAA and I figured if anyone would know how to find out who was on that helicopter that he would. He hemmed and hawed and told me that he didn't have those kinds of contacts anymore. I hung up without saying goodbye and quickly dialed the emergency number of the CIA station chief in St Louis.

"Roger" I cried. "There's been a helicopter crash. Was Gunther on it?" That was all he needed to hear.

"I'll call you back" he said and quickly hung up.

Waiting for Roger to call back was the hardest and longest wait I had ever had. The phone finally rang. His information caused my heart to sink. "Three naval officers were on the plane."

"Was Gunther one of them?"

"I don't know." Roger replied. "Call the prison and ask to talk to him"

"How can I do that? They don't allow people to call." I said.

"They do in emergencies. Here is the number."

Roger hung up. I called the number and through my tears I told the person who answered the phone who I was and what had just happened. "There's been a helicopter crash. Our friends were killed. I need to talk to my husband."

I was put on hold. I didn't expect to be allowed to talk to Gunther. I didn't even expect to be told if he was dead or alive. But miracles do happen.

"Hello?" It was Gunther. He sounded groggy, as if he had just awakened. I quickly told him what had just happened. He said he needed to make a few phone calls and would call me back. One of the phone calls was to his friend, Rodney Stich. He told Rodney to record the conversation and that if his enemies were successful in killing him, to go forward with the story. Up until now, Gunther had NEVER told any of us that he was actively involved in the October Surprise. Gunther made Rodney promise that he would not release the tape unless Gunther was killed.

Rodney did not follow Gunther's orders. Rodney felt that the best way to keep Gunther alive was to release the information as soon as possible. Rodney called Harry Martin, the publisher of the Napa Sentinel. This was Tuesday, Harry checked the facts as best he could and ran the story in the Thursday edition, BUSH MADE DEAL WITH IRANIANS, PILOT SAYS Navy flier testifies he flew Bush to Paris for deal to block release of hostages.

On Monday, the story was published in the Spotlight, a Washington, D.C. newspaper. I began receiving phone call from friends and reporters asking me how I felt being married to the October Surprise pilot. I didn't have the slightest idea what they were talking about. I had been investigating the October Surprise, I wasn't married to one of the pilots. I knew who the pilots were, or at least I thought I did.

Finally one of the people I was talking to realized that I didn't know what had just happened. Sure enough, Gunther had not bothered to tell me that he had just told Rodney Stich the details of the flight he piloted to France to conclude the October Surprise negotiations and delay the release of the 52 American hostages. I didn't know that his story had been published in two newspapers and Harry Martin was going to be a guest on worldwide short wave radio that night to discuss the articles.

By the time Gunther was transferred back to Missouri, he had become a minor celebrity. Sarah McClendon, the senior White House correspondent had called me and wanted to know the whole story. Ross Perot called me and spent many hours on the phone with me. Paul Wilcher entered the picture at this time.

Shortly after the helicopter crash, which had claimed the lives of his friends and prompted Gunther to go public, several events seemed to occur spontaneously.

Gunther's story was published in two newspapers. Gunther's story went out over worldwide radio. The Director of the CIA, Gunther's friend "Bill" Webster, suddenly resigned. The House of Representatives finally convened an October Surprise Taskforce.

Paul had been following Gunther's story from Washington D.C. Paul was a friend of Sarah McClendon's. He was a regular at her Tuesday night "briefings". For a while, so was FBI Director William Sessions.

After spending hundreds of hours on the telephone with me, Paul decided that the only way to convince the House and Senate that Gunther really was who he said he was, was for Paul to come to Missouri and debrief him.

Paul had not been working as an attorney for several years He had even let his Bar card expire. Paul had been in real estate in Chicago. He and his wife owned a 60 million dollar real estate empire. The crooked Chicago bankruptcy courts took everything. Paul spent years trying to reclaim their wealth. Then he realized that the corruption went far higher than Chicago, and he moved to Washington D. C., to continue his investigation.

Once in Washington, he discovered what most investigators of government crimes discover.... that one crime is connected to another which is connected to another. Suddenly the web of government crimes and corruptions had ensnared another investigator.

Paul borrowed the money from me and my friends to make the trip to Missouri to debrief Gunther. He stayed there four months. He produced over a thousand pages of transcribed documents, and recorded over 50- 90 minutes conversations with Gunther.

After he felt he had enough information, he returned to Washington and made a formal presentation to the October Surprise Taskforce. Unfortunately, like most Senate and House Taskforces, the October Surprise was a complete whitewash.

Paul continued to stay close to Gunther and me. We talked almost everyday. He took a job working in a Washington law office. He also was taking legal cases privately. Suddenly he had enough money to rent an apartment in Washington.

During the Waco siege, Gunther started telling me and Paul about the mind control experiments that were going on inside the compound. At first Gunther compared the experiment with Jonestown, but then he said that this one was a different kind.

I can still remember the night before the compound was burned. I was in hiding on top a mountain in a small town in Ohio. Another hit order had been put out on me, and the FBI was looking for me. I had arranged to call Paul at exactly 8PM. Gunther was going to call Paul from prison, and Paul was going to patch us together. The conversation was a short one. Gunther was beside himself. He told us that the Feds were going to burn the compound the next day. He said that the device was ready to go and they had to get in there immediately. I didn't know what he meant by the device. Paul seemed to understand.

After Gunther hung up, I asked Paul what we should do. I had no telephone where I was staying. I had no idea what to do. He said he would make a few phone calls and try to alert someone. I don't know what he was able to do.

The next day Gunther told me it was safe for me to come to Missouri. I met a friend of Gunther's who took me out to his parents farmhouse in a small town. Again, I was in hiding where I thought no one would find me. But one afternoon, shortly after the Waco inferno, the telephone rang. It was a coded message from one of the SEALS who was part of my protective team. I figured out that the house was surrounded by the FBI.

I hung up the telephone as if nothing was wrong. I ran down the stairs and yelled into the living room that I was running down to Walmart to buy some hair dye. I said I would be back in an hour or two.

Instead of running to the store, I ran to a friends house. She had a friend who was a policeman. She called him and had him come over. He and a County sheriff went over to the farm to check things out. They found an FBI SWAT team lying in the ditches waiting for me to return.

I was later told that many of the men who were hiding in those ditches, had just been at Waco. Did they want to kill me because I knew the truth about what they did at Waco? Would they have killed everyone in the farmhouse to kill me? I don't know. I will never know the answers to these questions.

During the month following the Waco horror, Gunther and his men were giving Paul the real story of what had really gone on at Waco.

David Koresh was a long time CIA asset. Waco had been a CIA center for mind control every since the end of World War Two. Many of the German mind control scientists were brought to Waco to continue their experiments.

Gunther explained to me that there were only seven fully programmed mind control "sleepers" in the Davidian Compound. For a more complete explanation on how mind controlled "sleepers" are created, you can read Operation Open Eyes MIND CONTROL IN AMERIKA ~ Five Easy Steps To Create A Manchurian Candidate!

Gunther told me that the Waco "sleepers" had somehow been triggered, and they were preparing to carry out their mission. The "sleepers" in the compound were created to be programmed domestic terrorists. They can be compared to the Japanese cult, Aum Shinri Kyo, that bombed the subway with sarin gas and killed and wounded hundreds of people.

The seven sleepers in the Waco compound were within days of finishing a nerve gas toxin that would have been powerful enough to kill up to 350 thousand people.

Gunther and others, spent hours giving Paul the information about how mind control is being used to create terrorists and assassins. Paul prepared a 101 page letter to Attorney General Janet Reno. He called the Department of Justice and made an appointment to deliver it to her.

On May 21st, the day of his appointment, Paul Wilcher was met in the hall outside of Ms. Reno's office by two men. They threw him up against the wall, beat him and took the 101 page letter.

Paul called me the minute he returned to his apartment. He was shaken. He asked for help. He wanted protection. He was sure he was going to be killed. He asked to have Gunther put through to his apartment the moment Gunther called me.

Several hours later, Gunther called. I told him what had happened to Paul. Gunther told me that Paul had gotten careless and revealed the names of the SEALS who were protecting him. They had to go into hiding to save their own lives. Paul was without protection. Gunther told Paul that he was putting together another team and would have it there as soon as possible. But by the time the new SEAL team got there, Paul had already disappeared.

We discovered that he went to New York on the train, but I have never known why. After three more weeks, Gunther sent a SEAL team into Paul's apartment. They found his body. Gunther then called Sarah McClendon and told her it was time for her to alert the Washington D.C. police.
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