The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 11:39 pm


Anne Apfelbaum
Frank and Nancy Barron
Ron Bernstein
David and Angela Bowie
Stuart Brand
Jerry Brown
Barbara Chase
Christopher Columbus
Sir Francis Crick
Aleister Crowley
Madame Curie
Henry Edwards
Albert and Elsa Einstein
Liz Elliot
F. M. Esfandiary
Leslie and Sally Fiedler
Neil and Ursula Freer
Daniel Gilbertson
Robert Goddard
Sergius Golowin
Mary Leary Gorman
Alan Harrington
Larry Hauben
Gale Eden Henson
Valerie Aurora Henson
Windy Morningstar Henson
Frank and Beverly Herbert
Pauline Kael
George Koopman
Julien Offray de la Mettrie
Al Larkin
Jack Leary
Joanna Harcourt-Smith Leary
Jay Levey
George and Bonnie Litwin
Henry and Susan Marshall
Susan Martino
Abe Maslow
Horace Mastronardi
Kevin McCormick
Jim McPherson
John Milano
George Milman
Stevie Nicks
Anais Nin
Gerard O'Neill
Eric Orr
Elvis and Priscilla Presley
Mrs. Thomas Pynchon
Tom Robbins
Carl and Helen Rogers
Jason Saleky
Harrison Schmidt
Robert Stigwood
Valentina Tereshkova
Peter and Helen Vajk
Susan Kaiser Vogel
Werner von Braun
Nena von Schlebrugge
Roy Walford
ndy Warhol
Glayde Whitney
Edward Wilson
Robert Anton and Arlen Wilson
Rosemary Woodruff



Date: February, 1972
Country: Montana-Crans, Switzerland
Classification: TOP SECRET

Our photographer has published (as ordered) six glamour-hero-fun pictures, along with a stirring tribute from the young people of the canton honored by the presence of the Philosopher, now learning to ski. Heh! Heh! Heh!

The paper is French-language published in lower Valais. A week later our contact on the German paper from upper Valais published a fiery editorial accusing the lower Valais administration of adopting the Philosophy of Hedonism, License, and Drug Addiction. The headline read: Lower Valais Endorses Sin.

Suddenly the Philosopher becomes the biggest political issue since the scandal of the bridge ten years ago. The Catholic Press (French) rises to defend him and the tradition of Swiss tolerance. Protestants denounce Catholics. The mountain people on this side of the valley are for the Professor. The mountain people from the other side are vice versa.

When we arranged for school children to start signing petitions in his favor we knew the battle was won. The parents reacted as predicted. The two policemen who came to see him were laughing their heads off. Everyone sees what is happening and digs the controversy which will hurt no one except the foreigner.

National party Committee takes sides. The Chief of the Cantonal Police (Bureau trained at Langley, VA, 1970) asked him down for tea. There is much "helas," "Incroyable," "Quel horreur," but the Philosopher must leave the canton.

(All Counter-Intelligence personnel involved in this provocation SHOULD BE COMMENDED!!)
Site Admin
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:03 am

Reprinted from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, September 1994

Structural and Temporal Castes in the Human Being
by Edward Wilson

During the Neurogenetic Renaissance (1976-1986) Human Ethology replaced religion, philosophy, sociology, psychology, personology, astrology, psychiatry and every other primitive system of behavioral theory and practice.

Concepts such as temporal and structural caste in social animals, the key role of migration, population-swarming, hive-limited culture, the emergence of new post-human species, and human-robotry relegated to antiquity every previous theory of human behavior.

The parents of this first scientific philosophy were the Wilson Brothers, Edward and Robert -- who performed for psychology what Einstein did for physics. Edward's book, Sociobiology, is generally considered the first conscious text on human behavior ever published.

Editor's Note: This is the most important and the most impenetrable essay in this manual. If you understand this neuro-logic you will mutate to Genetic Intelligence. If you find it slow-going, undulate serenely ahead and return to this chapter when your RNA so directs you.

Intelligence Agents have worked for centuries to decipher the DNA code -- to unravel the secrets, techniques and tactics used by the Life-Intelligence to improve species. Recently this ancient and honorable philosophic specialty has acquired a new professional title: Ethology. Ethology studies the survival behavior of living organisms, species and gene-pools in their natural environment.

Migration and metamorphosis are obviously effective techniques for improving intelligence (I2). Migration provides varied territorial options and leads to the growth of musculature and neuro-technology that makes accelerated, accurate locomotion possible. Also, migration selects for the nobility-mobility and thus creates new, more mobile cultures. The young nervous systems of every frontier caste are imprinted with the independent-individuality of migrant Out-Castes.

A characteristic of advanced socialization is Caste Division.

A third tool used by DNA to increase intelligence is: socialization, i.e., harmonious, collaborative behavior. A characteristic of advanced socialization is Caste Division - a most effective survival device.

A species which has developed caste differentiation and enculturation based on multi-stage imprinting divides into survival specialties -- thus complexifying and expanding performance. Obvious examples of caste specialization are the two most successful life-forms on this planet: social insects and humans.

There are two forms of caste differentiation described by ethologists: structural caste and temporal caste. Structural caste defines Alpha Reality -- genetic wiring. Temporal caste defines Beta Reality -- developmental staging of the wiring. The most successful-intelligent species manifest both structural and temporal castes. Until Human Species understood how these two caste systems work they were unable to understand human psychology and thus manage their own, evolving destiny.

Structural Caste
(Alpha Reality)

Structural Caste involves the familiar genetic division into specialized functions (worker-humant, warrior-humant, drone-humant, builder-humant) that characterize hive organisms like social insects and civilized hum-ants. Structural caste in insects is easily identified by visible morphological (anatomical) differences. In humans neurological differences are more important in determining the behavior of each caste.* Structural caste is genetic-anatomical templating which produces involuntary-robot behaviors. A drone bee looks different from a worker bee or a queen bee.

Structural Caste differences also characterize homo sapiens. Male and female -- is one structural caste difference. Big, muscled, hyperadrenalized aggressives are a separate caste -- the warriors, the Amazons. Dainty, fragile, nurturant minister-types are a caste. Bobby Fishers, J. Edgar Hoovers, Bella Abzugs and Marily Monroes are caste-exemplars. The caste distinctions are blatantly visible, but discussion of genetic types is taboo among modern humans -- although these differences were taken for granted by earlier societies.

Socialist countries forbid talk about genetic caste-differences because Marxism holds that society determines behavior. Caste theories, to a socialist, reek of capitalistic-class-elitist racism. In western democracies, the Intellectual-Scientist-Caste denies caste differences because of the hive commitment to equality. The revulsion against Nazi, Arab and Zionist genetic fanaticism also makes caste discussions verboten among liberals -- and most scientists are liberals.

A drone bee looks different from a worker bee or a queen bee.

It is interesting that uneducated, lower-class people readily accept the reality of racial and caste-differences. Country bumpkins and illiterate farmers are aware of the effects of breeding and are, thus, far more ethologically sophisticated than liberal Cambridge Nobel Prize laureates.

Common-Sense suggests that there are a limited number of basic genetic castes that characterize the human species, and that new caste differences will emerge as homo sapiens continues its accelerated differentiated evolution.


* It is obvious that highly complex neurological differences also characterize each insect hive. It is possible that individual insects have more illusions of individuality than we now credit them. The nervous system of each juvenile worker-ant is imprinted with specific culture cues. Each corridor of each ant hill has its highly characteristic odors, textures and humidities which identify the inhabitants. It is reflex-chauvinism to deny naively that ant hill cultures -- 100 million years a-building -- offer their caste members any less sense of individual and hive uniqueness than is offered the average hum-ant.

Temporal Caste
(Beta Reality)

The most impressive and successful technique used by DNA to increase the intelligence of social species is Temporal Caste. Temporal Caste refers to the process of maturation in which an individual metamorphosizes from one form to another within hir own life span. Passing through developmental stages -- performing different survival functions at each life passage.

Temporal casting in an ant-hill assigns the young tasks of infant care. Slightly older ants are assigned house-keeping and hive-repair functions metamorphizing into more external functions of exploration, food-gathering and warrior activity.

The human being is a robot.

Reflect on the wondrous neurological advantage of Temporal Caste. The mature ant knows how to perform several caste functions. This means that SHe has several gears or circuits in hir nervous system. An organism which has passed through temporal metamorphic sequences is imply more intelligent. Temporal caste means polyphase brain and thus multiple Beta Realities. Caterpillar caste to butterfly caste; pollywog to frog; pre-teenager to adolescent.

Now reflect on the super-wondrous glory of the human brain. The terrestrial human life cycle spins the developing individual through 12 stages. The suckling infant is certainly a very different caste from the serious ten year old school-child. The rock 'n' roll teenager is certainly a different caste than the tottering post-menopausal.

Until recently our philosophers (sic) have been unable to understand temporal casting in humans. For very good genetic reasons. The human being is a robot, blindly operating within the reality bubble of structural caste and current temporal caste imprint. At each developmental stage the individual must imprint the current hive reality for that developmental stage. The infant cannot be concerned with teenage sperm-egg fantasies. SHe must suck, suck, suck at the cultural cues that SHe has imprinted -- the touch, smell, taste, sound of the mother.

Each generation is a wave moving through the gene-pool ...

The 11th stage new-parent suddenly, miraculously forgets the barbarian teenage reality in which SHE lived just a few months previous. Each human accepts the reality of the current temporal stage hive-imprint, and almost totally represses the memory of previous stages. The 24 circuit equipment is there, however, available for activation. It is the aim of this article to turn you on to its glory.

The most loveable aspect of human temporal casting is this: each stage plays a part in the overall 24 element human molecule. Think of the human gene-pool as a complex molecule which builds on new elements as it evolves. Temporal casting allows for temporal flexibility. Each generation is a wave moving through the gene-pool -- contributing to the locomotion of the gene-pool through time.

Let us examine the Temporal Caste situation. Does the Stage 1 suckling, floating infant play a role in the human ant-hill? Oh my yes! You better believe that the suckling infant is the glue which holds the enormous technological civilization together. The task of the infant is to trigger domestic responses in adults. The baby's task is to suck tits, emit anguished-demanding yowls, dirty diapers, gurgle winningly. The neonate performing its repertoire of activities is working just as hard as the auto worker or the dutiful parent. Sucking mother's breasts turns on hormones that keep Mom home.

If Mom's 11th brain is not fed by gurgle cues and cries, young Mother will be down at the dance hall swinging her hips or, horrors, competing with men. (Thus the enormous neuro-genetic significance of the Pill. It is no accident that an irresistible Women's Liberation Movement occurs one generation after voluntary birth-control appears. Birth control is self-directed management of temporal caste sequence. Women can postpone Stage 11 maternal-matron-morality. The "youth-cult" which has produced middle-aged women teeny boppers and married Teamsters wearing Joe Namath satin shirts with Fonz hair styles is another by-product of the newly won control of our neurogenetic brain sequences.)

The school child (ages 5-11) also plays a crucial role in the human hive. Young students keep the enormous educational industry going. Schools become bureaucratic paper-factories keeping teachers busy, school administrators occupied, counselors engaged. The whole insectoid apparatus is designed, of course, to imprint the young robots with role-models, making them ready to take their places in a bureaucratic-socialist centralized hive civilization where everyone is trained to play a role.

The Teenager Caste similarly plays a vital role in the human ant-hill by providing warriors in times of war. Indeed, teenagers encourage war. Before 1960 every dictator knew that the way to keep the restless students from rioting in the university was to get them fighting on the border. In times of peace the crime rate rises. In times of peace the task of teenagers is to keep the police establishment and the judiciary going. More than half of all reported crimes are committed by barbarian teenagers or unmarried, pre-domestic males. If Stage 10 adolescence were eliminated from the human cycle, there would be no Red Brigades, no rock-concert riots -- the monolithic police bureaucracy would immediately crumble and in its anguished collapse take the entire society down with it. Every caste has to be kept occupied.

In times of peace the task of teenagers is to keep the police establishment and the judiciary going.

As usual, it is more comfortable for us to understand human robot-hood by looking at others. Thus we notice that in "primitive" tribes young children perform baby-care. Older girls help with agriculture. Older boys guard the flocks. After puberty temporal caste assignments change dramatically. In all societies adolescent males pass through a warrior stage.

Today in civilized societies technology and complex labor divisions have diminished the survival value of child-castes. Thus the elaborate culture of organized play and extended education to prepare youngsters for warrior and post-warrior status.

British Fans Put Sock Into Soccer

By William Tuohy
Times Staff Writer

LONDON -- Britain, the nation that gave the world many of its sports as well as the concept of sportsmanship, has been plagued this year by violence in connection with its national game -- soccer.

One recent report suggested that the typical "soccer hooligan" has much in common with the teddy boys of the 1950s, the mods and rockers of the 1960s, and the skinheads and punks of the 1970s.

So when 50,000 or 60,000 young fans gather at one of the big weekly games the stage is set for trouble and violence.

Local judges tend to avoid stiff penalties for soccer hooliganism because many of the accused are young or too poor to pay fines, or are first offenders.

"These young men are restless and aggressive," said a senior government official dealing with sports, "and we no longer have compulsory national service (the draft) where they could work off steam. These football games are not so much the cause of the violence as a deeper reflection of the malaise of the society.

"We can only hope that this period is a phase in our time and that we will soon pass through it."

The Coordination of Structural and Temporal Castes

It must be stressed that current knowledge of human neuro-genetics is so primitive that we have just now realized that structural and temporal castes exist.* This insight is obviously changing, totally, our conceptions of human nature and society. It is probable that we are neuro-logically programmed so that understanding of castes cannot become part of species contelligence until the time for Space Migration occurs. Plan-It Colonies in High Orbit provide the new ecological vacuum which will allow human caste differences to blossom without the friction and crowded competition which now colors racial-class-sexual-caste differences.

To understand your own personal development you must remember that you are a genetic-caste-robot. You are templated by DNA to play a certain role and outfitted with a 24-gear brain that is very different from 92% of other human brains.

We now use the venerable language of Zodiac types to start a dialogue about casting. Why do we borrow the 12 signs of the Zodiac as labels for basic structural human castes? This is a conservative bow to tradition. Philosophers, good ones, are human ethologists. For five thousand years the most shrewd human ethologists have worked on this twelve-fold type-casting -- based, we must assume, on extensive and empirical observation. If we ignore the "astro" part we are still left with the "logic" of 12 survival tactics -- Pisces, Aries, etc. In the future more sophisticated classifications of human types based on neuro-logical differences will replace the crude zodiac classification used in this book.

For now let us assume that your genetic template determines your structural caste which, in turn, determines your life-long reality attitude.** We shall call your structural caste your ALPHA REALITY.

Now there will be some among you, of scientific and intellectual bent, who will be offended by this use of "sloppy occult astrological/superstitious" technology. But before you fuse out, please re-read this crude, generalized lsit of 12 personality types. Realize that this is an admittedly primitive attempt at introducing the notion of temporal caste, seriality and developmental order. Note that the survival characteristic assigned to teach type describes an evolutionary technology and a developmental stage. Pisces is baby and amoeboid. Aquarius is the most elderly, orderly, mature. Sense how this list tries to recapitulate the evolution of the 12 basic neuro-technological functions -- both in the species and individuals. May I suggest that you not reject this list unless you can replace it by a better personality typology based on the sequential evolution of intelligence, in species and in individuals.

Intellectuals, scholars, academics, salaried scientists and all other categories of verbal bureaucrats unanimously denounce astrology. This immediately alerts the Intelligence Agent that some important genetic nerve is being touched. One hears these paper-pedants (and their civil-service followers) making such solemn, judicial pronouncements as: "I don't believe in astrology." This statement means: "I don't understand seasonal ethology and I automatically reject everything my brain is not wired to receive."

We look, therefore, for the valid reasons why hive philosophers fear astrology. And we find, hidden in the tangle of zodiac ravings, three important items of neuro-genetic wisdom:

1. Regular cycles influence neural development,

2. Each of us is born a robot, templated and controlled by rhythms that we can decipher and harmonize with,

3. Each of us is born into a caste, or into a complex of castes.

Let us suspend belief and assume, for the moment, that Zodiac types define structural castes. Each of the 12 terrestrial intelligence-functions plays an important role in the human social molecule. No human gene-pool can exist unless it has people and institutions play out these 12 neuro-technological parts.

Now let us consider temporal caste. It is the genius (genetic-volatility) of humanity that, although each of us is a genetic-robot, we pass through the 12 stages as we mature. What a wondrous package, indeed is WoMan! Each of us represents one of the twelve intelligence-survival-solutions and each of us, in maturing, passes through and relives all twelve solutions.

Genetic Consciousness allows us to discard old outmoded hive-reality maps, to file away, retire, every previous theological and philosophic blueprint -- except those which are based on continual evolution. This does not mean reject empirical data or close-off information or ignore opinions. Note everything that the primitives say. Be open to every stupidity, savagery, rigidity of the Newtonian natives. Listen to the Christian Fundamentalists when they shout that the Bible is a Word-for-Word revelation and you will get a shocking insight into the parroting, paleolithic, humanoid brain. And then check your own behavior for 7th Brain repetition.

Study and then file-away orthodox Darwinian blind-selection theories -- while respecting the field reports of evolutionists and ethologists. Then play with the notions of Structural and Temporal Caste as they affect you. How can we fail to admire this clever I2 tactic which allows each of us to recapitulate evolution and to move ahead to create the future?

DNA has given us the equipment to recapitulate-pre-capitulate the major DNA solutions -- past and future.

Find your Robot-Structural-Case (DNA Alpha Reality) in the left column of Table II and then slide along the 12 developmental stages (CNS Beta Realities) through which you have passed. How can we fail to exult in this blueprint which allows us to experience -- and retrieve from genetic memory -- every reality which our evolutionary forebearers have offered us?

The aim of DNA is to Increase Intelligence, I2. Individual human beings evolve, stage by stage, as higher circuits of the CNS are activated. Post-hive consciousness allows humans to grasp the aesthetics of the DNA blueprints.

The gift of DNA is this: although we are templated as genetic-robots (structural caste) we are equipped with a 24 calibre brain which allows us to imprint (fabricate) every Alpha Reality available to very major life-form which has preceded us on the scene. And to imprint every major life-form to come.

DNA has given us the equipment to recapitulate-pre-capitulate the major DNA solutions -- past and future. But more than that, DNA has given us access to both CNS and RNA equipment so that we can creatively re-imprint each of the 24 CNS (Beta) realities and then re-structure our Structural Caste.

The extraordinary success of humanity is due to the combinatorial complexity of structural and temporal castes in this species.



* Sociobiologists and ethologists define their professions as the study of Behavioral Genetics. This term is not adequate. Neuro-genetics is a more accurate word -- what is inherited is not behavior but neural templates which determine the use of the anatomical-technology. Local hive behavior cues -- language, customs, artifacts, and the like are not genetically inherited; they are cultural imprints. Only the caste-circuits are inherited. Until Ethologists understand the difference between neuro-genetic caste and local-social-imprint, their brilliant observations cannot be mapped.

** Attitude is used in the high-altitude, high velocity aeronautical context -- angle of approach.


7. Virgo Passive-Magical Caste: parroting, symbol-discriminating, paleolithic attitude / 7. Virgo Passive-Magical Caste: parroting, symbol-discriminating, paleolithic attitude

8. Libra Figure-It-Out Caste: thoughtful, inventive, orderly neolithic approach / 8. Libra Figure-It-Out Caste: thoughtful, inventive, orderly neolithic approach

9. Scorpio Put-It-Together Caste: engineering, administrative, dealing, architectural attitude / 9. Scorpio Put-It-Together Caste: engineering, administrative, dealing, architectural attitude

10. Sagittarius Dramatize-It Caste: romantic, intense, adolescent barbarian attitude / 10. Sagittarius Dramatize-It Caste: romantic, intense, adolescent barbarian attitude

11. Capricorn Parental Caste: domestic, familial, responsible, moralistic attitude / 11. Capricorn Parental Caste: domestic, familial, responsible, moralistic attitude

12. Aquarius Conservative Caste: religious, aging, past-oriented attitude / 12. Aquarius Conservative Caste: religious, aging, past-oriented attitude

Beta Reality-Temporal Caste / Alpha Reality-Structural Caste PDF Here



Newly-born Infant Amoeboid Stage 3 Mo-6Mo Amoeboid Stage 6 Mo-1Yr Old Amoeboid Stage 1-2 Yr Old Stage 2-3 Yr Old Stage 3-4Yr Old Stage 4-6 Yr. Old Reality Imprint Stage 6-9 Yr Old Reality Imprint Stage 8-12 Yr Old Reality Imprint Stage Teenage Reality Imprint Stage Parental Reality Imprint Stage Sr. Citizen Reality Imprint Stage
Pisces Incorporating Caste Amoeboid Floating Style of Sucking Amoeboid Floating Style of Biting Amoeboid Floating Style of Crawling Amoeboid Floating Style of Walking Amoeboid Floating Style of Possessive Controlling Amoeboid Floating Style of Gesturing Amoeboid Floating Style of Mimicking-Parroting Amoeboid Floating Style of Inventing-Learning Amoeboid Floating Style of Creating Amoeboid Floating Style of Romantic Fucking Amoeboid Floating Style of Parenting Amoeboid Floating Style of Aging
Aries Biting Caste Shark-Biting Style of Sucking Shark-Biting Style of Biting Shark-Biting Style of Crawling Shark-Biting Style of Walking Shark-Biting Style of Possessive Controlling Shark-Biting Style of Gesturing Shark-Biting Style of Mimicking-Parroting Shark-Biting Style of Inventing-Learning Shark-Biting Style of Organizing Creatively Shark-Biting Style of Romantic Fucking Shark-Biting Style of Parenting Shark-Biting Style of Aging
Taurus Crawling Caste Amphibian Crawling Style of Sucking Amphibian Crawling Style of Biting Amphibian Crawling Style of Crawling Amphibian Crawling Style of Walking Amphibian Crawling Style of Possessive Controlling Amphibian Crawling Style of Gesturing Amphibian Crawling Style of Mimicking-Parroting Amphibian Crawling Style of Inventing-Learning Amphibian Crawling Style of Organizing Creatively Amphibian Crawling Style of Romantic Fucking Amphibian Crawling Style of Parenting Amphibian Crawling Style of Aging
Gemini Evasive Caste Evasive Weasel Style of Sucking Evasive Weasel Style of Biting Evasive Weasel Style of Crawling Evasive Weasel Style of Walking Evasive Weasel Style of Possessive Controlling Evasive Weasel Style of Gesturing Evasive Weasel Style of Mimicking-Parroting Evasive Weasel Style of Inventing-Learning Evasive Weasel Style of Organizing Creatively Evasive Weasel Style of Romantic Fucking Evasive Weasel Style of Parenting Evasive Weasel Style of Aging
Cancer Controlling Caste Muscular Aggressive Style of Sucking Muscular Aggressive Style of Biting Muscular Aggressive Style of Crawling Muscular Aggressive Style of Walking Muscular Aggressive Style of Possessive Controlling Muscular Aggressive Style of Gesturing Muscular Aggressive Style of Mimicking-Parroting Muscular Aggressive Style of Inventing-Learning Muscular Aggressive Style of Organizing Creatively Muscular Aggressive Style of Romantic Fucking Muscular Aggressive Style of Parenting Muscular Aggressive Style of Aging
Leo Directing Caste Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Sucking Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Biting Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Crawling Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Walking Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Possessive Controlling Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Gesturing Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Mimicking-Parroting Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Inventing-Learning Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Organizing Creatively Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Romantic Fucking Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Parenting Monkey-Exhibitionist Style of Aging
Virgo Mimicking Caste Fussy Mimicking Style of Sucking Fussy Mimicking Style of Biting Fussy Mimicking Style of Crawling Fussy Mimicking Style of Walking Fussy Mimicking Style of Possessive Controlling Fussy Mimicking Style of Gesturing Fussy Mimicking Style of Mimicking-Parroting Fussy Mimicking Style of Inventing-Learning Fussy Mimicking Style of Organizing Creatively Fussy Mimicking Style of Romantic Fucking Fussy Mimicking Style of Parenting Fussy Mimicking Style of Aging
Libra Thinking Caste Thoughtful Inventive Style of Sucking Thoughtful Inventive Style of Biting Thoughtful Inventive Style of Crawling Thoughtful Inventive Style of Walking Thoughtful Inventive Style of Possessive Controlling Thoughtful Inventive Style of Gesturing Thoughtful Inventive Style of Mimicking-Parroting Thoughtful Inventive Style of Inventing-Learning Thoughtful Inventive Style of Organizing Creatively Thoughtful Inventive Style of Romantic Fucking Thoughtful Inventive Style of Parenting Thoughtful Inventive Style of Aging
Scorpio Dealing Caste Engineer-Architect Style of Sucking Engineer-Architect Style of Biting Engineer-Architect Style of Crawling Engineer-Architect Style of Walking Engineer-Architect Style of Possessive Controlling Engineer-Architect Style of Gesturing Engineer-Architect Style of Mimicking-Parroting Engineer-Architect Style of Inventing-Learning Engineer-Architect Style of Organizing Creatively Engineer-Architect Style of Romantic Fucking Engineer-Architect Style of Parenting Engineer-Architect Style of Aging
Sagittarius Romancing Caste Barbarian Romantic Style of Sucking Barbarian Romantic Style of Biting Barbarian Romantic Style of Crawling Barbarian Romantic Style of Walking Barbarian Romantic Style of Possessive Controlling Barbarian Romantic Style of Gesturing Barbarian Romantic Style of Mimicking-Parroting Barbarian Romantic Style of Inventing-Learning Barbarian Romantic Style of Organizing Creatively Barbarian Romantic Style of Romantic Fucking Barbarian Romantic Style of Parenting Barbarian Romantic Style of Aging
Capricorn Parenting Caste Moral Parental Style of Sucking Moral Parental Style of Biting Moral Parental Style of Crawling Moral Parental Style of Walking Moral Parental Style of Possessive Controlling Moral Parental Style of Gesturing Moral Parental Style of Mimicking-Parroting Moral Parental Style of Inventing-Learning Moral Parental Style of Organizing Creatively Moral Parental Style of Romantic Fucking Moral Parental Style of Parenting Moral Parental Style of Aging
Aquarius Old-One Caste Old-One Religious Style of Sucking Old-One Religious Style of Biting Old-One Religious Style of Crawling Old-One Religious Style of Walking Old-One Religious Style of Possessive Controlling Old-One Religious Style of Gesturing Old-One Religious Style of Mimicking-Parroting Old-One Religious Style of Inventing-Learning Old-One Religious Style of Organizing Creatively Old-One Religious Style of Romantic Fucking Old-One Religious Style of Parenting Old-One Religious Style of Aging



History, indeed, evolution itself, can be charted in terms of the growth of Freedom-of-the-Individual.

Freedom is defined as:

1. Amount of mobility (velocity-attitude), and communication-scope attained by the individual

2. Amount of direction-control of transportation-communication attained by the individual.

3. The opportunity of free-responsible individuals to signal each other and link-up in more complex networks ... inevitably leading to ... Migration.



An interesting thing happened when the caravans of futique gene-pools fleeing West hit the beaches of the North Atlantic. No place to go. The Dark Ages (sic) occurred when this Westward wave of intelligent gene-pools crashed against the North Atlantic wall. Thousands of restless gene-pools had to wait in Western Europe until they got smart enough, technologically skillful enough, to move sperm-egg flotilla up the North Atlantic. The vanguard elite clustered in Ireland -- as far West as possible.

Darwinians didn't understand. It's not survival of the fittest; it's the evolution of the fastest in the Human Race.


Here was the familiar test of nerve and intelligence. During the Dark Ages the hive Fear Merchants said, "Stay put. The world is flat. If you sail across the North Atlantic you'll fall off the edge. You'll be eaten by dragons, or busted by narcotic agents." Or whatever they spooked people with back then.*

But the explosion did take place. The world is not flat, it's a spinning sphere. Eventually the DNA code reacting to the stimuli of pollution and over-population activated the mobility-agents. Celtic Rangers were the first to climb the Atlantic. Prince Henry, the Navigator, sent Vasco de Gama around the Horn; Queen Isabella pawned her jewels to fund the N.A.S.A. explorations of Christopher Columbus. Queen Elizabeth got an appropriation from Parliament to fund the astronaut voyages of Sir Francis Drake. At this swarming moment of expansion and exploration, the great European powers reached the high points of their culture, drama, poetry, art, science and philosophy.

It's not survival of the fittest; it's the evolution of the fastest in the Human Race.

That Dark Age was a pre-mutation period of growth-limitation, fear, bureaucratic hive-restriction, proto-Naderism which said: "Movement is unsafe at any speed."



* We recall here the etymology of the world LOCO-MOTOR. Fast movers throughout the history of evolution have always been considered "loco" or "crazy" by static hive-establishments. The paleolithic conservatives warned restless marine creatures away from the shore-line. Uni-cellular bureaucrats warned protozoic out-castes about hooking up in multi-cellular linkages.



Date: February, 1972
Country: Imminsee on Lake Zug, Switzerland
Classification: TOP SECRET

The Scandalous Philosopher has fled to a cottage by the Lake of Zug, under a high jagged peak called Rigi Kulm said to be the soul of Switzerland. Zug Lake is inner-schweiz, center of the Confederation. The most conservative canton. Less than half a mile away the Tell chapel perches on a hill where William shot the tyrant Gessler and initiated Swiss freedom.

It is harder for our Agent, Maria, to come for weekends, changing trains at Bern, but She does. Fantastic Meetings and Departures in the railway station. Running platform hand-thrown kisses as the train pulls out.

Once a week he drives past Lake Lucerne, over the mountain, down to Interlaken and then up to Gstaad, where we have established Michel for the season in a ducal chalet. He has hired a chef from Geneva but alas no one comes to dinner except lower-level backgammon pros and young friends of his mistress DeeDee who make fun of him. Michel, like Maria, is a sincere residual of the Domesticated Glamour Morality imposed on adolescent nervous systems by the Movie Industry of the 1940's, which (as Neuro-sociology teaches) was ended by Einstein and Warhol. Michel is snubbed at Gstaad by the older generation because he fails to pay his Gin Rummy debts, and by the young because he is geared to play Playboy, a Circuit 4 role which is now played out.



Subject: page 2
Classification: TOP SECRET


(We must replace Michel with ski instructors competent enough to lecture on grades of hashish, purity percentages of cocaine-cuts, etc.)
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:15 am


Robert Anton Wilson is known throughout the Solar System as a Flamboyant Philanthropist. An early investor in Space Manufacturing and High-Orbital Real Estate, Wilson was one of the first generation of Einsteinian Go-go Billionaires -- new Rockefellers, Stigwoods, Mellons -- whose willingness to spray out millions of dollars for space-seed ventures led to the anarchic flowering of post-terrestrial Plan-Its.

Wilson's legendary tycoon-exploits have shadowed his earlier career as neurologician and author in the pre-flight years. He first achieved global fame in the early 1960's as a neurolog philosopher. During the 1970's his Illuminatus Trilogy and Cosmic Trigger became classic texts for self-actualized mutants. During the 1980's he climaxed his literary fame by publishing block-busting best-sellers: Shroedinger's Cat, Masks of the Illuminatus, Son of Illiuminatus. His spectacular career as film director followed.

When Wilson migrated into High Orbit in 1993 he left several mysterious manuscripts, perusal of which has led to nervous breakdowns in certain East-Coast publishers.

Reprinted from PEEPLE MAGAZINE, March 1986


Marilyn's Input System
by Robert Anton Wilson

When night came, Marilyn was often to be found in the Odeon, one of the special world cafes whose exact function is unspoken, indeed, has never been focused. Albert Einstein, James Joyce, Marysia Harcourt-Smith, John Schewel, Richard Helms, V.I. Lenin, Rosemary Woodruff, Carl Jung, Leon Trotsky, Nena von Schlebrugge, Allen Dulles, Liz Elliot, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Herman Hesse, drank coffee at these marbled tables and dealt answers to espionage inquiries.

It was a balmy night in Zurich and Marilyn was late as usual. When SHe was scheduled to be somewhere for dinner at eight, it was hir custom to lie in the bath tub for an hour or longer. Eight o'clock would come and go and still SHe would remain splashing in the cozy tub, pouring perfumes in the water, refilling the bath over and over again with fresh hot H20.

Marilyn knew what SHe was doing. Giving little Norma Jean a treat. As a child SHe was forced to bathe in water dirtied by six or eight people from the studio Publicity Department.

After SHe swept into the crowded restaurant the host presented hir to the other guest of honor. "Marilyn, this is Dick Helms."

Marilyn was quite surprised. SHe had expected a reserved Italian sporting gentleman in a grey suit, with a grey tie and a sprinkle of grey in hir hair. Instead SHe found hirself smiling at a loud, flashy fellow whose posture and bearing spelled W.O.L.F.!

Helms said, "What's happening, Mozarella," gazing directing at hir osso bucco. (the Latin origin of the word O.S.S. is bone.) SHe then fell silent. They sat next to each other. The only communication was Helm's investigative hand under the tablecloth.

Then Marilyn became aware of something odd. The other men at the table, a motley crew of code-stealers and axle-sanders, weren't showing off for hir or telling their stories for hir. No, it was Mr. Helms they were wooing! This was a novelty! No woman had ever put hir so much in the shade before. And they call this an intelligence agency! SHe thought.

Finally the moment came. Mr. Helms leaned toward hir and flashed that famous, wry, thin-lipped Allen Dulles smile. "Tell me, little mozzarella, how do you expand your input?

"To expand input," Marilyn replied softly, "does not mean to read a lot of books. I notice, Mr. Helms, that you C.I.A. agents don't spend much time in libraries. Books give old facts interpreted in terms of old-reality maps. Few books written before 1976 have the post-terrestrial, genetic point of view. Believe it or not, Sir, they didn't even know about gene-pools or planet-spin in those days.

"My advice to you, Mr. Helms, is to infiltrate the future. Locate the neurogenetic centers where the future action is happening. There you will find the Intelligence Agents, the Out-Castes."

"How do we locate the future?" asked Helms absently. SHe was really wondering if Marilyn's cleavage indicated a parthenogenetic mode of sexual reproduction.

My advice to you, Mr. Helms, is to infiltrate the future.

"Well," murmured Marilyn, licking hir luscious lips and giggling, "Counter-Intelligence Agents consistently make the mistake of focusing on today's bureaucrat-power-holders, who are already outdated by the Pre-Dom Species. In slow moving pre-technological eras this was a passable strategy. We Evolutionary Agents always focus on the Pre-Dom Species. The stages to come. Recall that Aristotle hung out with the teenage Alexander of Macedon not the reigning Philip.

"I humbly suggest, Mr. Helms, that you locate the Western Frontier Centers and exchange signals with the youthful elite who are always visible in frontal-lobe regions. In every terrestrial society there are pupal training centers to which the most successful gene-pools send their most intelligent larvals. The future of each gene-pool is blueprinted in the minds of its superior adolescents. Teenage brains are the hatcheries of future-realities.

Sign up for the college lecture circuit in the Sun Belt of the good ole U.S.A.

"In Eastern countries you will find university students docile and insectoid obedient. Guess what this hive devotion predicts for the future of China.

"In the mid-brain Semitic countries you will find university students violently nationalistic and fanatically patriotic.

"In French elite academies you will find serious technocrats. Mon Dieu, Mr. Helms, imagine what that means for the future of France. Tant Pis.

"At the Frontal Lobe Sun Belt Universities you will find the young of the Pre-Dom Species obsessed with disciplined Self-Actualized Hedonic Freedom.

"So I would advise you, Mr. Helms, to sign up for the college lecture circuit in the Sun Belt of the good ole U.S.A. There you will learn what is going to happen. And perhaps, maybe, you can influence this hatching future a tiny, tiny bit."



(born March 6, 1937)

who, by spending 2 days, 22 hours and 50 minutes in zero gravity became the fastest (17,450 m.p.h.) and the highest (143.5 miles) and most post-terrestrial (2 days, 22 hours, 50 minutes) Woman in the Terrestrial History of Planet Earth.

* Later married to Andreyan Grigoryevich Nikolayev




Then the westward wave of gene-pools swam up to this hemisphere. Sailing ships unloading mutant-migrant sperm-egg cargoes on the New England ledges. At this moment, I want to look around the room and tell you, my fellow Americans, that there are certain facts we should remember about ourselves. Each person in this room is the seed descendant of evolutionary-wave-surfers. Descendants of Out-Caste foremothers and forefathers who were sent by their gene-pools up the Atlantic into the new ecological vacuum.

In our liberal concern to avoid chauvinist-nationalism we sometimes lose sight of the basic thrust of the North American immigration, the genetic glory of America. My friends, I've climbed back-down to Africa. I've time-traveled in Asia and I've descended to Europe. Sometimes voluntarily and sometimes on the run. (Laughter) I love Old World cultures. The heritage, the tradition, the good wine, the cathedrals, the thatched roofs, the cobblestoned streets, the folklore. I love the quaint, quaint, quaint, cute quaintness. I love the old possessions, I love the sense of roots that you get there.

I've time-travelled in Asia and I've descended to Europe.

But I must tell you, my fellow Americans, no future is fabricating in the ebb-tide Old World, because for four centuries the smartest, most courageous, most restless, most freedom-loving, most imaginative, most ambitious sperm-egg carriers have been expelled from Old World gene-pools and have surfed the North Atlantic waves. Splashing up here to make this country a volatile, brawling, frontier breeding experiment. America is where you'll find the change chromosomes and the freedom-genes because Americans formed new gene-pools composed of Out-Caste elites. Everyone senses that the next step in evolution is going to happen here in the Sun Belt. The Old World gene-pools are still sending their most intelligent evolutionary surfers over here to help shape the future.

America is where you'll find the change chromosomes and the freedom-genes ...

Look at the globe today. (We often get too involved in hive-politics -- so space out for a moment.) Notice the enormous walls built across Eastern countries to prevent intelligence from moving West.* The Berlin Wall is a genetic barrier to hold down the westward wave of freedom loving mutants. East European countries are literally medium security prisons.

When I was a fugitive from Nixon's agents, at one point I found myself underground in Vienna. Some friends took me over to the Czechoslovakia border. It was both horrible memory and dread premonition to walk along the border between Austria and Czechoslovakia. My God, it was an enormous Folsom prison! Wire fences, guard towers and sharpshooters with guns to stop migrating genes from following the magnetic pull. There is a simple navigational direction for the evolution of intelligence and freedom -- always Westward.


* There is only one political criterion by which you can judge a country. Does it allow free exit? Does it imprison its people in the hive or does it allow self-selected egress? No matter how repressive the regime, if it permits dissidents to leave -- it is a free land. Frontiers are genetic escalators. Those rebels who refuse to leave the hive who stay to overthrow the Dictator are by definition dumber than the evil they wish to replace.

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:20 am

Sometimes Verne's prescience could be uncanny.

The Pre-Capitulation Predictions of Jules Verne
by Peter Vajk

J. Peter Vajk was born in an Old-cortical center, Budapest, Hungary. Loosened from his origin-gene-pool by the wondrous anarchic shake-up following World War II, he was pulled West and received a doctorate in Physics from Princeton University (one of the most important Snow Belt hatcheries). He subsequently continued his neuro-migration West to California.

During the years just preceding the Brown presidency, Dr. Vajk was one of the leading voices broadcasting the High-Orbital signal. In 1980 he became Research Director for the High Orbital Mini-Earth (H.O.M.E.) Consortium and helped design the proto-type Plymouth Rock and Roger Williams Plan-Its.

He received the Nobel Prize in 1982 and subsequently became one of the most honored WoMen in the Annals of Post-Humanistic Science.

Jules Verne was born 150 years ago on Feb. 8, 1828. Verne was recognized, even during his life-time as an evolutionary fabricator, an author whose works appealed equally to children and adults. He also is acknowledged as the father of science fiction, which appears to have a wider following today than it ever did. His best-known novels, including Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in Eighty Days, were still in print more than a century after their publication.

In the years since his death in 1905, Verne has emerged as something of a prophet. Among the scientific advances anticipated in his books were the submarine, airplane, television and space travel.

Sometimes Verne's prescience could be uncanny, as Frank Borman, the American astronaut, discovered after completing the Apollo 8 moon mission in 1968. In a letter to Jean Jules-Verne, the author's grandson, Borman wrote: "It cannot be a mere matter of coincidence. Our space vehicle was launched from Florida, like the spaceship in From the Earth to the Moon; it had the same weight and the same height, and it splashed down in the Pacific a mere two and a half miles from the point mentioned in the novel."






Among the many biographies of Columbus there is a recurring theme of what we might call divine providence.* In his own writings Columbus returns over and over again to the idea that D.N.A. put into his mind the conviction that it was possible to sail all the way to the Indies ... Indeed the life of the discoverer abounds in episodes in which an acute observer may see evidence of a will external and superior to his or, in other words, genetic. Often it is a matter of coincidence, but to Columbus, every coincidence was significant. He was a mystic -- not, to be sure, a saint, but certainly an inspired spirit. The enthusiasm he put into everything he did derived from the intensity of his genetic-vision.


* Einstein's name for DNA Intelligence was Supreme Reasoning Power. "God, (i.e. the S.R.P.) does not play dice with the universe," said Einstein.

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:23 am


The "geniuses" of World War I were primitive herd-animals.

Psychology Goes to War!
by Frank Barron

In the 19th century the British Empire performed extraordinary feats of genetic transportation -- squirting sperm-egg cargoes throughout the globe.

By moving their Dom-Species (Stage 11) Protestant from Scotland to Ireland they ruthlessly compressed the Stage 10 Catholic-feudal culture of the Emerald Isle. Faced with loss of the land Catholic gene-pools were forced to migrate. Each Irish family selected its most intelligent, mobile, adaptable, attractive member to send "across the water." Thus occurred one of the most successful genetic experiments in planetary history. America was flooded with sperm-egg units carefully selected for mobility-nobility.

The first generation of Irish migrants threw railroads across the continent. The second generation became politicians, policers, power functionaries. The third generation, which blossomed after World War II, produced the first Irish-American generation of philosopher-scientists.

The brilliant, innovative Irish savants who emerged in the 1950-70 period replaced the Jewish intellectuals. Before 1950 Jewish intellectuals carried the neuro-genetic signal. Since Jews were born Out-Castes they were able to transcend hive limits and fabricate new realities. After World War II Jewish culture became hive-establishment -- the role of genetic exploration fell to the Irish. The American Celts were prepared perfectly to play the role of Intelligence Agents because of their intellectual history. In pre-migration Ireland the active intellectual person was forced into rebellion. The only educational choices for a smart young Irishman were the alien, Rome-oriented feudal priesthood or the academies of the enemy Protestants. Irish women had no educational avenues open to them. Irish brains were thus encouraged to be anti-hive. From this Out-Caste position they were able to create new post-hive realities.

Frank Barron's career illustrates the Irish Renaissance. His ancestors, after arriving in America, avoided the priest-run ghettoes of the Atlantic Seaboard by moving to the rough frontier of the Pennsylvania mining mountains.

Frank Barron recognized his mutant status at an early age, and when the first occasion presented itself carried his seed-supply to California frontier.

He quickly became the central figure in American psychology, taking over the position previously held by William James. His publications on creativity, innovation, hallucinogenic drugs, and psycho-biography pushed the primitive field of psychology into scientific status.

Always the lonely champion of the individual at a time when psychology was totally dedicated to adjustment-conformity, it was natural that Barron was selected as head of the Post-Terrestrial Educational Commission.

By the year 2020 his educational theories were standard curricula in thousands of new worlds. Nancy Camp Barron, the famous chanteuse and movie star, was Frank Barron's mate, companion and mentor.

Previous to 1939 murderous-muscular strength, animal aggressiveness and obedient stupidity (recall the trench warfare of 1917) were the glorious characteristics of warriors.

Gravity's Rainbow describes in chilling, macabre detail how, during World War II, psychology became a basic weapon of warfare and Counter-Intelligence.

But, as the sensory and motor aspects of belligerence came to depend on intermediate-technology, i.e., machines operated by human minds, a terrible thing happened: Intelligence and mental-caste became factors in warfare! Special endowments beyond brute stupidity treacherous cunning and unimaginative persistence became survivally attractive.

Intelligence and mental-caste became factors in warfare!

The "geniuses" of World War I were primitive herd-animals -- a mutation's quantum distance from the scope, acceleration and relativistic adaptability of our current mediocrity. Black Jack Pershing? Teddy Roosevelt? Kaiser Wilhelm? Sgt. York?

By 1939, the selection of killer-teams involved careful screening for inborn caste differences, genetic types (prudently called personality traits or aptitudes). Military psychology became an integral part of the Anglo-American-German war machines. The task: identification, assessment, selection, guidance, training, motivation of caste abilities.

Diagnosis and treatment of psychological casualties -- an entirely new concept of human nature -- also developed. Machines break down; personalities could not break down until personality types were defined by our new mechanical-civilization. All our external technology serves as a model to understand internal (i.e., somatic-neurological) technology. Machines help us to understand our own bodily mechanics. Electronic computers lead us to understand and control our own brains.

Gravity's Rainbow is a spectacular expose of how manipulative psychologists of the American Skinnerian Behaviorist School and the European Pavlovian School were assigned the responsibility, by the military caste, of predicting and controlling human behavior for purposes of ... controlling human behavior.



The continents and hemispheres of planet earth have been settled by technological civilizations in stages which correspond to the evolution of brain centers. Thus the arrangement of land-masses corresponds topologically to the anatomy of the nervous system. Asia is the spinal column; the Middle East is the Mid-Brain, and Limbic System; Europe and Africa are containers for the Right and Left lobes of the Old Cortex; North and South America are platforms for the emergence of the Neo-cortex, the self-defining future brain.
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:30 am

The history of civilization is the history of Agentry.

The Intell-Agent
by George Koopman

George Koopman, in 1976, published (in Neuropolitics) the first detailed Stock Proposal for building H.O.M.E.S. He thus became the Father of Post-Terrestrial Free Enterprise.

Before the publication of the book, Intelligence Agents (1978), the word "agent" was in deserved ill-repute, especially in political, diplomatic and show-biz circles.

The very word "agent" suggested an unscrupulous bureaucratic scoundrel devoid of creativity, aesthetics, principles or talent who, by virtue of shameless cunning placed himself in central positions of power and control.

The raison d'etre of the agent is, of course, the deal. The deal involves the alchemy of link-up, package and connection. And the tools of the agent are persuasion, negotiation, bluff, manipulation, salesmanship.

... "agent" suggested an unscrupulous bureaucratic scoundrel ...

The Agent Caste has existed throughout human history, dating back to the Neolithic period when artifacts, abstract-concepts, symbols, inter-tribal barter systems, paperwork began to replace direct face-to-face within tribe exchanges. As left-hemisphere technological society emerged, each gene-pool had to produce agents who represented the assets and interests of the sperm-egg collective in dealing with other gene-colonies.

In Feudal times, (Stage 10) the Agent represented the Crown or the Lord in dealing with serfs, peasants, tenants, traders and with the agents of other Lords. The sordid odor attributed to Agents probably dates back to their role as ruthless tax-collectors, dishonest traders, not to forget the many incidents in which agents betrayed their masters to seize power.

The caste of Agents took on more importance and a more attractive appearance during the emergence of Stage 11 Democratic societies. here agents became political representatives of the various classes, castes, guilds, Brotherhoods, and gene-pools which sought to share power in a democratic tradition.

The history of civilization is the history of Agentry. This is to be expected since agents cunningly arrange for the publication of the history books. Wars are won and lost by generals, but when the smoke clears and the bodies are dragged off the field of action, then the real bottom-line stuff happens -- the peace treaties, the Councils of Nicea, Trent, Versailles, Vienna, Geneva managed by agents. And when the autobiographies are written and generals from both sides peddle their memoirs, it is the agents who make the deals.

The high-points in the annals of Agentry have always come at moments of species mutation. Who has not marveled at the astuteness of Algy Plancton, the renowned Paleozoic agent who put together the first Oxygen Commercials which led to shoreline migration?

Ron Bernstein well-deserves his place in the Agents Hall of Fame. After a brilliant career as a movie producer and literary manager Bernstein returned to Los Angeles in 1978 and started what is known as the "Bernstein Age of Show-Business." The key to his success was synergy -- the assemblage of many elements in a block-buster molecule of enormous complexity. This technique was developed in its primitive form by the Australian Migrant, Robert Stigwood, who used a one-hundred-million dollar movie (Saturday Night Fever) as nothing more than a record album commercial.

Who has not marvelled at the astuteness of Algy Plancton.

Another early "synergy pioneer" was George Lucas who used a half-billion-dollar movie (Star Wars) as advertising trailer for his souvenir marketing business. Another early medi-alchemist was Henry Edwards, who used a 110-million-dollar movie and a 150-million-dollar album as promotion for his Pulitzer Prize winning novel (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band).

Legend has it that Ron Bernstein, upon observing how movies, T.V. shows, albums, novelizations were all used as hype for each other, came to the startling conclusion which totally changed Human Ontology. "Why not use all forms of media, working together synergistically, to hype a Future Reality?"

Bernstein thus became the first Reality Movie Maker. If movies could get people to buy albums -- why then movies could get people to buy realities. Reality became a spin-off of show biz.

Reality became a spin-off of show-biz.

Starting in 1979 every sentient being on the planet was systematically exposed to Bernstein Futures. Blacks walked out of Bernstein movies excited by the blueprints -- colorfully, romantically, precisely detailed -- for building exactly the kinds of futures they wished. By 1983 the Bernstein Empire was making Future Reality Movies for every gene-colony in the Western World.

Before Bernstein movies relived the past. After Bernstein movies created futures.



Date: February, 1972
Country: Gstaad, Switzerland
Classification: TOP SECRET

There has arrived at Michel's chalet a London model named Pamela (Unverified station memos from London code her as a dangerous hedonic anarchist) whom we suspect to be an Evolutionary Agent. Please confirm. Her description is as follows: a languorous, soporiferous nervous system transported in slender, curved body with unbearably smooth-silk arms and skin of warm sepia enamel. Her carnelian, in the form of a snail, is surrounded by translucent red enamel pierced by a Mandrax thumb.

Before dinner, while Michel is preoccupied instructing the chef, Pamela is overheard whispering to the Professor that Prince Alexis is in town and wishes to arrange a meeting. He is to phone the chalet that evening. But Michel, realizing that he must prevent the meeting between Alexis and I2, shuts off the phone.

FITNESS NOTE FOR HAUCHARD FILE: It turns out that Michel has fallen on such bad times that he has been censoring personal calls. The poor man signed up to play Louis XIV but all the action is going to Mick Jagger. Michel doesn't like to dance, is burnt out by all-night gin-rummy, annoyed by amorous phone calls to DeeDee's nubile guests. And the Hedonists are on to his game. (Hauchard should be transferred back to middle-aged Paris.)

So, just around midnight Pamela suggests (just like a bad girl should) that Alexis might be found at the Palace Hotel nightclub sitting surrounded by friends wearing a green silk shirt embroidered Psi-Phy. Roman designers dress him gratis, confides the model (Rome agents please confirm.)

(The following conversations is videotaped.)

The two aliens immediately recognized each other.

"Welcome fellow Time-Traveler," says the Prince, "I have come many parsecs to meet you."

Prince Alexis is slim, tall, with long black hair and translucent ivory skin. He looks, if it dare be said, like a fairy story prince, holding himself with royal pride, tossing his mane in fiery petulant arrogance. Scion of a most noble family, he has been educated Everywhere and done Everything at age 25. Gossip has it that he is sexually bi-lingual. He speaks Shakespearean English.

"It's taken us many orbits to get here," agrees the Philosopher. "Where was your last land-fall?"

"Katmandu. Do you know Sri Ram Muni? No? Excellent. How important that I can tell you! He knows you and has sent you a message."

"That's nice."

"I perceive," says Alexis, "a note of reserve in your voice. I share your hesitancy about Hindu swamis. I spent many months on assignment in India observing the Holy-man-groupie scene. Perhaps I should explain to our lovely companions that most of the famous swamis are hip show-biz operators, campy-vampy-splashy-flashy homosexual queens with gullible followers, grand ashrams, triumphal road tours, performing restful magic. It's amusing to hear them gossip and put each other down. They follow each other's productions like jealous rockstars. Competing for the top of the cosmic charts."



Subject: page 2
Classification: TOP SECRET

"There are a very few Intelligence Agents left in India," agrees the Professor, "and they are as hard to find there as here. It's the classic paradox. The more advanced the mind, the fewer people to talk to."

"According to legend," continues Alexis, "there are sixty-four illuminated people in the world. You won't find them administering large bureaucracies. The real spiritual wizards in India don't solicit followings, don't open branch offices throughout the world, and can't be bothered with fans, groupies, bank accounts."

"What do they do?" asks Pamela, leaning her head on her shoulder and moving her silken hand up her smooth arms. "Do they dance, ski, have girlfriends, get high? Are they good lovers?"

"It is my understanding," says the Professor, "that at least half of them are women. It is logical, isn't it, that many of them would be mated to each other?"

"You are thinking of Lama Govinda," says the Prince.

"And his beautiful wife Li Gotama. There's an answer to your question," says the Philosopher, turning to the Model.

"Smashing! The Holy Man and his Holy Woman," murmurs Pamela. "How original. What do they do?"

"They live in Almora," explains the Prince. "A small village in the foothills of the Himalayas. To reach Almora one begins with a dusty train trip north of Delhi across flat, parched semi-desert to Barelli and Katghodam. Then a bus circles up foothills, skirting gorges, crawling through dusty little hamlets where thin barefoot men in ragged clothes run alongside holding empty hands, through Nainital perched like a Swiss village by the lake and up through sad, lonely, patchy, overlumbered forests filled with melancholic Indian army troops in dark green uniforms and pencil mustaches maneuvering to exorcize the Chinese. And finally, the bus strains up to the Holy Village on the ridge, Almora.

"This is no tourist spot, you realize, way up here, two to three days travel by semi-primitive transportation from Delhi. There is not one hotel bed in Almora. The dark rooms at the inn offer a wooden frame bed with woven rope on which you throw your sleeping bag, which, if forewarned, you have ordered, custom-made with feathers and hand-sewn cotton in the teeming market of Old Delhi. There is not one concession to European culture in Almora. Not one Coca Cola, not one modern restaurant.

"Now if you leave this outpost and climb a dirt road for two miles, past outlying villages, you come to Holyman Ridge, a high, steep wall which looks North across valleys to Himalayan Tibet which towers above valleys to the south through which river and road to Katghodam curve downward. Scattered along two miles of the ridge, looking south, are houses in which assorted spiritual searchers, European and Indian, maintain part-time residence. The footpath then curves across the ridge and runs along the northern rim. This walkway, perhaps ten thousand years old, continues north to Tibet, and has been used by pilgrims, porters, merchants and, from time to time, warring bands. In a shack at the ridge-crossing tea has been brewed for centuries in brass pots over charcoal, served heavily sweetened in thick brass mugs.



Subject: page 3
Classification: TOP SECRET

"A mile beyond the tea shack the pilgrim leaves the main path, turns left, climbs a twisting narrow trail leading to a point at ridge-end which commands an astronaut view, North, West, and South for hundreds of miles. There, in a house built long ago by Evans Wentz, lives the Lama Govinda and his wife Li Gotama.

"The Lama can accurately be described as venerable. And old man dressed in Tibetan robes with wispy oriental beard, he is a Buddhist scholar of German descent, with an enquiring, empirical mind. Teacher, Translator, Transformer, Transcriber, Transmitter of that ancient lore passed on by a scientific elite who devote years to research. The priests and swamis are second-hand karma dealers who solace the masses with soothing rituals and pop-versions of hive ethical codes. But with Lama Govinda one talks about the laws of energy that run the universe."

Alexis has been speaking intently, not paying total attention to Pamela's Mayfair pink enamel hand on his cock or the French girl's hedonic ivory hand stroking his neck. Turning back to the Professor he appeals for confirmation.

"Isn't that what you learned in Almora?"

"Yes," says the doctor nodding, "Lama Govinda taught me to study the old symbol systems and to look for errors. When you find the errors and correct them, then you understand the message."

"What about Becky Thatcher?" murmurs Pamela softly.

"Ah yes," continues Alexis, "the beautiful Li Gotama, Parsee by birth, performs translations, illustrates the Lama's books with graceful drawings. She adds the aesthetic half. Li means fire-light. She calls him Ch'ien, the Creative of Heaven. I fabricate that Lama and Li are two of the sixty-four illuminated people. Would you concur?"

The Philosopher smiles in agreement.

"The Lama and Li are your teachers." says Alexis. "But I must tell you about Sri Ram Muni. He is to be found in a small temple outside Katmandu. He has preserved certain energy manuscripts which he has decoded and wishes to pass on. He has sent me west to present the version ready for you."

The Philosopher writes seven digits on a piece of paper.

"These are magic numbers," he says tipsily. "Dialed into the appropriate electronic transceptor they will put you in touch with my headquarters near Lucerne. Call me and we'll continue our talk."

(End of tape.)


As we leave the planet for new Plan-Its in High Orbit, we can see precisely how DNA employs Pollution and Population-swarming mechanisms to extend and improve species.

New World Snow Belt Americans were the smartest primates on the planet from 1620-1946.

Jeffersons, Franklins, Edisons, Fords, Twains, Goddards.

Sun Belt Americans are now emerging as the Dom Species on the planet.

New Burbanks, Disneys, Thomas Pynchons, Jerry Browns will migrate from the Sun Belt to the next, new post-terrestrial frontiers.



Westward High

We can best understand the Last Mutation-Migrations (Old World to New World, 1493-1943) (East Coast to Pacific, 1943-1977) from the vantage point of the Next Mutation-Migration.




Let me share with you, at this point, an immutable law of Neuro-Geography which governs terrestrial politics: the evolution of intelligence has, for 2500 years, moved East to West. When you go back East (note the retrograde terminology) you are going back in time, down in intelligence and lower in evolution.

Do not try to hustle Easterners on their own turf.

Let me restate it simply: Westerners are significantly smarter, freer, more creative, more future-oriented than Easterners. Easterners are lower forms of evolution. Easterners, it is true, are more specialized--but, as we have learned from dinosaurs, specialization means Terminal Adulthood. Civilizations are, by definition, adult, i.e. passe.

Let us restate the axiom: freedom moves from East to West. Western gene-pools are always freer, more adolescent, more mobile than Eastern gene-pools. And in the Genetic Breeding Book, Mobility is Nobility.

The most intelligent and the freest people on the planet have been propelled by their gene-pools to the Western belt of this continent: Arizona, Texas, California, Oregon, Washington. The ecological niche of the future. Each Westerner is the hopeful adolescent blossom of the old Eastern roots.

When you move back East from the Pacific--be on guard. You are moving down into primitive, inflexible, cynical terrain. Chicago is a tough, mammalian jungle compared to San Diego. New England is a monument to the static past. Easterners, in their neolithic shrewdness are skillful, political mammals. Adepts in Newtonian competitions. Do not try to hustle Easterners on their own turf. New York is the center of money power, Washington is the center of barnyard political force, and Boston the capital of antiquated Puritan culture--but there is no freedom, no spirit of growth and development, no enthusiasm for change in the Adult Eastern Hive.

These remarks are in no way chauvinistic. All Westerners are migrated Easterners! I was born at West Point, New York and teen-aged in Massachusetts. I honor my damp roots and respect their venerable, unchanging traditions. I thank the New England educational system for activating my migration button.

It is no accident that all the laws which restrict youthful freedom come from grim, prudish Eastern hives. We must be aware of the natural tendency of Eastern hive leaders to frighten stay-put yokels with stories of Western instability. Sure Californians and Arizonians and Texans are diverse, flamboyant, juvenile and easy to deride. It's always that way. Frontier Regions which encourage the formation of new gene-pools, wide-open territories which allow cultural experimentation and future fabrication are always easy to ridicule from the docile, adult, traditional bunkers of the Orient.

The age-old Chinese think that all Occidentals are crazy kids because we believe in individual reality and personal change. The Russians call individualism, hooliganism! We grant that an Easterner, in the secure cocoon of adult conformity and centralized dogmatic repetition, is shocked by the insane insistence of Westerners to "be themselves." We grant that the individual or small cult is kooky-vulnerable in contrast to the monolithic stability of specialized gene-pools which repeat what their parents did and cling to the myths of their grandparents. The independent Western pioneer is easily ridiculed. But the fact remains--freedom to experiment, courage to change, energy to re-create is always a Westward High.

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:33 am

A Memo Designed to Cheer Up the Human Race
by Rosemary Woodruff

Rosemary Woodruff was the wisest, funniest, most beautiful woman of her time.

These days -- as we would expect from a Judeo-Christian-Marxist era -- it is fashionable for intellectuals to complain about humanity's destructive and pessimistic trend.

While, in all charity we can understand the hive meaning of this pessimism, it is the task of Evolutionary Agents to counter it by repeating: the Genetic Plan is working out perfectly. The human cards are in no position to interfere with the DNA deal.

We are compelled to offer total sympathy and support for the human races when we remember that for the last 5000 years (a mere micro-flick in genetic time) the species have been in a continual frenzy of Mutation and Migration.

The problem is this: a species or an individual without genetic consciousness, caught in the midst of all-out-high-velocity changes, buffeted, overwhelmed by no-let-up metamorphosis, pushed into rapid migration, is understandably confused and, a bit fatigued.

Does a butterfly understand what's happening when it bursts, twisting and dewey-damp out of the dark, cozy cocoon?

Until the Future History Series published by Peace Press, there were no maps to describe how it feels during the high-point of mutation. Does a salmon understand what's happening when it is being squeezed back up the Columbia River, battered, pushed against the current, leaping rocks, flipping forward, upward? Does a butterfly understand what's happening when it bursts, twisting and dewey-damp out of the dark, cozy cocoon?

Such dramatic migrations and metamorphoses are simple transitions compared to the bewildering, bumpy voyage of the individual humans and human gene-pools in the last few generations.

Recall, with compassion, the extraordinary changing status of the human brain. After nine months of exciting embryonic metamorphosis, it is squeezed into terrestrial life as a peculiar, slug-like larval with an enormous head and shrunken, totally helpless body. The amoeboid-bliss of the Neonate is shortly shattered by the activation of new neural circuits and the sequence of dramatic changes in physiology. Biting, crawling, walking, running, talking. Compared to every other species, the human being is in continual metamorphosis. Indeed, the outstanding neurogenetic characteristic of the human is this continual larval change. Homo protean.

In addition to this developmental variability, those who have lived through the 20th century have been whirled through a sequence of historical changes unparalleled on this womb-planet. A person born in 1900 moved from horse-carriages to Soyuz-Apollo in one life time. From gas-light to nuclear fusion. Mutations-migrations occur in cycles. Each generation since 1900 has ridden a series of enormous waves -- all-changing reality breakers, with no chance to catch a breath. Thus, for the first time in human history, we have some dozen mutant groups swirling around at the same time. And, via electro-magnetic communication, aware of each other's changes. Those who just barely, gasping, made it from the Spanish-American War through World War I were then asked, with no respite to deal with the Roaring Twenties, Communism, the Depression, Hitler, World War II, Hiroshima, Cold War, television, Lunar landings, drugs, Hustler, cloning. No one was permitted to stand still.

... we have some dozen mutant groups swirling around at the same time ...

It's a dizzying, Einsteinian exercise in relativity -- totally bewildering to a species that had been assured by Newton that every action had an equal and opposite reaction. Nope, no more. The new rule: every action leads to a multiple interaction, intersection -- and it's all waves to surf, moving faster and higher.

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:37 am

Reprinted from SCIENTIFIC AMERICA, October 1981

The Pleasure Caste
by Kevin McCormick

Kevin McCormick was activated in the last half of the 20th century and was immediately assigned one of the most curious missions in planetary history.

His extraordinary post-terrestrial, post-human intelligence became apparent at an early age. The young Kevin was simply too smart, too active, too radiant to pass as a normal domesticated primate. His Out-Caste status caused him considerable grief and confusion -- a fate typical of many Evolutionary Agents during the primitive terrestrial period.

McCormick's futique telepathic abilities brought him, while still an undeveloped cub, into the field of mass-neural-activation (then called show business). His acute neural equipment allowed him to sense which neuro-electric signals were needed to trigger mutations in young terrestrials. Before he was 30 years old he had become the most successful movie producer of all time -- based on his uncanny skill in fabricating, on film, the future realities of the emerging species.

After his film assignments were completed McCormick retired for several months of re-imprinting and serial-reality fabrication using the new powerful transmitter drugs. It was then that his next career as philosopher began. His first step was to become Pope of the Roman Catholic Church (1986) and permanent President of the International Psychoanalytic Association. Thus liberated, he proceeded to do What-He-Wanted on several Worlds of His Own Device for several decades.


A study of History reveals that each gene-pool and every successful civilization has produced an aesthetic-elite caste -- those whose nervous systems are especially sensitive to sensual stimulation; those who have the ability to receive, manage and transmit neurosomatic, hedonic signals. Those who are robot-programmed to stimulate pleasure in themselves and in others (either singularly or in cooperation with other reality-artists).

The wording of the last paragraph is carefully designed to indicate that there are three aesthetic-artist-sensory castes:

Hedonic Consumers: those who receive pleasure.

Hedonic Directors: those who create pleasure realities for themselves and others.

Hedonic Producers: those who exchange pleasure.

We are discussing here a strange and powerful caste of humans whose psychology (and neurology) has been ignored by philosophers because of the "taboo" nature of the subject. Pleasure. Beauty. Sensuality. Eroticism.

Millions of middle-class dociles are titillated by notorious courtesans

We refer to those called Artists, or "show business" people, entertainers, courtesans. Those in the Pleasure Industry. For obvious reasons Hive philosophers and Establishment Reality-Definers tend to discredit the Pleasure-Aesthetic Castes and the contributions they make to the species. There is little overt, bureaucratic pressure on young people to take up a life of courtesan-actress-musician-artist when they "grow up." Indeed, the classic situation calls for discouragement by the gene-pool of such aspirations on the part of the young.

At the same time that the Hedonic Occupations are publicly taboo, there is a covert acceptance of them. Millions of middle-class dociles are titillated by notorious courtesans such as the Gabor sisters when they exhibit their ill-gotten diamonds on the Johnny Carson Show. Few of the enrapt electroid audience would actively encourage their daughters to learn this glamorous profession or their sons to contribute to such display.

One of the most obvious examples of human castes -- elements which link to form the social molecule -- is the pervasive presence of the show-biz-pleasure profession. Night clubs, saloons, theatres, carnivals, brothels, dance-halls. However fake, tinsel, laundered the actual performance -- the allure, the promise is always the same. Somatic reward, in-human soft-skin-bliss, hip sophistication, erotic movement, hedonic consumption. Self-indulgence. Self-actualization.

With established society actively discouraging recruitment into these professions, how do we account for the fact that in every gene-pool and in every age a certain percentage of young adults pop up as pleasure-dispensers? Genetic caste. Good looks and animal magnetism are the give-aways. Observe any group of children at play and you can forecast those who are robot-templated by DNA to play hedonic roles. Who give off the sexual radiation. The flamboyant self-confidence of the budding performer.

An interesting dilemma appears at this point. We do not have a formal, precise language to classify and describe the various pleasure-roles and hedonic processes. Indeed, before The Principles and Practice of Hedonic Psychology (1974) there had been little scholarly attention to pleasure in western literature. Whereas there existed an enormous nosology of pain, an endless clinical listing of negative pathological states, there was no psychiatric or psychological classification of the states of excellence, elite accomplishment, or pleasure. (It is true that a crude literature of beauty-pleasure existed in the Orient: pillow books, Tantric Hindu texts, Islamic-Sufi works.)

Why is there no terminology for beauty-pleasure in the West? Neuro-censorship. If words are invented for these myriad hedonic delights, then people will talk about them and enjoy them -- a turn of events which Christian-Marxist hive establishments could not tolerate.

This taboo against the recognition of pleasure began to crumble in the 1960's. For the first time in the history of humanity a mass middle-class awakened to Self-Actualized Hedonism. We can justly use the term "awaken" to describe the sudden insight that the body is a pleasure instrument, designed to receive a wide range of sensory stimuli which can be self-directed and self-controlled.

Before the 1960's, in western culture, hedonic bliss was taboo -- reserved only for the aristocracy. Sexual pleasure was limited to marital intercourse -- and then only for hive reproductive purposes.




Susan Kaiser Vogel was born in 1947 -- equipped with a body-brain model 2020. Her neurological equipment was thus designed to inhabit realities 73 years ahead in the future.

She was fortunate enough to appear in Southern California, the most advanced time zone, exactly when it became the center for post-terrestrial mutation. Her advanced mutant status was recognized at an early age by those close to her. She was encouraged, protected, "listened to" by an increasing number of persons who recognized that she was a direct-clear line to the future.

The energy given off by her nervous system and its magnificent carriage was radiantly visible to even the most larval observer. Comparative ethologists have been fascinated by Susan's time travel experiences. Never in planetary history did a futique visitor adapt so successfully to primitive life on a one-G planet.

Conceived ten mutational stages ahead of the Dom-species, she was forced to deal with gross, vulgar, jittery, ugly, repetitious behavior. The species was dedicated to safety, security, sanity, sex-role conformity and almost totally blind to the aesthetic.

After mastering the limited vocabularies of the physics, chemistry, biology and psychology of the period, Susan focused her adolescent attention on the central genetic issue of the time: Aesthetic Self-Actualization.

The Terminal Adult Authority of the centralized Aquarian Age had limited sensory awareness to perception of hive-cues. Red meant stop. Artists, sculptors, playwrights, musicians worked within prescribed schools. The illusion of Bohemian-rebellious-individuality was carefully cultivated by hive moralists so that the Out-Castes produced by each gene-pool in each generation could be effectively isolated, neutralized and their symbolic spokes"men" rewarded. (The best example of the Stage 12 Insectoid-Collective-Artist-Poet is to be found in the Beatnik School -- which imprinted grey-black-drab-ugly-urban-political-socialist models on the nervous systems of Caste 13-14 juveniles.)

Susan Kaiser Vogel sensibly avoided Art Bureaucracies and with stunning clarity selected Alan Watts as her first neurological guide. (Alan Watts, a most influential Evolutionary Agent of the late 20th century, promoted the use of 5th Circuit Neuro-transmitters to suspend hive imprints and to focus the brain on direct sensation.)

Susan developed the most sensitive neural-radar system ever used on a primitive planet. Her eyes scanned with naked-microscopic clarity registering, not just forms, but the play of light patterns. She used Zen techniques to free her ears from hive-imprinted limits and thus developed her auditory equipment to a point far beyond human limits. Similar exercises in modalities of taste, touch, and kinaesthetics made her the most sensuous person ever to inhabit the planet.

then Susan moved to Stage 14 (Life-as-Performance-Art). From this period date her monumental architectural-constructions: Can of Worms, Desert Forms, Blue Flame, Peach-Fuzz Invitation, The Blue Wave of Venice, The Fourth Pyramid of Giza. This phase was climaxed by her Crystal Palace, a walk-in piece composed of cut diamonds loaned by Ronnie Winston and the Shah of Iran; her Emerald Mosque -- a thirty-foot edifice made of costly emeralds; and her Transcontinental Highway -- a twenty-foot-high wall of crystal glass which stretched from Atlantic City to Santa Monica. The construction of this piece solved the problems of the first Jerry Brown administration.

Susan Kaiser Vogel's architectural period pushed minimal art to its maximal limits. Susan's assignment was to teach the basic lesson of DNA -- The Harmony of Extremity. her pieces fused recklessly the most solid brick with the most fragile-ephemeral pastel color, the hardest with the softest, the most elegant with the most common. While her pieces employed the most ancient-basic paleolithic material and technique (one-stone-on-top-of-another) they represented the most avant-garde. At once the most commonplace and the most subtly conceptual. Her pieces were the most durable in material and construction -- yet they lasted only a few days. Take your eyes off these massive structures and they disappear!

Susan's works during this period were designed to shock, electrify -- activate primate brains at first sight. Thousands who saw The Blue Flame in the UCLA sculpture garden exclaimed: "What is it?" "It's a window to the sky," they might be told. Museum visitors walked into a room and were suddenly surrounded by peach-Fuzz Invitation, a 43 foot semi-circle of soft-smooth pinkness electrically sliding along their nerve endings.

By 1980 millions of citizens in the advanced zones of the planet had been activated by Susan's transmissions and understood that Space Migration was basically an aesthetic challenge -- the power to create Mini-Earths meant humanity need never again be aesthetically passive.

An astonishing leap in artistic sensibility followed. By the year 2000 the alert earthling could look forward to designing and constructing a limitless number of Mini-Earths. The inspiration for this, the first Aesthetic Society in human history, is credited to Susan Kaiser Vogel.

Her creation of the Universe of Beauty was, however, an adolescent, high-school achievement. Susan Kaiser Vogel's greatest fame emerges from her courageous, sensitive experiments in neural fusion and genetic-linkage. her work in Conscious Conception and RNA-telepathy raised the Conception of Love six stages higher than had ever been experienced on the Planet of Her Birth.
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:45 am

The Federal Bureaucracy literally paid for and bought American psychology.

What Did This Money Buy?
by Susan Kaiser Vogel

After his discharge from the service in 1946, I-2 was offered a well-paying fellowship to graduate school at the University of California in Berkeley. The funding came from a federal agency, the Veterans Administration, an obvious spin-off of the War Department.

During the first week of training, the graduate fellows were assembled to meet a representative from Washington who announced, with considerable solemn satisfaction, that the Federal Government was getting into psychology in a big way. Enormous grants of money for salaries and research could be expected.

This prediction was no exaggeration. Before World War II, psychological research was a gentleman's game of little interest to the Firm [A-B Librarian's Comment: now the Company] and thus with almost no bureaucratic funding or supervision. After 1946, federal support of psychologists in the form of fellowships, salaried posts and research grants became the dominating fact of university life.

The Federal bureaucracy literally paid for and bought American psychology.

What did this money buy? Exactly what the Firm wanted -- a science of Adjustment and Control. Branches of psychology which study management of human behavior leaped into prominence: clinical psychology, personality, social psychology.

Leadership and direction of these new fields was assumed by former OSS (i.e., CIA) functionaries, wise in the ways of government support. The field of personality psychology in particular was covered with CIA fingerprints.

Professor Harry Murray, wartime director of the OSS Psychological Project, assembled at his Harvard center the cream of personality researchers. The aim was to investigate, not clinical pathologies (teams of Firm-supported psychiatrists were gleefully taking care of that), but to assess normal and successful humans.

By 1950 most of Murray's staff had fanned out to universities throughout the country in posts of executive power. Donald McKinnon, for example, organized the Institute of Personality Assessment and Research at the University of California in Berkeley (IPAR).

Before World War II, psychological research was a gentleman's game.

To IPAR came Air Force officers and creative, successful subjects from many professions to participate in weekend assessments based directly on OSS-CIA methods. IPAR was funded by the Ford Foundation, the U.S. Government, and God knows how many fronts.

In spite of the prestige, affluence and power of its staff, IPAR was a curiosity because it never published any important papers, never had to compete for funding and seemed to be (like some Soviet tower) isolated from the exciting self-revolution in personality which occurred from 1950-1976.

This is not to say that the IPAR psychologists-administrators were idle. Plenty was going on. IPAR was "running" American psychology -- monitoring the field, quietly screening new ideas and promising recruits emerging from the graduate ranks, arranging back-scene support for useful researchers, lining up exchanges of staff with selected foreign departments. Get it? IPAR psychologists kept popping up in the funniest places. One energetic post-doctoral went along on an Everest climb. Not a bad place for overlooking (surveiling) China.

Another profoundly significant IPAR project attempted to institute a Brave New World Psych-tech Control. A crew-cut, pink-cheeked church-going staff-member named Harrison Gough designed a personality questionnaire to diagnose "normal and superior" persons. The test had scales for "rebelliousness-conformity," anti-hive thinking, independence, etc.

Gough received a lot of publicity when he floated the proposal that personality questionnaires could be given to every school child in the country in the first grade. It would then be possible, claimed Gough, to pin-point at age seven, potential troublemakers, [and] future talented specialists. Specialized training and surveillance could then be instituted from the earliest years. No great outcry arose from the liberal psychologists.

Which was interesting. Although the average psychologist is a good-natured, reasonably progressive person, and although psychologists would be expected to understand human castes and hive-thought-control interventions, the profession is, by and large, amazingly innocent and unconcerned about the fact that it has been controlled by the Federal Bureaucracy for decades.

From 1920-1960 American psychology was as much a captive of the CIA as Russian psychology of the KGB. In some ways American psychology was more coopted, because everyone in and out of the Soviet Union knows what the KGB is doing, but well-paid American psychologists were blandly unaware of their sponsor-masters.

All this was completely changed, however, by the American Psychological Revolution which exploded in the 1960's.




Date: February, 1972
Country: Immensee on Lake Zug, Switzerland
Classification: TOP SECRET

Our local agents report that the Professor's hideout cottage on the lake has a fireplace study on the first floor opening onto the water. The top floor is a ship-cabin sailing down the lake. From the deck one whistles for the seven swans who float majestically along the shore and bend strong phallic necks to swallow bread crumbs.

Prince Alexis drives up in his Stingray, dismounts regally, throws reins to the groom and sets off a three day cycle of life-death magic. Sitting in front of the fire he begins to babble.

(The conversation is taped.)

"The fascinating facet of India," says Alexis, "is her worship of holy putrefaction. To the banal perceptions of the west she exists and has always existed, a bedraggled woolly mammoth buried in the ice of occult tradition. And yet no other ancient culture has been so expressive. In stone carving, temple, wood, gesture, fluid motion, sonorous sound, she has broadcast her buoyant message to the world. Close your eyes and sleep! Lest her repetitious dream be disturbed, she asks for only the smallest dash of creative stimulus in return. Dare we introduce western science-magic to the Ganges? Does soul, expressed in art, as in fucking, require equal reciprocity? Shall we, whether they like it or not, electrify the sita? A rock festival in Benares?"

"Strong cocaine," says the Professor. "Can we change the dial? Let's focus on the nearby future. What part do you want to play in our next episode?"

"What is the script?"

"That is the question. We're looking for it. The womb planet waits for our next broadcast. Unhappily it appears that we have to fabricate the treatment. What do you suggest?"

"My own obsessions are simple," replied the Prince. "Electronic rock 'n roll along the thin, aristocratic line from Chuck Berry to the Stones. Erotic mysticism, tantra and the pursuit of that Holiest of Grails: the all-night, orgasmless fuck. Oh yes, my family history amuses me. The saga of decadence, Sybaritism, epicureanism, philosophic gratification. I am, in addition, a nervous wreck. Do you know what that means?"

"I think so," replies the Professor with a tender smile.

"Then tell me quickly. Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why when I talk to a psychiatrist does he straight-away want to pop me in treatment? It's really quite unsettling. Say something, anything to exorcize this psychiatric curse."

"I'll have to make up a story."

"It's all fiction," says Alexis.

"In the 1950's," says the Professor, "I devoted nine years to the study of the personality, behavior, and strange beliefs of psychiatrists. They are a bizarre and superstitious tribe. My conclusion is that the profession of psychiatry is quite out of touch with reality. Do you like that?"



Subject: page 2
Classification: TOP SECRET

"Precisely my judgment," exclaims Alexis joyfully. "But I need more to convince me."

"This diagnosis does not apply to the younger generation of psychiatrists, many of whom are nice, if dull hive agents. Freud is considered by many to be a flaming revolutionary of free and honest sexuality. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Freud is the Nixon of Psychology."

"Oh that's priceless," grinned Alexis. "Freud is the Nixon of Psychology! How?"

"Every sensible person in the world," continued the Professor, "had been trying to end the cold war, but such attempts were futile. Because it required someone who fanatically believed in the polarity, someone totally committed to good to establish detente with bad. Nixon being the last politician in the world to want peace with his enemies, had to be the one to use detente against his domestic rivals. The same thing had to happen to allow a detente between Morality and Sex in the European character structure. For a century before Freud every intellectual in Europe had known about the unconscious role of sexuality. But no psychiatrist or scientist with a normal, healthy sex-life could be believed. It required the most uptight, sexless, prudish man in Europe to use sex as ally against his real enemies, the Viennese medical establishment. Is that enough?"

"I'm a difficult case. Can you continue?"

"Psychiatry," continues the Professor, "is primitive, prescientific hive regulation. Actually the pre-Freudian psychiatric language was much more realistic. Before Freud, psychiatrists were called 'alienists.' This is an extraordinarily happy term, because most psychiatric patients are aliens, that is to say, they have activated post-hive circuits of their nervous systems, circuits designed for future survival. When the UFO's land 'alienation' will become a very respectable word. The in-sane seem to live in another world. Exactly. They are perhaps best seen as premature evolutes. Mental hospitals should be called asylums. A nervous wreck is exactly that."

"It's a beautiful concept," says Alexis. "A badge of honor I shall wear proudly."

"Nervous," explains the Exorcist, "refers our attention to the nervous system, not to imaginary character traits. And 'wrecked' means pushed out of normal hive alignment. Collapse of the Domesticated Mind is considered to be the goal of most mutating post-hive entities. The mind as you know, Alexis, is the fragment of the brain that mediates the movements of the nine muscles of the larynx and the hand. Collapse of the mind means that the laryngeal muscles can no longer define hive reality."

(End of tape.)
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:48 am


The name and face of Daniel Gilbertson are recognized throughout the galaxy as symbols of swash-buckling neuroastronaut adventure.

Gilbertson started his internal-explorations while a graduate student at Oxford. He subsequently made documentary films on the desert, the deep seas, the underworld and in high orbit. Daniel spent the next decade as a staff hedonist at the then fledgling University of Space. he later went on to win the Pleasure Decathalon at the Hedonic Olympics of 1980, 1984 and 2002.

Daniel's career took an unexpected twist in 2001 when he designed the first 100% collimation-free microdisc sound processor with synaptic cleft micromote regulators and built-in quadrophonic headphones. Proceeds went to the establishment of a non-profit social athletic club -- "The Space Nomads" -- dedicated to humankind's spirit of undying adventure. (Their motto: Nothing Human is Strange to Us.) During his fourteen-year tenure as a Senior Fellow of The Space Nomads, Daniel operated his own deep space safari company and lectured regularly on the future of social evolution.

He also laid the original plans for the Phoenix Rising Animal Reserve which pioneered zero-gravity back-breeding techniques, recreating the Dodo and many other formerly extinct species.

His major accomplishments, however, came in the field of High Orbital Architecture and Design. The thousands of Mini-Earths he designed can be recognized throughout the solar system by their understated beauty and elegance.

Daniel Gilbertson was last seen heading towards Alpha Centauri to scout locations for a film version of his #1 best-selling paperback, Little Known Trails of the Alpha Centaurian Black Hole.

Reprinted from SCIENTIFIC AMERICA, August 1979


The Ups of Pleasure and Downs of Satisfaction
by Daniel Gilbertson

Hive-moralists for millennia have lamented the innate, pervasive tendency of human beings to kick-out in bursts of irrationality and pleasure seeking. Extrasocial self-indulgence.

It is important to distinguish between two very different hedonic reactions.

Hedonic experiences caused by activating higher-faster-future brains at the service of and controlled by self. Pleasures.

Intoxication and narcotic escape experiences caused by activating slower-lower circuits. Satisfactions.

Both of these experiences take consciousness away from domesticated robothood. Pleasures move one into the past-social-self-actualized future. Up from hive routine. Intoxicants, tranquilizers and narcotics move one back to the past -- down from domestication, to primate and mammalian instinctual satisfactions.

Civilized terrestrial humans, robotically and blindly harnessed to species tasks, dependent upon gene-hive rewards for duty well-done, apparently need to slow-down, turn-off, escape domesticated pressure. Boredom and social inefficiency would result without some sequential opportunity to regress from hive morality, to activate the primitive circuits of the brain. Intoxicants and narcotic escapes are built-in devices to allow ritual regression to earlier, lower, slower stages. Their power and delight is that they are conventionally naughty.

Each civilization produces ritualistic drug-taking.

The dutiful 11th Brain Domesticate and the 12th Brain Insectoid live in a reality centered upon hive duty. The 10 earlier brains are there, but are taboo, often blanked from consciousness. Every successful 11th and 12th brain civilization provides ritualistic means of allowing reactivation of the earlier brains -- temporarily naughty immorality, programmed animalism. Permissible retrogression. Brains, as we know, are turned on and off by means of neuro-transmitter chemicals. Each civilization produces ritualistic drug-taking which allows temporary animalistic reversion.

This process is best seen in the Japanese culture -- surely the most insectoid society in world history. The Japanese have developed ritualistic drunkenness which permits the Dutiful Nipponese to regress to animalism (Brains 4, 5, and 6). Alcoholism, abuse of state-manufactured vodka, is also tolerated in the Soviet Union.

It is noteworthy that the German culture, another highly domesticated-duty society, allows its citizens a scheduled intoxication-regression in the Fasching-carnival. And even the sober, tidy Swiss, permit each other a Springtime return to pseudo-bestiality when these paragons of 11th brain tidy familiarity become tipsy and lurch around like sodden bears shamelessly littering the streets of Basel with confetti! (Masks are worn at these carnival regressions. The Burghers do not want to have their inner animals seen.)

Other methods for ceremonial return of the animal-brain-stages involve totems exhibited at athletic events, parades, social gatherings. Observe that the unrepressed emotions released at these events are not sexual. Genital satisfaction is not the central motive. Middle-age, middle-class folks return to pre-adolescence and become exhibitionistic monkeys or noisy, often savage mammals. Recall South and central American football games in which thousands of spectators engage in physical violence directed against the territorial rival.

The orchestrated revival of earlier brains is a basic issue in any stable gene-pool. Each of our 12 terrestrial brains has its own ego, demands activation, must be allowed to cut loose on some regular basis. The best-run civilizations have worked out a weekly return of the regressed. The domesticate works dutifully Monday through Friday. Saturday SHe is allowed to assemble in animal-totem competitions -- the Bulldogs of Yale versus the Horned Toads of Texas Christian. Saturday night the socially approved intoxicant is imbibed, permitting a temporary explosion of mammalian territorial competition and sexual low-jinks. Sunday morning the chastened and hung-over domesticate attends a DNA adoration ceremony in which the dignified gene-hive Creator is recognized, the brief foray back to animalism exorcised. The domesticate, purged and reborn, is ready to start the next week of hive duty.

So far we have discussed alcohol -- which triggers off mammalian reactions. Another powerful set of neurotransmitters reconstruct even more primitive realities. Narcotics reactivate 1st brain experiences and put the domesticate in touch with relaxed, floating, vegetative pre-terrestrial-marine neurological realities.

Middle-age, middle-class folks return to pre-adolescence and become exhibitionistic monkeys.

Narcotic drugs are approved when used in sickness rituals. Symptomatic cries for help can stimulate shaman-doctors to offer the narcotic experience which activates lower-brain consciousness -- ancient, infantile, vegetative. The taboo is necessary to hive discipline. The narcotic return to marine status is so tempting, so inviting, that it must be administered by an Authority figure. The domesticate is not allowed access to First Circuit neurotransmitters. Self-administration of narcotics to actualize infantile responses cannot be tolerated for fear that everyone will reject the busy, hectic, adult demands of the hive and escape back to vegetative-ocean bliss. The Doctor Ceremony is the method by which hive-society allows citizens to plug back into the early marine circuits.

It is impossible, however, to phone in "well" to the hive-center.

An amusing diagnostic side-light on domesticated terrestrial civilizations: It is acceptable to phone-in sick to the office and thus avoid work. Hive-society recognizes that the insectoid slavery it imposes is basically lethal to the workers. The ceremony of sick-leave is allowed.

It is impossible, however, to phone in "well" to the hive-center. To announce: "I feel so good today, I'm not coming in to work." In the hedonic society of the future (when the Dom-Species is 14th Brain) provision will be made for "well-leave" in addition to "sick-leave."

The difference between intoxicant-narcotic behavior and hedonic behavior should now be clear. The former engages earlier-slower-lower instinctual brains. The latter moves consciousness and behavior into the self-actualized future, engages future neural circuits. The former are rewards for the over-worked domesticate. The latter are genetic endowments, new brains presented, ready-or-not, by the evolutionary process -- not earned, but grown-into.




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