The Hymns of the Atharvaveda, translated by Ralph Griffith

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Hymns of the Atharvaveda, translated by Ralph Griffi

Postby admin » Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:56 am

Part 1 of 2

An accompaniment to the offering of a Mixt Oblation
1Let the streams flow together, let the winds and birds assembled
Strengthen this sacrifice of mine, ye singers. I offer up a duly
mixt oblation.
2O Burnt Oblations, aid, and ye, Blent Offerings, this my
Strengthen this sacrifice of mine, ye singers. I offer up a duly
mixt oblation.
3Each several form, each several force I seize, and compass round
this man.
May the Four Quarters strengthen this my sacrifice. I offer up a
duly mixt oblation.

A hymn to all waters
1Blest be the Streams from hills of snow, sweet be spring Waters
unto thee.
Sweet be swift-running Waters, sweet to thee be Water of the
Rains. p. 212
2Sweet unto thee be Waters of the waste and Waters of the pool.
Sweet be the Waters dug from earth, to thee, and Waters
brought in jars.
3To those who delve without a tool to dig, the wise, the deeply
To Waters better healers than physicians we address our prayer.
4Bathed in the Waters verily divine, in water of the streams,
Bathed in the Waters verily, O Horses, be ye fleet and strong.
5Blest be the Waters unto thee, suspicious Waters, bringing.
They cure the injured place for thee even as thy comfort craveth

A hymn to Agni for protection and prosperity
1Whithersoe'er, from sky, earth, air's mid-regions from plants ands
herbs, from tall trees, Jātavedas.
Is carried here and there to divers places, even thence come thou
to us with loving-kindness.
2All majesty of thine in floods, in forest, in plants, in cattle, in
the depths of waters
Closely uniting all thy forms, O Agni, come unto us wealth-giv-
ing, undecaying.
3Thy majesty among the Gods in Svarga, thy body which hath
past into the Fathers.
Thy plenty far-diffused mid human beings, even with this, O
Agni, give us riches.
4To him the wise, the famous, swift to listen, with words and
verses I come nigh for bounty.
May we be safe from threatening danger. Soften by sacrifice the-
wrath of Gods, O Agni.

A prayer, accompanying sacrifice, for the attainment of a wish
1The first oblation that Atharvan oared, earliest sacrifice paid by
Jātavedas, p. 213
Even this I, foremost, with repeated worship, now offer unto
thee. May Agni carry the sacrificer's present. Hail to Agni!
2In front I set Intention, blessed Goddess. Mother of thought,
may she be prompt to hear us.
Mine, and mine only, be the hope I fashion! May I gain this
that hath possessed my spirit.
3With Purpose, O Prajāpati, with Purpose come thou near to us.
Bestow on us a share of luck, and so be swift to hear our call.
4Prajāpati Angirasa with favour regard this word and this my
settled purpose!
May he, whence Gods and Deities had being Kāma attend us
with his gentle guidance.

A prayer for riches
4King of the living world and men is Indra, of all in varied form
that earth containeth.
Thence to the worshipper he giveth riches: may he enrich even
us when we have praised him.

The purusha-Sūkta, on the mystical Sacrifice of Purusha
1Purusha hath a thousand arms, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet.
On every side pervading earth he fills a space ten fingers wide.
2He with three quarters rose to heaven here reappeared a fourth
of him.
Thence he strode forth on every side to all that eats not and that
3So mighty is his grandeur, yea, greater than this is Purusha.
All creatures are one-fourth of him, three-fourths what dieth
not in heaven. p. 214
4Purusha is in truth this All, what hath been and what yet shall;
Lord, too, of immortality—and what hath grown with some-
what else.
5When they divided Purusha how many portions did they make?
What was his mouth? what were his arms? what are the names
of thighs and feet?
6The Brāhman was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rājanya
His waist became the Vaisya, from his feet the Sūdra was
7The Moon was gendered from his mind, and from his eye the
Sun had birth.
Indra and Agni from his mouth were born and Vāyu from his
8Forth from his navel come mid-air; the sky was fashioned from
his head.
Earth from his feet, and from his ear the regions. Thus they
formed the worlds.
9In the beginning rose Virāj: Purusha from Virāj was born.
As soon as he was born he spread westward and eastward o'er
the earth.
10When Gods performed the sacrifice with Purusha as their
Spring was the butter, summer was the fuel, autumn was the
11That sacrifice, first-born Purusha, they hallowed with the sprink-
led Rains.
The Deities, the Sādhyas, all the Vasus sacrificed with him.
12From it were horses born, from it all creatures with two rows of
From it were generated kine, from it were goats and sheep
13From that great general sacrifice Richas and Sāma hymns were
Therefrom the metres were produced: the Yajus had its birth
from it.
14From that great general sacrifice the dripping fat was gathered up:
It formed the creatures fleet as wind, and animals both wild and
tame. p. 215
15Seven fencing-logs had he, thrice seven layers of fuel were
When, offering sacrifice, the Gods bound as their victim Purusha.
16Forth from head of the high God seven-and-seventy bright
Sprang into being, of the King Soma produced from Purusha.

A Prayer to the Lunar Mansions and other Powers for protection and prosperity
1The brilliant lights shining in heaven together, which through
the world glide on with rapid motion.
And Days, and Firmament with songs I worship, seeking the
Twenty-eight-fold for its favour.
2Krittikās, Rohinī be swift to hear me! Let Mrigasiras bless me,
help me Ārdrā!
Punarvasu and Sūnritā, fair Pushya, the Sun, Asleshās, Maghā
lead me onward!
3My bliss be Svāti and benignant Chitrā, my right First Phalgunis p. 217
and present Hasta.
Rādhas, Visākhas, gracious Anurādhā, Jyeshthā and happy-
starred uninjured Mūla.
4Food shall be earlier Ashādhas grant me; let those that follow
bring me strength and vigour;
With virtuous merit Abhijit endow me! Sravana and Sravishthās
make me prosper.
5Satabhishak afford me ample freedom, and both the Proshtha-
padas guard me safely.
Revati and the Asvayujas bring me luck, and the Bharanis
abundant riches!

Hymn 8: A hymn to the Sun and various heavenly bodies for protection and prosperity

1Benign to me be all those Lunar Mansions to which the Moon
as he moves on doth honour.
All that are in the sky, the air, the waters, on earth, on moun-
tains, in the heavenly regions.
2Propitious, mighty, let the eight-and-twenty together deal me
out my share of profit.
Profit and wealth be mine, and wealth and profit! To Day and
Night be adoration rendered!
3Fair be my sunset, fair my morn and evening and day with.
lucky chase and happy omens;
With blessing and success, immortal Agni, go to the mortal and.
return rejoicing.
4Excitement and invoking cry, ill-omened sneezing and reproof,
All sounds of empty pitchers send into the distance, Savitar!
5May we escape an evil sneeze, enjoy the sneeze of happy luck,
And may our nostrils smelling what is pleasant pour forth
fragrant scent.
6These flames of Brāhmanaspati borne to all quarters in the-
Turn them all hither, Indra, and make them most gracious unto,

A prayer for general protection and prosperity
1Gentle be heaven, gentle be earth, gentle this spacious,
Gentle be waters as they flow, gentle to us be plants and herbs!
2Gentle be signs of coming change, and that which is and is not.
Gentle be past and future, yea, let all be gracious unto us.
3Quickened by Prayer, this Goddess Vāk who standeth in the
highest place,
By whom the awful spell was made, even through her to us be
4Or, made more keen by Prayer, this mind that standeth in the
highest place,
Whereby the awful spell was made, even through this be peace
to us!
5These five sense-organs with the mind as sixth, sharpened by
Prayer, abiding in my heart,
By which the awful spell was made, even by these be peace to
6Favour us Mitra, Varuna, and Vishnu, and Prajāpati! Gracious•
to us be Indra and Brihaspati and Aryaman.
7Favour us Mitra, Varuna, Vivasvān, and the Finisher,
Portents on earth and in the air, and planets wandering in
8Gracious to us be trembling earth, gracious the flaming meteor
Gracious be kine who yield red milk, gracious be earth when
sinking down!
9Gracious be meteor-stricken constellation, gracious to us be
magic spells and witchcraft!
Gracious to us be buried charms, and gracious the meteors and
the portents of the region!
10Kind be the Powers who seize the Moon, with Rāhu be Ādityas
Favour us Death and Cornet, and Rudras with penetrating.
11Rudras and Vasus favour us, Ādityas, Agnis favour us!
Favour us mighty Rishis, Gods, Goddesses, and Brihaspati!
12Brahma, Dhātar, Prajāpati, Worlds, Vedas, Agnis, Rishis Seven. p. 220
All these have blessed my happy way. May Indra be my
guardian, may Brahmā protect and shelter me.
13May all the Gods protect me, may the Gods united shield me
May all alleviations in the world which the Seven Rishis know.
Be kind and gracious unto me. Bliss and security be mine!
14Earth alleviation, air alleviation, heaven alleviation, waters
alleviation, plants alleviation, trees alleviation, all Gods my al-
leviation, collective Gods my alleviation, alleviation by allevia-
tions. By these alleviations, these universal alleviations, I allay
all that is terrific here, all that is cruel, all that is wicked. This
hath been calmed, this is now auspicious.
Let all be favourable to us.

A prayer for the same
1Befriend us with their aids Indra and Agni, Indra and Varuna
who receive oblations!
Indra and Soma give health, wealth and comfort, Indra and
Pūshan be our strength in battle!
2Auspicious friends to us be Bhaga. Sansa, auspicious be Pur-
andhi and all Riches,
The blessing of the true and well-conducted and Aryaman in
many forms apparent.
3Kind unto us be Maker and Sustainer and the far-reaching
One with godlike nature.
Auspicious unto us be Earth and Heaven, the Mountain and the
Gods' fair invocations. p. 221
4Favour us Agni with his face of splendour, and Varuna and'
Mitra and the Asvins.
Favour us noble actions of the pious; impetuous Vāta blow on,
us with favour!
5Early invoked may Heaven and Earth be friendly, and Air's
mid-region good for us to look on.
To us may herbs and forest trees be gracious, gracious the Lord
victorious of the region.
6Be the God Indra with the Vasus friendly, and with Ādityas
Varuna who blesseth.
Kind with the Rudras be the healer Rudra, and with the Dames
here Tvashtar kindly hear us.
7Kind unto us be Soma and Devotions, kind be the sacrifice and
Stones for pressing.
Kind be the fixing of the Sacred Pillars, kind be the tender
Grass, and kind the Altar.
8May the far-seeing Sun rise up to bless us: be the four quarters-
of the heaven auspicious.
Auspicious be the firmly-seated Mountains, auspicious be the
Rivers and the Waters.
9May Aditi through holy works be gracious, and may the Maruts,_
loud in song, be friendly.
May Vishnu give felicity, and, Pūshan, and Air that cherisheth.
our lives, and Vāyu.
10Prosper us Savitar, the God who rescues, and let the radiant.
Mornings be propitious.
Propitious to our children be Pārjanya, kind to us be the field's
benign Protector!

A continuation of Hymn 10
1May the great Lords of Truth protect and aid us: blest to us be
our horses and our cattle.
Kind be the pious, skilful-handed Ribhus, kind be the Fathers
at our invocations
2Kind to us be the Gods and Visve Devas, Sarasvati with Holy
Thoughts be gracious.
Friendly be they, the Liberal Ones, who seek us, yea, those who
dwell in-heaven, on earth, in waters.
3May Aja-Ekapād the God be gracious, gracious the Dragon of
the Deep, and Ocean.
Gracious be he, the swelling Child of Waters, gracious be Prisni
who hath Gods to guard her.
4So may the Rudras, Vasus, and Ādityas accept the new hymn we
now are making.
May all the Holy Ones of earth and heaven, and the Cow's off-
spring hear our invocation.
5Priests of the Gods, worthy of sacrifices, immortal, knowing
Law, whom man must worship.
May these to-day give us broad paths to travel. Preserve us
evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.

A prayer to Ushas or Dawn for wealth and long life
1Dawn drives away her sister's gloom, and through her excellence
makes her retrace her path.
Through her may we gain God-appointed treasure, and with
brave sons be glad through hundred winters.

A prayer for aid and victory in battle
1These the two sturdy, manly arms of Indra, these that are won-
drous, mighty, and successful
First, when the need hath come will I employ them by which
the heaven of Asuras was conquered.
2Swift, like a dread bull sharpening his weapons, rapidly striking,
stirring up the people,
Loud shouting, vigilant, the one sole Hero, Indra subdued a
hundred hosts together.
3With him loud-roaring, ever watchful, victor bold, hard to over-
throw, whom none may vanquish,
Indra the strong whose hand bears arrows, conquer, ye heroes
now, now vanquish in the combat.
4He rules with those who carry shafts and quivers, Indra who
with his hand brings hosts together,
Foe-conquering, strong of arm, the Soma-drinker,
with mighty bow, shooting with well-laid arrows.
5Conspicuous by thy strength, firm, foremost fighter, mighty and
fierce, victorious, all-subduing,
O'ercoming might, excelling men and heroes, mount the kine-
winning conquering car, O Indra.
6Troop-vanquisher, kine-winner, armed with thunder, who quells
an army and with might destroys it,
Follow him, comrades! quit yourselves like heroes, and like this
Indra show your zeal and courage.
7Piercing the cow-stalls with surpassing vigour, Indra the pitiless
hero, wild with anger, p. 224
Victor in fight, unshaken and resistless,—may he protect our
armies in our battles.
8Brihaspati, fly with thy chariot hither, slayer of demons, driving.
off our foemen.
Be thou protector of our bodies, crushing our enemies, destroy-
ing those who hate us.
9Indra guide these! Brihaspati, the Guerdon, and Soma, and the
Sacrifice precede them!
And let the banded Maruts march in forefront of heavenly hosts
that conquer and demolish.
10Ours be the potent host of mighty Indra, King Varuna, and
Maruts and Ādityas.
Uplifted is the shout of Gods who conquer, high-minded God
who cause the world to tremble.
11May Indra aid us when our flags are gathered: victorious be th
arrows of our army.
May our brave men of war prevail in battle. Ye Gods, protect u
in the shouts of onset.

A hymn after victory
1I have attained this goodliest place to rest in. Both Heaven and,
Earth have shown me grace and favour.
Without a foe for me be all the regions! We hate thee not. May
we have peace and safety.

A prayer for peace and security
1Indra, give us security from that whereof we are afraid.
Help us, O Maghavan, let thy succour grant us this: drive foes
and enemies afar.
2We call on Indra, on the liberal giver: we will be prosperous in
men and cattle.
Let not the hosts of cruel fiends approach us. Drive of the
Druhs to every side, O Indra.
3Best, making household wealth increase. Indra our saviour, kills
the foe.
May he from outmost point be our potector, and from the
centre and from west and eastward.
4Lead us to ample room. O thou who knowest, to happiness
security, and sunlight.
Strong, Indra, are the arms of thee the mighty: may we betake
us to their lofty shelter.
5May air's mid-region give us peace and safety, safety may both
these, Heaven and Earth, afford us.
Security be ours from west, from eastward, from north and
south may we be free from danger.
6Safety be ours from friend and from the unfriendly, safety from
what we know and what we know not.
Safety be ours by night and in the day-time! friendly to me be
all my hopes and wishes!

A prayer for security from danger
1Peace hath been given us from the east, and from the west
Savitar guard me from the south, and from the north the Lord
of Might.
2May the Ādityas from the sky protect me, Agni from the
earth. p. 226
May Indra-Agni guard me from the eastward, on all sides may
the Asvins give me shelter.
May Jātavedas guard, sidelong, our cattle.
Our shield on all sides be the World-Creators!

A prayer for protection from dangers in all directions
1Agni from eastward guard me with the Vasus! To him I go, in
him I rest: this fort I seek for refuge.
May he protect me, may he be my guardian. I give my soul—All
hail! into his keeping.
2Vāyu with Air protect me from this region. To him I go, etc.
3May Soma from the south, with Rudras, guard me. To him, etc.
4Varuna with Ādityas guard me from this region! To him etc.
5Sūrya with Earth and Heaven from the western region guard me
well. To him, etc.
6May Waters joined with Plants protect me from this region. To
them I go, in them I rest: this fort I seek for refuge.
May they protect me, may they be my guardians. I give my
soul—All hail! —into their keeping.
7May Visvakarman with the Seven Rishis be my protector from
the northern region. To him, etc.
8May Indra, Marut-girt, protect me from this region. To him,
9Prajāpati, of generative power, with the Pratishlhā save me from
the nadir! To him, etc.
10Brihaspati, joined by the Visvedevas, protect me from the region
of the zenith! To him, I go, in him I rest; this fort I seek
for refuge.
May he protect me, may he be my guardian. I give my soul—
All hail!—into his keeping.

A prayer for security and peace on all sides
1Let those who vex me from the eastern region, sinners, praise
Agni followed by the Vasus.
2Let those who vex me from this quarter, sinners, praise Vāyu
compassed by the Air's mid region.
3Let those who vex me from the southern quarter, sinners, sing
praise to Soma with the Rudras.
4Let those who vex me from this quarter, sinners, praise Varuna
connected with Ādityas.
5Let those who vex me from the western quarter, sinners, praise
Sūrya linked with Earth and Heaven.
6Let those who vex me from this quarter, sinners give praise to
plants' associates the Waters.
7Let those who from the north side vex me, sinners, praise
Visvakarman with the Seven Rishis.
8Let those who vex me from this quarter, sinners, praise Indra
with the Marut host about him.
9Let those who vex me from the nadir, sinners, extol Prajāpati
of genial power.
10Let those who vex me from the zenith, sinners, extol Brihaspati
with the Visve Devas.

A hymn recommending the protection of various Gods
1Mitra arose with Earth. To that fort I lead you: enter it,
occupy it. Let it give you protection and defence.
2Vāyu arose with Air. To that fort, etc.
3Sūrya arose with Heaven. To that fort, etc.
4Chandramās arose with the Constellation. To that fort, etc.
5Sacrifice arose with Priestly Fees. To that fort, etc.
6Ocean arose with the Rivers. To that fort, etc.
7Brahma arose with the Brahmachārīs. To that fort, etc.
8Indra arose with Might. To that fort, etc. p. 228
9The Gods arose with Immortality. To that fort, etc.
10Prajāpati arose with Creatures. To that fort I lead you: enter
it, occupy it give you protection and defence.

A prayer for protection from death and misfortune
1May Soma, Varuna the King, both Asvins, Yama and Pūshan
guard us well from Mrityu—
Death caused by men, which Indra-Agni, Dhātar, Brihaspati and
Savitar appointed.
2All that the World's Lord made, all that for creatures Prajāpati
and Mātarisvan fashioned,
All things within the quarters and their spaces, let all these be
my manifold defences.
3That which the Gods bound on them when they battled for their
royal sway.
What Indra made his shield, may that protect us well on every
4My shield is Heaven and Earth, my shield is the bright Day, my
shield the Sun.
The Visva Devas made my shield. Let not misfortune fall on

A single line giving the names of the chief Vedic metres
1Gāyatri, Ushnih, Anushtup, Brihatī, Trishtup, Jagatī.

A prose hymn of homage to various portions of the Atharva-veda, to the Rishis, and to Brahma
1With the first five chapters of the Angirases, Hail! p. 229
2To the sixth, Hail!
3To the seventh and eight, Hail!
4The black-clawed ones, Hail!
5To the golden-hued ones, Hail!
6To the small ones, Hail!
7To those composed in strophes, Hail!
8To the first shells, Hail!
9To the second shells, Hail!
10To the third shells, Hail!
11To the penultimates, Hail.
12To the last ones, Hail!
13To the latter ones, Hail!
14To the Rishis, Hail!
15To those with hair in tufts, Hail!
16To the Ganas, Hail!
17To the great Ganas, Hail!
18To all the Vidagana Angirases, Hail!
19To those two with separate thousands, Hail!
20To Brahma, Hail!
21Collected manly powers are topped by Brahma. Brahma at first
spread out the loftiest heaven.
Brahma was born first of all things existing. Who then is meet
to be that Brahma's rival?

A prose hymn of homage to various portions of the Atharva-vada classed according to the number of verses which their hymns contain
1Hail to the four-verse strophes of the Atharvanas!
2Hail to the five-versed! p. 230
3Hail to the six-versed!
4Hail to the seven-versed!
5Hail to the eight-versed!
6Hail to the nine-versed!
7Hail to the ten-versed!
8Hail to the eleven-versed!
9Hail to the twelve-versed!
10Hail to the thirteen-versed
11Hail to the fourteen-versed!
12Hail to the fifteen-versed!
13Hail to the sixteen-versed!
14Hail to the seventeen-versed!
15Hail to the eighteen-versed!
16Hail, nineteen!
17Hail, twenty!
18Hail to the Great Section!
19Hail to the triplets!
20Hail to the single-versed hymns!
21Hail to the little ones!
22Hail to the single non-Rich-versed ones!
23Hail to the Rohitas!
24Hail to the two Sūryā hymns!
25Hail to the two Vrātya hymns!
26Hail to the two Prajāpati hymns!
27Hail to the hymn of victory!
28Hail to the hymns for happiness!
29Hail to Brahma!
30Collected manly powers are topped by Brahma. Brahma at first
spread out the loftiest heaven.
Brahma was born first of all things existing. Who then is fit to
be this Brahma's rival?

A benediction on a newly elected King
1Do ye, O Brāhmanaspati, invest for the royal sway this man.
With that wherewith the Deities invested Savitar the God.
2Invest this Indra for long life, invest him for great princely
That I may lead him on to eld, that the man watch his
princedom long.
3Invest this Soma for long life, invest him for great hearing
That I may lead him on to eld, that he may watch o'er hearing
4For us, surround him, cover him with splendour, give him long
life, and death when age removes him.
This garment hath Brihaspati presented to Soma, to the King,
to wrap about him.
5Advance to good old age: endue the mantle. Be thou our
heifers' guard from imprecation.
Live thou a hundred full and plenteous autumns, and wrap thee
in prosperity of riches.
6Thou for weal hast clothed thee in this garment: thou hast
become our cows' sure guard from curses.
Live thou a hundred full and plenteous autumns: then living,
fair thyself, shalt deal forth treasures.
7In every need, in every fray we call, as friends, to succour us,
Indra the mightiest of all.
8Gold-coloured, undecaying, blest with heroes, dwell, dying in
old age, with children round thee.
This is the spoken word of Agni, Soma, Brihaspati and Savitar,
and Indra.

A charm to be used when a young ox is first yoked
1I yoke thee with the mind of one unwearied still and first of all.
Be thou a bearer up the hill: run hither bearing up thy load.

A hymn accompanying investiture with an amulet of gold
1Gold that was born from Fire is immortal hath been deposited
with mortal creatures.
He who knows this deserves to own this jewel, and in extreme
old age dies he who wears it.
2The men of ancient time with children round them longed for
this Gold, bright with the Sun's own colour,
This shall endow thee, as it shines, with splendour, and long
shall be the life of him who wears it.
3Long life and splendour let it bring energy and strength to thee.
That thou mayst shine among the folk with all the brightness of
the Gold.
4What Varuna the King knows well, and what the God
And Indra, Slayer of the Foe, may that bestow long life on thee,
may that increase thy splendid strength.

A benedictory hymn
1Let the Bull guard thee with the kine, the Stallien with the fleet-
foot steeds. p. 233
Let Vāyu keep thee safe with prayer, and Indra with his mighty
2Let Soma guard thee with the plants, Sūrya protect thee with
the stars;
With breath let Wind protect thee, and the Moon, foe-slayer,
with the months.
3Three are the earths, they say, and three the heavens, three are
the atmospheres, and four the oceans.
Threefold the hymn of praise, threefold the Waters. Let these
with triple song and triplets guard thee.
4Three vaults of heaven, and three seas, three bright, three
stationary ones,
Three Mātarisvans, and three suns, protectors, I arrange for
5Increasing thee with butter I, Agni! with fatness sprinkle thee.
Let not magicians harm the life of Agni or of Moon or Sun.
6Let not magicians mar your heat, your vital or diffusive breath.
Brilliant and all-possessing Gods, run ye your course with God-
like power.
7Fire they endow with vital breath, Wind is compact, with vital
With vital breath the Gods produced the Sun whose face turn
every way.
8Live with the Life-Creators' life. Die not, live on to lengthened
Live with the breath of men with souls. Submit not to the power
of Death.
9The secret treasure of the Gods which Indra, by pathways
travelled by the Gods, discovered,
That gold the Waters with the triplets guarded. May they keep
thee with threebold hymn and triplets.
10With friendly thoughts the Deities, three-and thirty, and three
great Powers preserved it in the Waters.
He made heroic powers with the gold that lies upon this Moon.
11O ye eleven Gods who are in heaven, accept this sacrifice.
12O ye eleven Gods who are in air, accept this sacrifice.
13O ye eleven Gods who are on earth, accept this sacrifice.
1415 repeated from XIX. 16. 1, 2.

A charm for the destruction of enemies
1On thee I bind this Amulet for lengthened life and brilliancy.
The rival-quelling Darbha grass that burns the spirit of a foe.
2Burning the spirit of the foe, vexing the heart of enemies.
Darbha, on every side, like heat, inflame all evil-hearted men.
3O Darbha, burning round like heat, consuming foes, O Amulet,.
Like Indra rending Vala cleave mine adversaries' hearts in twain.
4Cleave through. O Darbha, Amulet, my foes', mine adversaries'.
Rise thou and batter down their heads like growth that coverethl
the earth.
5Cleave thou my rivals, Darbha, cleave the men who fain would,
fight with me.
Cleave all who wish me evil, cleave the men who hate me,.
6Wound thou, my rivals, Darbha, etc. (as in 5, substituting.
'wound' for cleave.)
7Tear thou my rivals, Darbha, etc.
8How thou my rivals, Darbha, etc.
9Carve thou my rivals, Darbha, etc.
10Pierce thou my rivals, Darbha, pierce the men who fain would
fight with me.
Pierce those who wish me evil, pierce the men who hate me,

A charm for the destruction of enemies, continued from 28
1Pierce thou my rivals, Darbha, pierce the men who fain would
fight with me.
Pierce all who wish me evil, pierce the men who hate me,.
2Split thou my rivals, Darbha, etc. (as in 1, with 'split' for
'pierce' throughout).
3Check thou, etc.
4Crush thou, etc.
5Shake thou, etc.
6Bruise thou, etc.
7Burn thou, etc.
8Consume, etc.
9Slay thou my rivals. Darbha, slay the men who fain would fight
with me.
Slay all who wish me evil, slay the men who hate me, Amulet.

A protective charm accompanying investiture with an amulet of Darbha grass
1Darbha, with that good shield of thine, of hundred guards tilt
death in eld,
Arm thou this man, and with thy might strike thou his adver-
saries down.
2Darbha, thou hast a hundred shields, thou hast a thousand.
manly powers.
All Gods have given thee to him to bear thee till extreme old
3They call thee, ‘Darbha, shield of Gods, they call the Brāhmanas-
They call thee shield of Indra: thou protectest kingdoms from
4Darbha, destroyer of the foe, vexing the hearts of enemies,
An Amulet that strengthens rule I make thee, and the body's.
5What time Parjanya roared to it with lightning flashes in the sea,
Thence came the drop, the golden drop, thence Darbha into
being sprang.

A charm to ensure general prosperity, accompanying self-investiture with an amulet of Udumbara
1Savitar make all cattle grow and prosper in my stable with.
Amulet of Udumbara, helper of him who longs for wealth!
2May he who was our Household Fire, the ruler of our cattle,
Amulet of Udumbara endow us with prosperity.
3By power of the Udumbara Charm may Dhātar give me plenty,
In the kine's droppings and in fruit, and, in our dwelling, food,
and drink.
4I win great plenty, while I wear the Amulet of Udumbara.
Of quadrupeds and bipeds, of juices and food of every sort.
5I have obtained abundant wealth of cattle, bipeds and quad-
rupeds, and corn in plenty.
Savitar and Brihaspati vouchsafe me the milk of kine and herbs'
refreshing juices!
6Fain would I be the lord of herds of cattle: may he who rules
o'er riches send me riches!
May the Udumbara Amulet vouchsafe possessions unto me.
7To me with wealth and children come the Amulet of Udumbara.
With splendour come the Amulet hastened by Indra on its way!
8Divine, foe-quelling Amulet, wealth-winner for the gain of
May it give store of beasts and food and cause our kine to
9As thou, O Forest Tree, wast born with increase when thy life
So let Sarasvati bestow abundant growth of wealth on me.
10Sarasvati vouchsafe me wealth, household prosperity, and corn!
Let Sinivāli bring them, and this Amulet of Udumbara.
11The Lord of amulets art thou, most mighty: in thee wealth's
ruler hath engendered riches,
These gains are lodged in thee, and all great treasures. Amulet,
conquer thou: far from us banish malignity and indigence,
and hunger. p. 237
12Vigour art thou, in me do thou plant vigour: riches art thou, so
do thou grant me riches.
Plenty art thou, so prosper me with plenty: House-holder, hear"
a householder's petition.
13Amulet of Udumbara, enrich us: vouchsafe us wealth with all
good men about us. I bind thee on for increase of possessions.
14For hero is this hero bound, Amulet of Udumbara.
So may he make our offering sweetly-savoured, and grant us
wealth with all good men about us.
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Re: The Hymns of the Atharvaveda, translated by Ralph Griffi

Postby admin » Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:56 am

Part 2 of 2

A charm, with an amulet of Darbha grass, to subdue enemies and win the affection of others
1For lengthened life I bind on thee the Darbha grass, the mighty
Excellent, hard to overthrow, with hundred stems and thousand
2They cut not off his hair, they strike blow upon the breast for'
To whom one gives protection by Darbha that hath uninjured
3O Plant, thy root is in the sky, and thou art stationed on the
With thee who hast a thousand stalks we strengthen all the
powers of life.
4Through all three skies the plant hath pierced, and the three
regions of the earth;
With thee I split in twain the tongue and words of the bad-
hearted man.
5Thou art victorious in thy might I am endowed with conquering
Possessed of overpowering force we two will quell our enemies.
6Subdue our foeman, overcome the men who fain would fight:
with us. p. 238
Conquer all evil-hearted ones: make many well-disposed to me.
7With Darbha that hath sprung from Gods, stationed in heaven,
full many a time.
With this have I won many men, have won and may I win them
8Do thou, O Darbha, make me dear to Brāhman and Rājanya,
dear to Sūdra, and to Arya dear,
Yea, dear to every man we love, to every man with eyes to see.
9He who first born fixed earth in her position, he who established
heaven and air's mid-region,
Whom sinner ne'er hath known as his supporter,—this Darbha
be our shelter and protection!
10First of all plants it sprang into existence, victorious, hundred-
stemmed, the foe-subduer,
So may this Darbha from all sides protect us: with this may I
subdue our foes in battle.

A protective and benedictive charm
1Hundred stemmed, succulent, and worth a thousand, the Royal
Rite of plants, the Water's Agni,
Let this same Darbha guard us from all quarters. This Godlike
Amulet shall with life endow us.
2Drawn forth from butter, juicy, sweetly-flavoured, firm as the
earth, unshaken, overthrowing.
Driving off foes and casting them beneath me, mount with the
strength of mighty Ones, O Darbha.
3Thou movest o'er the earth with vigour: lovely in sacrifice thou
sittest on the altar.
The Rishis bear thee as a purifier: cleanse thou us from all evil
deeds' defilement.
4A stern and all-victorious king, foe-queller, dear to every man—
That energy of Gods and mighty power, I bind this on thee for
long life and welfare. p. 239
5Achieve heroic deeds with Darbha, wearing this Darbha never
let thy soul be troubled.
In splendour and precedence over others illumine like the Sun
the heaven's four regions.

A protective charm addressed to the panacea called A Jangida
1Jangida, thou art Angiras: thou art a guardian, Jangida.
Let Jangida, keep safely all our bipeds and our quadrupeds.
2Dice-witcheries, the fifty-threes, the hundred witchcraft-practi-
All these may Jangida make weak, bereft of their effectual
3Baffle the loud factitious howl, make impotent the seven decays.
As when an archer speeds the shaft, drive away want, O
4This counteracts the sorceress, this banishes malignity: Then
may victorious Jangida's prolong the days we have to live.
5Let Jangida's protecting might encompass us on every side.
Wherewith he quells Vishkandha and Sanskandha, might by
greater might.
6Three times the Gods engendered thee fixt on the surface of the
The Brāhmans of the olden time knew that thy name was
7The ancient plants surpass thee not, nor any herbs of recent
A potent charm is Jangida, a most felicitous defence.
8Then when thou sprangest into life, Jangida of un-measured
Indra, O mighty One, bestowed great power upon thee from the
first. p. 240
9To thee in truth, O Forest Tree, Indra the mighty One gave
Driving away all maladies, strike thou the demons down, O
10Lumbago and rheumatic pain, consumptive cough, and pleurisy,
And fever which each Autumn brings, may Jangida make-

A similar charm addressed to the same
1While their lips uttered Indra's name the Rishis gave us Jangida..
Which in the earliest time Gods made a remedy, Vishkandha's-
2So may this Jangida guard us, even as a treasurer guards wealth,.
Even this which Gods and Brāhmans made a malice-quelling sure
3Hard-hearted men, the cruel eye, the sinner who hath come to-
Destroy thou these with watchful care, O thou who hast a.
thousand eyes. Thou, Jangida, art my defence.
4Guard me from earth and guard me from the heavens, guard
me from middle air, from plants protect me.
Protect me from the present and the future. From every region
Jangida preserve us!
5All sorcerers made by the Gods, all that arise from mortal men,.
These, one and all, let Jangida, healer of all, make impotent.

A charm against disease and evil spirits
1The Hundred-haired hath banished hence fiends and Consump-
tions by its might.
With splendour hath the charm that scares demons of ill-name
mounted up.
2It drives off demons with its horns and sorceresses with its root,
It stays Consumption with its waist: from this no wickedness
3Consumptions, light and serious, and those which sounds
All these the Amulet, Hundred-haired, scarer of fiends, hath
banished hence.
4A hundred men hath it produced, hundred Consumptions chased
All fiends of evil-name it hath smitten, and shakes the
5The Bull that weareth horns of gold, this Amulet with hundred
Hath cleft the demons of ill-name and overcome the Rākshasas.
6Hundred she-fiends, a hundred of Gandharvas and Apsarasas,
A hundred of dog-mated nymphs, I keep away with Hundred-

A charm to secure long life and dominion to a prince
1To me hath come this word given by Agni, fame, force and
might, and strength, and life, and lustre.
May Agni too bestow on me three-times a hundred manly
2For mighty strength, for action, I receive thee, for manly power,
to last a hundred autumns. p. 242
3For conquering strength and energy and vigour
I fasten thee for chieftainship, for bearing royal dominion
through a hundred autumns.
4With Seasons and with Season-groups, for vigour and extended
With splendour of the perfect year we fasten thee about the

A protective charm
1Never Consumption, never curse touches the man, Arundhatī!
Whom the delicious odour of the healing Bdellium penetrates
2Consumptions flee apart from it as from a wild beast fly the
If thou, O Bdellium, art produced from Sindhu or hast come
from sea,
The quality of both have I taken to keep this man unscathed.

A protective charm
1Let Kushtha from the Hill of Snow come, a divine deliverer.
Banish thou all Consumption, drive all sorceresses far away.
2Kushtha, three several names hast thou, Naghamāra,
Naghārisha: let not mishap befall this man,
For whom I make a charm of thee at eve, at morning, and by
3Jivalā is thy mother's name, thy father's name is Jivala; let not
mishap, etc.
4Thou art the best amid the plants, even as the ox is best of
tame, the tiger of rapacious beasts: let not mishap, etc.
5Born thrice from the Ādityas, thrice from Bhrigus, thrice from
Angiras' sons, born from the Visve Devas thrice, p. 243
Healer of every malady, that Kushtha stands by Soma's side.
Banish thou all Consumption, drive all sorceresses far away.
6In the third heaven above us stands the Asvattha tree, the seat
of Gods:
There is embodiment of life that dies not: thence was Kushtha
7There moved through heaven a golden ship, a ship with cordage
wrought of gold:
There is embodiment of life that dies not; thence was Kushtha
8Where is the Sinking of the Ship, the summit of the Hill of
There is embodiment of life that dies not: thence was Kustha
Healer of every malady, that Kushtha stands by Soma's side.
Banish thou all Consumption, drive all sorceresses far away.
9Thou whom Ikshvāku's ancestor, whom he who well-loved
Kushtha, knew,
Whom Vāyasa and Mātsya knew, hence healer of all ills art
10O thou who hast all-reaching might drive away Fever, drive it
Head racking Fever, tertian, continual, lasting for a year.

A prayer for pardon of error in sacrifice, and for wisdom, strength, and life
1For each defect of mine in voice and spirit I have approached
One vehement and ardent.
With all the Deities, fully approving, Brihaspati supply the
2Disturb ye not our intellect, O Waters, nor the power of prayer_
Glide on your way, strength-giving, invocated: may I be vigor-
ous and wise.
3Mar not our consecrating rite, our intellect, or fervent zeal.
Gracious to us for lengthened life, propitious let the Mothers
4Vouchsafe to us, ye Asvins twain, such strength as, with atten-
dant light,
May through the darkness carry us.

A benediction on a newly elected king
1Desiring bliss, at first, light-finding Rishis began religious rite
and holy fervour.
Thence energy was born, and might, and kingship: so to this
man let gathered Gods incline them.

In praise of Brahma, Prayer, or Devotion
1Brahma is Hotar, sacrifice: with Brahma are the stakes set up.
From Brahma was the Adhvaryu born, from Brahma hidden
2Brahma is fatness-dropping scoops: with Brahma was the altar
reared. p. 245
Brahma is worship, lengthened rite, the Rishis who pay sacrifice,
the victim's Immolators. Hail!
3To him who frees from woe mine hymn I offer, to the Good
Guardian, as I seek his favour.
Accept this offering of mine, O Indra. Fulfilled be all the sacri-
ficer's wishes!
4With prayer I call on him who frees from trouble, Prince of
Gods, Splendid, chief of sacrifices,
I call the Waters' Child and both the Asvins, Vigour is mine,
and strength bestowed by Indra.

In praise of Brahma, Prayer, or Devotion
1Whither men versed in Brahma go, with fervour and the cleans-
ing rite,
Thither let Agni lead me, let Agni give me intelligence, All hail
to Agni!
2Whither etc.
Thither let Vāyu lead me, let Vāyu vouchsafe me vital breath.
All hail to Vāyu!
3Whither, etc.
Thither let Sūrya lead me, let Sūrya vouchsafe me power of
sight. All hail to Sürya
4Whither, etc.
Thither let Chandra lead me, let Chandra vouchsafe me intellect.
All hail to Chandra!
5Whither, etc.
Thither let Soma lead me, let Soma vouchsafe me vital sap. All
hail to Soma!
6Whither, etc. p. 246
Thither let Indra lead me, let Indra bestow upon me power. All
hail to Indra!
7Whither, etc.
Thither, let Waters lead me, let the Waters give me deathless
life. All hail to Waters!
8Whither, etc.
Thither let Brahma lead me, let Brahma give Brahma unto me.
All hail to Brahma!

A curative and protective charm
1Thou art the lengthening of life, thy name is Universal Cure:
Then, Ointment! send felicity; Waters, send happiness and
2The yellow hue, the feverish heat, the shooting pain that rends II
the limbs,
All the consumptive malady let the Ointment drive from out
thy frame.
3Let the Salve born upon the earth, benignant, giving life to man.
Make the swift rider on the car sinless, exempt from sudden
4Preserve our breath, O Vital Breath, have mercy on our life, O
From snares of Nirriti do thou, O Nirriti, deliver us.
5Thou art the babe of Sindhu, thou art lightnings' flower, wind,
breath, and Sun: thou art the eye and milk of heaven.
6Gods' Ointment from the Three Peaked Hill, preserve thou me
on every side.
No plants of earth surpass thee, none from mountain or from
cultured ground.
7Now hath it gently crept within, fiend-slaying, chasing malady.
And driving all diseases hence, and evil omens, banished them.
8Full many a falsehood, O thou King Varuna, man hath uttered
Do thou who hast a thousand powers preserve us from that
misery. p. 247
9If we have cried, O Waters! Cows! if we have cried, O
For this endowed with thousand powers! deliver us from
10Mitra and Varuna, O Salve have closely followed after thee
May they, when they have followed thee afar, restore thee for
our use.

A curative and protective charm
1As debt from debt repay and send sorcery to the sorcerer's
Split, Salve! the cruel villain's ribs whose evil eye bewitches us.
2Whatever evil dream we have, what'er befall our kine or home,
Be this that is salubrity, the evil-hearted's foe applied.
3Increasing from the Waters' strength and vigour, sprung into life
from Agni Jātavedas,
Strong as four heroes, mountain born, this Ointment make for
thee quarters and mind-points auspicious!
4On thee is laid the Chaturvira Ointment: let all the regions give
thee peace and safety.
Secure like precious Savitar thou standest: to thee let all these
regions bring their tribute.
5Make one thy salve, thine amulet another, drink one, and with
another bathe thy body.
So let the Chaturvira keep us guarded from the four bonds of
Nirriti and Grāhi.
6May Agni protect me with fire for inspiration and expiration,
for strength, for energy, for vigour, for weal and prosperity.
All Hail!
7May Indra protect me with his Indra-power for inspiration, etc. p. 248
8May Soma protect me with Soma-power, etc.
9May Bhaga with good fortune protect me, etc.
10May the Maruts protect me with their troops for inspiration
and expiration, for strength, for energy, for vigour, for weal
and prosperity. All Hail!

A charm accompanying investiture with an amulet that ensures safety and victory
1For manly strength Prajāpati bound thee on first, invincible.
This for long life on thee I bind for splendour, strength, and
energy. Invincible, let it guard thee well.
2Erect, invincible, be this man's watchful keeper: let not the
Panis or the sorcerers harm thee.
Shake off thy foes as Indra scattered Dasyus: quell all enemies.
Invincible, let it guard thee well.
3Indra hath lent the power of sight, and vital breath and strength
to this.
Whom even a hundred combatants, striking, have failed to over-
come. Invincible, let it guard thee well.
4Around thy limbs I place the mail of Indra who hath become
the Gods' imperial Sovran.
Again let all the Deities bring thee hither. Invincible let it guard
thee well.
5One and a hundred manly powers, a thousand lives hath this
Amulet, unconquered ever.
Go forth a tiger, strike down all thy foemen: let him who would
oppose fall low beneath thee. Invincible, let it guard thee
6Drawn forth from butter, rich in milk and sweetness, hundred-
lived, thousand-homed, bestowing vigour,
Kindly, delightsome, full of sap, and mighty, invincible let it
guard thee well.
7That thou mayst be pre-eminent, slayer of rivals, rivalless, p. 249
May Savitar cause thee to be chief and controller of thy kin.
Invincible, let it guard thee well.

A hymn to Night for protection from fiends, robbers, snakes and wolves
1Night! the terrestrial realm hath been filled with the Father's
power and might.
Thou spreadest forth on high unto the seats of Heaven: dark-
ness that strikes with awe comes near.
2Each moving thing finds rest in her whose yonder boundary is
not seen, nor that which keeps her separate.
O spacious, darksome Night, may we uninjured reach the end of
thee, reach, O thou blessed One, thine end.
3Thy ninety-nine examiners, O Night, who look upon mankind,
Eighty-and-eight in number, or seven-and-seventy are they.
4Sixty-and-six, O opulent, fifty-and-five, O happy One,
Forty-and-four and thirty-three are they, O thou enriched with
5Twenty-and-two hast thou, O Night, eleven, yea, and fewer still.
With these protectors guard us well. O Daughter of the Sky, to-
6Let not a fiends or spiteful man, let no ill-wisher master us.
Let not the robber seize our cows, nor the wolf take our sheep
7Let not the thief, O Blessed, seize our horses, nor she-fiends our
Let thief and robber run away on pathways most remote from
8Far from us let Rope with Fangs, far from us let the wicked
Do thou make blind and headless. Night, the serpent with his
pungent breath.
9Crush the wolf's jaws in pieces, strike the robber dead against a
post. p. 250
In thee, O Night, do we abide: we here will sleep. Be watchful
10Give thou protection to our kine; and to our horses, and our

A hymn to Night for protection
1Then all that we accumulate, all that the treasure-chest contains,.
All this do we entrust to thee.
2Entrust thou us to Dawn, O Mother Night.
May Dawn entrust us to the Day, and Day to thee, O splendid.
3Whatever flying thing be here, whatever thing that creeps and.
Whatever fastens on a joint, therefrom do thou protect us,
4So guard thou us from west and east, protect us from the north
and south.
O splendid One, preserve us: we, the singers of thy praise, are
5They who are followers of Night, and they who watch o'er
living things.
They who protect all cattle, they keep watch and ward over our
lives, over our herds keep watch and ward.
6Verily, Night, I know thy name, Dropper of Fatness art thou
Thee Bharadvāja knew as such: as such be watchful o'er our

A hymn of Praise and prayer to Night
1Friend of the home, the strong and youthful maiden, Night, dear
to Savitar the God, and Bhaga,
All-compassing, all-glorious, prompt to listen, hath with her
greatness filled the earth and heaven.
2Over all depths hath she gone up, and mounted, most mighty
One, the sky's exalted summit.
Over me now the loving Night is spreading with her auspicious.
Godlike ways like Mitra.
3Excellent, high-born, blissful, meet for worship, Night, thou hast
come: stay here with friendly spirit.
Guard us, the food for men that we have gotten, and all pro-
sperity that comes of cattle.
4With eager haste hath Night assumed the vigour of leopard,.
tiger, or of tawny lion,
The horse's neighing and the wild-man's bellow, Thou takest
many a form when thou appearest.
5Kind through the Night be absence of the sunshine: Mother of
Frost, may she be swift to hear us.
Take notice of the hymn, thou highly favoured, wherewith I
worship thee in all the regions.
6Even as a King, O splendid Night, thou takest pleasure in our
May we through Mornings as they flush have all our good men,
round us, and become possessors of all wealth.
7Yes, Rāmyā is the name thou hast assumed. The men who fain.
would spoil.
My wealth do thou annoy, O Night, that not one robber may
appear, none may a second time appear.
8Thou like a well-wrought cup, O Night, art lovely: thou, a.
young maid, art formed in perfect beauty.
Thou lovingly, for me with eyes to se: them, hast bound on thee
heaven's stars as thine adornment. p. 252
9Whatever robber comes to-day, mischievous mortal enemy.
Let Night go forth, encounter him, and smite away his neck and
10His feet that he may walk no more, his hands that he may do
no harm.
The robber who comes hitherward goes crushed and mutilated
Goes hence, goes far away from us, goes hence and bears no
spoil away.

A hymn to Night for protection and prosperity
1Blind him and make him headless, Night! the serpent with the
pungent breath.
Strike from his head the wolf's two eyes, and dash the thief
against a post.
2Those oxen that are thine, O Night, with sharpened horns and
rapid pace,
With those transport us safe to-day o'er difficulties everywhere.
3Uninjured in our bodies may we pass through each succeeding
And let malignities fail to pass, as men without a boat the depth.
4As millet hurried through the air before us is beheld no more.
So cause the man to vanish, Night, who plans to do us injury.
5The thief hast thou kept far away, the robber driver of our kine.
Even him who having covered up the horse's head would lead
him off.
6If dealing treasure thou hast come to-day, O highly favoured
Cause thou us to enjoy it all so that this may not pass away. p. 253
7Do thou entrust us to the Dawn, all of us free from sin, O
May Dawn deliver us to Day, and Day to thee, O glorious One.

A sacrificial formula
1Undisturbed am I, undisturbed is my soul, undisturbed mine
eye, undisturbed mine ear, undisturbed is mine in-breathing,
undisturbed mine out-breathing, undisturbed my diffusive-
breath, undisturbed the whole of me.
2Under the impulse of the God Savitar, sent forth from the arms-
of the Asvins and both hands of Pūshan I have taken thee.

A hymn to Kāma or Desire
1Thereafter rose Desire in the beginning, Desire the primal seed
and germ of Spirit.
O Kāma dwelling with the lofty Kāma, give growth of riches to
the sacrificer.
2Thou, Kāma, art victorious, famous, potent, splendid, a friend.
to him who seeks thy friendship.
Mighty and overpowering in battle, give strength and vigour to
the sacrificer.
3They heard his prayers, and they begot, by Kāma, heavenly-
light for him.
Who from a distance longed for it, a dealer ready to exchange.
4O Kāma, with whatever wish we make this offering to thee,
May it be all fulfilled to us. Then taste this sacrifice, All hail!

A hymn to Kāma or Time
1Prolific, thousand-eyed, and undecaying, a horse with seven
reins Time bears us onward.
Sages inspired with holy knowledge mount him: his chariot
wheels are all the worlds of creatures.
2This Time hath seven rolling wheels and seven naves immorality
is the chariot's axle.
This Time brings hitherward all worlds about us: as primal
Deity is he entreated.
3On Time is laid an overflowing beaker: this we behold in many
a place appearing.
He carries from us all these worlds of creatures. They call him
Kāla in the loftiest heaven.
4He only made the worlds of life, he only gathered the worlds
of living things together.
Their son did he become who was their Father: no other higher
power than he existeth.
5Kāla created yonder heaven, and Kāla made these realms of
By Kāla, stirred to motion, both what is and what shall be
6Kāla created land; the Sun in Kāla hath his light and heat.
In Kāla rest all things that be: in Kāla doth the eye discern.
7In Kāla mind, in Kāla breath, in Kāla name are fixt and joined.
These living creatures, one and all, rejoice when Kāla hath
8Kāla embraces Holy Fire, the Highest, Brahma in himself.
Yea, Kāla, who was father of Prajāpati, is Lord of All.
9He made, he stirred this universe to motion, and on him it rests.
He, Kāla, having now become Brahma, holds Parameshthin up. p. 255
10Kāla created living things and, first of all, Prajāpati.
From Kāla self-made Kasyapa, from Kāla Holy Fire was born.

A hymn to Kāla; a continuation of the preceding hymn
1From Kāla sprang the Waters, sprang the regions, Brahma,
Holy Fire.
The Sun ascends by Kāla, and in Kāla sinks again to rest.
2By Kāla freshly blows the wind, mighty through Kāla is the
Earth: on Kāla rests the mighty Sky.
3In Kāla erst the text produced what is and what is yet to be.
From Kāla sprang the Richas, and from Kāla was the Yajus
born. p. 256
4They formed in Kāla sacrifice, eternal portion for the Gods.
In Kāla the Gandharvas and Apsarasas and worlds abide.
5Atharvan and this Angiras in Kāla are supreme o'er heaven.
Both this world and the world that is most lofty, the pure
worlds and pure intermediate spaces,—
6Yea, having conquered all the worlds by Brahma, Kāla as God
Supreme is supplicated.

A hymn to Agni for protection and prosperity
1Bringing, as 'twere, with care unceasing fodder night after night
to feed this stabled Courser,
Joying in food and in the growth of riches, may we thy neigh-
bours, Agni, ne'er be injured.
2Here is thine own desire for wealth: through this be gracious
unto us.
Joying in food and in the growth of riches, may we thy neigh-
bours, Agni, ne'er be injured.
3Each eve that comes our household's Lord is Agni, showing his.
loving-kindness every morning.
Bestow upon us treasure after treasure: enkindling thee may we
increase thy body.
4Each morn that comes our household's Lord is Agni, showing.
his loving-kindness every evening.
Vouchsafe us treasure after treasure: kindling thee may we
prosper through a hundred winters.
5Never may I come short of food to feed me.
Glory to Agni, Rudra, the consumer and the Lord of food!
6Protect my company, protect its courteous members, courteous.
God! p. 257
Only through thee, O much-invoked, may I be ever rich in kine.
7Only to thee bringing our tribute, Agni, each day as fodder to a
stabled courser,
Joying in food and in the growth of riches, may we the neigh-
bours, Agni ne'er be injured.

A hymn to Sleep
1Thou art come hither from the world of Yama: thou, resolute,
affectest men with rapture.
Thou, Sleep, created in the Asura's dwelling, goest, well-know-
ing, with the solitary.
2At first the all-containing, depth beheld thee, ere Night was
born, when only Day existed.
Thence hast thou come, thence, Sleep, hast thou come hither,
concealing, deep within, all form and figure.
3Come from the Asuras in lofty, glory, he hath approached the
Gods in search of greatness.
Winners of heavenly light, the Three-and-Thirty endowed this
Sleep with his supreme dominion.
4Of him nor Fathers nor the Gods have knowledge, the Gods
whose gentle talk is still about him.
Urged by command of Varuna the Ādityas, Heroes, transported
Sleep to Trita Āptya.
5Thou whose severity hath reached ill-doers, and whose reward
the good have gained in slumber,
Delightest heaven with thy most lofty kinship, born from his
spirit who was worn and weary.
6Of old we know all places whence thou comest. O Sleep, we
know him who is here thy ruler.
Protect us here illustrious with glory. Go, from afar, with
poisons, into distance.

A charm against evil dreams
1As men discharge the utmost debt, collect the eighth and
sixteenth part,
So to the foeman we transfer together all the evil dream.
2Princes came together, debts came together, Kushthas came to-
Sixteenths came together. The whole evil dream that hath visited
us we send away as a bad dream to the man who hates us.
3Child of Gods' Consorts, minister of Yama is the good Dream:
that which is my trouble we drive away to the enemy.
4Thou whose name is Rough art the mouth of the Black Bird.
As such we know thee, Dream, as such we know thee well. Like
a horse art thou, O Dream. As they bind girth and surcingle
on a horse, so bind the alien mischief-maker, the scorner of
the Gods.
5The evil dream that threatens us, threatens our cattle or our
That let the scorner of the Gods, the alien mischief-maker bind
as a gold jewel round his neck.
6Having measured off nine cubits' distance from us we give away
the whole of the evil dream to the man who hates us.

A prayer for prosperity, accompanying a sacrifice
1Still equal be the flow of butter ever causing the Year to prosper
with oblation.
Still be our hearing, sight, and breath uninjured: let us lose
nothing of our life and vigour.
2Let lively breath invite us: we call vital breath to visit us.
Earth and air's middle realm have gathered, Soma, Brihaspati
and Dhartar gathered vigour.
3The earth and heaven have come to be two gatherers up of vigo-
rous might.
So let us gather vigour up and closely follow after Earth.
With glory come the cows and stand beside the master of the
herd. Let us when we have gathered fame and glory closely
follow Earth.
4Prepare the cow-stall, for there drink your heroes: stitch ye the
coats of armour wide and many.
Make iron forts defying all assailants: let not your pitcher leak;
stay it securely.
5The eye of sacrifice, source and beginning with voice, car, spirit
unto him I offer.
To this our sacrifice, wrought by Visvakarman, may the Gods
come gracious and kindly-hearted.
6Let the Gods' Priests and those who merit worship, to whom
oblation as their share is offered,
Come to this holy service with their Consorts, and all Gods
revel in the food we bring them.

An expiatory hymn accompanying sacrifice
1God among mortals, Agni, thou art guard of holy Law, thou art
To be adored in sacred rites.
2When, ignorant, we violate the statutes of you, O Deities, with
whom is knowledge,
Wise Agni shall correct our faults and failings, and Soma who
hath entered into Brāhmans.
3To the Gods' pathway have we come desiring to execute what
work we may accomplish.
Let Agni—for he knows—complete the worship. He is the
Priest: let him fix rites and seasons.

A prayer for perfect bodily and mental health and vigour
1May I have voice in my mouth, breath in my nostrils, sight in
mine eyes, hearing in mine ears, hair that hath not turned
gray, teeth free from yellowness, and much strength in mine
2May I have power in my thighs, swiftness in my legs, stedfast-
ness in my feet. May all my members be uninjured and my
soul unimpaired.

A prayer for long life prosperity and final happiness in heaven
1May my self remain in my body: may I enjoy the full time of
Rest thee pleasantly: pour forth abundance, purifying thyself in

A prayer for the love of Gods and men
1Make me beloved among the Gods, beloved among the Princes,
Me dear to everyone who sees, to Sūdra and to Aryan man.

A prayer, with sacrifice, for long life and prosperity
1Rise up, O Brāhmanaspati; awake the Gods with sacrifice.
Strengthen the Sacrificer: aid life, breath, and off-spring, cattle,

A prayer to Agni for children, long life, and various blessings
1For lofty Jātavedas I have brought the fuel hither first.
May he who knoweth all bestow faith and intelligence on me.
2With fuel and with flaming wood we, Jātavedas, strengthen
So do thou strengthen us in turn with children and with store of
3Whatever even be the logs which, Agni, we lay down for thee,
propitious be it all to me: accept it, O most youthful God.
4Agni, these logs are thine: with these be, fain to burn! a
flaming brand.
Vouchsafe us length of life and give us hope of immortality.

A hymn to Agni identified with the Sun
1A Golden Eagle thou hast soared with light to heaven. Those
who would harm thee as thou fliest skyward.
Beat down, O Jātavedas, with thy fury. The strong hath feared:
to heaven mount up with light, O Sūrya.

A hymn to Agni as the Sun
1The Asuras with iron nets, magicians, who roam about with
hooks and bonds of iron,
With wrath I make thy thralls, O Jātavedas. Come as a bolt foe-
quelling, thousand pointed.

A prayer for long life
1A hundred autumns may we see.
2A hundred autumns may we live.
3A hundred autumns may we know.
4A hundred autumns may we grow.
5A hundred autumns may we thrive.
6A hundred autumns may we be.
7A hundred autumns may we bide.
8A hundred, yea, and even more.

A preliminary sacrificial formula
1Both of broad and narrow I with magic power unclose the
mouth. p. 263
With these when we have raised the bunch of grass we pay the
holy rites.

A prayer or charm for long life
1Ye are alive. I fain would live. I fain would live my complete
term of life.
2Ye live dependent. I fain would live dependent. I fain would
live my complete term of life.
3Ye remain alive. I fain would remain alive. I fain would live
my complete term of life.
4Ye are life-givers. I fain would live. I fain would live my com-
plete term of life.

A charm for long life
1Live, Indra. Live Sūrya. Live, ye Gods. I fain would live. Fain
would I live my complete term of life.

A hymn, accompanying libations, for wealth and prosperity
1Let my libations, giving boons, adoring, further the Twice-born's
song that honours Soma.
Go ye to Brahma's world having enriched me with life and
breath, with children and with cattle, with fame and wealth,
and with a Brāhman's lustre.

A sacrificial formula
1Within the chest whence we before extracted the bunch of grass,
this do we now deposit.
Wrought is the sacrifice by power of Brahma. Through this
assist me here, ye God, with Fervour.
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Re: The Hymns of the Atharvaveda, translated by Ralph Griffi

Postby admin » Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:08 am

Part 1 of 3

1Thee, Indra, we invoke, the Bull, what time the Soma hath been
Drink of the sweetly-flavoured juice.
2The best of guardian hath the man within whose dwelling-place
ye drink,
O Maruts, giants of the sky.
3Let us serve Agni with our hyms, Sage who consumeth ox and
Who beareth Soma on his back.

1Let the Maruts drink Trishtups from the Potar's cup, according
to the season Soma from heaven.
2Let Agni from the Kindler's cup drink Trishtups, according to
the season Soma from heaven.
3Let Indra the Brāhman from the Brāhman's cup drink Trishtups,
according to the season Soma from heaven.
4Let the God, Granter of Wealth, from the Potar's cup drink
Trishtups, according to the season Soma from heaven.

1Come, we have pressed the juice for thee: O Indra, drink this
Soma here.
Seat thee on this my sacred grass.
2Let both thy bay steeds, yoked by prayer long-maned, O Indra,
bring thee nigh.
3We Soma-bearing Brāhmans call thee Soma-drinker with thy
We, Indra, who have pressed the juice.

1Come unto us who poured the juice, come hither to our eulogies.
Drink of the juice, O fair of face.
2I pour it down within thee, so through all thy members let it
Take with thy tongue the pleasant drink.
3Sweet to thy body let it be, delicious be the savoury juice.
Sweet be the Soma to thy heart.

1Like women, let this Soma juice invested with its raiment, glide..
Most active Indra, close to thee.
2Mighty in bulk, strong-necked, stout-armed in the wild rapture.
of the juice p. 267
Doth Indra smite the foemen dead.
3Indra, advance, go forward thou who by thy might art Lord of
Slay, Vritra-slayer slay thy foes.
4Long be thy grasping-hook wherewith thou givest treasure unto-
Who pours the juice and worships thee.
5Here, Indra, is thy Soma draught, made pure upon the sacred.
Run hither, come and drink thereof.
6Famed for thy radiance, worshipped well! this juice is shed for
thy delight:
Thou art invoked, Ākhandala!
7To Kundapāyya, grandson's son, grandson of Sringavrish, to
To him have I addressed my thought.

1Thee, Indra, we invoke, the Bull, what time the Soma is ex-
So drink thou of the savoury juice. p. 268
2Indra, whom many laud, accept the strength-confering Soma
Quaff, pour down drink that satisfies.
3Indra, with all the Gods promote our wealth-bestowing sacrifice,
Thou highly-lauded Lord of men.
4Lord of the brave, to thee proceed these drops of Soma juice
The bright drops to thy dwelling-place.
5Within thy belly, Indra take Soma the juice most excellent:
The heavenly drops belong to thee.
6Drink our libation, Lord of hymns: with streams of meath thou
art bedewed:
Our glory, Indra, is thy gift.
7To Indra go the treasures of the worshipper which never fail:
He drinks the Soma and is strong.
8From far away, from near at hand, O Vritra-slayer, come to us:
Accept the songs we sing to thee.

1Sūrya, thou mountest up to meet the Hero famous for his
Who hurls the bolt and works for man:
2Him who with might of both his arms brake nine-and ninety
castles down,
Slew Vritra and smote Ahi dead.
3This Indra is our gracious Friend. He sends us in a full broad
Riches in horses, kine, and corn.
4Indra, whom many laud, accept the strength-conferring Soma
Quaff, pour down drink that satisfies.

1Drink as of old, and let the draught delight thee: hear thou my
prayer and let our songs exalt thee.
Make the Sun visible, make food abundant: slaughter the foes,.
pierce through and free the cattle.
2Come to us; they have called thee Soma-lover. Here is the
pressed juice: drink thereof for rapture.
Widely-capacious, pour it down within thee, and invocated hear
us like a father.
3Full is his chalice. Blessing! Like a pourer I have filled up the
vessel for his drinking.
Presented on the right, dear Soma juices have brought us Indra,.
to rejoice him, hither.

1As cows low to their calves in stalls, so with our songs we
This Indra, even your wondrous God who checks attack, who
joys in the delicious juice.
2Celestial, bounteous Giver, girt about with might, rich, moun-
tain-like, in precious things
Him swift we seek for foodful booty rich in kine, brought
hundredfold and thousandfold.
3I crave of thee that hero strength, that thou mayst first regard
this prayer,
Wherewith thou helpest Bhrigu and the Yatis and Praskanva
when the prize was staked.
4Wherewith thou sentest mighty waters to the sea, that, Indra, is.
thy hero strength.
For ever unattainable is this power of him to whom the worlds.
have called aloud.

1These songs of ours exceeding sweet, these hymns of praise as-
cend to thee,
Like ever-conquering chariots that display their strength, gain
wealth and give unfailing aid.
2The Bhrigus are like suns, like Kanvas, and have gained all that
their thoughts were bent to win.
The living men of Priyamedha's race have sung exalting Indra
with their lauds.

1Fort-render, Lord of Wealth, dispelling foemen, Indra with
lightnings hath o'ercome the Dāsa.
Impelled by prayer and waxen great in body, he hath filled
earth and heaven, the bounteous Giver.
2I stimulate this zeal, the Strong, the Hero, decking my song of
praise for thee Immortal.
O Indra, thou art equally the leader of heavenly hosts and
human generations.
3Leading his band Indra encompassed Vritra; weak grew the wily
leader enchanters.
He who burns fierce in forests slaughtered Vyansa, and made
the milch-kine of nights apparent.
4Indra, light-winner, days' creator, conquered, as guardian, hostile
bands with those who loved him.
For man the days' bright ensign he illumined, and found the
light for his great joy and gladness. p. 271
5Forward to fiercely falling blows pressed Indra, hero-like doing
many hero exploits.
Those holy songs he taught the bard who praised him, and
widely spread these Dawns' resplendent colour.
6They laud the mighty acts of him the mighty, the many glorious
deeds performed by Indra.
He in his strength, with all-surpassing prowess, through wond-
rous arts crushed the malignant Dasyus.
7Lord of the brave, Indra who rules the people gave freedom to
the Gods by might and battle.
Wise singers glorify with chanted praises these his achievements
in Vivasvān's dwelling.
8Excellent, conqueror, the victory-giver, the winner of the light
and godlike waters,
He who hath won this broad earth and this heaven,—in Indra
they rejoice who love devotions.
9He gained possession of the Sun and horses; Indra obtained
the cow who feedeth many.
Treasure of gold he won; he smote the Dasyus and gave protec-
tion to the race of Aryas.
10He took the plants and days for his possession; he gained the
forest trees and air's mid-region.
Vala he cleft, and chased away opponents: thus was he tamer
of the overweening.
11Call we on Maghavan, auspicious Indra, best Hero in the fight
where spoil is gathered,
The Strong, who listens, who gives aid in battles, who slays the
Vritras, wins and gathers treasures.

1Prayers have been offered up through love of glory: Vasishtha,
honour Indra in the battle.
He who with might extends through all existence hears words
which I, his faithful servant, utter.
2A cry was raised which reached the Gods, O Indra, a cry to
them to send us strength in combat.
None among men knows his own life's duration: bear us in
safety over these our troubles.
3The Bays, the booty-seeking car I harness: my prayers have
reached him who accepts them gladly.
Indra, when he had slain resistless Vritras, forced with his might
the two world-halves asunder.
4Like barren cows, moreover, swelled the waters: the singers
sought thy holy rite, O Indra.
Come unto us as with his team comes Vāyu: thou, through our
solemn hymns, bestowest booty.
5So may these gladdening draughts rejoice thee, Indra, the Mighty,
very bounteous to the singer.
Alone among the Gods thou pitiest mortals: O Hero, make thee
glad at this libation.
6Thus the Vasishthas glorify with praises Indra, the Mighty One,
whose arm wields thunder.
Praised, may he guard our wealth in kine and heroes. Ye Gods,.
preserve us evermore with blessings.
7Impetuous, Thunderer, strong, quelling the mighty, King, potent,
Vritra-slayer, Soma-drinker,
May he come hither with his yoked bay horses. May Indra glad-
den him at noon libation.

1Lords of great wealth, Brihaspati and Indra, rejoicing at this
sacrifice drink Soma.
Let the abundant drops sink deep within you: vouchsafe us
riches with full store of heroes.
2Let your swift-gliding coursers bear you hitherward with their
fleet pinions. Come ye forward with your arms.
Sit on the grass; a wide seat hath been made for you: delight
yourselves, O Maruts, in the pleasant food.
3For Jātavedas, worthy of our praise, will we frame with our
mind this eulogy as 'twere a car.
For good in his assembly is this care of ours. Let us not in thy
friendship, Agni, suffer harm.
4With these, borne on one car, Agni, approach us; or borne on
many, for thy steeds are able.
Bring, with their Dames, the Gods, the Three-and-Thirty, after
thy Godlike nature, and he joyful.

1We call on thee, O peerless One. We, seeking help, possessing
nothing firm ourselves,
Call on thee wonderful in fight.
2On thee for aid in sacrifice. This youth of ours, the bold, the
mighty, hath gone forth.
We, therefore, we thy friends, Indra, have chosen thee, free-
giver, as our guardian God.
3Him who of old hath brought to us this and that blessing, him
I magnify for you,
Even Indra, O my friends, for help:
4Borne by bay steeds, the Lord of heroes, ruling men, for it is he
who takes delight. p. 274
The Bounteous Lord bestows on us his worshippers hundreds of
cattle and of steeds.

1To him most liberal, lofty Lord of lofty wealth, verily powerful
and strong, I bring my hymn,
Whose checkless bounty, as of waters down a slope, is spread
abroad for all that live, to give them strength.
2Now all this world, for worship, shall come after thee—the
offerer's libations like descending floods,
When the well-loved one seems to rest upon the hill, the thun-
derbolt of Indra, shatterer wrought of gold.
3To him the terrible, most worthy of high praise, like radiant
Dawn, bring gifts with reverence in this rite,
Whose being, for renown, yea, Indra-power and light, have been
created, like bay steeds, to move with speed.
4Thine, Indra, praised by many excellently rich! are we who
trusting in thy help draw near to thee.
Lover of praise, none else but thou receives our laud: as Earth
loves all her creatures, love thou this our hymn.
5Great is thy power, O Indra, we are thine. Fulfil, O Maghavan,
the wish of this thy worshipper.
After thee lofty heaven hath measured out its strength to thee
and to thy power this earth hath bowed itself.
6Thou, who hast thunder for thy weapon, with thy bolt hast
shattered into pieces this broad massive cloud.
Thou hast sent down obstructed floods that they may flow: thou
hast, thine own for ever, all victorious might.

1Like birds who keep their watch, plashing in water, like the loud
voices of the thundering rain-cloud,
Like merry streamlets bursting from the mountain thus to
Brihaspati our hymns have sounded.
2The son of Angiras, meeting the cattle, as Bhaga, brought in
Aryaman among us.
As Friend of men he decks the wife and husband. As for the
race, Brihaspati, nerve our coursers.
3Brihaspati, having won them from the mountains, strewed down,
like barley out of winnowing-baskets,
The vigorous, wandering cows who aid the pious, desired of all,
of blameless form, well-coloured.
4As the Sun dews with meath the seat of Order, and casts a flam-
ing meteor down from heaven,
So from the rock Brihaspati forced the cattle, and cleft the
earth's skin as it were with water.
5Forth from mid-air with light he draye the darkness, as the gale
blows a lily from the river.
Like the wind grasping at the cloud of Vala, Brihaspati gathered
to himself the cattle.
6Brihaspati, when he with fiery lightnings cleft through the
weapon of reviling Vala,
Consumed him as tongues eat what teeth have compassed: he
threw the prisons of the red cows open.
7That secret name borne by the lowing cattle within the cave
Brihaspati discovered,
And draye, himself, the bright kine from the mountain, like a
bird's young after the eggs' disclosure.
8He looked around on rock-imprisoned sweetness as one who
eyes a fish in scanty water.
Brihaspati, cleaving through with varied clamour, brought it
forth like a bowl from out the timber. p. 276
9He found the light of heaven, and fire, and Morning: with lucid
rays he forced apart the darkness.
As from a joint, Brihaspati took the marrow of Vala as he
gloried in his cattle.
10As trees for foliage robbed by winter, Vala mourned for the
cows Brihaspati had taken.
He did a deed ne'er done, ne'er to be equalled, whereby the sun
and moon ascend alternate.
11Like a dark steed adorned with pearl, the Fathers have decorat-
ed heaven with constellations.
They set the light in day, in night the darkness, Brihaspati cleft
the rock and found the cattle.
12This homage have we offered to the Cloud-God who thunders
out to many in succession.
May this Brihaspati vouchsafe us fulness of life with kine and
horses, men, and heroes.

I. In perfect unison all yearning hymns of mine that find the light
of heaven have sung forth Indra's praise.
As wives embrace their lord, the comely bridegroom, so they
compass Maghavan about that he may help.
2Directed unto thee my spirit never strays, for I have set my
hopes on thee, O much-invoked!
Sit, wonderful! as King upon the sacred grass, and let thy
drinking-place be by the Soma juice.
3From indigence and hunger Indra turns away: Maghavan hath
dominion over precious wealth.
These the Seven Rivers flowing on their downward path increase
the vital vigour of the Mighty Steer.
4As on the fair-leafed tree rest birds, to Indra flow the gladden-
ing Soma juices that the bowls contain.
Their face that glows with splendour through their mighty
power hath found the shine of heaven for man, the Aryas'
5As in the game a gambler piles his winnings, so Maghavan,
sweeping all together, gained the Sun.
This mighty deed of thine none other could achieve, none,
Maghavan, before thee, none in recent time.
6Maghavan came by turns to all the tribes of men: the Steer
took notice of the people's songs of praise.
The man in whose libations Sakra hath delight by means of
potent Somas vanquisheth his foes.
7As waters flow together to the river, thus Somas to Indra flow,
as rivulets to the lake.
In place of sacrifice sages exalt his might, as the rain swells the
corn by moisture sent from heaven.
8He rushes through the region like a furious bull, he who hath
made these floods the dames of worthy lords.
This Maghavan hath found light for the man who brings
oblation, sheds the juice, and promptly pours his gifts.
9Let the keen axe come forth together with the light: here be,
as erst, the teeming cow of sacrifice.
Let the Red God shine pure with his refulgent ray, and let the
Lord of heroes glow like heaven's clear sheen. p. 278
10O much-invoked, may we subdue all famine and evil want with
store of grain and cattle.
May we allied, as first in rank, with princes, obtain possessions
by our own exertion.
11Brihaspati protect us from the rearward, and from above, and
from below, from sinners.
May Indra from the front, and from the centre, as friend to
friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom.
12Ye twain are Lords of wealth in earth and heaven, thou, O
Brihaspati, and thou, O Indra.
Mean though he be, give wealth to him who lauds you. Preserve
us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.

1This, even this, O Indra, we implore: as thy devoted friends,
The Kanvas praise thee with their hymns.
2Naught else, O Thunderer, have I praised in the skilled singer's
On thy laud only have I thought.
3The Gods seek him who presses out the Soma; they desire not
Incessantly they punish sloth.
4Faithful to thee we loudly sing, heroic Indra, songs to thee.
Mark, gracious Lord, this act of ours.
5Give us not up to man's reproach, to foeman's hateful calumny:
In thee alone is all my strength.
6Thou art mine ample coat of mail, my champion, Vritra-slayes,
With thee for Friend I brave the foe.

1O Indra, for the strength that slays the foe and conquers in the
We turn thee hitherward to us.
2O Indra, Lord of Hundred Powers, may those who praise thee
Direct thy spirit and thine eye.
3O Indra, Lord of Hundred Powers, with all our songs we
Thy names for triumph over foes.
4We strive for glory through the powers immense of him whom
many praise,
Of Indra who supports mankind.
5For the foe's slaughter I address Indra whom many invocate,
To win us booty in the wars.
6In battles be victorious. We seek thee, Lord of Hundred Powers,
O Indra, that the foe may fall.
7In splendid combats of the hosts, in glories where the fight is
Indra, be victor over foes.

1Drink thou the Soma for our help, bright, vigilant, exceeding
O Indra, Lord of Hundred Powers.
2O Satakratu, powers which thou mid the Five Races hast dis-
These, Indra, do I claim of thee.
3Indra, great glory hast thou gained. Win splendid fame which
none may mar:
We make thy might perpetual.
4Come to us either from anear, or, Sakra, come from far away. p. 280
Indra, wherever be thy home, come to us thence, O Thunder-
5Verily Indra, conquering all, driveth even mighty fear away;
For firm is he and swift to act.
6Indra be gracious unto us: sin shall not reach us afterward .
And good shall be before us still,
7From all the regions of the world let Indra send security.
The foe-subduer, swift to act.

1We will present fair praise unto the Mighty One, our hymns to
Indra in Vivasvān's dwelling-place;
For he hath ne'er found wealth in those who seem to sleep;
those who give wealth to men accept no paltry praise.
2Giver of horses, Indra, giver, thou, of kine, giver of barley,
thou art Lord and guard of wealth:
Man's helper from of old, not disappointing hope, Friend of
our friends, to thee as such we sing this praise.
3Indra, most splendid, powerful, rich in mighty deeds, this
treasure spread around is known to be thine own.
Gather therefrom. O Conqueror, and bring to us: fail not the
hope of him who loves and sings to thee.
4Well-pleased with these bright flames and with these Soma
drops, take thou away our poverty with steeds and kine.
With Indra scattering the Dasyu through these drops, freed
from their hate may we obtain abundant food.
5Let us obtain, O Indra, plenteous wealth and food, with strength
exceeding glorious, shining to the sky.
May we obtain the Goddess Providence, the strength of heroes,
special source of cattle, rich in steeds.
6These our libations, strength inspiring Soma draughts, gladdened
thee in the fight with Vritra, Hero-Lord, p. 281
What time thou slewest for the singer with trimmed grass ten
thousand Vritras, thou resistless in thy might.
7Thou goest on from fight to fight intrepidly, destroying castle
after castle here with strength;
Thou Indra, with thy friend who makes the foe bow down,
slewest from far away the guileful Namuchi.
8Thou hast stuck down in death Karanja, Parnaya, in Atithigva's
very glorious going forth:
Unyielding, when Rijisvan compassed them with siege, thou hast
destroyed the hundred towns of Vangrida.
9With all-outstripping chariot wheel, O Indra, thou far-famed,
hast overthrown the twice ten kings of men,
With sixty thousand nine-and-ninety followers, who came in
arms to fight with friendless Susravas.
10Thou hast protected Susravas with succour, and Tūrvayāna with
thine aid, O Indra:
Thou madest Kutsa, Atithigva, Ayu subject unto this king, the
young, the mighty.
11May we protected by the Gods hereafter remain thy very pro-
sperous friends, O Indra.
Thee we extol, enjoying through thy favour life-long and joyful
and with store of heroes.

1Hero, the Soma being pressed I pour the juice for thee to drink
Sate thee and finish thy carouse.
2Let not the fools, or those who mock, beguile thee when they
seek thine aid:
Love not the enemies of prayer.
3Here let them with rich milky draught cheer thee to great
Drink as the wild bull drinks the lake.
4Praise, even as he is known, with song Indra, the guardian of
the kine,
The Son of Truth, Lord of the brave.
5Hither his bay steeds have been sent, red steeds are on the
sacred grass.
Where we in concert sing our songs.
6For Indra, Thunder-armed, the kine have yielded mingled milk
and meath,
What time he found them in the vault.

1Invoked to drink the Soma juice come with thy bay steeds,
Come, Indra, hitherward, to me.
2Our priest is seated true to time; the grass is regularly strewn;
The pressing-stones were set at morn.
3These prayers, O thou who bearest prayer, are offered. Seat
thee on the grass.
Hero, enjoy the offered cake.
4O Vritra-slayer, be thou pleased with these libations, with these
Song-loving Indra, with our lauds.
5Our hymns caress the Lord of Strength, vast, drinker of the
Soma's juice, p. 283
Indra, as mother-cows their calf.
6Delight thee with the juice we pour for thine own great
Yield not thy singer to reproach.
7We, Indra, dearly loving thee, bearing oblation, sing thee
Thou, Vasu, nearly lovest us.
8O thou to whom thy Bays are dear, loose not thy horses far
from us:
Here glad thee, Indra, Lord Divine.
9May long-maned courses, dropping oil, bring thee on swift car
Indra, to seat thee on the grass.

1Come to the juice that we have pressed, to Soma, Indra! blent
with milk:
Come, favouring us, thy bay-drawn car!
2Come, Indra, to this gladdening drink, placed on the grass,
pressed out with stones:
Wilt thou not drink thy fill thereof?
3To Indra have my songs of praise gone forth, thus rapidly sent
To turn him to the Soma-draught.
4Hither with songs of praise we call Indra to drink the Soma.
Will he not come to us by lauds?
5Indra, these Somas are expressed, Take them within thy belly,
Lord Of Hundred Powers, thou Prince of wealth.
6We know thee winner of the spoil and resolute in battles, Sage!
Therefore thy blessing we implore.
7Borne hither by thy stallions, drink, Indra, this juice which we
have pressed,
Mingled with barley and with milk.
8Indra, for thee in thine own place I urge the Soma for thy
draught: p. 284
Deep in thy heart let it remain.
9We call on thee, the Ancient One, Indra, to drink the Soma
We Kusikas who seek thine aid.

1Indra, the mortal man well guarded by thine aid goes foremost
in the wealth of horses and of kine.
With amplest wealth thou fillest him, as round about the waters
clearly seen afar fill Sindhu full.
2The heavenly waters come not nigh the priestly bowl: they but
look down and see how far mid-air is spread:
The Deities conduct the pious man to them: like suitors they
delight in him who loveth prayer.
3Praiseworthy blessing hast thou laid upon the pair who with
uplifted ladle serve thee, man and wife.
Unchecked he dwells and prospers in thy law: thy power brings
blessing to the sacrificer pouring gifts.
4First the Angirases won themselves vital power, whose fires were
kindled through good deeds and sacrifice.
The men together found the Pani's hoarded wealth, the cattle,
and the wealth in horses and in kine,
5Atharvan first by sacrifices laid the path; then, guardian of the
Law, sprang up the loving Sun.
Usanā Kāvya drove the kine hither with him: let us with offer-
ings honour Yama's deathless birth.
6When sacred grass is trimmed to aid the auspicious work, or
the hymn makes its voice of praise sound to the sky,
Where the stone rings as 'twere a singer skilled in laud,—Indra
in truth delights when these come near to him.
7To make thee start, a strong true draught I offer to thee the
Bull, O thou whom bay steeds carry.
Here take delight. O Indra, in our voices while thou art hymned
with power and all our spirit.

1In every need, in every fray we call, as friends, to succour us
Indra the mightiest of all.
2If he will hear us let him come with succour of a thousand
And all that strengthens, to our call.
3I call him, mighty to resist, the Hero of our ancient home,
Thee whom my sire invoked of old.
4They who stand round him as he moves harness the bright, the
ruddy steed:
The lights are shining in the sky.
5On both sides of the car they yoke the two bay coursers dear to
Bold, tawny, bearers of the thief.
6Thou, making light where no light was, and form, O Men!
where form was not,
Wast born together with the Dawns.

1If I, O Indra, were, like thee, the single sovran of all wealth.
My worshipper should be rich in kine.
2I should be fain, O Lord of Might, to strengthen and enrich the
Were I the lord of herds of kine,
3To worshippers who press the juice thy goodness, Indra, is a
Yielding in plenty kine and steeds.
4None is there, Indra, God or man, to hinder thy munificence,
The wealth which, lauded, thou wilt give.
5The sacrifice made Indra strong when he unrolled the earth and
Himself a diaden in heaven.
6Thine aid we claim, O Indra, thine who after thou hast waxen
Hast won all treasures for thine own.

1In Soma's ecstasy Indra spread the firmament and realms of
When he cleft Vala limb from limb.
2Showing the hidden he draye forth the cows for the Angirases,
And Vala he cast headlong down.
3By Indra were the luminous realms of heaven established and
Firm and immovable in their place.
4Indra, thy laud moves quickly like a joyous wave of water-floods.
Bright shine the drops that gladden thee.

I. For thou, O Indra, art the God whom hymns and praises
Thou blessest those who worship thee.
2Bay horses with their long manes bring Indra to drink the
Soma juice,
The Bountiful to our sacrifice.
3With waters' foam thou torest off, Indra, the head of Namuchi,
Subduing all contending hosts.
4The Dasyus, when they fain would climb by magic arts and
mount to heaven,
Thou, Indra, castest down to earth.
5As Soma-drinker conquering all, thou scatteredst to every side
Their band who poured no gifts to thee.

1In the great synod will I laud thy two bay steeds: I prize the
sweet strong drink of thee the Warrior-God,
His who pours lovely oil as'twere with yellow drops. Let my
songs enter thee whose form hath golden tints.
2Ye who—in concert sing unto the gold-hued place, like bay steeds
driving onward to the heavenly seat,
For Indra laud ye strength allied with tawny steeds, laud him
whom cows content as'twere with yellow drops.
3His is that thunderbolt, of iron, golden-hued, gold-coloured,
very dear, and yellow in his arms;
Bright with strong teeth, destroying with its tawny rage. In
Indra are set fast all forms of golden hue.
4As if a lovely ray were laid upon the sky, the golden thunder-
bolt spread out as in a race.
That iron bolt with yellow jaw smote Ahi down. A thousand
flames had he who bore the tawny-hued. p. 288
5Thou, thou, when praised by men who sacrificed of old, hadst
pleasure in their lauds, O Indra golden-haired.
All that befits thy song of praise thou welcomest, the perfect:
pleasant gift, O golden-hued from birth.

1These two dear Bays bring hither Indra on his car, thunder-
armed, joyous, meet for laud, to drink his fill.
Many libations flow for him who loveth them: to Indra have:
the gold-hued Soma juices run.
2The gold-hued drops have flowed to gratify his wish: the yellow.
drops have urged the swift Bays to the Strong.
He who speeds on with bay steeds even as he lists hath satisfied
his longing for the golden drops.
3At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the iron.
One with yellow beard and golden hair,
He, Lord of tawny coursers. Lord of fleet-foot mares, will bear
his bay steeds safely over all distress.
4His yellow-coloured jaws, like ladles, move apart, what time,.
for strength, he makes the yellow-tinted stir,
When. while the bowl stands there, he grooms his tawny steeds,
when he hath drunk strong drink, the sweet juice that he:
5Yea, to the dear one's seat in homes of heaven and earth the-
bay steeds' Lord hath whinnied like a horse for food.
Then the great wish hath seized upon him mightily, and the
beloved One hath gained high power of life.

1Thou, comprehending with thy might the earth and heaven,
acceptest the dear hymn for ever new and new.
O Asura, disclose thou and make visible the Cow's beloved
home to the bright golden Sun.
2O Indra, let the eager wishes of the folk bring thee the golden-
jawed, delightful, on thy car.
That, pleased with sacrifice wherein ten fingers toil, thou mayest
at the feast drink of our offered mead.
3Juices aforetime, Lord of Bays, thou drankest, and thine, and
only thine, is this libation.
Gladden thee, Indra, with the mead-rich Soma: pour it down
ever, Mighty One, within thee.

1Drink of the juice which men have washed in waters and fill the-
full, O Lord of tawny horses.
O Indra, hearer of the laud, with Soma which stones have mix-
ed for thee enhance thy rapture.
2To make thee start, a strong true draught I offer to thee the
Bull, O thou whom bay steeds carry.
Here take delight, O Indra, in our voices while thou art hymned
with power and all our spirit. p. 290
3O mighty Indra, through thine aid, thy prowess, obtaining life,
zealous, and skilled in worship.
Men in the house who share the sacred banquet stand singing
praise that brings them store of children.


1 He who just born, chief God of lofty spirit, by power and might
became the God's protector,
Before whose breath, through greatness of his valour, the two
worlds trembled, He, O men, is Indra.
2 He who fixed fast and firm the earth that staggered, and set at
rest the agitated mountains,
Who measured out air's wider middle region and gave the
heaven support, He, O men, is Indra.
3 Who slew the Dragon, freed the Seven Rivers, and draye the
kine forth from the cave of Vala,
Begat the fire between both stones, the spoiler in warrior's
battle, He, O men, is Indra.
4 By whom this universe was made to tremble, who chased away
the humbled brood of demon,
Who, like a gambler gathering his winnings, seized the foe's
riches, He, O men, is Indra.
5 Of whom, the terrible, they ask, Where is He? or verily they
say of him, He is not.
He wastes the foeman's wealth like stakes of gamblers. Have
faith in him for He, O men, is Indra.
6 Stirrer to action of the poor and lowly, of priest, of suppliant
who sings his praises
Who, fair-faced, favours him who presseth Soma with stones
adjusted, He, O men, is Indra.
7 He under whose supreme control are horses, all chariots, and
the hamlets, and the cattle:
He who begat the Sun, begat the Morning, leader of waters.
He, O men, is Indra.
8 To whom both armies cry in close encounter, foe against foe, the
stronger and the weaker; p. 291
Whom two invoke upon one chariot mounted, each for himself,
He, O ye men, is Indra.
9 He, without whom men conquer not in battle, whom, warring,
they invoke for help and succour;
He, all this universe's type and image, who shakes what never
shook, He, men, is Indra.
10 He who hath smitten, ere they know their danger, with his hurl-
ed weapon many grievous sinners:
Who pardons not his boldness who provokes him, who slays the
Dasyu, He, O men, is Indra.
11 He who discovered in the fortieth autumn Sambara dwelling in
the midst of mountains:
Who slew the Dragon putting forth his vigour, the demon lying
there, He, men, is Indra.
12 Who drank the juice poured at the seas of Order, subduing
Sambara by superior prowess,
Who hoarded food within the mountain's hollow wherein he
grew in strength, He, men, is Indra.
13 Who, with seven guiding reins, the Bull, the mighty, set the
Seven Rivers free to flow at pleasure;
Who, thunder-armed, rent Rauhina in pieces when scaling
heaven, He, O ye men, is Indra.
14 Heaven, even, and the earth bow down before him, before his
very breath the mountains tremble.
Known as the Soma-drinker, armed with thunder, the wielder
of the bolt, He, men, is Indra.
15 Who aids with favour him who pours the Soma, and him who
brews it, sacrificer, singer;
Whose strength our prayer and offered Soma heighten, and this
our gift, He, O ye men, is Indra.
16 Born, manifested in his Parents' bosom, He knoweth as a son
the Highest Father.
He who with vigorous energy assisted the companies of Gods,
He, men, is Indra
17 Lord of Bay steeds, who loves the flowing Soma, He before
whom all living creatures tremble.
He who smote Sambara and slaughtered Sushna, He the Sole
Hero, He, O men, is Indra.
18 Thou verily art true strong God who sendest wealth to the man
who brews and pours libation.
So may we evermore, thy friends, O Indra, address the synod
with brave sons about us.

1To him, to him swift, strong, and high-exalted, I bring my song
of praise as dainty viands;
My thought to him resistless, meet for praises, prayers offered
most devotedly to Indra. p. 293
2To him I offer praise as choice refreshment, bring forth my song,
with seemly laud besiege him.
For Indra, Lord of olden time, the singers shall deck their hymns
with heart and mind and spirit.
3To him then with my lips my song of praises, excellent, winning
heavenly light, I offer,
To magnify with hymns of invocation and eulogies the Lord,
most bounteous Giver.
4Even for him I frame a laud—so fashions the wright a chariot
for the man who needs it
Songs for wise Indra hymned with invocation, a song composed
with care and all-impelling.
5So with my tongue I deck, to please that Indra, my hymn as't-
were a horse, through love of glory,
To reverence the Hero, bounteous Giver, famed far and wide,
destroyer of the castles.
6Even for him hath Tvashtar forged the thunder, most deftly
wrought, celestial, for the battle.
Wherewith he reached the vital parts of Vritra, striking—the
vast, the mighty—with the striker,
7As soon as, at libations of his mother, great Vishnu had drunk
up the draught, he plundered.
The dainty cates, the cooked mess; but One stronger transfixed
the wild boar, shooting through the mountain.
8To him, to Indra when he slew the Dragon, the Dames too,
Consorts of the Gods, wove praises.
The mighty heaven and earth hath he encompassed: thy great-
ness heaven and earth, combined, exceed not.
9Yea, of a truth, his magnitude surpasseth the magnitude of
earth, mid-air and heaven.
Indra whom all men praise, the Sovran Ruler, waxed in his
home loud-voiced and strong for battle.
10Through his own strength with bolt of thunder Indra smote
piece-meal Vritra, drier up of waters.
He let the floods go free, like cows imprisoned, for glory, with
a heart inclined to bounty.
11Through his resplendent power still stood the rivers when with
his bolt on every side he stayed them. p. 294
With lordly might favouring him who worshipped, he made a
ford, victorious, for Turviti.
12Vast, with thine ample power, with eager movement against this
Vritra cast thy bolt of thunder.
Rend thou his joints, as of an ox dissevered, with bolt oblique
that floods of rain may follow.
13Sing with new lauds his exploits wrought aforetime, the deeds
of him, yea, him who moveth swiftly,
When, hurling forth his weapons in the battle, he with impetuous
wrath lays low the foemen.
14When he, yea, he is born the firm-set mountains and the whole
heaven and earth tremble in terror.
May Nodhas ever lauding the protection of this dear Friend win
straightway strength heroic.
15Now unto him of these things hath been given what he, who
rules alone o'er much, electeth.
Indra helped Etasa, the Soma presser, contending in the chariot-
race with Sūrya.
16Thus to thee, Indra, yoker of bay coursers, the Gotamas have
brought their prayers and praises.
Bestow upon them thought, decked with all beauty. May he,
enriched with prayer, come soon and early.

1With these my hymns I glorify that Indra who is alone to be
invoked by mortals. p. 296
The Lord, the Mighty One, of manly vigour, victorious, Hero,
true, and full of wisdom.
2Our ancient sires, Navagvas, sages seven, while urging him to
show his might, extolled him,
Dweller on heights, swift smiting down opponents, guileless in
word, and in his thoughts most mighty.
3We seek that Indra to obtain his riches that yield much food,
and men, and store of heroes.
O Lord of Bay Steeds, bring to make us joyful, celestial wealth
abundant, undecaying.
4Declare to us—if at thy hand aforetime the earlier singers have
obtained good fortune
What is thy share and portion, strong Subduer, Asura-slayer,
rich, invoked of many?
5He who for car-borne, thunder-wielding Indra, hath a hymn,
craving deeply-piercing, fluent,
Who sends a song effectual, firmly-grasping, and strength-
bestowing, he comes near the mighty.
6Strong of thyself! thou with this art hast shattered with thought-
swift Parvata, him who waxed against thee;
And, Mightiest! rager! boldly rent in pieces things that were
firmly fixed and never shaken..
7Him will we fit for you with new devotion, the strongest,
Ancient One, in ancient manner.
So way that Indra, boundless, faithful leader, conduct us o'er all
places hard to traverse.
8Thou for the people who oppress hast kindled the earthly firma-
ment and that of heaven.
With heat, O Bull, on every side consume them heat earth and
flood for him who hates devotion:
9Of all the heavenly folk, of earthly creatures, thou art the King,
O God of splendid aspect.
In thy right hand, O Indra, grasp the thunder: Eternal! thou
destroyest all enchantments.
10Give us confirmed prosperity, O Indra, vast and exhaustless for
the foes' subduing.
Strengthen therewith the Arya's hate and Dāsa's; and let the
arms of Nahushas be mighty.
11Come with thy teams which bring all blessings, hither, disposer,
much-invoked, exceeding holy! p. 297
Come to me swiftly with these teams of coursers, these which
no fiend, no God may stay or hinder.

1He, like a bull with sharpened horns, terrific, singly excites and
agitates all the people.
Then givest him who largely pours libation his wealth who pours
not, for his own possession.
2Thou verily, Indra, gavest help to Kutsa, willingly lending ear
to him in battle.
When, aiding Arjunneya, thou subduedst to him both Kuyava and
the Dāsa Sushna.
3O Bold One, thou with all thine aids hast boldly helped Sudās
whose offerings were accepted,
Pūru in winning land and slaying foemen, and Trasadasyu son
of Purukutsa.
4At the Gods' banquet, Hero-souled! with heroes, Lord of Bay
Steeds, thou slewest many Vritras.
Thou sentest in swift death to sleep the Dasyu, both Chumuri
and Dhuni, for Dabhiti,
5These were thy mighty powers that, Thunder-wielder! then
swiftly crushedst nine-and ninety castles. p. 298
Thou capturedst the hundredth in thine onslaught; thou slewest
Namuchi, thou slewest Vritra.
6Old are the blessings, Indra, which thou gavest Sudās the wor-
shipperwho brought oblations.
For thee, the strong I yoke thy strong bay horses: let them,
approach our prayers and wealth, Most Mighty!
7Give us not up, Lord of Bay Horses, victor, in this our time of-
trouble, to the wicked.
Deliver us with true and faithful succour: dear may we be to
thee among the princes.
8May we men, Bounteous Lord, the friends thou lovest, near i
thee be joyful under thy protection.
Fain to fulfil the wish of Atithigva, bow Turvasa, bow down,.
the son of Yadu.
9Swiftly, in truth, O Bounteous Lord, about thee men skilled im
hymning sing their songs and praises.
Elect us shares of their love and friendship who by their calls on,
thee despoiled the niggards.
10Thine are these Lauds, O manliest of heroes, Lauds which revert
to us and give us riches.
Favour these, Indra, when they strike the foemen, as Friend and
Hero and the heroes' helper.
11Now, lauded for thine aid, heroic Indra, sped by our prayer,,
wax mighty in thy body.
To us apportion wealth and habitations. Ye Gods, protect us-
evermore with blessings.

1Come, we have pressed the juice for thee. O Indra, drink the
Soma here.
Sit thou on this my sacred grass.
2O Indra, let thy long-maned Bays, yoked by prayer, bring thee
Give ear and listen to our prayers.
3We, Soma-bearing Brāhmans, call thee, Soma-drinker, with thy
We, Indra, bringing juice expressed.
4Indra the singers with high praise, Indra reciters with their
Indra the choirs have glorified.
5Indra hath ever close to him his two bay steeds and word-yoked:
Indra, the golden, Thunder-armed.
6Indra hath raised the Sun aloft in heaven that he may see afar.
He burst the mountain for the kine.

1For you, from every side, we call Indra away from other men:
Ours, and none others,’ let him be.
2In Soma's ecstasy Indra spread the firmament and realms of
When he cleft Vala limb from limb.
3Showing the hidden cows he draye them forth for the Angirases,
And Vala he cast headlong down.
4By Indra were the luminous realms of heaven established and
Firm and immovable from their place.
05. Indra, thy laud moves quickly like a joyous wave of waters:
Have shone the drops that gladden thee.

1Mayest thou verily be seen coming by fearless Indra's side:
Both joyous: equal in your sheen.
2With Indra's well-beloved hosts, the blameless, hastening to
The sacrificer cries aloud.
3Thereafter they, as is their wont, threw off the state of babes
Assuming sacrificial name.

1With bones of Dadhyach for his arms, Indra, resistless in attack,
Struck nine-and-ninety Vritras dead,
2He, searching for the horse's head, removed among the moun-
tains, found
At Saryanāvān what he sought.
3Then verily they recognized the essential form of Tvashtar's Bull.
Here in the mansion of the Moon.

1From Indra have I measured an eight-footed and nine-cornered.
song, p. 302
Delicate, faithful to the Law.
2Indra, both worlds complained to thee when uttering thy fearful
What time thou smotest Dasyus dead.
3Arising in thy might thy jaws thou shookest, Indra, having
The Soma poured into the bowls.

1Drive all our enemies away, smite down the foes who press
And bring the wealth for which we long;
2O Indra, that which is concealed in firm strong place
Bring us the wealth for which we long:
3Great riches which the world of men shall recognize as sent by
Bring us the wealth for which we long,

1Praise Indra whom our songs must laud, great Sovran of man-
kind, the Chief
Most liberal who controlleth men.
2In whom the hymns of praise delight, and all the glory-giving
Like the flood's longing for the sea. p. 303
3Him I invite with eulogy, best King, effective in the fight,
Strong for the gain of mighty spoil.

1This is thine own. Thou drawest near, as the dove turneth to his
Thou carest too for this our prayer.
2O Hero, Lord of Bounties, praised in hymns, may power and
Be his who signs the laud to thee.
3Lord of a Hundred Powers, stand up to lend us succour in this
In others too let us agree.

1Him who advances men to wealth, sends light to lead them in
their wars,
And quells their foemen in the fray:
2May he, the saviour much-invoked, may Indra bear us in a ship
Safely beyond all enemies.
3As such, O Indra, honour us with wealth and treasure: further
And lead us to felicity.

1We make this Indra show his strength, to strike the mighty
Vritra dead:
A vigorous Hero shall he be.
2Indra was made for giving, most powerful, friendly in carouse,
Bright, meet for Soma, famed in song. p. 304
3By song, as 'twere, the mighty bolt, which none may parry, was
Lofty, invincible he grew.
10They who stand round him as he moves harness the bright, the
ruddy Steed:
The lights are shining in the sky.
11They yoke on both sides to the car the two bay coursers dear to
Bold, tawny, bearers of the Chief.
12Thou, making light where no light was, and form, O Men r
where no form was,
Wast born together with the Dawns,
13His bright rays bear him up aloft, the God who knoweth all that=
Sūrya, that every one may see.
14The constellations pass away, like thieves, together with their-
Before the all-beholding Sun.
15His herald rays are seen afar refulgent o'er the world of men,
Like fiery flames that burn and blaze.
16Swift and all-beautiful art thou, O Sūrya, maker of the light.
Illuming all the radiant realm.
17Thou guest to the troops of Gods, thou comest hither to man-
Hither, all light for us to see.
18Thou with that eye of thine wherewith thou seest, brilliant.
The active one throughout mankind.
19Pervadest heaven and wide mid-air, melting the days out with.
thy beams,
Sun, seeing all things that have birth.
20Seven bay steeds, harnessed to thy car, bear thee, O.thou far-
seeing One,
God, Sūrya, thee with radiant hair.
21Sūrya hath yoked the seven bright mares, the daughters of the
car: With these,
His own dear team, he travelleth.

1The swiftly-moving songs of praise pour on thee streams of vital
As mother cows refresh the calf.
2Swift move the bright ones while they blend the Milk with vital
vigour, as
A dame her infant with her heart.
3Fair hymns bring glory to the Strong, and Indra-vigour; unto,
Fatness and milk and length of days.
4This brindled Bull hath come and sat before the Mother in the
Advancing to the Father Heaven.
5As expiration from breath she moves along the lucid spheres:
The Bull shines forth through all the sky.
6Song is bestowed upon the Bird. It reigns supreme throughout
thirty realms
Throughout the days at break of morn.
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Re: The Hymns of the Atharvaveda, translated by Ralph Griffi

Postby admin » Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:16 am

Part 2 of 3

1When voices, fain to win mid-air, ascended to the Mighty One,
The vigorous God was filled with joy.
2Praise with the voice the Mighty, praise the awful with the voice:
in heaven
He, the most bounteous, hath been glad.
3Praise with the voice the Mighty: he rules in each realm. In
transport he
Hath set upon the sacred grass.
4As cows low to their calf in stalls, so with our songs we glorify
This Indra, even your wondrous God who checks attack, who
joys in the delightful juice.
5Celestial, bounteous Giver, God, with power and might, rich,
mountain-like, in precious things.
Him soon we see for foodful booty rich in kine, brought
hundredfold and thousandfold.
6I crave of thee that hero strength—that thou mayst first regard
this prayer
Wherewith thou helpest Bhrigu and the Yatis and Praskanva
when the prize was staked.
7Wherewith thou sentest mighty waters to the sea—Indra, that
manly strength of thine.
For ever unattainable is this power of him to whom the worlds
have cried aloud.

1What newest of imploring hymns shall, then, the zealous mortal
For have not they who laud his might and Indra-power won for
themselves the light of heaven?
2When shall they keep the Law and praise thee mid the Gods?
Who counts as Rishi and as sage?
When wilt thou ever, Indra, Bounteous Lord, come nigh to
presser's or to praiser's call?

1For you will I sing Indra's praise who gives good gifts as well we
Praise of the Bounteous Lord who, rich in treasure, aids his
singers with wealth thousandfold.
2As with a hundred hosts he rushes boldly on, and for the offerer
slays his foes.
As from a mountain flow the water-brooks, thus flow his gifts
who feedeth many a one.
3Sakra I praise, for victory, far-famed, exceeding bountiful.
Who gives, as 'twere in thousands, precious wealth to him who
sheds the juice and worships him.
4Arrows with hundred points, unconquerable, are this Indra's
mighty arms in war.
He streams on liberal worshippers like a hill with springs, when
juices poured have gladdened him.

1We compass thee like waters, we whose grass is trimmed and
Soma pressed.
Here where the filter pours its stream thy worshipper round
thee, O Vritra-slayer, sit.
2Men, Vasu! by the Soma, with lauds call thee to the foremost
When comest thou athirst unto the juice as home, O Indra, like
a bellowing bull?

1Who knows what vital power he wins, drinking beside the
flowing juice?
This is the fair-cheeked God who, joying in the draught, breaks
down the castles in his strength.
2As a wild elephant rushes on, this way and that way, mad with
None may restrain thee; yet come hither to the draught: thou
movest mighty in thy power.
3When he, the mighty, ne'er o'erthrown, stedfast, made ready for
the fight.
When Indra, Bounteous Lord, lists to his praiser's call, he will
not stand aloof, but come.

1Of one accord they made and formed for kingship Indra, the
Hero who in all encounters overcometh,
Most eminent for power, destroyer in the conflict, fierce and
exceeding strong, stalwart and full of vigour.
2Bards joined in song to Indra so that he might drink the Soma
juice, p. 309
The Lord of Light, that he whose laws stand fast might aid with
power and with help he gives.
3The holy sages form a ring, looking and singing to the Ram.
Your very bright inciters, void of all deceit, are with the chan-
ters nigh to hear.

1Oft, oft I call that Indra, Maghavan the mighty, who evermore
possesses power, ever resistless.
Holy, most liberal, may he lead us on to riches, and, thunder
armed, make all our pathways pleasant for us.
2Indra, what joys as Lord of Light thou broughtest from the
Prosper therewith, O Maghavan, him who lauds that deed, and
those whose grass is trimmed for thee.
3The wasteless share of steeds and kine which, Indra, thou hast
fast secured.
Grant to the worshipper who presses Soma and gives guerdon,
not unto the churl.

1Indra, foe-slayer, hath been raised to joy and power by the men.
Him, verily, we invocate in battles whether great or small: be
he our aid in fights for spoil.
2For, Hero, thou art like a host, art giver of abundant prey.
Strengthening even the feeble, thou aidest the sacrificer, thou
givest the worshipper ample wealth.
3When war and battles are on foot, booty is laid before the bold. p. 310
Yoke thou thy wildly rushing Bays. Whom wilt thou slay and
whom enrich? Do thou, O Indra, make us rich,
4He, righteous-hearted, at each time of rapture gives us herds of
Gather in both thy hands for us treasures of many hundred
sorts. Sharpen thou us, and bring us wealth.
5Refresh thee, Hero, with the juice outpoured for bounty and
for strength.
We know thee Lord of ample store, to thee have sent our heart's
desires: be therefore our protector thou.
6These people, Indra, keep for thee all that is worthy of thy
Discover thou, as Lord, the wealth of men who offer up no
gifts: bring thou to us this wealth of theirs.

1As a good cow to him who milks, we call the doer of fair deeds.
To our assistance day by day.
2Come thou to our libations, drink of Soma, Soma-drinker thou!
The rich One's rapture giveth kine.
3So may we be acquainted with thine innermost benevolence:
Neglect us not, come hitherward.
4Drink for our help the Soma bright, vigilant, and exceeding
O Indra, Lord of Hundred Powers.
5O Satakratu, powers which thou mid the Five Races hast dis-
These, Indra, do I claim of thee.
6Indra, great glory hast thou gained. Win splendid fame which
none may mar.
We make thy might perpetual.
7Come to us either from anear, or, Sakra, come from far away.
Indra, wherever be thy home, come thence, O Caster of the
Stone. p. 311
8Verily Indra, conquering all, driveth even mighty fear away.
For firm is he and swift to act.
9Indra be gracious unto us: sin shall not reach us afterward,
And good shall be before us still.
10From all the regions of the world let Indra send security.
The foe-subduer, swift to act.
14We compass thee like waters, we whose grass in trimmed and
Soma pressed.
Here where the filter pours its stream thy worshippers round
thee, O Vritra-slayer, sit.
15Men, Vasu, by the Soma with lauds call thee to the foremost
When comest thou athirst unto the juice as home, O Indra, like
a bellowing bull?
16Boldly, bold Hero, bring us spoil in thousands for the Kanvas'
O active Maghavan, with eager prayer we crave the yellow-hued
with store of kine.

1Turning, as 'twere, to meet the Sun, enjoy from Indra all good
When he who will be born is born with power we look to
treasures as our heritage.
2Praise him who sends us wealth, whose bounties injure none.
Good are the gifts which Indra gives.
He is not wroth with one who satisfies his wish: he turns his
mind to granting boons. p. 312
3Verily, Sūrya, thou art great; truly, Āditya, thou art great.
As thou art great indeed thy greatness is admired: yea, verily,
great art thou, O God.
4Yea, Sūrya, thou art great in fame: thou evermore, O God,
art great.
By greatness thou art President of Gods, divine, far-spread,
inviolable light.

3His portion is exceeding great, like a victorious soldier's spoil.
Him who is Indra, Lord of Bays, no foes subdue. He gives the
Soma-pourer strength.
4Make for the holy Gods a hymn that is not mean, but well
arranged and fair in form.
Full many snares and bonds subdue not him who dwells with
Indra through his sacrifice.

1For so thou art the hero's Friend, a Warrior too art thou, and
So may thy heart be won to us.
2So hath the offering; wealthiest Lord, been paid by all the
So dwell thou, Indra, even with me.
3Be not thou, like a slothful priest, O Lord of wealth and spoil:
In the pressed Soma blent with milk.
4So also is his excellence, great copious, rich in cattle, like
A ripe branch to the worshipper. p. 313
5For verily thy mighty powers, Indra, are saving helps at once
Unto a worshipper like me.
6So are his lovely gifts: let laud be said and praise to Indra sung.
That he may drink the Soma juice.

1We sing this strong and wild delight of thine which conquers in
the fray,
Which, Caster of the Stone, gives room and shine like gold.
2Wherewith thou also foundest lights for Āyu and for Manu's
Now joying in!!this sacred grass thou beamest forth.
3This day to singers of the hymn praise, as of old, this, might of
Win thou the waters, day by day, thralls of the strong.
4Sing forth to him whom many men invoke, to him whom many
Invite the potent Indra with your songs of praise;
5Whose lofty might—for doubly strong is he—supports the
heaven and earth.
And hills and plains and floods and light with manly power.
6Such, praised by many! thou art King: alone thou smitest foe-
men dead,
To gain, O Indra, spoils of war and high renown.

5To Indra sing a Sāman, sing to the high Sage a lofty song,
To him who keeps the Law, inspired and fain for praise.
6Thou, Indra, art preeminent: thou gavest splendour to the Sun.
Maker of all things, thou art mighty and All-God. p. 314
7Radiant with light thou wentest to the sky, the luminous realms:
of heaven.
The Gods, O Indra, strove to win thee for their friend.
8Sing forth to him whom many men invoke, to him whom many
Invite the potent Indra with your songs of praise;
9Whose lofty might—for doubly strong is he—supports the
heaven and earth,
And hills and plains and floods and light with manly power.
10Such, praised by many! thou art King. Alone thou smitest foe-
men dead,
To gain, O Indra, spoils of war and high renown.

1We will, with Indra, and all Gods to aid us, bring these existing.
worlds into subjection.
Our sacrifice, our bodies, and our offspring, let Indra form to-
gether with the Ādityas.
2With the Ādityas with the band of Maruts, may Indra be pro-
tector of our bodies;
As when the Gods came, after they had slaughtered the Asuras,.
keeping safe their godlike nature,
3Brought the Sun hitherward with mighty powers, and looked!
about them on their vigorous God-head.
With this may we obtain strength God-appointed, and brave
sons gladden us through a hundred winters.
4He who alone bestoweth might on mortal man who offereth
The ruler of resistless power, is Indra, sure.
5When will he trample like a weed the man who hath no gift for
When verily will Indra hear our songs of praise?
6He who with Soma juice prepared among the many harbours.
Verily Indra gains thereby tremendous might. p. 315
7Joy, mightiest Indra, known and marked, sprung most from
Soma draughts, wherewith
Thou smitest down the greedy fiend, for that we pray.
8Wherewith thou helpest Adhrigu, the great Dasagva, and the
Who stirs the sunlight, and Sea, for that we pray.
9Wherewith thou dravest forth like cars Sindhu and all the
mighty floods.
To go the way ordained by Law, for that we pray.

1Come unto us, O Indra, dear, still conquering, unconcealable,
Vast as a mountain spread on all sides, Lord of heaven.
2O truthful Soma-drinker, thou art mightier than both the
Thou strengthenest him who pours libation, Lord of heaven.
3For thou art, he, O Indra, who stormest all castles of the foe,
Slayer of Dasyus, man's supporter, Lord of heaven.
4O ministering priest, pour out of the sweet juice what gladdens
So is the Hero praised who ever prospers us.
5Indra whom tawny coursers bear, praise such a thine,.
None by his power or by his goodness hath attained
6We seeking glory, have invoked this Master of all power and'
Who must be glorified by constant sacrifice.

1Come, sing we praise to Indra, friends! the Hero who deserves
the laud,
Him who with none to aid o'ercomes all tribes of men. p. 316
2To him who wins the kine, who keeps no cattle back, celestial
Speak wondrous speech more sweet than butter and than mead.
3Whose hero powers are measureless, whose bounty ne'er may be
Whose liberality, like light, is over all.

1As Vyasva did, praise Indra, praise the strong unfluctuating
Who gives the foe's possessions to the worshipper.
2Now, son of Vyasva, praise thou him who to the tenth time still
is new.
The very wise, whom living men must glorify.
3Thou knowest, Indra, thunder-armed, how to avoid destructive
As one secure from pitfalls each succeeding day.

1The pourer of oblations gains the home of wealth pouring his
gift conciliates hostilities, yea, the hostilities of Gods.
Pouring he strives, unchecked and strong, to win him riches
Indra gives lasting wealth to him who pours forth gifts; yea,
wealth he gives that long shall last.
2Ne'er may those manly deeds of yours for us grow old, never
may your bright glories fall into decay, never before your
time decay. p. 317
What deed of yours, new every age, wondrous, surpassing man,.
rings forth,
Whatever, Maruts may be difficult to gain grant us whate'er is
hard to win.
3I think on Agni, Hotar, the munificent, the gracious Son of
strength, who knoweth all that live, as holy Sage who knoweth
Lord of fair rites, a God with form erected turning to the Gods.
He, when the flame hath sprung forth from the holy oil, the
offered fatness, longeth for it with his glow.
4Busied with sacrifice, with spotted deer and spears, gleaming.
upon your way with ornaments, yea, our friends,
Sitting on sacred grass, ye sons of Bharata, drink Soma from
the Potar's bowl, O Men of heaven.
5Bring the Gods hither, Sage, and offer sacrifice. At the three
altars seat thee willingly .O Priest.
Accept for thy delight the proffered Soma mead: drink from
the Kindler's bowl and sate thee with thy share.
6This is the strengthener of thy body's manly might: strength,.
victory for all time are laid within thine arms.
Pressed for thee, Maghavan, it is offered unto thee: drink from
the chalice of this Brāhman, drink thy fill.
7Him whom of old I called on, him I call on now. He is to be
invoked: his name is He who Gives.
Here brought by priests in Soma mead. Granter of Wealth,
drink Soma with the Seasons from the Hotar's Cup.

4Go to the wise unconquered One, ask thou of Indra, skilled in
Him who is better than thy friends.
5Whether the men who mock us say, Depart unto another place,
Ye who serve Indra and none else;
6Or whether, God of wondrous deeds, all our true people call us
Still may we dwell in Indra's care.
7Unto the swift One bring the swift, man-cheering, grace of
That to the Friend gives wings and joy.
8Thou, Satakratu, drankest this and wast the Vritras' slayer;
Helpest the warrior in the fray.
9We strengthen, Satakratu, thee, yea, thee the powerfull in fight,
That, Indra, we may win us wealth.
10To him the mighty stream of wealth, prompt Friend of him who
pours the juice,
Yea, to this Indra sing your song.
41O come ye hither, sit ye down: to Indra sing ye forth your
Companions, bringing hymns of praise.
12To him the richest of the rich, the Lord of treasures excellent,
Indra, with Soma juice outpoured.

1May he stand by us in our need and in abundance for our
With riches may he come to us;
2Whose pair of tawny horses yoked in battles foemen challenge
To him, to Indra, sing your song.
3Nigh to the Soma-drinker come, for his enjoyment, these bright
The Somas mingled with the curd.
4Thou, grown at once to perfect strength, wast born to drink the
Soma juice, strong Indra, for preeminence.
5O Indra, lover of the song, may these quick Somas enter thee:
May they bring bliss to thee the Sage.
06. O Lord of Hundred Powers, our chants of praise and lauds have
strengthened thee:
So strengthen thee the songs we sing!
7Indra, whose succour never fails, accept this treasure thousand-
Wherein all manly powers abide.
8O Indra, thou who lovest song, let no man hurt our bodies,
Slaughter far from us, for thou canst.
12Thereafter they, as is their wont, threw off the state of babes
Taking their sacrificial name.

1Thou, Indra, with the Tempest-Gods, the breakers down of
what is firm,
Foundest the kine even in the cave.
2Worshipping even as they list, singers laud him who findeth
The far-renowned, the mighty One.
3Then, faring on by Indra's side, the fearless, let thyself be seen,.
Both gracious and in splendour peers.
4With Indra's well-beloved hosts, the blameless, tending heaven-
The sacrificer cries aloud.
5Come from this place, O wanderer, or downward from the light
of heaven!
Our songs of praise all yearn for this.
6Or Indra we implore for help from here, from heaven above the
Or from the spacious firmament.
7Indra the singers with high praise, Indra reciters with their
Indra the choirs have glorified.
8Indra hath ever close to him his two bay steeds and word-yoked
Indra the golden, Thunder-armed.
9Indra hath raisedjthe Sun on high in heaven, that he may see
He burst the mountain for the kine.
10Help us, O Indra, in the frays, yea, frays where thousand spoils
are gained,
With awful aids, O awful One.
11In mighty battle we invoke, Indra, Indra in lesser fight,
The friend who bends his bolt at fiends.
12Unclose, our manly Hero, thou for ever bounteous, yonder
For us, thou irresistible.
13Still higher, at each strain of mine, thunder-armed Indra's,
praises rise:
I find no laud worthy of him. p. 321
14Even as the bull drives on the herds, he drives the people with
his might,
The ruler irresistible:
15Indra who rules with single sway men, riches, and the fivefold
Of those who dwell upon the earth.
16For your sake from each side we call Indra away from other
Ours, and none others', may he be.
17Indra, bring wealth that gives delight, the victor's ever-conquer-
ing wealth,
Most excellent, to be our aid;
18By means of which we may repel our foes in battle hand to
By thee assisted with the car.
19Aided by thee, the Thunder-armed, Indra; may we lit up the
And conquer all our foes in fight.
20With thee, O Indra, for ally, with missile-darting heroes may
We conquer our embattled foes.

1Mighty is Indra, yea, supreme; greatness becomes the
Wide as the heaven extends his power;
2Which aideth those to win them sons who come as heroes to the
Or singers loving holy thoughts.
3His belly drinking deepest draughts of Soma like an ocean
Like wide streams from the cope of heaven.
7Come, Indra, and delight thee with the juice at all the Soma
Protector, mighty in thy strength.
8To Indra pour ye forth the juice, the active gladdening juice, to
The gladdening omnific God.
9O Lord of all men, fair of cheek, rejoice thee in the gladdening
Present at these drink-offerings.
10Songs have outpoured themselves to thee, Indra, the strong, the
guardian Lord.
And raised themselves unsatisfied.
11Send to us bounty manifold, O Indra, worthy of our wish,
For power supreme is only thine.
12O Indra, stimulate thereto us emulously fain for wealth.
And glorious, O most splendid One.
13Give, Indra, wide and lofty fame, wealthy in cattle and in
Lasting our life-time, failing not.
14Grant us high fame, O Indra, grant riches bestowing thousands,
Fair fruits of earth borne home in wains.
15Praising with songs the praise-worthy who cometh to our aid,
we call
Indra, the Treasure-Lord of wealth.
16To lofty Indra, dweller by each libation, the pious man Sings
forth aloud a strengthening hymn.

1In all libations men with hero spirit urge thee, Universal, One,
each seeking several light, each fain to win the light apart.
Thee, furthering like a ship, will we set to the chariot pole of
As men who win with sacrifices Indra's thought, men who win
Indra with their lauds.
2Couples desirous of thine aid are storming thee, pouring their
presents forth to win a stall of kine, pouring gifts, Indra,
seeking thee.
When two men seeking spoil or heaven thou bringest face to
face in war,
Thou showest Indra, then the bolt thy constant friend, the bull
that ever waits on thee,
3Also this morn may he be well inclined to us, mark at our call
our offerings and our song of praise, our call that we may win
the light.
As thou, O Indra Thunder-armed, wilt, as the Strong One,
slay the foe,
Listen, thou to the prayer of me a later sage, hear thou a later
sage's prayer.

1All these libations are for thee, O Hero: to thee I offer these
my prayers that strengthen.
Ever, in every place, must men invoke thee. p. 324
2Never do men attain, O Wonder-worker, thy greatness, Mighty
One who must be lauded,
Nor, Indra, thine heroic power and bounty.
3Bring to the Wise, the Great who waxeth mighty your offerings
and make ready your devotion:
To many clans he goeth, man's Controller.
4When, with the Princes, Maghavan, famed of old, comes nigh
the thunderbolt of gold and the Controller's car
Which his two tawny coursers draw, then Indra is the Sovran
Lord of power whose fame spreads far and wide.
5With him too is this rain of his that comes like herds: Indra
throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard.
When the sweet juice is shed he seeks the pleasant place, and
stirs the worshipper as the wind disturbs the wood.
6We laud and praise his several deeds of valour who, fatherlike,.
with power hath made us stronger;
Who with his voice slew many thousand wicked ones who spake
in varied manner with contemptuous cries.

1O Soma-drinker, ever true, utterly hopeless though we be,
Do thou, O Indra, give us hope of beauteous horses and of kine,
In thousands, O most wealthy One.
2O Lord of strength, whose jaws are strong, great deeds are thine,
the powerful:
Do thou, O Indra, give us hope of beauteous horses and of kine,
In thousands, O most wealthy One.
3Lull thou asleep, to wake no more, the pair who on each other
Do thou, O Indra, give us hope of beauteous horses and of kine,
In thousands, O most wealthy One. p. 325
4Hero, let hostile spirits sleep, and every gentler Genius wake:
Do thou, O Indra, give us hope of beauteous horses and of kine,
In thousands, O most wealthy One.
5Destroy this ass, O Indra, who in tones discordant brays to
Do thou, O Indra, give us hope of beauteous horses and of kine,
In thousands, O most wealthy One.
6Far distant on the forest fall the tempest in a circling course;
Do thou, O Indra, give us hope of beauteous horses and of kine,
In thousands, O most wealthy One.
7Slay each reviler and destroy him who in secret injures us:
Do thou, O Indra, give us thope of beauteous horses and of
In thousands, O most wealthy One.

1Couples desirous of thine aid are storming thee, pouring their
presents forth to win a stall of king pouring gifts, Indra,
seeking thee.
When two men seeking spoil or heaven thou bringest face to
face in war,
Thou showest, Indra, then the bolt, thy constant friend, the bull
that ever waits on thee.
2This thine heroic power full well the people knew, wherewith
thou brakest down, Indra, autumnal forts, brakest them down
with conquering might. p. 326
Thou hast chastised. O Indra, Lord of strength, the man who
worships not,
And made thine own this great earth and these water-floods,
with joyous heart these water-floods.
3And they have bruited far this hero might, when thou, O Strong
One, in thy joy helpest thy suppliants who sought to win thee
for their Friend.
Their battle-cry thou madest sound victorious in the shocks of
One stream after another have they gained from thee, eager for
glory have they gained.

1As sits the young bird on the tree rejoicing, ye, swift pair, have
been roused by clear laudation,
Whose Hoter-priest through many days is Indra, earth's
guardian, friend of men, the best of heroes.
2May we, when this Dawn and the next dance hither, be thy best
servants, most heroic Hero!
Let the victorious car with triple splendour bring hitherward the
hundred chiefs with Kutsa.
3What was the gladdening draught that pleased thee, Indra?
Speed to our doors, our songs, for thou art mighty.
Why comest thou to me, what gift attracts thee?
Fain would I bring thee food most meet to offer.
4Indra, what fame hath one like thee mid heroes? With what
plan wilt thou act? Why hast thou sought us?
As a true friend, Wide-Strider! to sustain us, since food absorbs
the thought of each among us.
5Speed happily those, as Sūrya ends his journey, who meet his
wish as bridegrooms meet their spouses;
Men who support, O Indra strong by nature, with food the
many songs that tell thy praises. p. 327
6Thine are two measures, Indra, wide, well-meted, heaven for thy
majesty, earth for thy wisdom.
Here for thy choice are Somas mixed with butter: may the
sweet meath be pleasant for thy drinking.
7They have poured out a bowl to him, to Indra, full of sweet
juice, for faithful is his bounty.
O'er earth's expanse hath he grown great by wisdom, the friend
of man, and by heroic exploits.
8Indra hath conquered in his wars the mighty: men strive in
multitudes to win his friendship.
Ascend thy chariot as it were in battle, which thou shalt drive
to us with gracious favour,

1Impetuous, true, let Maghavan come hither, and let his tawny
coursers speed to reach us.
For him have we pressed juice exceeding potent: here, praised
with song, let him effect his visit.
2Unyoke, as at thy journey's end, O Hero, to gladden thee to-day
at this libation.
Like Usanā, the priest a laud shall utter, a hymn to thee, the
Lord Divine, who markest. p. 328
3When the Bull quaffing praises our libation, as a sage paying
holy rites in secret,
Seven singers here from heaven hath he begotten, who e'en by
day have wrought their works while singing.
4When heaven's fair light by hymns was made apparent. (they
made great splendour shine at break of morning),
He with his succour, best of heroes, scattered the blinding dark-
ness so that men saw clearly.
5Indra, impetuous One, hath waxed immensely: he with his
vastness hath filled earth and heaven.
E'en beyond this his majesty extendeth who hath exceeded all
the worlds in greatness,
6Sakra who knoweth well all human actions hath with his eager
friends let loose the waters.
They with their songs cleft e'en the mountain open, and willingly
disclosed the stall of cattle.
7He smote away the flood's obstructer Vritra: Earth conscious
lent her aid to speed thy thunder.
Thou sentest forth the waters of the ocean as Lord through
power and might, O daring Hero.
8When, Much-invoked! the waters' rock thou deftest, Saramā
showed herself and went before thee.
Hymned by Angirases, bursting the cowstalls, thou foundest
ample strength for us as leader.

1Sing this, what time the juice is pressed, to him your Hero
To please him as a mighty, Bull.
2He, excellent, withholdeth not his gift of power and wealth in
When he hath listened to our songs.
3May he with might disclose for us the cows' stall, whosesoe'er
it be,
To which the Dasyu-slayer goes.

1O Indra, give us wisdom as a sire gives wisdom to his sons.
Guide us, O Much-invoked, on this our foray: may we, living,
still enjoy the light.
2Grant that no mighty foes, unknown, malevolent, unhallowed,
tread us to the ground.
With thine assistance, Hero! may we pass through all the waters
that are rushing down.

1Bring us, O Indra, name and fame, enriching, mightiest,
Wherewith, O wondrous God, fair-cheeked and thunder-armed,
thou hast filled full this earth and heaven.
2We call on thee, O King, mighty among the Gods, ruler of men,
to succour us,
All that is weak in us, excellent God, make firm: make our foes
easy to subdue.

1O Indra, if a hundred heavens and if a hundred earths were:
No, not a hundred suns could match thee at thy birth, not, both,
the worlds, O Thunderer.
2Thou, Hero, hast performed thy hero needs with might, yea, all+
with strength, O Strongest One.
Maghavan, help us to a stable full of kine, O Thunderer, with)
wondrous aids.

1If I, O Indra, were the lord of riches ample as thine own,
I should support the singer, God who scatterest wealth! and!
not abandon him to woe.
2Each day would I enrich the man who sang my praise, in what-
soever place he were.
No kinship is there better, Maghavan, than thine: a father even)
is no more.

1O Indra, grant a happy home, a triple refuge, triply strong.
Bestow a dwelling-place on the rich lords and me, and keep thy
dart afar from these.
2They who with minds intent on spoil subdue the foe, boldly
attack and smite him down.
From these, O Indra, Bounteous Lord who lovest song, be
closest guardian of our lives.

1O Indra marvellously bright, come, these libations long for thee,
Thus by fine fingers purified.
2Urged by the holy singer, sped by song, come, Indra, to the
Of the libation-pouring priest.
3Approach, O Indra, hasting thee, Lord of Bay Horses, to the
Take pleasure in the juice we pour.

1Glorify naught besides, O friends; so shall no sorrow trouble
Praise only mighty Indra when the juice is shed, and say your
lauds repeatedly:
2Even him, eternal, like a bull who rushes down, men's con-
queror, bounteous like a cow;
Him who is cause of both, of enmity and peace, to both sides
most munificent.
3Although these men in sundry ways invoke thee to obtain thine
Be this our prayer, addressed, O Indra, unto thee, thine exalta-
tion every day.
4Those skilled in song, O Maghavan, among these men o'ercome
with might the foeman's songs,
Come hither, bring us strength in many a varied form most near
that it may succour us.

1Those who are yoked by prayer with prayer I harness, the two.
fleet friendly Bays who joy together. p. 332
Mounting thy firm and easy car, O Indra, wise and all-knowing
come thou to the Soma.

1Priests, offer to the Lord of all the people the milked-out stalk
of Soma, radiant-coloured.
No wild bull knows his drinking-place like Indra who ever seeks
him who hath pressed the Soma.
2Thou dost desire to drink, each day that passes, the pleasant
food which thou hast had aforetime.
O Indra, gratified in heart and spirit, drink eagerly the Soma set
before thee.
3Thou, newly-born, for strength didst drink the Soma; thy
mother told thee of thy future greatness.
O Indra, thou hast filled mid-air's wide region, and given the
Gods by battle room and freedom.
4When thou hast urged the arrogant to combat, proud in their
strength of arm, we will subdue them.
Or, Indra, when thou fightest girt by heroes, we in the glorious
fray with thee will conquer.
5I will declare the earliest deeds of Indra, and recent acts which
Maghavan hath accomplished.
When he had conquered godless wiles and magic, Soma became
his own entire possession.
6Thine is this world of flocks and herds around thee, which with
the eye of Surya thou beholdest.
Thou, Indra, art alone the Lord of cattle: may we enjoy the
treasure which thou givest.
7Ye twain are Lords of wealth in earth and heaven, thou, O
Brihaspati, and thou, O Indra .
Mean though he be, give wealth to him who lauds you. Preserve
us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.

1Him who with might hath propped earth's ends, who sitteth in
threefold seat, Brihaspati, with thunder,
Him of the pleasant tongue have ancient sages, deep thinking,.
holy singers, set before them.
2Wild in their course, in well-marked wise rejoicing were they,.
Brihaspati, who pressed around us
Preserve, Brihaspati, the stall uninjured,r,this company's raining.
ever-moving birth-place.
3Brihaspati, from thy remotest distance have they sat down who
love the law eternal.
For thee were dug wells springing from the mountain, which
murmuring round about pour streams of sweetness.
4Brihaspati, when first he had his being from mighty splendour in
supremest heaven.
Strong, with his sevenfold mouth, with noise of thunder, with
his seven rays blew and dispersed the darkness.
5With the loud-shouting band who sang his praises, with thunder,
he destroyed malignant Vala.
Brihaspati thundering drave forth the cattle, the lowing cows
who make oblations ready.
6Serve we with sacrifices, gifts, and homage even thus the Steer
of all the Gods, the Father.
Brihaspati, may we be lords of riches, with noble progeny and,
store of heroes.

1Even as an archer shoots afar his arrow, offer the laud to him
with meet adornment.
Quell with your voice the wicked's voice, O sages, Singer, make
Indra rest beside the Soma.
2Draw thy Friend to thee like a cow at milking: O singer, wake
up Indra as a lover.
Make thou the Hero haste to give us riches even as a vessel
filled brimful with treasure.
3Why, Maghavan, do they call thee bounteous Giver? Quicken
me: thou, I hear, art he who quickens.
Sakra, let my intelligence be active, and bring us luck that finds
great wealth, O Indra.
4Standing, in battle for their rights, together, the people, Indra,
in the fray invoke thee.
Him who brings gifts the Hero makes his comrade: with him
who pours no juice he seeks not friendship.
5Whoso with plenteous juice for him expresses strong Somas as
much quickly-coming treasure,
For him he everthrows in early morning his swift well-weapon-
ed foes and slays the tyrant.
6He unto whom we offer praises, Indra, Maghavan, who hath
joined to ours his wishes
Before him even afar the foe must tremble: low before him must
bow all human glories.
7With thy fierce bolt, O God invoked of many, drive to a distance
from afar the foeman.
O Indra, give us wealth in corn and cattle, and make the singer's
prayer gain strength and riches.
8Indra the swallower of strong libations with their thick residue,
the potent Somas,
He, Maghavan, will not restrict his bounty: he brings much
wealth unto the Soma-presser.
9Yea, by superior play he wins advantage when he, a gambler,
piles his gains in season. p. 335
Celestial-natured, he o'erwhelms with riches the devotee who
keeps not back his money.
10O much-invoked, may we subdue all famine and evil want with
store of grain and cattle.
May we allied, as first in rank, with princes,:obtain possessions
by our own exertion
11Brihaspati protect us from the rearward, and from above and
from below, from sinners.
May Indra from the front and from the centre, as friend to
friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom.

1Served with oblations, first-born, mountain-render, Angiras' Son,
Brihaspati the holy.
With twice-firm path, dwelling in light, our Father, roars loudly,
as a bull, to earth and heaven.
2Brihaspati who made for such a people wide room and verge
when Gods were invocated—
Slaying his foe he breaketh down their cattles, quelling his
enemies and those who hate him.
3Brihaspati in war hath won rich treasures, hath won, this God,
the great stalls filled with cattle.
Striving to win waters and light, resistless, Brihaspati with light-
ning smites the foeman.

1This holy hymn sublime and seven-headed, sprung from eternal
Law, our sire discovered.
Ayāsya, friend of all men, hath engendered the fourth hymn as
he sang his laud to Indra.
2Thinking aright, praising eternal Order, the sons of Dyaus the
Asura, those heroes,
Angirases, holding the rank of sages, first honoured sacrifice's
holy statute.
3Girt by his friends who cried with swanlike voices, bursting the
stoney barriers of the prison,
Brihaspati spake in thunder to the cattle, and uttered praise and.
song when he had found them.
4Apart from one, away from two above him, he draye the kine
that stood in bonds of falsehood.
Brihaspati, seeking light amid the darkness, draye forth the
bright cows: three he made apparent.
5When he had cleft the lairs and western castle, he cut off three
from him who held the waters.
Brihaspati discovered, while he thundered like Dyaus, the dawn,.
the sun, the cow, the lightning.
6As with a hand, so with his roaring Indra cleft Vala through,.
the guardian of the cattle.
Seeking the milk-draught with sweat-shining comrades he stole:
the Pani's kine and left him weeping.
7He with bright faithful friends, winners of booty, hath rent the
milker of the cows asunder.
Brihaspati with wild boars strong and mighty sweating with heat
hath gained a rich possession.
8They, longing for the kine, with faithful spirit incited with their
hymns the Lord of cattle.
Brihaspati freed the radiant cows with comrades self-yoked,.
averting shame from one another.
9In our assembly with auspicious praises exalting him who roareth.
like a lion.
May we in every fight where heroes conquer rejoice in strong.
Brihaspati the victor.
10When he had won him strength of every nature and gone to
heaven and its most lofty mansions, p. 337
Men praised Brihaspati the mighty, bringing the light within
their mouths from sundry places.
11Fulfil the prayer that begs for vital vigor: aid in your wonted
manner e'en the humble.
Let all our foes be turned and driven backward. Hear this, O
Heaven and Earth, ye all-producers.
12Indra with mighty strength hath cleft asunder the head of Arbuda
the watery monster,
Slain Ahi, and set free the Seven Rivers. O Heaven and Earth,
with all the Gods, protect us.

1Praise, even as he is known, with song Indra the guardian of the
The Son of Truth, Lord of the brave.
2Hither his bay steeds have been sent, red steeds are on the sacred
Where we in concert sing our songs. p. 338
3For Indra thunder-armed the kine have yielded mingled milk
and meath.
What time he found them in the vault.
4When I and Indra amount on high up to the bright One's place
and home,
We, having drunk of meath, will reach his seat whose Friends
are three-times-seven.
5Sing, sing ye forth your songs of praise, ye Priyamedhas, sing
your songs:
Yea, let young children sing their lauds: as a strong castle praise
ye him.
6Now loudly let the viol sound, the lute send out its voice with
Shrill be the music of the string. To Indra is the hymn upraised.
7When hither speed the dappled cows, unflinching, easy to be
Seize quickly, as it bursts away, the Soma juice for Indra's
8Indra hath drunk; Agni hath drunk all Deities have drunk their
Here Varuna shall have his home, to whom the floods have sung
aloud as mother-kine unto their calves.
9Thou, Varuna, to whom belong the Seven Streams, art a glorious
The waters flow into thy throat as'twere a pipe with ample
10He who hath made the fleet steeds spring, well-harnessed, to the
He, the swift guide, is that fair form thot loosed the horses near
at hand.
11Indra, the very mighty, holds his enemies in utter scorn.
He, far away, and yet a child, cleft the cloud smitten by his
12He, yet a boy exceeding small, mounted his newly-fashioned car.
He for his Mother and his Sire cooked the wild mighty buffalo.
13Lord of the Home, with beauteous cheeks, ascend thy chariot
wrought of gold.
We will attend the heavenly One; the thousand-footed, red of
hue, matchless, who blesses where he goes.
14With reverence they come hitherward to him as to a sovran lord, p. 339
That they may bring him near for this man's good success, to
prosper and bestow his gifts.
15The Priyamedhas have observed the offering of the men of old,
Of ancient custom, while they strewed the sacred grass and
spread their sacrificial food.
16He who as sovran Lord of men moves with his chariots
The Vritra-slayer, queller of all fighting hosts, preeminent, is
praised in song.
17Honour that Indra, Puruhanman! for his aid, in whose sustain-
ing hand of old.
The splendid bolt of thunder was deposited, as the great Sun
was set in heaven.
18No one by deed attains to him who works and strengthens
No, not by sacrifice, to Indra praised of all, resistless, daring,
bold in might;
19The potent Conqueror, invincible in war, him at whose birth
the mighty ones,
The kine who spread afar, sent their loud voices out, heavens,
earths sent their loud voices out.
20O Indra, if a hundred heavens and if a hundred earths were
No, not a thousand suns could match thee at thy birth, not
both the worlds, O Thunderer.
21Thou, Hero, hast performed thy hero deeds with might, yea, all
with strength, O Strongest One.
Maghavan, help us to a stable full of kine, O Thunderer, with
wondrous aids.

1May our hymns give thee great delight. Display thy bounty,
Drive off the enemies of prayer.
2Crush with thy foot the niggard churls who bring no gifts.
Might art thou:
There is not one to equal thee.
3Thou art the Lord of Soma pressed, Soma unpressed is also
Thou art the Sovran of the folk.
4Swaying about the active Ones came nigh to Indra at his birth,
And shared his great heroic might.
5Based upon strength and victory and power, O Indra is thy
Thou, Mighty One, art strong indeed.
6Thou art the Vritra-slayer, thou, Indra, hast spread the
Thou hast with might upheld the heavens.
7Thou, Indra, bearest in thine arms the lightning that accords
with thee,
Whetting thy thunderbolt with might.
8Thou, Indra, art pre-eminent over all creatures in thy strength:
Thou hast pervaded every place.

1May Sovran Indra come to the carousal, he who by holy Law is
strong and active.
The overcomer of all conquering forces with his great bull-like
power that hath no limit.
2Firm-seated is thy car, thy steeds are docile: thy hand, O King,
holds, firmly grasped, the thunder.
On thy fair path, O Lord of men, come quickly: we will increase
thy power when thou hast drunken.
3Let strong and mighty steeds who bear this mighty Indra, the
Lord of men, whose arm wields thunder,
Bring unto us, as shares of our banquet, the Bull of conquering
might, of real vigour.
4So like a bull thou rushest to the Lord who loves the trough,
the Sage, the prop of vigour, in the vat.
Prepare thine energies, collect them in thyself: be for our profit
as the Master of the wise.
5May precious treasures come to us,— so will I pray. Come to the
votary's gift offered with beauteous laud.
Thou art the Lord, as such sit on this holy grass: thy vessels
are inviolate as Law commands.
6Far went our earliest invocations of the Gods, and won us
glories that can never be surpassed.
They who could not ascend the ship of sacrifice sink down in
desolation, trembling with alarm.
7So be the others, evil-hearted, far away, whose horses difficult to
harness have been yoked.
Here in advance man stand anear to offer gifts, by whom full
many a work that brings reward is done.
8He firmly fixed the plains and mountains as they shook. Dyaus
thundered forth and made the air's mid-region quake.
He stays apart the two confronting bowls; he sings lauds in the
potent Soma's joy when he hath drunk.
9I bear this deftly-fashioned goad of thine wherewith thou,
Maghavan, shalt break the strikers with the hoof. p. 342
At the libation mayst thou be well satisfied. Partake the juice,
partake the banquet, Bounteous Lord.
10O Much-invoked, may we subdue all famine and evil want with
store of grain and cattle.
May we allied, as first in rank, with princes, obtain possessions
by our own exertions.
11Brihaspati protect us from the rearward, and from above, and
from below, from sinners!
May Indra from the front and from the centre, as friend to
friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom.

1From the three jars the Great and Strong hath drunk drink blent
with meal. With Vishnu hath he quaffed the flowing Soma
juice, all that he would.
That hath so heightened him the Great, the Vast, to do his
mighty work.
So may the God attend the God, true Indu Indra who is true.
2Sing strength to Indra that shall set his chariot in the foremost
place. p. 343
Giver of room in closest fight, slayer of foes in shock of war, be
thou our great encourager. Let the weak bowstrings break
upon the bows of feeble enemies.
3Thou didst destroy the Dragon: thou sentest the rivers down to
Foeless, O Indra, wast thou born. Thou tendest well each
choicest thing. Therefore we draw us close to thee. Let the
weak bowstrings break upon the bows of feeble enemies.
4Destroyed be all malignities and all our enemy's designs.
Thy bolt thou castest at the foe, O Indra, who would smite us
dead: thy liberal bounty gives us wealth. Let the weak bow-
strings break upon the bows of feeble enemies.

1Taste this strong draught that gives thee vital vigour: with all
thy chariot here unyoke thy coursers.
Let not those other sacrificers stay thee, Indra: these juices shed
for thee are ready.
2Thine is the juice effused, thine are the juices yet to be pressed:
our resonant songs invite thee.
O Indra, pleased to-day with this libation, come, thou who
knowest all, and drink the Soma.
3Whoso, devoted to the God, effuses Soma for him with yearning
heart and spirit,
Never doth Indra give away his cattle: for him he makes the
lovely Soma famous.
4He looks with loving favour on the mortal who, like a rich man,
pours for him the Soma.
Maghavan in his bended arm supports him: he slays, unasked,
the men who hate devotion.
5We call on thee to come to us, desirous of booty, and of cattle,
and of horses. p. 344
For thy new love and favour are we present: let us invoke thee,
Indra, as our welfare.
6For life I set thee free by this oblation from the unknown
decline and from consumption;
Or, if the grasping demon have possessed him, free him from
her, O Indra, thou and Agni.
7Be his days ended, be he how departed, be he brought very near
to death already,
Out of Destruction's lap again I bring him, save him for life to
last a hundred autumns.
8With thousand-eyed oblation, hundred-autumned, bringing a
hundred lives, have 1 restored him.
That Indra for a hundred years may lead him safe to the farther
shore of all misfortune.
9Live waxing in thy strength a hundred autumns, live through a
hundred springs, a hundred winters.
Through hundred-lived oblation Indra, Agni, Brihaspati, Savitar
yield him for a hundred!
10So have I found and rescued thee: thou hast returned with
youth renewed.
Whole in thy members! I have found whole sight and all thy
life for thee.
11May Agni yielding to our prayer, the Rakshas-killer, drive away.
The malady of evil name that hath beset thy labouring womb.
12Agni, concurring in the prayer, drive off the eater of thy flesh,
The malady of evil name that hath attacked thy babe and
13That which destroys the sinking germ, the settled, moving
That which would kill the babe at birth, even this will we drive
far away.
14That which divides thy legs that it may lie between the married
That penetrates and licks thy side, even this will we exterminate.
15What rests by thee in borrowed form of brother, lover, or of
And would destroyed the progeny,—even this will we exter-
16That which through sleep or darkness hath deceived thee and
lies down by thee, p. 345
And will destroy thy progeny,—even this will we exterminate.
17From both thy nostrils, from thine eyes, from both thine ears
and from thy chin,
Forth from thy head and brain and tongue I drive thy malady
18From the neck-tendons and the neck, from the breast-bones
and from the spine,
From shoulders, upper, lower arms, I drive thy malady away.
19From viscera and all within, forth from the rectum, from the
From kidneys, liver and from spleen, I drive thy malady away.
20From thighs, from knee-caps, and from heels, and from the
forepart of the feet,
From hips, from stomach, and from groin, I drive thy malady
21From what is voided from within, and from thy hair, and from
thy nails,
From all thyself, from top to toe, I drive thy malady away.
22From every member, every hair, disease that comes in every
From all thyself, from top to toe, I drive thy malady away.
23Avaunt, thou Master of the Mind, I Depart and vanish far away.
Look on Destruction far from us. The live man's mind is

1Here verily yesterday we let the Thunder-wielder drink his fill.
So in like manner, offer him the juice to day. Now range you.
by the Glorious One.
2Even the wolf, the savage beast that rends the sheep, follows the
path of his decrees.
So, India, graciously accepting this our praise, with wondrous.
thought come forth to us.
3What manly deed of vigour now remains that Indra hath not
Who hath not heard his glorious title and his fame, the Vritra-
slayer from his birth?

1That we may win us wealth and spoil we poets verily call on
In war men call on thee, Indra, the hero's Lord, in the steed's,
race-course call on thee.
2As such, O Wonderful whose hand holds thunder, praised as
mighty, Caster of the Stone.
Pour on us boldly, Indra, kie and chariot-steeds, ever to be the
conqueror's strength.

1Men with their lauds are urging thee, Indra, to drink the Soma
The Ribhus in accord have lifted up their voice and Rudras.
sung thee as the First.
2Indra increased his manly strength at sacrifice, in the wild
rapture of this juice;
And living men to-day, even as of old, sing forth their praises to
his majesty.

1Now have we, Indra, Friend of Song, sent our great wishes
forth to thee.
Coming like floods that follow floods.
2As rivers swell the ocean, so, Hero, our prayers increase thy
Though of thyself, O Thunderer, waxing day by day.
3With holy song they bind to the broad wide-yoked car the bay
steeds of the rapid God,
Bearers of India, yoked by prayer.

1Agni we choose, the messenger, the herald, master of all wealth,.
Well skilled in this our sacrifice.
2With calls they ever invocate Agni, Agni, Lord of the House,
Oblation-bearer, much-beloved.
3Bring the Gods hither, Agni, born for him who strews the
sacred grass.
Thou art our herald, meet for praise.

1Meet to be lauded and adored, showing in beauty through the=
dark, p. 348
Agni the Bull is kindled well,
2Agni is kindled as a Bull, like a horse bearer of the Gods;
Men with oblations worship him.
3Thee will we kindle as a Bull, we who are bulls ourselves, O
Thee, Agni, shining mightily.

1Solicit with your hymns, for aid, Agni the God with piercing
For riches famous Agni, Purmilha ‘and ye men, Agni to light
our dwelling well.
2Agni, come hither with thy fires: we choose thee as our Hotai-
Let the extended ladle full of oil balm thee, best priest, to sit on
sacred grass.
3For unto thee, O Angiras, O Son of Strength, move ladles in the
To Agni, Child of Force, whose locks drop oil, we seek, fore-
most in sacrificial rites.

1May these my songs of praise exalt thee, Lord who hast abun-
dant wealth.
Men skilled in holy hymns, bright with the hues of fire, have
sung them with their lauds to thee.
2He with his might enhanced by Rishis thousand-fold, hath like
an ocean spread himself. p. 349
His majesty is praised as true at solemn rites, his power where
holy singers rule
3May Indra, who in every fight must be invoked, be near to us.
May the most mighty Vritra-slayer, meet for praise, come to
libations and to hymns.
4Thou art the best of all in sending bounteous gifts, true art thou,.
lordly in thine act.
We claim alliance with the very Glorious One, yea, with the-
mighty Son of Strength.

1Thou in the battles, Indra, art subduer of all hostile bands.
Father art thou, all-conquering, cancelling the curse, thou victor
of the vanquisher.
2The earth, and heaven cling close to thy victorious might, as sire
and mother to their child.
When thou attackest Vritra all the hostile bands shrink and
faint, Indra at thy wrath.
3Bring to your aid the Eternal One, who shoots and none may
shoot at him,
Inciter, swift, victorious, best of charioteers, Tugrya's unvan-
quished strengthener;

1That lofty energy of thine, thy strength and thine intelligence,
Thy thunderbolt for which we long, our wish makes keen.
2O Indra, heaven and earth augment thy manly power and thy
The waters and the mountains stir and urge thee on. p. 350
3Vishnu, the lofty Ruling Power, Varuna, Mitra sing thy praise:
In thee the Maruts' company hath great delight.

1Before his hot displeasure all the peoples, all the men bow
As rivers bend them to the sea.
2This power of his shone brightly forth when Indra brought to-
gether like
A skin the worlds of earth and heaven.
3The fiercely-moving Vritra's head he severed with his thunder-
His hundred-knotted thunderbolt.
4In all the worlds That was the best and highest whence sprang
the mighty God, of splendid valour.
As soon as born he overcomes his foemen, he in whom all who
lend him aid are joyful.
5Grown mighty in his strength, with ample vigour, he as a foe
strikes fear into the Dāsa,
Eager to win the breathing and the breathless. All sang thy
praise at banquet and oblation.
6All concentrate on thee their mental vigour, what time these,
twice or thrice, are thine assistants.
Blend what is sweeter than the sweet with sweetness: win quickly
with our meath that meath in battle.
7Therefore in thee too, thou who winnest riches, at every banquet
are the sages joyful
With mighter power, bold God, extend thy firmness: let not
malignant Yātudhānas harm thee.
8Proudly we put our trust in thee in battles, when we behold great
wealth the prize of combat.
I with my words impel thy weapons onward, and sharpen with
my prayer thy vital vigour.
9Worthy of praises many-shaped, most skilful, most energetic,
Āptya of the Aptyas: p. 351
He with his might destroys the seven Dānus, subduing many
who were deemed his equals.
10Thou in that house which thy protection guardedh bestowest-
wealth, the higher and the lower.
Thou stablishest the two much-wandering Mothers, and bringest
many deeds to their completion.
11Brihaddiva, the foremost of light-winners, repeasts these holy
prayers, this strength to Indra.
He rules the great self-luminous fold of cattle, and all the doors
of light hath he thrown open.
12Thou hath Brihaddiva the great Atharvan, spoken to Indra as
himself in person.
The Mātarisvarīs, the spotless sisters, with power exalt him and
impel him onward.
13Bright, Presence of the Gods, the luminous herald, Siirya hath
mounted the celestial regions.
Day's maker, he hath shone away the darkness, and radiant
passed o'er places hard to traverse.
14The brilliant Presence of the Gods hath risen, the eye of Mitra,
Varuna, and Agni.
The soul of all that moveth not or moveth, Sūrya hath filled the
earth and air and heaven.
15Even as a lover followeth a maiden, so doth the Sun the Dawn,
refulgent Goddess:
Where pious men extend their generations before the Gracious
One for happy fortune.

1O Indra, bring great strength to us, bring valour, Satakratu, thou
most active, bring.
A hero conquering in war.
2For, gracious Satakratu, thou hast ever been a mother and a
sire to us,
So now for bliss we pray to thee.
3To thee, Strong, Much-invoked who showest forth thy strength,
O Satakratu, do I speak:
So grant thou us heroic might.

1The juice of Soma thus diffused, sweet to the taste, the bright
Cows drink
Who for the sake of splendour close to mighty Indra's side
rejoice, good in their own supremacy.
2Craving his touch the dappled Kine mingle the Soma with their
milk. p. 353
The milch-kine dear to Indra send forth his death-dealing thun-
derbolt, good in their own supremacy.
3With veneration, passing wise, honouring his victorious might,
They follow close his many laws to win them due preeminence,
good in their own supremacy.

1For Indra, lover of carouse, loud be our songs about the juice:
Let poets sing the hymn of praise.
2We summon Indra to the draught, in whom all glories rest, in
The seven communities rejoice.
3By the three Soma jars the Gods span sacrifice that stirs the
Let our songs aid and prosper it.
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Re: The Hymns of the Atharvaveda, translated by Ralph Griffi

Postby admin » Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:23 am

Part 3 of 3

1If, Indra, thou drink Soma by Vishnu's or Trita Āptya's side,
Or with the Maruts take delight in flowing drops;
2Or, Sakra, if thou gladden thee afar or in the sea of air,
Rejoice thee in this juice of ours, in flowing drops.
3Or, Lord of Heroes, if thou aid the worshipper who sheds the
Or him whose laud delights thee, and his flowing drops.

1Whatever, Vritra-slayer! thou Sūrya, hast risen upon to-day,
That, Indra, all is in thy power.
2When, Mighty One, Lord of the Brave, thou thinkest, I shall
never die,
That thought of thine is true indeed.
3Thou, Indra, goest unto all Soma libations shed for thee,
Both far away and near at hand.

1Both boons—may Indra hitherward turned, listen to this, prayer
of ours,
And, mightiest Maghavan with thought inclined to us come nigh
to drink the Soma juice.
2For him, strong independent Ruler, Heaven and Earth have
fashioned forth for power and might.
Thou seatest thee as first among thy peers in place, for thy soul
longs for Soma juice.

1O Indra, from all ancient time rivalless ever and companionless
art thou:
In war thou seekest comradeship.
2Thou findest not the wealthy man to be thy friend: those scorn
thee who are flown with wine.
What time thou thunderest and gatherest, then thou, even as a
father, art invoked.

1I from my Father have received deep knowledge of the holy
I was born like unto the Sun.
2After the lore of ancient time I make, like Kanva, beauteous
And Indra's self gains strength thereby.
3Whatever Rishis have not praised thee, Indra, or have lauded
By me exalted wax thou strong.

1Never may we be cast aside and strangers, as it were to thee.
We, Thunder-wielding Indra, count ourselves as trees rejected
and unfit to burn.
2O Vritra slayer, we were thought slow and unready for the fray:
Yet once in thy great bounty may we have delight, O Hero,
after praising thee.

1Drink Soma, Lord of Bays, and let it cheer thee: Indra, the
stone, like a well-guided courser,
Directed by the presser's arms hath pressed it.
2So let the draught of joy, thy dear companion, by which, O Lord
of Bays, thou slayest foemen,
Delight thee, Indra, Lord of princely treasures.
3Mark closely, Maghavan; the words I utter, this eulogy recited
by Vasishtha:
Accept the prayers I offer at thy banquet.

1Indra with all thy saving helps give us assistance, Lord of Power
For after thee we follow even as glorious bliss, thee, Hero,
finder-out of wealth.
2Increaser of our steeds and multiplying kine, a golden well, O
God, art thou;
For no one may impair the gifts laid up in thee, Bring me what-
ever thing I ask.
3Indra for worship of the Gods, Indra while sacrifice proceeds,
Indra as warriors in the battle-shock we call, Indra that we may
win the spoil.
4With might hath Indra spread out heaven and earth, with power
hath Indra lighted up the Sun.
In Indra are all creatures closely held; in him meet the distilling
Soma drops.

1An ancient praise-song hath been sung: to Indra have ye said
the prayer.
They have sung many a Brihatī of sacrifice, poured forth th,
worshipper's many thoughts.
2In zealous haste the singers have sung forth a song distilling oil
and rich in sweets.
Riches have spread among us, and heroic strength; with us are
flowing Soma drops.

1Though, Indra, thou art called by men eastward and westward,
north and south, p. 357
Thou chiefly art with Anava and Turvasa, brave Champion!
urged by men to come.
2Or, Indra, when with Ruma, Rusama, Syāvaka, and Kripa thou
rejoicest thee,
Still do the Kanvas bring praises, with their prayers, O Indra,
draw thee hither: come.

1Over the three great distances, past the Five Peoples go thy way,
O Indra, noticing our voice.
2Send forth thy ray like Sūrya: let my songs attract thee hither-
Like waters gathering to the vale.

1With Indra splendid feasts be ours enriched with ample spoil,
Wealthy in food, we may rejoice.
2Like thee, thyself, the singers' friend, thou movest as it were,
Bold One, the axle of the car.
3That, Satakratu, thou to grace and please thy praisers, as it
Stirrest the axle with thy strength.

1This is the Godhead, this the might of Sūrya: he hath with-
drawn what spread o'er work unfinished.
When he hath loosed his horses from their station, straight over
all night spreadeth out her garment.
2In the sky's lap the Sun this form assumeth for Mitra and for
Vāruna to look on.
His bay steeds well maintain his power eternal, at one time
bright and darksome at another.

1With what help will he come to us, wonderful, ever-waxing
With what most mighty company?
2What genuine and most liberal draught will spirit thee with
juice to burst.
Open e'en strongly-guarded wealth?
3Do thou who art protector us thy friends who praise thee
With hundred aids approach us.
4We will, with Indra and all Gods to help us, bring these existing
worlds into subjection.
Our sacrifice, our bodies, and our offspring shall Indra form
together with the Ādityas.
5With the Ādityas, with the band of Maruts, may Indra be pro-
tector of our bodies.
As when the Gods came after they had slaughtered the Asuras,
keeping safe their Godlike nature,
6Brought the Sun hitherward with mighty powers, and looked
about them on their vigorous Godhead. p. 359
With this may we obtain strength God-appointed, and joy with
brave sons through a hundred winters.

1Drive all our enemies away, O Indra, the western, mighty Con-
queror, and the eastern,
Hero, drive off our northern foes and southern, that we in thy
wide shelter may be joyful.
2What then? As men whose fields are full of barley reap the ripe
corn removing it in order,
So bring the food of those men, bring it hither, who come not
to prepare the grass for worship.
3Men come not with one horse at sacred seasons; thus they
obtain no honour in assemblies.
Sages desiring herds of kine and horses strengthen the mighty
Indra for his friendship.
4Ye, Asvins, Lords of Splendour, drank full draughts of grateful
Soma juice,
And aided Indra in his work with Namuchi of Asura birth.
5As parents aid a son, both Asvins, Indra, aided thee with their
wondrous powers and wisdom
When thou, with might, hadst drunk the draught that glad-
dens, Sarasvati, O Maghavan refreshed thee.
6Indra is strong to save, rich in assistance: may he, possessing
all, be kind and gracious.
May he disperse our foes and give us safety, and may we be the
lords of hero vigour.
7May we enjoy his favour, his the holy: may we enjoy his blessed
May this rich Indra, as our good protector, drive off and keep
afar all those who hate us.

1Men have abstained from pouring juice; nor counted Indra as a
Where at the votary's store my friend Vrishākapi hath drunk his
fill. Supreme is Indra over all.
2Thou, Indra, heedless passest by the ill Vrishākapi hath
Yet nowhere else thou findest place wherein to drink the Soma
juice. Supreme is Indra over all.
3What hath he done to injure thee, this tawny beast Vrishākapi,
With whom thou art so angry now? What is the votary's food-
ful store? Supreme is Indra over all.
4Soon may the hound who hunts the boar seize him and bite him
in the ear,
O Indra, that Vrishākapi whom thou protectest as a friend.
Supreme is Indra over all.
5Kapi hath marred the beauteous things, all deftly wrought, that
were my joy.
In pieces will I rend his head; the sinner's portion shall be woe.
Supreme is Indra over all.
6No dame hath ampler charms than I, or greater wealth of love's
None with more ardour offers all her beauty to her lord's
embrace. Supreme is Indra over all.
7Mother whose love is quickly won,I say what verily will be,
My breast, O mother, and my head and both my hips seem
quivering Supreme is Indra over all.
8Dame with the lovely hands and arms, with broad hair-plaits
and ample hips,
Why, O thou hero's wife, art thou angry with our Vrishākapi?
Supreme is Indra over all.
9This noxious creature looks on me as one bereft of hero's love. p. 361
Yet heroes for my sons have I, the Maruts' friend and Indra's
Queen Supreme is Indra over all.
10From olden time the matron goes to feast and general sacrifice.
Mother of heroes, Indra's Queen, the rite's ordainer is extolled.
Supreme is Indra over all.
11So have I heard Indrāni called most fortunate among these
For never shall her Consort die in future time through length
of days. Supreme is Indra over all.
12Never, Indrāni have I joyed without my friend Vrishākapi,
Whose welcome offering here, made pure with water, goeth to
the Gods. Supreme is Indra over all.
13Wealthy Vrishākapāyi, blest with sons and consorts of thy sons,
Indra will eat thy bulls, thy dear oblation that effecteth much.
Supreme is Indra over all.
14Fifteen in number, then, for me a score of bullocks they
And I devour the fat thereof: they fill my belly full with food.
Supreme is Indra over all.
15Like as a bull with pointed horn, loud bellowing amid the herds,
Sweet to thine heart, O Indra, is the brew which she who tends
thee pours. Supreme is Indra over all.
16Indrāni speaks. Non ille fortis (ad Venerem) est cujus mentula
laxe inter femora dependet; fortis vero estille cujus, quum
sederit, membrum pilosum se extendit. Super omnia est
[Google translate: Indrani speaks. There was a strong (and Venus) which is nice
loosely between the thighs they depend upon it; and brave he Estill of this, by when
on which he sitteth, a member of the hairy garment to which it extends. All of the above
17Indra speaks. Non fortis est ille cujus, quum sederit, membrum
pilosum se extendit: fortis vero est ille cujus mentula laxe
inter femora dependet. Super omnia est Indra.
[Google translate: Indra speaks. Is anyone who has not a strong man, when he is sitting, a member of the hairy on himself, he did so: and brave he is anyone who has a penis loosely between the legs hanging down. Above all, is Indra.]
18 O Indra, this Vrishākapi hath found a slain wild animal,
Dresser, and new-made pan, and knife, and wagon with a load
of wood. Supreme is Indra over all.
19Distinguishing the Dāsa and the Arya, viewing all, I go.
I look upon the wise, and drink the simple votary's Soma juice.
Supreme is Indra over all.
20The desert plains and steep descents, how many leagues in length
they spread!
Go to the nearest houses, go unto thine home, Vrishākapi.
Supreme is Indra over all.
21Turn thee again Vrishākapi; we twain will bring thee happiness.
Thou goest homeward on thy way along this path which leads
to sleep. Supreme is Indra over all.
22When, Indra and Vrishākapi, ye travelled upward to your home,
Where was that noisome beast, to whom went it, the beast that
troubles man? Supreme is Indra over all.
23Daughter of Manu, Parsu bare a score of children at a birth. p. 362
Her portion verily was bliss although her burthen caused her

A hymn in praise of the good Government of King Kaurama
1Listen to this, ye men, a laud of glorious bounty shall be sung.
Thousands sixty, and ninety we, O Kaurama, among the
Rusamas have received.
2Camels twice-ten that draw the car, with females by their side,
he gave.
Fain would the chariot's top bow down escaping from the stroke
of heaven.
3A hundred chains of gold, ten wreaths, upon thee Rishi he
And thrice-a-hundred mettled steeds, ten-times-a-thousand cows
he gave.
4Glut thee, O Singer, glut thee like a bird on a ripe-fruited tree.
Thy lips and tongue move swiftly like the sharp blades of a pair
of shears.
5Quickly and willingly like kine forth come the singers and their
Their little maidens are at home, at home they wait upon the
6O Singer, bring thou forth the hymn that findeth cattle, findeth:
wealth. p. 364
Even as an archer aims his shaft address this prayer unto the
7List to Parikshit's eulogy, the sovran whom all people love,
The King who ruleth over all, excelling mortals as a God.
8'Mounting his throne, Parikshit, best of all, hath given us peace
and rest,'
Saith a Kauravya to his wife as he is ordering his house.
9'Which shall I set before thee, curds, gruel of milk, or barley-
Thus the wife asks her husband in the realm which King
Parikshit rules.
10Up as it were to heavenly light springs the ripe corn above the
Happily thrive the people in the land where King Parikshit
11Indra hath waked the bard and said, Rise, wander singing here
and there.
Praise me, the strong: each pious man will give thee riches in
12Here, cows! increase and multiply, here ye, O horses, here, O
Here, with a thousand rich rewards, doth Pūshan also seat him-
13O Indra, let these cows be safe, their master free from injury.
Let not the hostile-hearted or the robber have control of them.
14Oft and again we glorify the hero with our hymn of praise, with
prayer, with our auspicious prayer.
Take pleasure in the songs we sing: let evil never fall on us.

Sacrificial formulas
1The worshipper who pours the juice, for gathering and assembly
And yonder foe-destroying Sun,—these have the Gods designed
of old.
2He who defiles a sister, he who willingly would harm a friend,
The fool who slights his elder, these, they say, must suffer down.
3Whenever any good man's son becometh bold and spirited,
Then hath the wise Gandharva said this pleasant upward-point-
ing word.
4The most unprofitable churl, the wealthy men who brings no.
These, verily, as we have heard, are cast away by all the wise.
5But they who have adored the Gods, and they who have best-
owed their gifts,
Those liberal lords are filled with wealth like Sūrya risen up to
6 With unanointed eyes and limbs, wearing no gem or ring of gold.
No priest, no Brāhman's son is he: these things are ordered in the rules.
7 With well-anointed limbs and eyes, wearing fair gem and golden ring,
Good priest is he, the Brāhman's son; these things are ordered in the rules.
8 Pools with no place for drinking, and the wealthy man who giveth naught,
The pretty girl you may not touch, these things are ordered in the rules.
9 Pools with good drinking places, and the wealthy man who freely gives,
The pretty girl who may be touched, these things are ordered in the rules.
10 The favourite wife neglected, and the man who safely shuns the fight,
A sluggish horse whom none may guide, these things are ordered in the rules.
11The favourite wife most dearly loved, the man who safely goes to war,
The fleet steed who obeys the rein, these things are ordered in the rules.

12 When, Indra, thou, as no man could, didst plunge into the Ten
Kings' fight,
That was a guard for every man: for he is formed to stay
13Easily conquering Maghavan, thou, Hero, bentest Raji down,
Rentest asunder Rauhina, calvest in pieces Vritra's head.
14Thou who didst separate the clouds and penetrate the water-
To thee, great slayer of the foe, be glory, Indra, yea, to thee!
15They said to Auchchaihsravasa running as side-horse of the
Safely to victory, O Steed, bear Indra with the beauteous wreath.
16They yoke the white mares, on the Bay's right harness Auchchai-
He joyeth as he carrieth Indra the foremost of the Gods.

1These mares come springing forward to Pratipa Prātisutvana.
34. One of them is Hariknikā. Hariknikā, what seekest thou?
56. The excellent, the golden son: where now hast thou aban-
doned him?
78. There where around those distant trees, three Sisus that are
standing there,
910. Three adders, breathing angrily, are blowing loud the
threatening horn.
1112. Hither hath come a stallion: he is known by droppings on
his way,
1314. As by their dung the course of kine. What wouldst thou in
the home of men?
1516. Barley and ripened rice I seek. On rice and barley hast thou
1718. As the big serpent feeds on sheep. Cow's hoof and horse's
tail hast thou,
1920. Winged with a falcon's pinion is that harmless swelling of
thy tongue.

1, 2Who carried off these stores of milk? Who took the dark
cow's milk away?
3, 4Who took away the white cow's milk t Who took the black
cow's milk away?
5, 6Question this man, Where do I ask? Where, whom that
knoweth do I ask?
7, 8Not to the belly comes the grain. The patient ones are
angry now.
9, 10Undecked with gems, and decked with gems: deity rivalling
the Sun.
11, 12Dapple, Harinikā, and Bay ran forward to the liberal gifts.
13, 14When the horn's blast hath sounded forth let not our friend
discover thee.
15, 16Hither to the cow's son they come. Libation hath rejoiced
the God.
17, 18Then cried they. Here he is, and, Here; again the cry was,
Here is he.
19, 20Then not defective be our steeds! A splinter so diminutive!

1He minishes, he splits in twain: crush it and let it be
destroyed. p. 369
3, 4Varuna with the Vasus goes: the Wind-God hath a hundred
5, 6A hundred golden steeds hath he, a hundred chariots
wrought of gold.
7, 8A hundred bits of golden bronze, a hundred golden
9, 10Lover of Kusa grass, Unploughed! Fat is not reckoned in
the hoof.
11, 12The ladle doth not hold apart the entrails and the clotted
13, 14This O Mandūrikā, is mine. Thy trees are standing in a
15, 16The plain domestic sacrifice, the sacrifice with burning
17, 18Asvattha, Dhava, Khadira, leaf taken from the Aratu.
19, 20The man pervaded thoroughly lies on the ground as he were
21, 22The biestings only have they milked: one-and-a half of the
wild ass,
23And two hides of an elephant.

1, 2Then too the single bottle-gourd, the bottle-gourd dug
from the earth,
3, 4The lute dug up from out the ground: this the wind stirs
and agitates. p. 370
5, 6Let him prepare a nest, they say: he shall obtain it strong
and stretched.
7, 8He shall not gain it unspread out. Who among these will
touch the lute?
9, 10Who among these will beat the drum? How, if he beat it,
will he beat?
11, 12Where beating will the Goddess beat again again about the
13, 14Three are the names the camel bears, Golden is one of them,
he said.
15, 16Glory and power, these are two. He with black tufts of hair
shall strike.

The Enigmatical Verses
1Two rays of light are lengthened out, and the man gently
touches them with the two beatings on the drum.
Maiden, it truly is not so as thou, O maiden, fanciest.
Two are thy mother's rays of light: the skin is guarded from the

The Ajijnasenya Verses
1Here are we sitting east and west and north and south, with
waters. Bottle-gourd vessels.
2Here east and west and north and south sit the calves sprinkling
Curds and oil. p. 371
3Here east and west and north and south the offering of rice
clings on. The leaf of the Asvattha tree.
4Here east and west and north and south adheres when touched.
That water-drop.
5Here east and west and north and south in iron mayst thou not
be caught. The cup.
6Here east and west and north and south fain would it clasp what
would not clasp. Emmet hole.

Verses called Frustration, Abuse, the Gods' Offering, and Dazzling Power
1Bang! here he is. A dog,
2Swish! it is gone. Falling of leaves.
3Crunch! it is trodden on. A cow's hoof.
4These Gods have gone astray. Do thou, Adhvaryu, quickly do
thy work.
5There is good resting for the cows. Take thy delight.
6O singer, the Ādityas brought rich guerdon to the Angirases.
Singer, they went not near to it. Singer, they did not take the
7Singer, they went not near to that; but, singer, they accepted
That days may not be indistinct, nor sacrifices leaderless. p. 372
8And quickly Both he fly away, the White Horse swiftest on his
And swiftly fills his measure up.
9Ādityas, Rudras, Vasus, all pay worship unto thee. Accept this
liberal gift, O Angiras,
This bounty excellent and rich, this ample bounty spreading far.
10The Gods shall give the precious boon: let it be pleasant to
your hearts.
Let it be with you every day: accept our offerings in return.
11Vouchsafe us shelter, Indra, thou to be invoked from far away.
Bring treasure hither to reward the far-famed bard who praises
12Thou, Indra, to the trembling dove whose pinions had been rent
and torn.
Gayest ripe grain and Pilu fruit, gavest him water when athirst.
13The ready praiser loudly speaks though fastened triply with a
Yea, he commends the freshening draught, deprecates languor
of disease.

1 Si quis in hujus tenui rima praeditae feminae augustias fascinum intromittit, vaccae ungularum et Sakula. rum piscium more pudenda ejus agitantur.
2 Quum magno pene parvula ejus pudenda vir percutit, huc et illuc ilia increscunt veluti duo asini in solo arenoso.
3 Quum parvum, admodum parvum, Ziziphi Jujubae quasi granum in eam incidit, ventris ejus partes interiores, velut verno tempore arundo, extentae videntur.
4 Si Dii mentulae intumescenti faverunt, cum femoribus suis se: ostentat femina tanquam vero testi.
5 Magnopere delectata est arnica: ut equns solutus adveniens vocem edidit: Vaginam juvenis! pene percute: medium femur paratum est.
6 Arnica, pilam superans, dixit: Ut tua, Arbor! (verbera) pinsunt, sic etiam nunc (hic me permolit).
7 Arnica eum alloquitur: Tum etiam tu defecisti. Ut tua. Arbor! (verbera) Pinsunt, sic etiam nunc (me permole).
8 Arnica eum alloquitur: Tum etiam tu defceisti. Ut silvae ignis inflammatur, sic ardent mea membra.
9 Arnica eum alloquitur: Fauste infixus est penis; arboris fructu celeriter fruamur.
10 Arnica cum fuste gallum circumcurrit. Nos nescimus quae bestia pudendum muliebre in capite gerat.
11 Arnica post currentem amatorem currit: Has ejus boves custodi tu. Me futue: coctam oryzam ede.
12 Fortunatus, Arnica, te opprimit. Bona est magni viri fututio, Macrum pinguis. femina obtineat. Futue me, etc.
13 Sine digito mulcta vacca vanankaram producit, Magna et bona est Aegle Marmelos. Futue me, etc.
14 Infelix, Amice, te opprimit. Bona est magni viri fututio. Flava puollula, opere suo perfecto, procurrit.
15 Magna certe et bona est Aegle Marmelos. Bona est magna Ficus Glomerata. Magnus vir ubique opprimit. Bona est magni viri fututio.
16 Quem macrum factum puella flava pinguisque capiat sicut pollicem ex olei cado fossorem ilium extrahat.

[Google translate: If any of the phallus sent in August than a faint crack gifted women, and cows with hoofs Sakula cranberry juice shame more agitated.
When a man strikes you on your skirts over her young children were almost a great price, in the ass and back, the loins, the only increase in proportion to a sandy as it were two.
When a small, very small, Ziziphi Jujubae like the grain in that direction, its interior parts of the stomach, as the spring in the shaft, the extent seen.
If the mass rises have contributed to the gods of the cock, yes, with his thighs to his own countrymen: he makes a show, however, as the witness of a woman.
Highly delighted friendly, so that it comes free equus utterance sheath of young people! Almost Hit: mid-thigh is prepared.
Arnica, surpassing the ball, he said: To your Tree! (Lashes) POUND, so that now (here I GRIND).
Arnica it addresses Also, you failed. For yours. Tree! (Lashes) POUND, so even now (I GRIND).
Arnica he addresses as well as the art defceisti. To the forest is set on fire, it burns my members.
Arnica, addresses him: Fausto embedding the penis; tree fruit quickly sequels.
When the friendly staff round the rooster. We do not know what the beast feel a woman's head representative.
After running a friend or lover running, these cows will keep you. I come, pre-cooked rice means.
Lucky Arnica, to crush. Fututio good big man, used fat female services. Futue me;
Without compensation finger vanankaram cow produces great and good faint courage Marmelos. Futue me;
Unhappy, my friend, you crush. Fututio good big man. It is yellow puollula, through his work is perfect, the presses forward.
The great events and good faint courage Marmelos. It is a good voice, Ficus glomerata. Everywhere a big thing. Fututio good big man.
Let him receive it from the oil and fat as the thumb of a skimpy-haired young woman, whom I fall made him draw up a miner.]

A composite hymn in praise of Indra
1When, foul with secret spot and stain, ye hastened onward to
the breast.
All Indra's enemies were slain and passed away like froth and
2Indra is he, O men, who gives us happiness: sport, urge the
giver of delight to win the spoil.
Bring quickly down, O priests, hither to give us aid, to drink
the Soma, Indra son of Nishtigri.
3So have I glorified with praise strong Dadhikrāvan, conquering
Sweet may he make our mouths; may he prolong the days we
have to live.
4The Somas very rich in sweets, for which the sieve is destined,
Effused, the source of Indra's joy. May your strong juices reach
the Gods.
5Indu flows on for Indra's sake—thus have the deities declared.
The Lord of Speech exerts himself, ruler of all, because of
6Inciter of the voice of song, with thousand streams the ocean
Even Soma, Lord of Opulence, the friend of Indra, day by day.
7The black drop sank in Ansumati's bosom, advancing with ten
thousand round about it.
Indra with might longed for it as it panted: the hero-hearted
laid aside his weapons.
8I saw the drop in the far distance moving, on the slope bank of
Ansumati's river,
Like a black cloud that sank into the water. Heroes. I send you
forth. Go, fight in battle.
9And then the drop in Ansumati's bosom, splendid with light,
assumed its proper body;
And Indra with Brihaspati to aid him, conquered the godless
tribes that came against him.
10Then, at thy birth, thou wast the foeman, Indra, of those the
seven who ne'er had met a rival. p. 374
The hidden pair, the heaven and earth, thou foundest, and to
the mighty worlds thou gavest pleasure.
11So, Thunder-armed! thou with thy bolt of thunder didst boldly
smite that power which none might equal;
With weapons broughtest low the might of Sushna, and, Indra,
foundest by thy strength the cattle.
12We make this Indra very strong to strike the mighty Vritra
A vigorous Hero shall he be.
13Indra was made for giving, set, most mighty, o'er the joyous
Bright, meet for Soma, famed in song.
14By song, as 'twere, the powerful bolt which none may parry was
Lofty, invincible he grew.

In praise of Indra
1Indra, great in his power and might and, like Parjanya, rich in
Is magnified by Vatsa's lauds,
2When the priests, strengthening the Son of holy Law, present
their gifts,
Singers with Order's hymn of praise.
3Since Kanvas with their lauds have made Indra complete the
Words are their own appropriate arms.

A hymn to the Asvins
1To help and favour Vatsa now, O Asvins, come ye hitherward.
Bestow on him a dwelling spacious and secure, and keep malig-
nites afar.
2All manliness that is in heaven, with the Five Tribes, or in mid-
Bestow, ye Asvins, upon us.
3Remember Kārnva first of all among the singers,, Asvins, who
Have thought upon your wondrous deeds.
4Asvins, for you with song of praise this hot oblation is effused,
This your sweet Soma juice, ye Lords of wealth and spoil,
through which ye think upon the foe.
5Whatever ye have done in floods, in the tree, Wonder-workers,
and in growing plants,
Therewith, O Asvins, succour me.

Continuation of the preceding hymn to the Asvins
1What force, Nāsatyas, ye exert, whatever, Gods, ye tend and
This your own Vatsa gains not by his hymns alone: ye visit him
who offers gifts.
2Now hath the Rishi splendidly thought out the Asvins' hymn
of praise.
Let the Atharvan pour the warm oblation forth, and Soma very
rich in sweets.
3Ye Asvins, now ascend your car that lightly rolls upon its way.
May these my praises make you speed hitherward like a cloud of
4When, O Nāsatyas, we this day make you speed hither N ith our
Or, Asvins, with our songs of praise, remember Kānva specially.
5As erst Kakshivān and the Rishi Vyasva, as erst Dirghatamas
invoked your presence,
Or, in the sacrificial chambers, Vainya Prithī, so be ye mindful
of us here, O Asvins.

Hymn to the Asvins
1Come as home-guardians, saving us from foemen, guarding our
living creatures and our bodies,
Come to the house to give us seed and offspring:
2Whatever with Indra ye be faring, Asvins, or resting in one
dwelling-place with Vāyu,
In concord with the Ribhus or Ādityas, or standing still in
Vishnu's striding-places.
3When 1, O Asvins, call on you to-day that I may gather strength,
Or as all-conquering might in war, be that the Asvins' noblest
4Now come, ye Asvins, hitherward: here are oblations set for
These Soma draughts to aid Yadu and Turvasa, these offered
you mid Kanva's sons.
5Whatever healing balm is yours, Nāsatyas near or far away,
Therewith, great Sages, grant a home to Vatsa and to Vimāda.

Hymn to Dawn and the Asvins
1Together with the Goddess, with the Asvins' Speech have I
Thou, Goddess, hast disclosed the hymn and holy gift from
mortal men.
2Awake the Asvins, Goddess Dawn! Up, mighty Lady of Sweet
Rise straightway, priest of sacrifice! High glory to the glad-
dening draught!
3Thou, Dawn, approaching with thy light, shinest together with
the Sun, p. 378
And to this man-protecting home the chariot of the Asvins
4When yellow stalks give forth the juice as cows from udders
pour their milk,
And voices sound the song of praise, the Asvins' worshippers
show first.
5Forward for glory and for strength, protection that shall con-
quer men,
And power and skill, most sapient Ones!
6When, Asvins worthy of our lauds, ye seat you in the father's
With wisdom or the bliss ye bring.

Hymn to the Asvins
1We invocate this day your car, far-spreading, O Asvins, even
the gathering of the sunlight,
Car praised in hymns, most ample, rich in treasure, fitted with
seats, the car that beareth Sūryā.
2Asvins, ye gained that glory by your Godhead, ye Sons of
Heaven, by your own might and power.
Food followeth close upon your bright appearing when stately
horses in your chariot draw you.
3Who bringeth you to-day for help with offered oblations, or with
hymns to drink the juices?
Who, for the sacrifice's ancient lover, turneth you hither, Asvins,
offering homage?
4Borne on your golden car, ye omnipresent! come to this sacrifice
of ours, Nāsatyas.
Drink of the pleasant liquor of the Soma: give riches to the
people who adore you.p. 379
5Come hitherward to us from earth, from heaven, borne on your
golden chariot rolling lightly.
Suffer not other worshippers to stay you: here are ye bound by
earlier bonds of friendship.
6Now for us both, mete out, O Wonder-Workers, riches exceed-
ing great with store of heroes,
Because the men have sent you praise, O Asvins, and Ajamīlhas
come to the laudation.
7Whene'er I gratified you here together, your grace was given us,
O ye rich in booty.
Protect, ye twain, the singer of your praises: to you, Nāsatyas,
is my wish directed.
8Sweet be the plants for us, the heavens, the waters, and full of
sweets for us be air's mid-region!
May the Field's Lord for us be full of sweetness, and may we
follow after him uninjured.
9Asvins, that work of yours deserves our wonder, the Bull of
firmament and earth and heaven;
Yes, and your thousand promises in battle. Come near to all
these men and drink beside us.
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