Oupnek'hat, by Anquetil Duperron

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: Oupnek'hat, by Anquetil Duperron

Postby admin » Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:20 am

Si bona est reprehensio, valeat; si mala, transeat.
Censura peril, scriptum manet.

[Latin Version]

Tres praecipui, in Gallia, de [x] Oupnek'hat Tomo I.°, duo, brevi, unus, longo sermone egerunt diariarii.

I. us, metaphysicae cultor et peritus, at materiam proprie sotam ubique videns, ad sensum suum, qui non [x] Oupnek'hat, super prima rerum causa, spiritus et materiae natura, agentibus secundariis, elementis, homine, anima, corpore etc. Indicun systema aggreditur et exponit.

Vide Moniteur, 10 thermid. an 10 (29 juill. 1802), Litter. Orient, p. 1270, 1271. Urbano et erudito redactori, D. Tourlet, licet in eo quod recte Oupnek'hat significat, ab illo discrepem, gratias amplissimas.

II.us, diariarius, Instituti nationalis, novorum philosophorum, recentium observationum, revolutionis generationis vindex, opus et auctorem acerbe tractat.

Decade Philosophique, n.° 2, an II, 1 trimest, 20 vendem. (12 octob. 1802), Litter. p. 91-96.

Redactor, D. L. V. satis lepide, Alcoranum mutat in Homerum, cujus occasione (non est ergo typographi error) Iliadis laudat elegantiam, venustates lepores, (les beautes) 1 [ ]

Sic doctus Maraccius Alcorani textum orbi litterario explanavit, versione Latina rudi, sed Arabicum sermonem pressius referente. Sic versiones biblicae interlineares, et ipsa interdum Vulgata, textum Hebraicum fideliter expressum exhibent. Oupnek’hat y T. I, Monit, p. 11-111.

M. Anquetil s'etaie de l'exemple des auteurs de la Vulgate, dea versions litterales d'Homere, etc. Il nous semble que ces auteurs se sont conformes, nous ne dirons pas au genie, mais a la syntaxe de la langue dans laquelle ils icrivoient; et certes, la poesie des Hebreux, ainsi que les beautes de l'Iliade, compteroient moius d'admirateurs parmi ceux qui en jugent sur leur parole, s'ils les avoient interpretees de cette maniere. Deced. Philos. etc. p. 92:

Duodecim aut quindecim nova [x] Oupnek'hat volumina, cum alterum solummodo (quod prioris sors manet) auctor annunciarit, reformidat (p. 96). Oupnek'hatne legit? Si legit, voluit, potuitne intelligere (p. 93-94)? Saltem memoriae lapsu tituli vocem Indico-pleustoe, Indici (ad Indias) navigatoris, et litteram R. (regioe) Gallice non verterit peritus quidem et non timidus excerptor, minime vero Orientalis, nec magis sublimium amans conceptuum; caeterum difficilium osor, in citatis parum fidus (unitas Dei, pro unicitate entis; intelligentia, respirationis, halitus loco; circa duo millia annorum, vice longe ante duo annorum millia, etc., p. 93-96; Oupnek'hat, p. 23, 42, 43, Monit. p. VII) etc,, (absque fastidiosa morositate dictum) quandoque nimis dicax, et subiracundus.

Grates nihilominus D. L. V. qui, forte asperius carpendo, ea est indole, levi et amoenae Galliae parti ponderosum et inficetum Oupnek'hat notum facere non dedignatus.

Praelusit auctor decadarius: nunc ad censurae finem.

"Environner, inquit (p. 96), de tout l'appareil de l'erudition des contes tries-in-ferieurs aux mille et une nuits, et des raisonnemens qui valent encore moins 1 [ ]

Mirum quousque mentes et ingenia deprimat, et angustet humile et arctum novorum philosophoum systema, qui quidem extra, supra sensus, affectus, materiam, nihil verum aut gratum, nihil sublime reputant; nihil, nisi quod ex his, si non spuriis, saltem abjectis fontibus ortum, in natura, hominis cogitatione dignum arbitrantur: animam, quam vituli jecur, perdricis alam, pluris non facere, Voteriano de grege Galium Indicum se dicere, magnus sane ingenii nisus! Quae non intelligunt homulli isti despiciant, licet. Vulpis uvam:

"Quam tangere non potuit, discedens ait; Nondum matura est; nolo acerbam sumere. Phedr. lib. IV, 3.

In rebus litterariis, ut et politicis, taedium, fastidium, operis neglectum, derelictionem parit animi debilitas, tarditas: quod quidem minoris studii, contemptionis e rei natura, aut ingenio philosophico, ortae, sibi ipsis placendi, gratulandi causa, sorte sui qualitercunque contenti, nomine insigniunt.

Communior, at prava et nocentissima, in rebus, indoles, ingenii forma.

s’en prevaloir pour traiter avec une morosite dedaigneuse des ecrivains qui ont dit eloquemment des choses sensees; en prendre occasion de taxer d’ignorance et de barbarie une generation qui cherche a s’eclairer, et une compagnie savante justement honoree dans toute l'Europe; voila ce qu’on n’auroit attendu de personne, et ce qu’a fait M. Anquetil dans les notes qui accompagnent sa traduction."

Inde irae. Institutumne affectaret adulator criticus?

Heureusement il y a lieu de croire qu’elle ne fera pas oublier les auteurs illustres contre lesquels il se dechaine; qu’on applaudira davantage aux decouvertes de l'institut national, qu’a la sagesse du Pradjapat; et que, si on continue d’imprimer les douze ou quinze volumes de l'Oupnek'hat, dont nous sommes encore menaces, de hons esprits continueront en meme temps, et avec plus de succes, de travailler a la propagation des lumieres."

Partes suas egit strenuus philosophico-decadarius: nunc ego meas. Suis asseclis mundi quisquilias, opes, munera, honores, ut lubet, largiatur Caco daemon (Matth. IV, 8, 9); paucissimo contentus, humi, ne cadam, jacens, Indorum more, brevissimo, quod superest, vitae, curriculo, nullo vinculo adstrictus, crede, non invideo. Ubi de veritate, morali, hominum jure et commodo, relligione Cathotico-Christiana, cui unice servio, actum est, agitur, agetur, populorum, generationum, principum, coetuum, famarum, nominum rationem nunquam habui, numquam, Deo juvante, salva semper debita cuique reverentia, etiam laude, sum habiturus.

Dicteriis, si placet, me aggrediantur lacessiti: quanquam revera conqueror, tantum, non maligne carpo; in me nulla invidia, nullum insectandi studium. Si facta ipsa arguunt, objurgant, cum eis, non cum referente litigium. Prodeant illustres illi auctores, qui res sanas eleganti sermone tradiderunt: videlicet, S. Roch et S. Thomas, Satyre par Andrieu, de l'Institut national (1802), Memoire en faveur de Dieu, par de l'Ile Desalles, de l'Institut national (1802); Proemium ab Instituto propositum (20 vendem. an, 11, 12 octob. 1802), Sujet du Prix d’Analyse des sensations et des Idees; Determiner (more Condiliaco) comment on doit decomposer la faeulte de penser, et quelles sont les facultes elementaires qu on doit y reconnoitre (merces, circa 1700#); Rapport du physique et du moral de l'homme, par Cabanis, de l'Institut national (1802), etc. Mira moralis, relligionis, verae philosophiae fulcimenta; materiam seu pulveris acervos, cogitationum causas et elementa esse docere!

Generatio quae, destructo relligioso cultu, avulsa cognitionum radice, fontibus exsiccatis, ruderibus lancea, cui pileus libertatis impositus, infixa, faces omnes extinguendo, orbis historiae scientiarum primordia anno 1790 affigendo, lumen sibi [illegible] contendit; quaeque, vagis excursibus fessa, e lapsu in lapsum, a Regente magno; exquisito judicio, virili ac praesenti animo, senili sapientia ac prudentia praedito, quaecunque sit ejus potestatis origo, quicunque ejus tentamentorum, operationum scopus et modus, ad derelictam saniorem mentem redire coacta est.

Pari modo, nisi summo ac vigilanti imperio, in novis collegiis, scholis, relligionis et moralis officia ordinet ipse ac praecipiat primus Consul, semper reluctantibus, machinantibus pravis et mulierariis magistris, nuptis presbyteris (Journ. des defens. de la patr. 24 brum, an 11 [15 nov. 1802],p. 3), nullus, e restituto cultu, fructus emerget.

Enim vero praenotatam generationem ignaram vocare nefandum; laesae majestatis crimen, barbaram eam nuncupare, quae, optimo rege trucidato, Parisiis, 30, 40, 60 damnatos, indemnatos, ficto scelere, etiam nomine, quasi spectaculum edens, ad patibulum (la guillotine) catervatim agebat; quae Nannette, homines et mulieres, nudo corpore simul ligatos, matrimonia ludens, in naviculas, valvulis mobilibus armatas, detrusos submergebat, in Avenionensi crymotheca ingestos suffocabat!

De Instituto nationali sat dictum: doctos qui in eo sunt, et certe admodum paucos, modo Galvanismo et Vaccinismo se abstineant, testari audeo: nihil 144 litteratorum junctione dignum, hucusque ex illa societate prodiit.

Bona verba, quaeso, doctor decadarie; quasdam velim observationes ausculta.

1.° Lege, si lubet, attente Ennii fragmenta (edit. Hesselio et Westenio; 1707), Plautum ac Terentium: et [x] Oupnek’hat versionis latinae anomalias, ellenismos minus indigne feres: quemadmodum Persice et Samscretice scientem, propriorum nominum e Persico principis Dara Schako, Indo-Mogolis, crudito, et Benares Pandetan, Brahmenan, quasi dictantibus scribentis, sumptorum, varia, et forte minus accurata ore Gallico (quid esset Anglico, singulari vocalium emissione, toti Europae extranea?) data, non terrebit pronunciatio, orthographia.

P. Paulinus, qui Cochineam, eruditus Wilkins 1 [ ]

I am concerned, inquit D. Samuel Henley, F. R. S. rector of Rendlesham, in Suffolk (Epist. ad summum Orientalistam D. De Sacy, octob. 1802), to find that in the late publication of Anquetil Duperron there should be so many errors as to the orthography of the proper names, which M. Wilkins informs me are almost every-where mistaken. We have in the British Museum an admirable translation of it by M. Halhed (fato functum dicunt), which I hope will be published."

Primus Anglorum litteratorum bellici tympani ictus: si valent, res post nomina.

qui Patnaicam aut Benaresicam tantam habent et sapiunt vocum Samskreticarum emissionem (oris Malabarensi et Coromandelensi, Veda, Vedom, Vischnou; in Bengala, Beid, Beschn etc; ut in Europa Groecus, Latinus, Hebraicus sermo, pro linguarum viventium natura, populorum gutture, palato, diverse profertur); nec quidquam Persice norunt, forte ut erroneam quam adhibui verborum prolationem arguere non dubitabunt. At si D. Halhed, linguae Persiae perito, D. Bougthon Rouse [x] Oupnek'hat exemplarium (supra, T. 1, Monit. p. VI, VII, not. 2) copia facta est, isque illius operis qualemcunque versionem (quaeque ut brevi cum lucido conimentario latine publici juris fiat, vehementer opto) in musaeo Brittannico asservatam elaboravit: tum si propria nomina in Menu institutis, Anglica lingua Bengalae, a celeb. Jones redditis, pauco numero sparsa, cum mea translatione conferre haud dedignetur, consonatium solummodo, ut in Persico (ubi a in India, e in Persia effertur, etc.), Arabico, Syriaco, ratione habita, operis quantum potis erat, nitorem, saltem rerum facile deprehendet substantiam; quo unice, Romanam infallibilitatem, inerrantiam non intendens, collineavi.

Opus imperfectum supplet perfectius, quod, priore deficiente, non fuisset editum. Huic ergo (imperfecto) incoepti gloria, si qua est, et primum debetur emolumentum. (Britannicum Indiae Imperium Du Pleix creavit): sic sensim e puteo exit alma veritas.

2.° Europaeis moralem Indiam, in opere philosophico patefaciens, Indis moralem Europam debui patefacere: moralior fiat, moraliorem describam. E mutua collatione, collisione, ut ignis e caute, veritas adsilit, et recta quandoque rerum exsurgit ordinatio.

Qui ex omnibus theogoniis, cosmogoniis, castrata, redactoris more, excerpta eduxerit, ridiculum at non verum acri, eum miscere facile agnoscetur.

3.° Si sola celebritas, quoquo modo parta, si famosa hominum coagmentatio, sapientis et probatae censurae telis facit impervium, Graecorum, Latinorum, Barbarorum scripta moralia, AEsopi et Phedri fabulas, Horatii, Juvenalis, Persii, Despreaux satyras, quibus nihil aliud quaeritur,

Quam corrigatur error ut mortalium,
Acuatque sese diligens industria; Phedr. lib. 2, Prol. 3.

cuncta haec una litura expungendum, delendum est.

In litteraria, ut in politica republica, qui primas tenent, larvam induunt, quae nisi audaci et forti manu, etiam facie, si necesse est, lacerata, detrahatur, quis sit verus actoris vultus nunquam cognoscetur.

4.° Meum cum Instituto, cum novis philosophis, illustribus saeculi, generis humani illuminatoribus (eclaireurs), cum revolutionis generatione, progenie (cujus turpitudo, substituta atroci falsae relligionis zelo, furibunda, ignara, crassa impietate, omnino anabaptistica 1 [ ]

Histoire des Anabaptistes, conten. leur doctrine, les divers. opin. qui let divis., les troubl. qu'ils ont causes etc., depuis 1521 (1700), p. 61-192-205.

portentum, monstrum, commentum videbitur) bellum, in spisso fere 900 pag. in-4.° latino (et quis nunc Parisiis, in Gallia, latine legit?) latebat reconditum, demersum: illud e tenebris eruit, duobus aut tribus libellorum publicorum millibus gallice promulgat imprudens diariarius. Inde duo inexpectata (crederes, de industria): libri desiderium excitat, in impugnatos, si non prostratos, invidiae dentem acuit, mordacem risum movet: me, et illustrium olim directorem, postea quasi sepultum, magnis nunc odiis facit innotescere, clarescere; simul et Instituto, muneribus, pensionibus immunem absolute reddit et liberum. Grates ex animo.

Epicureo-Materialistas, qui a quinquaginta et amplius annis spiritualitas conspuunt, fastidiosi morositate insectando, par pari retuli. Responde stulto juxta stultitiam suam, inquit Salomo (Proverb. XXVI, 5), ne sibi sapiens esse videatur.

Utinam Prophetae effato eventus respondeat!

Imple facies eorum ignominia, et quoerent nomen tuum, Domine. Ps. LXXXII.

In III.° diario, excerpti auctor, recto judicio, profundo, acri et miti ingenio vir, bonum, raro malum refert; utrumque aequa lance ponderat; erga opus et editorem pariter benevolus, et docta, accurata [x] Oupnek'hat synopsi, vera apologia, praesentes et futuras detrectatorum objectiones refellit, linguam et sermones retundit.

Inde farraginis insolitae compositori, novarum elucidationum, tomo 2.° publici juris facto, spes exsurgit; inde novarum in Oupnek'hat, in Indicum systema, re, ut apprime fecit sagax et peritus senator Lanjuinais, penitius considerata, laetanti et grato animo se offert, in posterum, amicarum et solidarum, inter sinceros veritatis amatores, etiam in quibusdam dissentiendo, series discussionum 1 [ ].

1. "Une des questions d’histoire, inquit D. Lanjuinais (Magas. encyclop. brum. p. 334, 335), les plus interessantes, est, sans doute, celle de l'antiquite du monde. Saus avoir encore ru le Voyage en Egypte, par le cit. Denon, ouvrage qui paroit en ce moment, le C. A. D. P, apporte un contingent honorable de recherches et de reflexions (Cid. T. I, p. 700-702) contre l'argument tire des fameux Zodiaques de Denderah: mais l'ecrivain qui jusqu'a present a recueilli le plus de faits et de raisons pour l'opinion commune de la nouveaute du monde, est le C. Le Coz, archeveque de Besancon (ancien eveque constitutionnel de Reunes), dans son livre intitule: Defense de la Revelation chretienne (et Preuves de la Divinite de J. C.), ou Lettre sur le Memoire en faveur de Dieu, in-8.° Paris 1802."

Vesuntiani Praesulis propositum laudo, non autem argumentaudi modum.

1.° Ad novorum philosophorum genus, pedes, archiepiscopum se provolventum oculo moerenti aspicio.

2.° E Diluvio praecipue Zodiacorum falsitatem concludit D. Le Coz (lib. cit. p. 229): et hoc ipsum est, propter cujus veritatem evertendam astronomicos et antiquissimos Zodiacos effingunt recentes increduli. Insuper solida e lapide aedilicia, aquarum 150 diebus stagnantium (Genes. vii, 24), quarumque inundatio, generis humani scelerum poena (ibid, vi, 7), delevit tantummodo omnem substantiam, quoe erat super terram, ab homine usque ad pecus, tam reptile, quem volucres coeli (ibid. vii, 23); aquarum, inquam, actioni, aeque ac ramum olivoe, virentibus foliis, quem portans in ore suo, undis effluxis, ad arcam columba reversa est (ibid. §. VIII, 11), resistere non potuisse, foret probandum.

3.° Verum, quidquid sit, hoc effatum libenter non audiet auris Christiana: "Je l’avoue en general, ait D. le Coz (lib. cit. p. 207), la question de l'Age du monde n'est que de curiosite: aueun de nos systemes de chronologie ne tient a la foi."

De curiosite? In re admodum gravi, vox adminus absona. Sic sentit sapiens et vere relligiosus Languinais, cum (Magas, encycl. brum p. 335), de inductione ex Zodiacis contra sacrae et receptae chronologie sententiam loquens: "Un sujet, inquit, aussi important!" Etenim si merum curiositatis alimentum est, de aetate mundi quaestio, a 4000, 6000, ad 16 17,000, 100,000 annos, indefinitum, aeternum tempus, protrahi, salva fide, poterit mundi aetas: nulla orbis creatio: septem dies (in Epistola ad Hebraros IV, 4, 10, memorati), allegoria: similiter diluvium, historia Abrahae, egressus, sub Mose, ex Egypto. Sic ruit sacra vetus historia; novum testamentum veteri innixum, ejus auctoritas: inde orta Christiana relligio, quod intendunt impii, infirmatur; quin imo, evertitur.

At praesulem, revolutionis aestro percitum (lib. cit. p. 250, 258, 259, 263), una manu struere, altera destruere, nil mirum.

Vide Magasin Encyclopedique, n.° 10, vendem. an 11, T. III, 8 an. Litter. Orient. Oupnek’hat etc. pag. 172-200; n.° 11, brum. p. 312-340. Data (lib. cit. vendem. p. 174, brum. p. 356-339) editoris vera effigie, eum a molesta mundanorum, politicorum, etiam proborum, relligiosorum, propinquorum, qui subausterum ad commodiorem morem suum adducere tentant, insectatione liberavit benignus Senator: doctum ac haud speraudum [x] Oupnek'hat defensorem, inexpectatum et strenuum vindicem (Vindem. p. 176) 1 [ ], ad cognitionum, praesertim Orientalium incrementum sospitem servare dignetur, proborum altor et fautor, Deus, supremus rerum arbiter!

Parisiis, 16 novemb. 1802.
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Re: Oupnek'hat, by Anquetil Duperron

Postby admin » Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:35 am

If the criticism is good, let it be valid; if bad, let it pass.
Censorship perishes, the writing remains.

[English Version by Google translate]

The three principal diarists, in Gaul, spoke about [x] Oupnek'hat Volume I. Two, briefly, one, at length.

I.us, a cultivator and expert in metaphysics, but seeing matter properly sown everywhere, to his sense, who does not [x] Oupnek'hat, on the first cause of things, spirit and the nature of matter, secondary agents, elements, man, soul, body, etc. The indicun system is attacked and exposed.

See Moniteur, 10 thermid. an 10 (July 29, 1802), Litter. Orient, p. 1270, 1271. To the urbane and erudite redactor, D. Tourlet, although I differ from him in what he rightly means Oupnek'hat, I give the greatest thanks.

II.us, a diarist, a champion of the National Institute, of new philosophers, of recent observations, of the revolutionary generation, treats the work and the author bitterly.

Decade Philosophique, n. 2, an II, 1 trimester, 20 I will sell (October 12, 1802), Litter. p. 91-96.

The redactor, D. L. V. quite cleverly, changes the Koran into Homer, on the occasion of which (there is no printer's error) he praises the elegance of the Iliad, the gracefulness of the hares, (the beauties) 1 [ ]

Thus the learned Maracius interpreted the text of the Qur'an in the literary world, in a crude Latin version, but referring more closely to the Arabic discourse. Thus the interlinear versions of the Bible, and sometimes the Vulgate itself, present the Hebrew text faithfully expressed. Oupnek'hat, T. I, Monit, p. 11-111.

Mr. Anquetil draws on the example of the authors of the Vulgate, the literal versions of Homer, etc. It seems to us that these authors conformed, we will not say to genius, but to the syntax of the language in which they wrote; and certainly, the poetry of the Hebrews, as well as the beauties of the Iliad, would have more admirers among those who judge them by their word, if they had interpreted them in this way. Deceased. Philos. etc. p. 92:

Twelve or fifteen new [x] Oupnek'hat volumes, when only the second (which remains of the former lot) has been announced by the author, shrinking (p. 96). Does Oupnek'hat read? If he wanted to read, could he understand (p. 93-94)? At least, in the lapse of memory, the voice of the title Indian-mostly, the Indian (to the Indies) navigator, and the letter R. (of the region) was not translated into French by an expert and not a timid picker, certainly not an Oriental, nor a lover of lofty concepts; I hate the rest of the difficult things, I have little faith in those cited (the unity of God, for the uniqueness of being; intelligence, respiration, breath instead; about two thousand years, the turn far before two thousand years, etc., p. 93-96; Oupnek'hat, p. 23, 42, 43, Monit. p. 7) etc.

Grateful, however, to Mr. L. V., who, perhaps picking more roughly, did not disdain to make known the weighty and infected Oupnek'hat of that character, the light and pleasant part of Gaul.

The author of the Decadence excelled: now to the end of the censure.

"To surround, worried (p. 96), with the whole apparatus of erudition of tales sorted-inferior to the thousand and one nights, and of the reasonings which are worth even less 1 [ ]

It is surprising to what extent the lowly and narrow system of the new philosophers depresses and narrows the minds and talents, who, indeed, consider nothing true or acceptable, nothing sublime, outside, above the senses, affections, matter; nothing, except that from these, if not spurious, at least spurned springs, they think worthy of the thought of man in nature: not to make the soul more valuable than the liver of a calf, or the wing of a partridge. Let these men despise what they do not understand. Fox grape:

As he was leaving, he said that he could not touch it; It is not yet ripe; I don't want to take it bitter. Phedr. book IV, 3.

In literary matters, as well as in politics, weariness, disgust, neglect of work, dereliction of the mind breeds weakness, slowness: which, indeed, arises from less study, contempt from the nature of things, or from philosophical genius, for the sake of pleasing themselves, of congratulating themselves, of being content in any way with their lot. They are distinguished by their name.

More common, but perverted and most harmful, in matters, character, and form of character.

take advantage of it to treat with disdainful gloom writers who have said sensible things eloquently; take the opportunity to accuse of ignorance and barbarity a generation which seeks to enlighten itself, and a learned company justly honored throughout Europe; this is what we would not have expected from anyone, and what Mr. Anquetil did in the notes which accompany his translation."

Hence the anger. Would a critical flatterer affect the organization?

Fortunately there is reason to believe that it will not make us forget the famous authors against whom he rages; that we will applaud the discoveries of the national institute more than the wisdom of Pradjapat; and that, if we continue to print the twelve or fifteen volumes of the Oupnek'hat, with which we are still threatened, honest minds will continue at the same time, and with more success, to work for the propagation of enlightenment."

The active philosophic decadent played his part: now I do mine. Cacus the demon bestows upon his followers the rubbish of the world, riches, gifts, honors, as he pleases (Matthew 4, 8, 9); contented with very little, on the ground, lest I should fall, lying down, as is the custom of the Indians, with the shortest remaining life, career, bound by no bond, believe me, I do not envy him. Where truth, morality, the right and advantage of men, the Catholic-Christian religion, to which I serve only, has been dealt with, is being dealt with, is being dealt with, peoples, generations, princes, groups, fames, names, I have never had, never, by the help of God, save always due I am going to have respect, even praise, for each of them.

Let them assail me with words, if it please; In me there is no envy, no desire to encroach. If they dispute the facts themselves, they should dispute with them, not with the referent. Let those illustrious authors come forth, who delivered sound things in elegant language: namely, S. Roch and S. Thomas, Satyre par Andrieu, from the National Institute (1802), Memoire in favor of God, by de l'Ile Desalles, from the National Institute (1802); Awarded by the Institute (20 Friday year, 11, 12 October 1802), Subject of the Prize for Analysis of Sensations and Ideas; Determine (more Condiliaco) how we must decompose the faculty of thinking, and what are the elementary faculties that we must recognize in it (wages, circa 1700#); Report of the physical and moral of man, by Cabanis, of the National Institute (1802), etc. The wonderful supports of morality, religion, and true philosophy; to teach that matter or piles of dust are the causes and elements of thought!

A generation which, having destroyed its religious cult, uprooted the roots of knowledge, dried up the fountains, speared with ruins, on which the cap of liberty was placed and planted, extinguishing all the torches, affixing the beginnings of the world's history of science in 1790, strove for light [illegible] for itself; and these, exhausted by their wanderings, from fall to fall, from the great Regent; with an exquisite judgment, a manly and present mind, endowed with the wisdom and prudence of an old man, whatever the origin of his power, whatever the aim and method of his trials and operations, he was forced to return to the abandoned saner mind.

In the same way, unless the supreme and watchful command, in the new colleges, schools, religious and moral offices, the first Consul himself shall order and command, always reluctant, scheming wicked and womanizing teachers, married priests (Journal defenses. of the patr. 24 brum, 11 [Nov. 15, 1802], no fruit emerges from the restored worship.

For indeed it is abhorrent to call a predestined generation ignorant; the crime of injured majesty, to call her a barbarian, who, having been murdered by the best king, led the Parisians, 30, 40, 60 condemned, indemnified, to a false crime, even in name, as if eating a spectacle, to the gallows (la guillotine) in groups; which Nannette, men and women, tied together with their naked bodies, playing marriage, in boats, armed with movable valves, drowned those who had been thrust out, and suffocated those who had been eaten in the Avenion freezer!

Enough has been said about the National Institute: I dare to testify that the scholars who are in it, and certainly a very few, so long as they abstain from Galvanism and Vaccinism: nothing worthy of a union of 144 scholars has yet come out of that society.

Good words, please, Doctor Decadarie; I would like to hear some observations.

1. Read, if you please, the fragments of Ennius (ed. Hesselius and Westenius; 1707), Plautus and Terentius; The Persian prince Dara Schako, the Indo-Mogul, crude, and the Pandetan of Benares, Brahmenan, as if given to the dictation of the writer, the consumers, varied, and perhaps less accurate in the French mouth (what would be the English, with the singular emission of vowels, foreign to the whole of Europe?), the pronunciation will not frighten, spelling, P. Paulinus, who of Cochin, learned Wilkins 1 [ ]

I am concerned, inquit D. Samuel Henley, F. R. S. rector of Rendlesham, in Suffolk (Epist. ad summum Orientalistam D. De Sacy, octob. 1802), to find that in the late publication of Anquetil Duperron there should be so many errors as to the orthography of the proper names, which M. Wilkins informs me are almost every-where mistaken. We have in the British Museum an admirable translation of it by M. Halhed (They say it was done by fate), which I hope will be published."

The first beat of the war drum of the English literati: if they are strong, things behind names.

those who have Patnaic or Benaresic as much and are wise in the emission of Samskretic voices (the mouth of Malabar and Coromandel, Veda, Vedom, Vishnou; in Bengal, Beid, Beschn, etc.; as in Europe Greek, Latin, Hebrew speech, for the nature of living languages, the throat of peoples, the palate is pronounced differently); nor do they know anything in Persian, perhaps they will not hesitate to accuse me of a wrong pronunciation of the words which I have used. But if D. Halhed, an expert in the Persian language, D. Bougthon Rouse [x] Oupnek'hat copies (above, T. 1, Monit. p. 6, 7, note. 2) were made abundant, and any version of that work (and which, in order that it may soon become a public law in Latin, with a bright commentary, I strongly hope) preserved in the British Museum, he elaborated: then if proper names were instituted in the Menu, the English language of Bengal, a celeb. Jones' renderings, scattered in a few numbers, will not be disdained to contribute with my translation, only the consonants, so that in Persian (where a in India, e in Persia is brought out, etc.), Arabic, Syriac, taking into account, the work was as much as you can, a gloss, at least he will easily detect the substance of things; by which alone, not intending Roman infallibility, inerrancy, I colluded.

He supplies the imperfect work more perfectly, which, in the absence of the former, would not have been published. Therefore, to this (imperfect) beginning is the glory, if any, and the first benefit is due. (The British Empire of India was created by Dupleix): thus the deep truth gradually emerges from the well.

2. In revealing the moral India to the Europeans in my philosophical work, I had to reveal the moral Europe to the Indians: let it become more moral, describe it more morally. From the mutual collusion, from the collision, like fire from a cache, the truth leaps forth, and sometimes a correct arrangement of things arises.

He who, after the fashion of a redactor, has brought out excerpts from all the theogonies and cosmogonies, castrated, ridiculous but not true, is easily recognized as a mix-up.

3. If fame alone, won by any means, if a famous gathering of men, makes impervious to the weapons of wise and proven censure, the written morals of the Greeks, Latins, and Barbarians, the fables of Aesop and Phaedrus, the satires of Horace, Juvenal, Persius, and Despreaux, of whom nothing else is required,

How to correct the error of mortals
He sharpens himself with loving energy; Phedr. book 2, Prol. 3.

all these must be blotted out with one stroke, destroyed.

In a literary, as in a political republic, those who hold the first place put on a mask, which unless a bold and strong hand, even the face, if necessary, is torn, is taken off, so that the true face of the actor will never be known.

4. My with the Institute, with the new philosophers, the illustrious scouts of the age, the human race, with the generation of the revolution, the progeny (whose shame, replaced by the atrocious zeal of a false religion, furious, ignorant, gross impiety, completely Anabaptist 1 [ ]

History of the Anabaptists, content, their doctrine, the various. opin. who divides it, troubles it, that they have causes etc., since 1521 (1700), p. 61-192-205.

a portent, a monster, a comment will be seen) war, in a thick almost 900 pages. in 4th Latin (and who now reads Latin in Paris, in Gaul?) was hidden, hidden, submerged: it was plucked out of the darkness, and an imprudent diarist promulgates it in two or three public pamphlets in thousands of French. Then two unexpected things (you would believe, on purpose): he awakens a desire for a book, he sharpens the tooth of envy on those attacked, if not prostrate, he moves a biting smile: he makes me, and the once illustrious director, afterwards as if buried, now known and famous with great hatreds; and at the same time renders the Institute absolutely immune and free from duties and pensions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The Epicurean-Materialists, who have been spitting on spirituality for fifty years or more, with disdainful moroseness, I brought back a pair of equals. Answer the fool according to his folly, says Solomon (Proverbs 26:5), lest he appear to himself to be wise.

Would that the event would answer the Prophet's message!

Fill their faces with shame, and let them ask for your name, Lord. Ps. 82

In the 3rd diary, the author of the excerpt, a man of right judgment, deep, sharp and gentle intellect, reports good, rarely bad; he weighs both in equal measure; benevolent towards the work and the editor alike, and learned, accurate [x] Oupnek'hat synopsis, true apologies, rebuts the present and future objections of the detractors, rebuts language and discourses.

From this unusual mash for the composer, the hope of new elucidations, made in the 2nd volume of public law; hence a series of novelties in Oupnek'hat, in the Indian system, as the learned and expert senator Lanjuinais has done, more carefully considered, offers itself to posterity, friends and allies, among sincere lovers of truth, even in some cases disagreeing discussions 1 [ ].

1. “One of the most interesting questions of history,” inquired D. Lanjuinais (Magas. encyclop. brum. p. 334, 335), “is, without doubt, that of the antiquity of the world. Without having yet read the Journey to Egypt, by the cit. Denon, work which is currently appearing, the C. A. D. P, brings an honorable contingent of research and reflections (Cid. T. I, p. 700-702) against the argument drawn from the famous Zodiacs of Denderah: but the writer who until now has collected the most facts and reasons for the common opinion of the novelty of the world, is C. Le Coz, archbishop of Besancon (former constitutional bishop of Reunes), in his book entitled: Defense of Christian Revelation (and Proofs of the Divinity of J. C.), or Letter on the Memory in favor of God, in-8.° Paris 1802."

I commend the purpose of Vesuntian Praesulis, but not the method of argument.

1. To the race of new philosophers, I look at the archbishop with a mournful eye.

2. From the Deluge D. Le Coz concludes especially the falsity of the Zodiacs (lib. cit. p. 229): and it is this very thing, because of the truth of which the astronomical and most ancient Zodiacs are created by modern unbelievers to be overthrown. In addition, a solid building of stone, the waters stagnant for 150 days (Gen. vii, 24), the inundation of which, as a punishment for the crimes of the human race (ibid, vi, 7), only destroyed every substance that was on the earth, from man to cattle, as well a reptile, which the birds of heaven (ibid. vii, 23); I say, that the action of the waters, as well as the branch of the olive tree, with its green leaves, which, carrying in its mouth, the dove returned to the ark after the efflux of the waves (ibid. §8, 11), would have to be proved.

3. True, whatever it may be, Christian ears will not willingly hear this emphasis: "I admit in general, said D. le Coz (lib. cit. p. 207), the question of the Age of the world is only a matter of curiosity: none of our chronological systems is based on faith. "

Out of curiosity? In a very serious matter, the voice of the admin is absent. This is how the wise and truly religious Languinais feels, when (Magas, encycl. brum p. 335), speaking a sentence about the induction from the Zodiac against the sacred and accepted chronology: "Such an important subject!" Indeed, if it is mere food for curiosity, the question of the age of the world, from 4,000, 6,000, to 16, 17,000, 100,000 years, an indefinite, eternal time, can be prolonged, with safe faith, the age of the world: no creation of the world: seven days (in the Epistle to the Hebrews IV , 4, 10, mentioned), an allegory: likewise the flood, the story of Abraham going out, under Moses, from Egypt. Thus rushes the sacred ancient history; the new testament being based on the old, its authority: hence arose the Christian religion, which the ungodly intend, is weakened; nay, it is overthrown.

But the prince, who was struck by the storm of the revolution (lib. cit. p. 250, 258, 259, 263), should build with one hand and destroy with the other, nothing surprising.

See Magasin Encyclopedique, No. 10, for sale. or 11, T. III, 8 or Litter Orient Oupnek'hat etc. page 172-200; No. 11, brum. p. 312-340. Given (lib. cit. vendem. p. 174, brum. p. 356-339) the true portrait of the editor, he delivered him from the trouble of worldly, political, even honest, religious, and relatives, who try to bring the less austere to their more comfortable manner, by insectification Senator: learned and not to be trusted [x] Oupnek'hat defender, unexpected and energetic avenger (Vindem. p. 176) 1 [ ], he is deigned to preserve the expected growth of knowledges, especially of the Orientals, the exalter and supporter of the righteous God, the supreme arbiter of things!

Paris, November 16 1802.
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Re: Oupnek'hat, by Anquetil Duperron

Postby admin » Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:49 am

[Latin Version]

Opere absoluto, eoque, compositionis labore mens libera, rebus, quae in reliquis Oupnek’hatha continentur, diutius immorari potuit. Inde exsurgit amplior sectionum Index, qui non modo lectori erudito, et Orientalium opinionum scrutatori, fastidium non pariet, verum etiam, tutius et enucleatius ad ipsum libri textum, et observationes, eum deducet. In via obscura et difficili, fitum longius protrahi non potest.


Quibus potissimum disquisitionum objectis se tradere possent docti Indorum Brahmanes, cum Calcuttanis academicis litterario commercio juncti ... VII, IX.

Optandum eos, Indorum libros, variis linguis scriptos, Persica, cujus in tota Asia, prasertim India, usus, tradere, et Europaeos inter et seipsos, quod ad res spirituales, eodem idiomate commercium habere ... IX.

Latinae linguae, in Europa, inter diversorum populorum doctos, usus necessitas. ... X, XI.

Indorum scientiae ... XVI, not. 1.

7. OUPNEK’HAT NARAIN, ex athrban beid (excerptum).

N.° LXXXVII. Narain, Ens unum, anima omnium animantium; ex eo diversa entia prodeunt: ejus descriptio; Brahma est, Maha diw, Andr, 11 Roudr, 8 Vas (Beschn), Aschnikamar, annus, natura tota ... ordo creationis. Brahma, qualitas creationis; Maha diw, destructionis; Beschn, nutriens. Magnum hujus Oupnek’hat lectionis meritum ... 1

8. OUPNEK’HAT TADIW, e Djedjr Beid (excerptum). Id est, lumen, quod omne id est.

N.° LXXXVIII. Fusa et sublimis essentiae et attributorum Dei expositio, a Pradjapat tradita, et ab Indo, litaniae modo, recitata. Forma totius mundi est, simul et singillatim. Diversae temporis partes. Ens supremum, demonstrationis expers, sui ipsum dat noscenti cognitionem. Mundus aquae in Atmam, et primum in aqua, quae in Atmam, et unde Haranguerbehah et Pradjapat. Bin, antiquus Radjah, primi entis scientia praeditus. Antrdjami, Maia, Brahm ... 6

No. LXXXIX. Modus [x] Korban Sarb [mideh] est, quod maximum [x] Kobanha est. Omnia, omnes mundos in ignem, id est, in vim, potentiam [x] Brahm, quod maximum Korban est, projicere. Bram diw ... 10

9. OUPNEK’HAT ATHRBSAR, ex Athrban Beid (exceptum); id est, caput (principale) libri Athrban Beid.

N.° XC. Praestans [x] Roudr, seu Maha diw, ab ipsomet pronunciatum encomium, omnes ejus qualitates, scilicet summi et unici entis naturam, propritates, operationes, exhibens; tum a Fereschtehha, in litaniae forma, fuse et prolixe pronunciatum. Brahma, Brahm est, homo et non homo. Tres ignes. Mensura Ka’itri. Parbati, mulier [x] Roudr, ejus forma, qualitates. Nabaik, quid. Septem [x] Behescht tabulata. Octo Kreh. Pran. Djam, rex mortis, judex defunctorum ... 12

N.° XCI. Brahmen. Quare ens unicum multiplex appareat. Maia, Aoudia, quid. Eidjad, Abka, Afna. Auxilium efficax ad bona opera a summo Ente datum. Aqua vitae. Non scientia, magnus inimicus. Pranou, nomen Entis. Tria Matrai, Nim Matrai [x] Pranou. Deioutaha. Sarbbiabi, Anant, Tar, Soutschhem, Schokhl, Badat, Bark, Tadat, Pra Brahm, quid ... 17

N.° XCII. Brahmen. In explicationem [x] Pranou. Unde Pranou, nomen Oum, dictum: epithetorum praecedentium et aliorum specialis et longior explicatio. Qualitates Radj, Tam, Satguen. Isan, Bhagwan, Metsir, Diw, quid? sensus ad primi entis cognitionem impares. Patientia et tolerantia homini praescriptae. [x] Saniasi cinis, quid. Bhout Akasch. Bratha, Kaitri, mensurae. Sandhaha ... 20

10. OUPNEK’HAT HENSNAD, ex Athrban Beid (excerptum).

N.° XCIII. Goutam, rek'heschir, Sant, Sadjat, antiqui, primi unificationis assertores, precones. Parbati a Maha diw erudita. Hens, halitus Pram Hens, cui ejus expositio tradenda; qua ratione ejus cognitio acquiratur; in omnibus animantibus est. Brahmtschari, quisnam. Mantr, Hens Hens, unificationis prolatio ... 27

N.° XCIV. Brahmen. Practicus spiritualis, gaudium aeternum afferentis, halitus, aspirationis modus. Apan, ventus; Pran. Tschekr quid, quot. Anahed. Adjpa. Aspiratio et respiratio, — 15." Hens, Pram Hens, quid. Djiw atma. Octo folia Nilouferi; cordis Nilouferi. Juxta istius cordis folia quae cor naturale respicit, diversae ejus affectiones. Akni, Nirat, Baip, Ischan, Schali, Sak’hepat, Teria, Nad, Djiw atma, Pram atma, Pram Brahm, Anahed Schabd, Sanklap, Baklap, Pan, Pap, Sadaschou. [x] Nad, soni, decem species: cujusque, cum auditur, in corpore, in toto homine effectus. Tschen, Kantha, Schank’heh, Bin, Tal, Pak’haoudj, Bans, dda dda ddha: Selouk ... 28

11. OUPNEK’HAT SARBSAR, e Rak Beid (excerptum).

N.° XCV. Cognitio, ad obtinendum Atma, vera via; antiqui Patriarchae viam istam secutu. Ignis, sol, ventus, prima cultus idololatrici objecta; tum, animantia, homo, vegetabilia, res terrae. Akt quid? Maschghouli [x] Mokelan [x] extra; alius, interioris corporis. Omne ex, cum alimento: edens et estum ... 35

N.° XCVI. Explicatio productionis aquoe genitalis (spermatis). Pradjapat. Prani. Quomodo entia, etiam spiritualia, unum alterius semen sunt genitale ... 39

N.° XCVII. Expositio [x] venire [x] Pran in corpus; a pede, ad cerebrum: unde diversarum corporis partium, capitis, nomen; quatuor sensus et cor; cogitans, in capite. Sarkeratschheh rek'heschir. Calor naturalis. Brahm in calore stomachi, et in corde ... 39

N.° XCVIII. Disputatio sensuum cum uno alterius (super magnitudine sua). Scherir, quid. Peccata, interiores hominis inimici. [x] Pran supereminentia; unde diversa ejus nomina, Akt, Prabat Saim, Aheh, Apan ... 41

N.° XCIX. Brahmen. Mokelan extra (corpus), et Mokelan intra, [x] Pran (halitus) natura, attributa, qualitates, operationes, sensus; ex his, filii, diversoe munde partes, astra, elementa. Harnden, Rek'heschir. Sati, Trabrat quid. Sat, t, i, significatio. Mensura Brahti, ejus lectionis meritum; in ea omnes mensuroe. Tschehend, quid. Dabrik tsema, Rek'heschir. Quidquid e patre, ex filio; et vicissim. Mehdas antiquus doctor. Sensuum, eorum Mokelan, ac [x] Pran explicator et praeco. P'hou P'hou, sonus quem halitus exeundo edit. Porsch. Vita hominis centum annorum. Ssad ratsch, Bad, Garsch, Mad, Gardesnad, Bam, Bam diw, Atr, Bhardouadj, Schascht, Prakasch, Madbani, Tschhoudr Soukt Maha Soukt, Soukt, Rak, Arohedah, Pad, Atschher, [x] Pran nomina. Korban Mahabarat. Beschwamther, Rek'heschir, tempore [x] Mahabarat. Somreh annus, 360 dierum. Akt. Bhout akasch. In natura, quid edulium, quid edens? Animalia quoedam dentes deorsum non habent. Atma in omni. In quo homo vegetabilibus et aliis animantibus perfectior, ab iis distinguatur; in eo quinque res. [x] Pran quinque divisiones: sicut et [x] Djak seu Korban; scilicet, Aguen houtr, Darschen pouran mas, Tschatr mas, Pas, Sarm ... 42

N.° C. [Adhiai quartum.] Brahmen. Atma, initio, ante omnia solus et unicus, mundos producere vult, illos producit et eorum custodes. Anbheteh, Marikh, Mar, Ap, Loupalan, quid. Prima figuroe animalis, ex aqua prodeuntis, ejus membrorum, partium, simul et sensuum inde ortorum, et elementorum, astrorum eis accommodatorum, creatio. Figuroe, bovis, equi, hominis, praesentes effectae; in istam hominis figuram sensuum et eorum Mokelan ingressus. Fames et sitis illorum Mokelan. Persona, hominis ab Apan, qui Pran, alimentum capit: e via pedis Pran, in eam intrat. Sensuum, in corpore sedes, actionis iocus. Via cerebri atma, corpus ingreditur. Pedrat, Mendan, quid ... 57

N.° CI. Via [x] intrare sensus, qui cum (in) loco famulorum sunt, alia est: et via [x] ingredi atma in corpus, cerebrum (est). Tres Aousthai, corporis, domus [x] atma. Djiw atma, atma, unde dictus. Tsched akasch, Avandr, quid. Omnia, in corpore, Brahm ipse. Fereschtehha, enigmatice loquuntur .... 62

N.° CII. Adhiai decimum (10). Brahmen. Fetus productio, in dorso patris. Triplex hominis nativitas. Patris, matris, pueri, concordiae, mutuae benevolentiae, causa, ralio ... 63

N.° CIII. Et in alio loco [x] mantr [x] Beid conforme huic (expositioni) est, quod: Bam diw. Morte, vera hominis liberatio ... 65

N.° CIV. Adhiai undecimum (11). Atma, inter sensus etc. in corpore, quisnam. Sensationes per atma, djiw atma, exercentur. Ejus nomina, Hardi, Kian etc. Atma cuncta entia, ipse Brahma, Brahm, omnia producens, movens est ... 65

N.° CV. Deaai (vetum), quod, in tempore [x]. incoeptum et absolutum esse hoc Oupnek'hat, oportet pronunciare, .... hoc est: cordis et loquelae jussa concordia ... 67

12. OUPNEK'HAT KOKHENK, e Rak Beid (excerptum).

N.° CVI. Tschetr, Brahmani. Arn, Rek'heschir; Sopatkit, ejus filius. Boni operis, intuitu mercedis facti, praemium primo, lunae munde habitatio, deinde poena Djehennam, metamorphosis. Lunae cursu, anni sex tempestates cognitae. Mensis (medietas) quindecim temporum, dierum. Diwdjan, via [x] Selouk, verae liberattionis. Mundorum superiorum ordo. Brahma, idem ac Djibril (Gabriel). Viae ad supremum felicitatis locum, nempe sedem [x] Brahma, ducentis, rerum, agentium quae in eo reperiuntur, fusa et amoena descriptio. Aousch, Behra, Al, Sabeh, Apradjat, Nahatschhen, Antatschar, Mansi, quidnam. Mare vitiorum; [x] in illud cadere, eo submergi, periculum et causa: aliud mare primam juventutem reddens. Beati opera ad amicos aut inimicos redeuntia. Beatus, ad thronum [x] Brahma pergens, quisnam in via efficiatur. Hujus throni descriptio. Beati cum Brahma colloquium. Sati quid. Quare Brahma homo, femina et neutrum dictus. [x] Lingam origo. [x] Brahma facultales, operum causae . . . Haranguerbehah. Homo Brahma factus ... 68

N.° CVII. [Brahmen.] Belank, rek'heschir. Quomodo [x] Pran, qui Brahm est, sensus subserviant etc. ... 77

N.° CVIII. Expositio modi resignationis (fiduciae in Deum) et affectatae nolitionis (renitentia); quod: perfectae abnegationis praemium, effectus. Betak, rek'heschir [x] Prani, qui forma [x] Brahm est, ad sensus ratio. Elementorum, astrorum, meteororum, humani corporis sensuum vis et actio unde; cum cessant, in quod intrat. Maschghouli [x] Mokelan; alius, [x] corpori. Hamatschel, mons septentrionalis; Band, mons meridionalis. Sensuum [x] Pran super magnitudine disceptatio. Morbo ingravescente praescriptae Indo ceremoniae; facultates, tum corporales, tum spirituales, cum bonis, opibus, in filium, qui ea accipit, transfert homo vitam relinquens; quiquidem, si valetudinem recuperat, in eadem voluntaria paupertate manere, vel [x] Saniasi statum eligere tenetur. Partroun, Radjah, ab Andr, qui forma veritatis, [x] bene hominis edoctus. Diwdas, Radjah [x] Benares. Djeni, trium capitum, ab Andr occisus. Maxima facinora, cognitione Dei quasi deleta; nempe cum ea consistere nequeunt. [x] Pran magnitudo. Per eum sensus agunt. In [x] sak'hepat, et hominis, mortis tempore, mentis, sui haud compotis, statu, sensus in Pran ingressi: omnia elementa in Pran deleta. Scientiae ope agunt sensus ac eorum organa, ut et intellectus, [x] Pran, qui iis insidet, ejusdem scientiae comite, quam, solum, verum nempe sensuum actionum principium, homo debet in mente habere, velle. Decem partes scientiae, decem sensus. Atma, Djiw atma. Praedestinatio et reprobatio Indica ... 77

N.° CIX. Historia directionis (institutionis, praeceptorum) [x] Adjat schetr (Djedaschter), cum (erga) Darpat Palak: quod forma historiae [x] Oupnek'hat Brehdarang memorati est. Zinardari. Kark. [x] atma cognitione Andr [x] Djenian vincit, profligat, et [x] Fereschtah imperium obtinet ... 93

13. OUPNEK'HAT SATASTER, e Djedir Beid (excerptum).

N.° CX. Octo de rerum universitatis causa, ortum, vitam, actum dante, [x] Oupnek'hat saeculo, opiniones. Tempus, quasi primum entium principium; Haranguerbehah ... Djiw atma, [x] Atma, Brahm, utpote e productis, Atma operante, voluptatem sumens, inferior, nec proinde ipse productor. Maia, e 50 rebus constans. Bramtschekr, quid. In eo 48 res. Octo Vas. Octo Sadeh: Anma, Mehma, Lak'hema, Krma, Prapat, Prakrami, Aiescht, Schapt. Quinque sensus, elementa, Pran, status hominis, divisiones [x] Aoudia. 50 litterrae Samskreticae. Pram atma. Djiw atma, Maia et mundus, in Brahm deleti. Akrta. Santaster, doctor. Brahm in omni absconditus. Sank, Rek'heschir. Maschghouli [x] Brahm, duo modi. Marbee, quid. Locus [x] Maschghouli. Qua forma [x] Salek cordi Brahm, in Maschghouli, se ostendat. In Selouk octo (sex) res. Deharna, pars [x] Selouk, quid. Roudr, unicus; ejus, ut primi, summi Entis attributa, operationes: omnia tum producit, tilm destruit; Kilas, ejus sedes. Sankra Tscharedj, doctor. Anand sroup, quid. Corpus hominis, urbs novem portas habens. Hens. Teria, Lahout. Bran. Primum Ens, femina et homo; ipsum in errorem hominem inducit. Maia, aeternus, primi entis volitio. Duae aves in arbore; altera fructum ejus, scilicet operum mercedis voluptatem sumens; altera non sumens. Tsched akaschi. Mehtsir. Duo Djiw atma, doctus et non doctus. Kapl. Kiani. Maha atma. Djiw atma in omnibus creaturis, animantibus juxta entis mensuram; nec femina, nec homo, nec neuter ... 94

JV.° CXI. [Adhiai sextum.] Mundus nec per seipsum productus, nec tempus. Ens supremum ejus causa et motor. Octo (sex) modi [x] Djog. Perfectionis, liberationis acquirendae ratio. Akla, quid. Ductus, seu gratia efficax a Deo. Sex res, a primo ente, quod homo in seipso sciens, aeternitatem assequitur. Ens supremum nec producit, nec producitur; araneae instar, e se educit; primum, [x] Brahma. [x] Sanias quatuor modi. Pram hens, quid. ... 121

14. OUPNEK'HAT PORSCH, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum); id est, in hoc Oupnek'hat quoestio et responsum multum est.

N.° CXII. Soukba, Bhardouadj Satkam, Sourdjabli, Koslbeid, Ati, Khindi, Pilad, Rek'heschiran. Unius anni jejunium. Rursus de munde creatione. Peracta mortificatione, Pradjapat res producit. Soum, Abhiat, Pran, Aftab: unum edulium, alterum edens: Al ras, in coelo, quid. Beischwanr, Basroup, Djat dida, Narain, Djout, Schensch akeren, Sat dha, solis nomina. Duae solis viae, septentrionalis, et meridionalis, operibus, post mortem, pro merito, addictae. Sol figura anni, quinque, sex pedes, tempestates habet; 12 partes; frigoris, pluviae tempus. Batschehin nomen solis. Dies, nox, annus [x] Fetschtah, mundi animarum, [x] Pradjapat. Luna. Quaedam ad generationem pertinentia: quaedam ratione ad tempus generationis actui destinatum, observanda. Brahmtscheradj quid. Deo obediendi, non voluptatis causa, simul coire debent homo et femina. Quandonam filius; filia; filius figura et indole feminea; filia; figura et indole virili; hermaphroditus; hominisvel feminxvultu; vel simplicisfrustum carnis, producantur. Mendacium officiosum licitum. Evangelii, hac de re, omnibus relligionum monumentis, praestantia. Hominis, Brahma lok (coelo) digni, descriptio ... 128

N.° CXIIl. Brahmen. Bharkour, Rek'heschir. Quinque elementorum et quinque sensuum, cum Pran, de excellentia disceptatio; ugnita ab iis ejus praestantia, prolatum encomium. Rex apum. Pran ex Atma apparens. Pran interni in corpus ingressus; ejus divisio, actio, egressus; qua via. In corpore 72, 000 venae. Pran externus; ejus divisio, operationes ... 137

N.° CXIV. Tempore somni, omnes sensus in cor ingressi. Tsavap, id est, persona sui juris. Corpus, urbs Dei. Quinque venti corporis, totidem ignes: Korban, sacrificium, iis corde et ex iis peractum. Djiw venti, in somno, omnes actiones exequitur. Portat, venabilis, in somno a corde obturata: inde, nullum somnium. Pram atma anima animarum, in qua omnia, sensus, facultates, corporales, spirituales, subjectum et objectum, tempore [x] Sak'hepat quiescunt. Bhout akasch et Hardi akasch, quid. Tschat. Krtar. Ens magnum, unicum, sciens, forma omnis fit ...143

CXV. [Brahmen.] Pranou, idem ac Oum, nomen tribus et 1/2 Matra constans. Pra Brahm et Apra Brahm, quid. [x] Maschghouli [x] Oum, pro ratione [x] Matra usque ad mortem pronunciatorum, meritum et merces. Qui cum 3 Matra et 1/2 Maschghoul, ens universale fit. Tres illius nominis proferendi modi: e corde, lingua immota, perfectissimus. Pra, apra ... 146

N.° CXVI. Soukia, Rek'heschir. Kosl harn Nanhatsch, Radjah. Radj Kamar. Ratheh. Porsch, Djiw atma, in quo 16 Kala; ejus operationes, una ex alia productae. Horum 16 Kala enumeratio. Quando liberatio a corpore, Djioun, beati. Aoudia. ... 148

15. OUPNEK'HAT DEHIAN BAND, ex Athrban Beid (desumpturn): id est, gutta [x] maschghouli.

N.° CXVII. [x] Djog, seu Selouk principale; nominis Oum, ex elementis quinque constantis, Akar, Aokar, Makar, Band, Nad, prolatio. Ens unicum, arbor; entia apparentia, ejus umbra; prioris, in omnibus divisi, infinita subtilitas. Pranaianam, halitus actionis, tres partes, modi, viae: earum tempore, [x] Brahm, sub trium agentium, Beschn, ignei coloris cum 4 brachiis, Brahma, albi-rubri, cum 4 oribus, Maha diw, cum 3 oculis in tribus Nilouferi, scilicet, in melio umbilici, cordis, frontis, homo sibi debet repraesentare. Quomodo dimidium Matrai [x] Oum reddatur: inde homo forma [x] Brahm fit. Quatuor comparationibus explicatum. Aptum igni eliciendo instrumentum ligneum ... 152

16. OUPNEKHAT MAHA OUPNEK'HAT, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum): et Maha Oupnek'hal ipsum hoc est.

N.° CXVIII. Narain, primo unus. Ludit cum seipso: inde entium ortus; 14 mares; unum ens, intellectus, femina. Ex quibus, alia decem; cuncta unum Porsch, unam personam temporis causam, in quam Djiw atma introductus, efformantia. [x] Maha diw productio, descriptio. Tarsoul. Ovum ubi Brahma, cum quatuor oribus, creatum: Kaitri, Praschast, Tschakti, Anschetap; quatuor librorum Beid mensurae. Pram Atma.... 157

N.° CXIX. Brahmen. [Merces [x] Oupnek'hat memorati.] Qui, etiam Beid non sciens, non ligata zona, illud semper legit, meditatur, purissimus, omnium lectionum merito ditatus, sine cessatione, liberatus, absolute beatus efficitur ... 160

17. OUPNEKHAT ATMA PRA BOUDEH, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum). Id est, intelligere [x] atma cum modo puro.

N.° CXX. Atma, ab omni separatus, et tamen intra cor: Akar, Aokar, Makar, litterae Oum, ejus figura. Naraieni, habens Schank'heh, Tschekr, Kada, Padam; ejus Maschghouli. Ad Bagbantheh (paradisum) Maschghouli [x] Naraieni, Enti supremo, facit pervenire. Kesch, filius Diwgui. Unum ens in natura; Oum; Atma ... 162

18. OUPNEKHAT KIOUL, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CXXI. Aschoulain, Rek'heschir. Brahmbadia, quid. Anand sroup, Ens supremum. Sank'heh asn. [x] Maschghouli praxes et ceremoniae. Ens supremum, Brahma, Mahadiw, Beschn, Pran, tempus, ignis, luna, omne est. Schabdi, dimidiatum Matrai quartum. Djiw atma. Apta ad ignem eliciendum machinae lignea. Maia, cum Atma; inde Djiw atma; tria quae sumit, in quibus ludit, tribus hominis vigilantis vel non vigilantis, temporibus, corpora. Atma, entium causa, anima. Djagrat, Sapen, Sak'hepat, tres hominis status. Ens supremum, Brahm, Pram atma, omne seipsum esse homo reputans, Makt et liberatus, ad lucem puram pervenit. Shat-Roudri, quid. Vinum bibere, [x] Brahman peccatum. Benares, urbs salulis, etiam in corpore, intra duo supercilia .... 165

19. OUPNEKHAT SCHAT ROUDRI, e Djedjr Beid (desumptum).

[b] Id est, centum nomina [x] Roudr; quod destructum faciens omne est.

N.° CXXII. Pradjapat magnum [x] Roudr encomium, quo ejus arma, attributa, operationes omnes, figura, continentur, et natura tota, simul, singulatim, Ens supremum et unicum, ejus auctor, motor, dominus, exprimitur, pronunciat. Nil kanteh.... 171

N.° CXXIII. Brahmen. Nominum [x] Roudr continuatio. Brahmand, orbis ... 174

N.° CXXIV. Eorumdem nominum series. Nehing. Anahed Schabd ... 176

N.° CXXV. [Brahmen.] Finis nominum et laudis [x] Roudr ... 192

20. OUPNEKHAT DJOG SANK'HA, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CXXVI. Hoc Oupnek'hat, Kaguel [x] Djog est. Pradjapat [x] Maschghouli benedictione ad gradum, quem tenet, pervenit. [c] Djogsank'ha, generis Maschghouli, meditationis, praxis, modus. Padam asn. Corpus hominis, domus; columnam magnam, 9 portas, 3 columnas parvas habens, et quinque Diw mokels: horum, omnium nomina. Satguen, Sadjouguen, Temouguen; quinque Pran. Pranou (Oum) in medio illius domus. Vena Sak'hemna. Brahmlok, locus[x] Djibril (Gabrielis) ... 197

21. OUPNEKHAT DJOGTAT, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum): id est principale [x] selouk.

N.° CXXVII. Pradjapat. Beschn, Djogui magnus. Maia, ra Beschn comts, quid. Mater, mulier, pater, filius, avus, nepos, etc, unum et idem. Res, terni numeri. Nim matrai quartum. Niloufer in medio pectoris. Quaqua nominis Oum littera pronunciata, quid in homine efficiatur? K'hing magnum, maschghouli species. Benares in corpore ... 200

22. OUPNEKHAT SCHIW SANKLAP, e Djedjir Beid (desumptum).

N.° CXXVIII. Cordis expositio, attributa, facultates, opera, sedes, laus in litaniae forma; Korban, quod septem Houta habet. Sandhia ... 204

23. OUPNEKHAT ABRAT (ATHRB) SAKHA, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CXXIX. Pilad, Ankra, Santkamar, Indorum primaevi homines. Athriai, Rek'heschir. Oum prius ab omni, Creator pronunciavit. Nomen illud, Creator magnus est: ejus quatuor pedes Matrai, seu litterae, Akar, Aokar, Makar, Ghounneh mim; et earum ad varia entia, agentia, mensuras, tres hominis status, ratio. Vrath, species minsurae. Colores, quibus quatuor [x] Oum matrai cum eorum quatuor Mokelan, Indo sibi repraesentare praceptum. Hoc nomen quomodo pronuncietur. Mad, quid: a Matra distinctum. Unde nomen Oum, Pranou, Prali Tschetordha, Harta, Tar, Beschn, Brahma, Prakas, Badat, Maha diw, nuncupetur. Indi Oum pronunciantis merces. Nad; Anahed ... 207

24. OUPNEK'HAT ATMA, ex ATHRBAN BEID (desumptum).

N.° CXXX. Ankrai, Rek'heschir, vetus Indorum doctor. [x] Porsch tres divisiones; Atma, [x] extra; Atma [x] intra; Pram atma; trium horum Atma expositio; peculiariter [x] Pram atma, Entis supremi. Unde Anand sroup. Pram atma, Pra Brahm, Atma, Maia, illud ens, dictum. Maia, quid ... 213

25. OUPNEK'HAT BRAHM BADIA, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum); id est, scientia [x] scire nutritorem (servatorem).

N.° CXXXI. Brahm badia, [x] Pram atma, Pram Brahm, Entis supremi, Oum, quod Brahma, Beschn, Mehisch est, cognitio; e scientiis prima. Nomen Oum, idem cum nominato. [x] Oum corpus, ejus tria Matra, litterae, a, vau, m quiescens, cum entibus, astris, meteoris ad ea rationem habentibus. Nim matra, ejus Atma, anima; qua ratione scriptum. 72,000 venae. [x] Oum pronunciandi, quod ad sonum, modus. K'herial, instrumentum musicum. Vox [x] Pranou (Oum) e Brahm, e Tsched akasch egressi, in ipsis deleta. Qui hoc omne noverit, sine cessatione fiet ... 217

36. OUPNEK'HAT ANBRAT BANDEH, id est, aquoe gutta vitae, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CXXXII. Cordis duce species: purum, seu volitionibus liberum; non purum, volitionibus captum, addictum. Nihil de Atma intelligi, nihil proprie dici potest; omnia negativa. Qui se Brahm scit, vere fit ipse Brahm. Schetat, quid. Unificationis natura, veritas. Initio, nulla rerum productio; ultimo, nulla destructio. Semper, continuo ens unum et idem ... 221

N.° CXXXIII. Atma, in tribus hominis statibus, in omni, anima, unum et idem: diversis hoc dogma comparationibus elucidatur. Bhout akasch, materia prima, sine cognitione, scientia. Maia apparentiarum causa. [x] Aoudia maia, et Anand sroup differentia, effectus. Sola mentali meditatione, homo Brahm fit. Duae [x] Maschghouli [x] Brahm, vioe: parva, magna; ista, mentionem faciens, mentio, et memoratum, pari filo, unum et idem. Solus Brahm remanet in natura; ad viatorem magnum homo pervenit ... 223

N.° CXXXIV. Critica, in legendis libris divinis, praescripta. Qui seipsum Brahm recte scit, omnes libros, scientias, derelinquat. Entis supremi unicitas: comparationes. Aptum ad ignem eliciendum, instrumentum ligneum. Bas diw ... 226

27. OUPNEK'HAT TIDJ BANDEH, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum); id est, gutta luminis.

N.° CXXXV. Tidj Bandeh, magni Maschghouli, expositio. Corporis, sensuum, affectuum, subactio; vitae necessitatum absoluta derelictio, ad illum maschghouli requisitae. Tres portae ad eum ducunt; tertia, fiducia in directorem. [x] Djiw atmai, seu Hens, tres sedes; ejus descriptio, eadem ac Entis supremi: Brahm, Atma, Maha akasch est. Tidj Bandeh Maschghoul illum Brahm magnum obtinet ... 229

28. OUPNEK'H. KARBEH, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

Brahm badia, quod scientia unificationis est, via [x] cognoscere verum (veritatem) illius, scientia corporis humani est.

N.° CXXXVI. Corporis elementa, partes. Quinque res, quibus componitur in quibus est; nempe, pulvis, aqua, ignis, aer, Bhout akasch: eorum descriptio. Sensus corporales, facultates spirituales; eorum loca et objectum. Sex escae, alimentorum sapores, quibus corpus servatur, funes, quibus ligatur. Septem Dehat. Decem res quae corpori robur dant: septem toni. Septem colorum humores in corpore. Ex esca, fune, chylus; unde sanguis; et successim, unum ex altero, diversa quae corpus constituunt. Unde praegnatio, conceptus. Quo temporis spatio fiat hominis generatio, speciatim efformentur corporis partes, intelligentia adveniat. Qua occasione, quo casu, filius, filia, natus mollis, hermaphrodytus, imperfectus, vitiosus, gemelli, nascantur. Homo e viginti et quatuor principiis proveniens: Aoudia; Mehtat; Ahankar; Bhout akasch etc. Qua via, unde corpus, in ventre, escam sumat. Djiw atma, anima ab hominis principiis separatus. Mense nono, homo perfectus, integer. Hominis, in ipso e ventre matris egressu, peccatum. Tres Khallti, in corpore; ejus tres status. Productionis causae. Scherir, unde dictum. Tres ignes in corpore. Quatuor edendi cibi sumendi modi. In corpore, ut in Korban, tria agentia. Djadjman; intellectus, vice uxoris [x] Djadjman. Homo spiritualis et corporalis, Korban. Dantschehna. Ehram. Corporis sani per minimas partes, earum numerum, etc., descriptio. Marm. Dam ... 232

29. OUPNEKHAT DJABAL, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CXXXVII. Brahmen. Brahspat, seu Moschteri. Djaknoulak. Kork'hit, Apmakt, quid. Ubi Benares. Ejus etymologia: quo sensu, corpus Benares, Kork'hit est. Maha diw. Tatoumes, Calmeh unificationis, momento mortis, in aure a Maha diw pronunciatum, liberationis causa. Atr, rek'heschir. Barna, Asi, duo flumina; quidnam in corpore. Sandha ... 241

N.° CXXXVIII. Schat Roudri; ejus mentionis meritum. Djank, Radjah Badiheh. Sanias. Quatuor perfectionis modi Brahmtscharedj; Karhest; Banparast; Saniasi: hujus ultimi gradus descriptio, officia, praxes, preces; imprimis, omnium volitionum, affectuum repressio, derelictio, zona ipsa, in ignem projecta. Aqua genitalis ad lumen Ens perlata. Tschetri, Bis, duae Indorum professiones et alii vitae status, quomodo[x] Sanias meritum acquirant. Nihil suum dicere. Quando [x] Saniasi Djiw atma, Brahm, Ens supremum fiat. Samourtak, Adalak, Sopatkit, Darbasa, Bratheh, Nadak, Djedbhert, Detatri, Reivank, magni Saniasi; eorum vitae ratio absque externo ullo relligionis habitu; quasi ebrii. Dandi, Kamdli, Kakl, quid. Veri Saniasi, Pram hens dicti, imago ... 243

30. OUPNEK'H. MAHA NARAIN, e Djedjr Beid (desumpt.)

N.° CXXXIX. Anbeheh, Anp'heh, aqua originalis. Entis primi, supremi dtscriptio. Tsched akasch; Bhout akasch. Maia, singularitatis causa. Ens supremum, Verbum. Temporis a nictu oculi, ad annum, distributio. Primus Haranguerbehah, ex aqua originali; ex eo sol. Pradjapat in Haranguerbehah. Qui se Ens supremum scit, is omnis mundus. Sol particula lucis Creatoris. Uxor solis, quid. Entis supremi, universalis, in forma litaniae, elogium. Cognitio Dei, a Deo ipso data. Andr, Bran. Bin, Rabjah, Dei scius. Kand'harpi (lege: Kandharpi). Quatuor soni; tres intra corpus; istorum cognoscendorum magnum meritum. Madhou Tschehendai, filius [x] Beschvantr. Mortificatio, poenitentia, quid. Tres munde, Brahm. Mendacium et ignorantiam imprimis vitare. Ens omne vorans. Septem Pran, ignts, terrae. Brahma. Zehereh. Sing'hah. Maia, non productus. Tres Entis supremi colores, ejus tres primariae qualitates. Duo Djiw atma. Sola cunctorum derelictione, Ens universale, supremum, obtinetur: in corde Nilouferi est. Nim matrai quartum, [x] Beid initium et finis. [x] Narain, supremi Entis, descriptio. Flos Kileh. Ignis intra corpus; ejus operationes; Atma, in eo. Brahma, Maha diw, Beschn, Andr. Lumen solis, lumen trium Beid, e quibus virtutem suam trahit. Solis encomium. Adam. Aorn e natis [x] Pradjapat. Quaenam magna, in relligione: rectitudo; mortificatio; sensuum, internorum, externorum, repressio; munificentia; opus purum; natos gignere; cor; Sanias: a sole omnia, e calore, pluvia, vegetabilibus, alimento etc., ad [x] Atma intelligere. Laus alimenti. Quinque [x] Djiw atma divisiones, seu thesauri in homine; Sanias, derelictio omnium, praeter Deum. Qualitates cum substantia, unum scire: duae animae, homine mortuo, pro tempore anni, viae ... 249

31. OUPNEKHAT MANDOUK, ex athrbam beid (desumptum).

Quidquid existit, Pranou est, quod nomen magnum Oum sit: expositio ejus hoc est, quod:

N.° CXL. [x] Pranou, cum Atma ratio. [x] Atma quatuor pedes, sicut [x] Pranou, quatuor Matra. Eorum expositio. Aoustha Djakrat. Pedis primi septem membra; cum 19 rebus, apparens. 16 Kalai in corpore hominis. Ignis Beschvanr. Aousthai Sapen. Novemdecim rerum memoratarum, vires. Bihies. Aousthai Sak'hepat. Birak. Antrdjami. Ousthai Teria. Ens supremum, summe perfectum, necsciens, nec nesciens. Pranou, Atma; ejus quatuor pedum, nempe Akar, Aokar, Makar, Nim matrai quarti, idem ac [x] Atma 4 pedum praebens, expositio ... 266

32. OUPNEKH. PANKL, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CXLI. Pankl, Rek'heschir. Kian, quid; ejus fructus. Verae, sui et suorum, a corpore postremo liberationis, causa; nullae, etiam urendi corporis, erga mortuum qui talem gradum adeptus est, ceremoniae ... 271

33. OUPNEK'HAT TSCHEHOURKA, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum). Id est, cul[trum [x] secare non scientiam].

N.° CXLII. Deharna, Schivbanhou, Sandjout, quid. [x] Deharna modus. A pan venti extractio, ductus a pedis digito ad cerebrum usque Vena Sak'hemna. Quinque colores venarum. Cor, niloufer rubro colore domus Creatoris. Cultro cordis, nominibus et figuris amputatis, Djiw atma et Pram atma unum fiant ... 274

N.° CXLIII. Brahmen. Marm magnum, quid. Aoda, Pankla. 72,000 venae cum vena Sak'hemna junctae. Corde ab operibus puris et malis mundo, viis venarum, odore operis plenarum, et omnibus corporis vinculis, [x] Maschghouli [x] Pranou, ac retentions halitus cultro amputatis, homo in angulo solus, Saniasi more sedens, ae Tsched akasch ut pervenit, in mundo entis maneat, Brahm fiat ... 276

34. OUPNEKHAT PRAM HENS, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CXLIV. Nard. Brahmtschareh quid. Qua ratione Hens, seu Djiw atma, Pram Hens, Pram atma fiat. Brahma. Maha Porsch, [x] Sanias, non excelsi, minoris, nec non excelsi, maximi, descriptio: in hoc etiam pudendorum tegumentum, et [x] Oupnek'hat lectio, derelicta. Sex corporis, a [x] existere, ad destructionem, status, qualitates; earum expers perfectus Saniasi; qui omnibus animi affectibus, necessitatibus, necessitudinibus liber esse et seipsum atma reputare tenetur. Kian, cognitio, verus [x] Saniasi baculus. Falsus Saniasi. Mantr, Dehian, Basna, Deharna, quid. Qua diei hora, ubi, qua ratione, quo animo, stipem emendicare, quem cibum accipere Saniasi debeat: aurum, argentum, gemmas etiam simpliciter intueri vetitum ... 279

35. OUPNEKHAT ARANK, ex athrban beid (desumptum).

N.° CXLV. Adalak, Arn, Rek'heschir. Absoluta, proximorum, familiae, omnium etiam vitae necessariorum, affectuum, relligionis ceremoniarum, cultus divini praxe[x], cujuslibet actionis pravae, passionis, voluptatis, scientiae, orationis derelictio, per partes descripta; scilicet, perfectum, Sanias. Vera liberatio, in Atma immersio, tota destructio, annihilatio, supremus [x] Beschn gradus, divinitas. Septem Behescht; Bhoulok, Bhour lok, Sour lok, Meheh lok, Djenlok, Atap lok: septem terrae; Tal, Atal, Batal, Soutal, Resatal, Talatal, Mahatal. Brahmand. Brahm tschari, Kerhest, Banparast; Kaitri v Sandhiai. Quatuor res, officia Indo, vere spirituali et relligioso, praescripta. Loci, ubi Oupnek'hat confectum, temperies; quatuor menses pluviae ... 284

36. OUPNEK'HAT KIN, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CXLVII. Cor, Pran et sensus e corde cordium, [x] Pran [x] Pranha, sensu sensuum scilicet, Brahm, motum accipiunt, per ittud supremum Ens, actionem sibi propriam perficiunt. Ens istud omne percipit, a nullo percipi potest, utpote finis expers. Intelligentem, intellectionem, et rem intellectam, unum facere. Qui dicit se non intelligere, reipsa intelligit; et vice versa; qua ratione. Cognoscere seipsum, vera cognitio; pervenire ad seipsum, vera liberatio ... 291

N.° CXLVIII. [Brahmen.] Kessah (narratio) productionis. Angelorum bonorum et pravorum bellum. [x] Fereschtehha, initio, superbia, lapsus. Adam (hominis figura), primum creatus [x] Fereschtehha, igni, et vento non cognitus: Ens supremum; ejus potentia. [x] Andr, [x] Fereschtehha regi, sub figura Aouma, vel Ama (Eva), ][x] Parbati, [x] Maha diw uxoris, sese ostendit. Uxor [x] Deiouta, ejus potentia. Ignis, ventus et Andr, hic prius, et inde major, [x] Adam (Kadmon) kabbalistarum 1 [Buddhaeus, Lib. cit. p. 316-318-325; juxte Henric, Morum Triniiatij persona, Chochma; scilicet Versum.], Brahm esse cum agnovissent, ad Brahm perveniunt. Aouma e volitione [x] Adam producta. [x] Djiw atma et cor, [x] Brahm scire. Poenitentiam et bonum facere, hoc vere Oupnek'hat ... 294

37. OUPNEKHAT KIOUNI, ex Athrban Bejd (desumptum).

N.° CXLIX. Tadj serousch, rek'heschir. Tadjkita, ejus filius. Vota, etiam imprudenter facta, fideliter adimplebant veteres Indi. Hospitalitatis erga [x] Brahman neglectae poena. [x] Tadjkita, cum rege Almout (mortis), colloquium. Korbani (sacrificium), quod (eo) ad Behescht perveniunt. Korban Tadjkita; ejus meritum, Mokel, Ens supremum. Tria opera pura Indo praescripta; misericordiae, primum. Duae, antiquitus, de anima, Djiw atma, sententiae: 1.a Nihil aliud quam corpus est; 2.a: a corpore separata, diversa. Super hac difficili quaestione, nempe, quid post mortem futurum sit, quis hominis status, [x] Fereschtehha dubium. Vita longa, centum annorum. Hujus mundi, et ejus bonorum vanitas. Oi Fereschtehha, immortales ... 299

N.° CL. Djozv secundum. [Brahmen.] Colloquium continuatum. E duabus rebus, bono hujus aut alterius mundi, hominis vinculum, ambo contraria simul obtinere haud pote: posterius eligendum. Qui prius elegit, regis mortis mancipium. Res intellectu difficillima: institutor submisse audiendus. Ipse Rex Almout relligionis prax[x] defectu ad minorem gradum redactus. Gradus [x] Haranguerbehah excellentia. Djiw atma cum atma unum, a corpore separatum scire, vera beatitudo. Atma, Oum, Pranou, Brahm; ejus descriptio; nec productus, nec producens. Corpus perit, non anima. Atma (anima) seipsum solus intelligit; per se, in se solummodoc omprehensibilis. Atma, mundum (escam), cum condimento (morte), comedit; scilicet eum non existentem sciens ... 307

N.° CLI. Djozv tertium. [Brahmen.] [x] Rex Almout institutionis continuatio. Djiw atma et Pram atma, in medio cordis; unus in altero; lumen et umbra: quomodo prioris qualitates posteriori tributae. Currus etc., ad Pram atma ducentis comparatio. Operis mercedem intueri vetitum. Vela Ens supremum, Atma, a sensibus ad Prakrat, operientia, et ejus aditum difficilem reddentia. Atma, in omni re, ab Haranguerbehah, ad pennam stipulae, absconditus; in unicitate visus. Annihilationis spiritualis gradus, a sensibus, usque ad Atma. Atma Aschabd, quid ... 313

N.° CLII. Djozv quartum. [Brahmen.] Colloquii continuatio. Atma, Deus, hominem propria sua voluntate, operatione, ad se trahit, a se avertit; vera praedestinatio gratuita, et reprobatio. Djiw atma a corpore separatus, sensus actiones operatur. Ens ligatum cum elementis, forma [x] Haranguerbehah, omnium elementorum, ignis, spatium quo sol cursum absolvit, Djiw atma, lumen, Porschi qui, in medio cordis, ipse Atma est: homo eum se esse sciat. Productiones omnes, qualitates unius Atma, quemadmodum aqua ex monte manans . . . 316

N.° CLIII. Djozv quintum, ex Oupnek'hat Kiouni. [Brahmen.] Colloquii continuatio. Djiw atma, in domo (corpore), quae undecim januas habet, Atma est; ejus descriptio, sub diversis figuris, operationes: corpore mortuo, reliquus; in somno, Porschi vigilans, juxta voluntatem suam res producens, Brahm est. Soum. Pran; Apan. Post mortem homo ad mundum operibus et volitionibus congruentem pergit, Atma unicus cujus libet rei figuram sumit, ejus defectuum immunis. Pran, Apan, Saman, Advan, Bian. Quidquid visum fit, Atma est ... 319

N.° CLIV. Djozv sextum. Ex Oupnek'hat Kiouni. [Brahmen.] Colloquii continuatio. Mundus, arbor, cujus radix (Brahm, astma) supra, rami infra; a longo tempore productus, corruptionis non capax, asthenteh, semper in motu. Mundus e Brahm et in Brahm (Deo) motum facit. Elementa, Deioutai, timore Dei actiones suas peragunt. Djem. [x] Atma videndi modi quatuor: quartus, verum Ens simile lumini; mundum, umbrae, intueri, optimus. A sensibus, ascendendo ad Atma, progressio: hujus rei scientice meritum, praemium. Djioun, Makt, Madbeheh Makt, quid. Scientia certa, sine haesitatione, jussa. Djog, quid. Dua [x] Atma inveniendiviae; 1.2, eum in se, per se scire; 1.2,ejus formam esse ... 322

N.° CLV. Djozv septimum. [Brahmen Narain.] Colloquii continuatio. De homine moriente. Volitionum repressione non scientiae vinculis solutis, Indus in hoc mundo immortalis [x] Brahm obtinet. 101 venae cordi junctae. Vena Sak'hemna ad cerebrum protensa: pro vena, per quam anima exit, diversus quo pervenit gradus. Corpus erga animam, Djiw atma, ut vagina erga herbam: unum ab altero absolute, diversum, separatum. Votum (precatio), a rege Almout, initio et fine cujuslibel Oupnek'hat, pronunciandum ... 326

38. OUPNEK'HAT ANANDBLI, e Djedir Beid (desumptum).
Hoc votum initium hujus Oupnek'hat est.

N.° CLVI. Metri. Bran, Ardjmam, Andr, Brahspat, Beschn, Brahma. Scientia unificationis; ad Brahma, Creatorem, precatio. [x] Brahm descriptio. Ordo rerum, apparentiae, unius ex alia, ab Atma, ex quo Bhout akasch, unde ignis etc. ad alimentum, animantia. Djiw atma, forma principalis portionis alimenti; volatilis instar, cujus partes ad easdem corporis humani respondent. Alimenti excellentia, Brahm est. Ansami. Corpus, thesaurus alimenti, in cujus medio thesaurus [x] Pran; quasi volatilis, [x] quinque Pran, hominem repraesentantis, principalis alimenti, quo omnes, omnia motum exercent; ipse Brahm: Atmai thesauri alimenti, thesaurus [x] Pran est . . . 328

N.° CLVII. Brahmen. Quinque thesauri in homine (1.us corporis, alimenti); 2.us [x] Pran, in cujus medio, 3.us thesaurus cordis, volatilis forma, Atmai thesauri [x] Pran; ejus partes: thesauri speciei respondentes: in cujus medio; 4.us thesaurus [x] Kian; ejus partes: scientiae certae excellentia; Brahm est. In cujus medio, thesaurus Anand, formae gaudii; Atma thesauri [x] Kian; ejus partes, thesauri speciei respondentes ... 331

N.° CLVIIl. Quaestio. Quis Deum non noscentis, vel noscentis, finis. Responsum. Brahm, maschghouli sibi ipsi facto, sese multum apparentem, multiplicatum reddit; omne, ens et non ens, cum et sine qualitate, universalis et particularisatus, rectum et mendacium: qualitates, verum ens. Soukrat, quid. Gustus originalis, forma [x] Brahm. Forma gaudii sine corpore, magnus locus. Djiw atma ab Atma, vel pauxillulum separare; causa metits. Brahm timore, elementa, astra, Deioutai, operationes suas exequuntur. Hominis in hoc mundo beati, [x] Kandherp, Kandherpani, mundum animarum habitantis, Adjan diw, Kram diw, [x] Fereschteh a se, principio, Andr, Moschteri, Pradjapat, Haranguerbehah, et amoeno statu praecedenti centies, ad sequentem efficiendum, semper addito, et librum Beid absque mercedis intuitu legentis, gaudium, post mortem felicitas: haec omnia gaudia, gaudii [x] Brahmi, formae gaudii, et [x] Porschi, qui intra cor, illius qui in sole, quod unum gaudium est, particula. Quinque hominis thesauros cum quinque ejusdem generis mundi thesauris unum sciens, cum Ente, gaudio puro, unus et idem evadit. Qua ratione opus purum et malum Atma sit ... 333

39. OUPNEK'HAT BHARKBLI, e Djedjr Beid (desumptum).

N.° CLIX. Bhark, filius [x] Barn. Brahm, et ejus inveniendi causa. Alimentum, Pran, cor, Kian, Brahm non sunt; gaudium purum illud est. Brahm badia, quid. Hujus scientiae praemium. Quomodo Pran et corpus unum alterius sint alimentum; utriusque ratio. Aqua et ignis, unum alterius alimentum. Terra alimentum, Bhout akasch edens; utriusque ratio; inde, alimentum venienti dandi praeceptum. Adiatham, Maschghouli super corpore; scilicet, potentiam, virtutem sensuum, corporis partium, actionum, functionum, [x] Brahm scire. Aodoulak, Maschghouli [x] Mokelan sensuum; nempe, [x] bene est, creaturae e pluvia, vim meteororum, famam opulentiae causam, astrorum lumen, voluptalem rei carnalis, Bhout akasch, cor, [x] Brahm, in quo haec omnia destruantur, agnoscere. Rursus, quinque hominis thesauros cum quinque ejusdem generis munde thesauris, unum scientis, nec non in Atma omnes mundos videntis merces. Mad. Ha, Hai; tribus vicibus. Alimenti encomium: illud se dicere; ejus dandi jussum ... 338

40. OUPNEK'H. BA'KHEH SOUKT, e Djedjr Beid (desumptum).

N.° CLX. Porsch immensus, natura universalis, ens infinitum in medio cordis hominis ab omni majus; tres ejus pedes, tria Oum matra. Ex ejus halitus, respirationis motu, rerum productio, conservatio, destructio: in hac ejus pulchritudo. Haranguerbehah, ex quo quiescens et motum (Yn et Yang Sinarum) prima illius Porsch productio, unus pes. Unde Vrateh, ex quo Man (Adam Kadmon Kabbalistarum), multorum natorum origo; tum animalium, dentes supra, infra non habentia, vel supra non habentia. Magni istius Porsch, [x] Korban forma, hominis Kabir, e natura tota sumpta descriptio. Haranguerbehah moritur, renovatur, in eo Pradjapat, simpliciter cum diversis figuris apparens, non productus. Laus solis: opulentia et protectio ejus uxor. Solem, mundum totum seipsum scire, supremae beatitatis causa ... 346

41. OUPNEKHAT DJOUNKA, ex Athrban Beid (desumpt.); id est, Kakl (Cercinus).

N.° CLXI. Atma octo pedibus, 21600 vicibus operationes suas perficit. Ejus descriptio. Mundus apparens, mendacium; Atma, Hens, anima, solus, omne; non scientiae, [x] Maia causa, invisibilis. [x] Maia, qualitate, essentia, operationes. Kamdehen quid. Ejus ad Maia et Ens primum ratio; Atma in Maia. Homo e 25 rebus constat; Atma, 26.a, vel 27.a Atma, unum, duo, tria, quinque: in eo quiescens et motum, res, bullarum instar, in mari apparentes et destructae. Successiva, millies mille entium apparentia et destructio ... 351

42. OUPNEK'H. MRAT LANKOUL, ex ATHRBAN BEID (desumptum); id est, halitus mortis; quod tempus termini vitae est, expositus factus fiat.

N.° CLXII. Anschetap, mensura cujus Mokel, Roudr, sub figura ignis, evanidum, faciens Schabt. Rex Almout. Madehmati; tempus, Porsch, cum tribus oculis, seu Roudr. Mantr pronunciandum: Rat, Sat, Pram Brahm, Keschn panhal, Aourdeh lank, Proubatscheheh, Basch roup. Tria magna peccata. Ejus meritum. Kaitri, mensura. Pro vocabulo istius Mantri e memoria lapso, mortis proximitas. Namou Nomah ... 355

43. OUPNEK'HAT ANBRATNAD, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CLXIII. Antiquitus, ligneae faces in India. Scientiae, Deo apprime cognito, relinquendae; scientiae acquirendae modi: ejus methodi expositio. [x] Beschn et Roudr mystica expiicatio. Tria, litterae, corporum genera, gradus; Ens supremum; in pura, sine sono, [x] Oum prolatione. Sex [x] Selouk convenientia: Pratiahar, Dehan, Pranaiam, Deharna, Tark, Samadeh: eorum fusae definitiones. Scientia certa, super libris divinis ratiocinando, acquisita. Retentio halitus, Entis supremi meditationis forma efficax; ejus tres partes, Pourk, Kanihak, Reitschak: illam exequendi modus. Quo tempore perfecta quies acquisita. Atma in omni, maximo et minimo, aequalis. In Maschghouli, loci, corporis situs. In uno halitu, 80 vicibus, initio, 12, [x] Oum prolatio. Quinque ad Maschghouli conditiones praescriptae. [x] Pran janua, unde pons dicta. Vena Sak'hemna. [x] Salek, relinquenda. Sexto hujus praxis mense, liberatione absoluta, forma Entis Indus fit: pro numero [x] quinque Matrai nominis Oum pronunciatorum, modum Maschghouli, terrae, aquae, ignis, venti, Bhout akasch, cum iis numeris rationem habentium, obtinet. Sandhia, quid. Indi communis proceritas. 24 horarum spatio [x] Pran, qui et Djiw atma, et quatuor aliorum ventorum, motus 21,600 vices; omnium ventorum, 113, 180. Quinque primorum ventorum sedes, et colores. Benares in cerebro ... 358

44. OUPNEKHAT BASCHKL, e Rak Beid (desumptum).

N.° CLXIV. Midha Natheh, rek'heschir, filius [x] Kabour; ab Andri vi abreptus: Andr, Ens supremum; ejus attributa. Bratr, Schaitani ab Andr occisus. Maia, rerum multitudinis apparentiae causa. Coelum; atmosphera: currus unius rotae. Andr natura universa, sigillatim designata; Roudr, Hens, ipse homo, omne est ... 366

45. OUPNEK'HAT TSCHAKLI, e Djedjr Beid (desumptum).

N.° CLXV. Seresti, fluvius, ubi. Thaniser urbs celebris. Brahman quisnam. Nimkehar, urbs. K'herk'hit, urbs celebris. Indi spirituales, perfecti, externum parvulorum, infantium, habitum prae se ferentes. Atr, Indus patriarcha. Modus et conditio institutionis apud Indos. Corpus vile currui comparatum; Djiw atma, illud animans, ducens, nobilis, aurigae: quo absente, deficiente, corpus sine motu, mortuum labitur, putrescit. Tschhakli, Rek'heschir ... 372

46. OUPNEK'HAT TARK, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CLXVI. Bhardouadj. Djaknoulak. Tark tar, quid. Nominis Oum, per litteras, Matra, positio. Sex ejus partes: Brahm, atma est; Tark tar, quare dictum. [x] Maschghouli huic nomini insigni, merces, absoluta, sine cessatione, liberatio. Tria magna peccata (ut apud primos Christianos) ... 378

47. OUPNEK'HAT ARKHI, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CLXVII. Prisci Rek'heschiran, ad cognitionem primi, veri Entis, obtinendam, congregati, inter se disserunt. Beschouamtr; vetus Rek'heschir; munde Fezza expositio: magnitudo [x] Brahm, non ipse Brahm. Djamdkan antiquus Rek'heschir. De Bhout akasch variae opiniones: quid proprie; [x] Brahm magnitudo, non ipse Brahm. Lux solis, quid: magnitudo [x] Brahm, non Brahm ipse. Goutam, antiquus Rek'heschir. Behescht, antiquus Rek'heschir. Fulgur et fulmen, magnitudo [x] Brahm, non Brahm ipse. Atma, Atma Andri, Brahm, Ens supremum est; ejus attributa. Schaittani, coluber, ab Andr accisus ... 380

48. OUPNEKHAT PRANOU, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CLXVIII. Brahma in fiore nilofar, a Brahm productus; ipse poenitentiam agit. [x] Kalmeh Oum, Pranou, quod verbum Creatoris, Creator ipse, Brahm, ante cogitationem et mortificationem [x] Brahma, existit; unde et cuncta Mantrhai: hujus nominis pronunciatione, Brahma omnia scit; istius vocabuli duae figurae (capita) et quatuor Matrai: horum sigillatim ope, sono, elementa, astra, meteora, terrae productiones, libros Beid, [x] unificationis Kalmeh nomina quinque, mensuras quinque, orbis tractus, sex anni tempestates, facultates corporis spiritualis et materialis, suum Djiw atma, munde statum, Mantrhai magna, Oupnek'hata, jussum et prohibitum; septem nomina [x] Kalmeh unificationis, septem tonos, artes, instrumenta, melodias, eorum Mokelha; cuncta haec Bramha intellectu percepit. Bhour, Bhou, Souh, Ghanneh, Bradhast, Krat, Drhast, Mhit, Tat, Sam, quid. Tschetrratheh, praefectorum melodiae rex, Kaitri, Tarschetap, Djakti, Anschetap, Brahti, quinque mensurae; ista, omnium maxima. Quatuor menses Persici veteres in Oupnek'hat adhibiti. Ad legendam [x] Mantrha cum fructu, requisitae conditiones: efficacissima, [x] Oum pronunciatio; imprimis [x] Korbanhai, etiam cujusvis actionis initio et fine. Oum, akasch magnus. Horum omnium gnarus ad Ens sine cessatione pervenit. Ad obtinendum quod expetitur, praxis ... 387

N.° CLXIX. Brahmen. Soudha, urbs [x] Andr, in qua Fereschtehha a Djenian victi. Oum, prima Creatoris emanatio; inde ejus filius magnus dictum; ejus auxilio [x] Djenian oi Fereschtehha debellant, caedunt. Inde, quodlibet opus inchoando, hujus verbi efferendi necessitas ... 391

N.° CLXX. Brahmen. 36 de nomine Oum, Pranou, quaestionibus, a Pradjapat, quod ad litteras, genus, compositionem, figuram, numerum [x] Matrai; Mad, vocabulorum, pronunciationem, ejus modum, tempus, sedem in corpore, eductionis locum; quot vicibus emittendum; ejusdem mensuras, colorem, capita, Mokel, explicationem; ad Beidha, elementa, astra, mundos, corpus, rationem, principium, effectum, virtutem et causam etc. responsa ... 392

Ab, Ap, Av, quid. Kanoudj, antiquum regnum. Anheh, doctor. In [x] Oum pronunciatione sex conditiones requisitae. Biakarn, quid. Sat, Djak Teria, Douapar. Athrbai, auctor quarti Beid, quo tempore; [x] Rek'heschiran, [x] Oum pronunciationis vim edocet. Omne, quiescens et motum, ex aqua; inde Oum (Pranou) et aqua, unum. Bias, antiquus Rek'heschir. Rak'hi, quid. [x] Athrban Beid, encomium; ejus legendi necessitas. Quatuor Beidha. In primo Ente, per meditationem de Pranou, duo demersionis gradus: Narbaklap Samadeh, supremus; magna demersio; Atmai purus, nihil extra eum existens ... 392

49. OUPNEK'HAT SCHAVANK, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

In hoc Oupnek'hat expositio (est) [x] victoriam obtinere [x] Fcreschtehha super [x] Djenian.

N.° CLXXI. Bellum [x] Fereschtehha cum [x] Djenian: Korbanha (sacrificia) matutinum, meridianum, vespertinum, victoriae obtinendae causa: eorum Mokelan, Vas, Roudr, sol. Pars sacrificii, amuletum, cujus ope Djenian victores. Pranou, Oum, initium [x] Kaitri, mensurae [x] Kalmeh unificationis, mensurarum Tarschetap, Djakti. Pranou ab omni majus: quare in cunctae actione pronunciatum; mane, lente: Andr dictum; unde. Ejus laus: [x] Kalmeh unificationis vicem gerit. [x] Nim Matrai excellentiae causa; ejus auxilio oi Fereschtehha [x] Djenian debellant. Tarschetap, Djakti, mensurae. [x] Pranou figura integra, seu instrumento bellico sol armatus, [x] Djenian ad internecionem caedit. [x] Pranou 4 cornua, 3 pedes, 2 capita, septem manus, tres divisiones: vox magna. Septem toni musici. Cum Oum [x] Andr Maschghouli jussus. Shavank Rek'heschir ... 403

50. OUPNEK'HAT NERSING'HEH ATMA, ex Athrban Beid (desumptum).

N.° CLXXII. Natura [x] Atma, qui forma [x] Oum, a Pradjapat, [x] Fereschteh exposita. Omne, Djiw atma, Brahm. [x] Djiw atma tria corpora (status Djakrat, Sapen, Sakh'epat): tria [x] Brahm corpora; tres qualitates collecta elementa (Haranguerbehah), crassa elementa (Pradjapat): istorum corporum ad se invicem ratio. [x] Atma quatuor pedes. 1.i , 2.i, 3.i, 4.i descriptio; eum quatuor statibus, mundis relatio. Entis quatuor mundi, status, quinam. [x] Maia mundus. Mundi quarti, status Teria, in quo unus Atma est, peculiaris effigies. Tres status, gradus, inferiore successim a superiore absorpto, ens Natura, scilicet status Teria, mundus Lahout, in se demergit ... 412

N.° CLXXIII. K'hand secundum. Atma, trium statuum immunis, in iis par: ejus octo mutationes: scientia et insipientia est. Quatuor mundi, seu pedes [x] Atma, et [x] Pranou (Oum) quatuor Matrai, unum efficere. Quatuor [x] Atma pedes cum quatuor [x] Pranou (Oum) litteris, Matrai separatim comparati. Akar, a in omni littera; mystica ejus significatio et virtus: sic et [x] Aokar, ou; ac Makar, Mim Saken, m; et Ghanneh, soni nazalis. Makr, Nadi, quid. Quatuor status in Nim Matrai destructi. Quatuor [x] Nim Matrai, quemadmodum [x] Atma divisiones, species, nempe stamen omnium esse, se quaerenti seipsum dare, scientia pura et perpetua, ens universale, expositae, inter se collatae. In resurrectione magna, seu fine mundi, omnia igne perfusa, conflagrata. Hic mundus, nomen, figura, et tamen Atma, qui solus, secundum non habet ... 416

N.° CLXXIV. K'hand tertium. Idem argumentum. Homini hac de re meditanti, quid praescriptum. In quoque sigillatim ex quatuor Matrai, litteris [x] Pranou, e pedibus [x] Atma, quid contentum: in quovis, quatuor: meditantis haec omnia, et ea in se annihilantis, meritum, praemium. Quomodo id fiat. Quo corporis loco quodque Matrai, totum Pranou, sibi repraesentandum. [x] Brahma, Beschn, et Mehisch significatio mystica. Rursus, tria ista agentia, quatuor Matrai, [x] Pranou pedes, tres mundos seu status, tria corpora, [x] Djiw atma, lucem formam scientiae, haec omnia in unum redacta, seipsum homo sciens, in se absorbeat ... 421

N.° CLXXV. K'hand quartum. Ejusdem argumenti continuatio. Atma, Creator magnus, e quarto [x] Pranou Matrai, cognitus. Aiet undecim vocum, earum significatio. Sat, Tschat, Anand, quid. Magnus Schoghl, sensus, volitiones, [x] Maia, mendacium, cujus filii sunt, se Atma leonem omnia deorsum ferentem reputando, caedere, subjugare ... 425

N.° CLXXVI. Kand quintum. Eadem materies. Akar (Alef Maftouh) Matrai primum, cum [x] Brahm, Atma, leone, deorsum animas ferente, collatum; similiter Aokar (Vau Mazmoum) Maia, ostensum sine reali existentia. Aokar, (Vau) et Makar (Mim Saken), similiter cum [x] Brahm et Atma comparata. Inde maschghouli Indo prtaescriptus, et ejus merces ... 427

N.° CLXXVII. K'hand sextum. Continuatio. Peccatum, hominis Schaittan: illud Mokelan quomodo vicerunt. In primo Ente omnia, qualitates contradictoriae. Peccatum forma [x] Atma redditum; qua ratione, quo sensu. Mare dualitatis, timendum. Lucis originalis encomium. Supremi spiritualismi effectus et signa; [x] Kakl radere, zonam rumpere, ebrio, sensibus, mente capto similem esse. Cornua, sine cornu, quid. [x] Nersing'heh significatio. Tres Fereschteh, Brahma, Beschn et Mehisch, quando quietem sumunt, nihil evadunt, ad unum, Oum tribus Matrai, redacti ... 431

N.° CLXXVIII. K'hand septimum. Nova, [x] Matrai, litterarum [x] Pranou, cum [x] Atma comparatio. Istarum litterarum qualitates, proprietates. Adj, Aschir, Amr, Adjr, Amrat, Abhi, Asouh, Amouh, Atsch, Abmas, Adouiet, quid significant. Horum omnium gnari merces. [x] Aham mystica explicatio. Hasti, Anobhou, Vadjdan, scientia, gaudium, quid: hic mundus Brahm est; eorum attributorum ratio. Atma versus mundum non tendens, vel tendens, quid efficiat; [x] Pranou (Oum) cornua, unum facere; istorum omnium scientiae meritum ... 435

N.° CLXXIX. K'hand octavum. Argumenti continuatio. Nim Matrai [x] Pranou, sicut et Atma, stamen omnis et subtemen. Atma, unicus in omni; mundus, merum ostensum. Quidquid existit Oum est; unde. Atma, Oum se quaerenti sese largitur: non largitur; quosensu. Animantia a seipsis vitam non habent, ab Atma accipiunt. Mundus scientiam et animam nonhabet; Atma, in eum ingressus, illas ei impertitur. Mundus, cum Domino magno mundi, unum absolute; quisquis hoc intelligit, Brahm ipse fit. Ista omnia secretum maxime tegendum ... 440

N.° CLXXX. K'hand nonum. Oum (Verbum Dei), forma [x] Atma: hujus (Atma) expositio. Unum et omne est; per [x] Maia multiplex apparens; Djiw atma est, qualitatum, longo, lato, profundo expressarum (id est materiei) immunis; nec scitur, nec nescitur. Maia: hujus principii, agentis, fusa descriptio. Mundi spectaculum, simul et seorsim, ut verum quid, cum nihil in se sit; mendacium, errorem, inscitiam, ut rectum, scientiam ostendit; actionibus cunctis, agentibus, ipsis Entis supremi tribus qualitatibus, attributis, in [x] Brahma, Beschn, Mehisch, apparentem dat existentiam, [x] Atma non scientem mundi operationes efficientem reddit: Inter animas et Haranguerbehah differentia. [x] Atma, Entis supremi, unici, sine secundo, simili, Hasti puri descriptio. Quinque thesauri in corporibus. Djibril, Mikail, Asrafil, tria primi Entis attributa. Cum omne, etiam inanimatum, materiale, ab Ente supremo prodierit, ad id rationem habet, ejus forma est; [x] Djiw atma et [x] Pram atma differentia: homo, uterque. [x] Atma natura: Homo sibi ipsi lumen; unde [x] Djiw atma videt: forma existentiae et scientiae est, e quibus omne apparens factum: haec ejus intellectio Brahm est. [x] Atma descriptio: sensibus, intellectui, quinque ventis, Pran, Apan, Advan, Saman, Bian, [x] Maia impervius: per [x] Oupnek'hat inventus. Hens Adjpa, quid. Quidquid existit, Atma est. Quatuor [x] Pranou, per litteras, et [x] Atma status comparati ... 443

N.° CLXXXI. Finis [x] Oupnek'hat: Athrban, ultimum, quartum [x] Beidha ... 454

N.° CLXXXII. Quo tempore, anno a Sultan Mohammed Dara Schakoh in urbe Dehli, [x] Oupnek'hat versio absoluta, ipse [x] Oupnek'hat Persici textus, in Soubeh Aoud ab Atma Ram descriptus ... ibid.

N.° CLXXXIII. Versio latina, die 9 octob. 1795 perfecta ... 455


Auctoris excusatio ... 456

Typographi solertis et diligentis cura indefessa ... ibid.
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Re: Oupnek'hat, by Anquetil Duperron

Postby admin » Thu May 30, 2024 4:44 am

Part 1 of 2

[English Version by Google Translate]

With the work completed, and thus, the mind freed from the labor of composition, he could dwell longer on the things contained in the rest of Oupnek'hatha. From this arises a more extensive index of sections, which will not only cause disgust to the learned reader and the scrutinizer of Oriental opinions, but will also lead him more safely and clearly to the text of the book itself, and to the observations. In a dark and difficult way, the fate cannot be prolonged.


The learned Brahmins of India could devote themselves to the most important objects of inquiry, joined by literary intercourse with the academicians of Calcutta ... 7, 9

It is to be desired that they should hand over the books of the Indians, written in various languages, Persian, which is used in all Asia, especially in India, and the Europeans among themselves, that for spiritual things, they should communicate in the same idiom... 9.

The necessity of the use of the Latin language, in Europe, among learned men of different peoples. ... X, XI.

The science of the Indians ... 16, not 1.

7. OUPNEK'HAT NARAIN, from athrban beid (excerpt).

No. 87 Narain, Being one, the soul of all living things; from it different beings proceed: its description; Brahma is, Maha diw, Andr, 11 Roudr, 8 Vas (Beschn), Aschnikamar, the year, the whole nature ... the order of creation. Brahma, the quality of creation; Maha diw, destruction; Beschn, nourishing The great merit of this Oupnek'hat lesson ...

8. OUPNEK'HAT TADIW, from Djedjr Beid (excerpt). That is, the light, which is all that.

No. 88 An elaborate and sublime exposition of the essence and attributes of God, handed down by Pradjapat, and recited by an Indian, in the manner of a litany. It is the form of the whole world, simultaneously and in detail. Different parts of time. The supreme being, the expert of demonstration, gives knowledge of himself to the knower. The world of water into Atma, and first into water, which into Atma, and from which Haranguerbehah and Pradjapat. Bin, the ancient Radjah, endowed with the knowledge of the first being. Antrjami, Maya, Brahm ... 6

No. 89 The mode [x] of Korban is Sarb [mideh], which is the greatest [x] of Kobanha. To throw everything, all the worlds into the fire, that is, into the power, the power [x] of Brahm, which is the greatest Korban. Bram diw ... 10

9. OUPNEK'HAT ATHRBSAR, from Athrban Beid (except); that is, the chapter (principal) of the book Athrban Beid.

No. 90 Presenting [x] Roudr, or Maha diw, a eulogy pronounced by himself, exhibiting all his qualities, that is, the nature, properties, and operations of the supreme and unique being; then by Fereschtehha, in the form of a litany, fluently and at length pronounced. Brahma is Brahm, man and not man. Three fires. The measure of Ka'itri. Parbati, the woman [x] Roudr, her form, qualities. Nabaik, what? Seven [x] Behescht floors. Eight Kreh Pran. Djam, king of death, judge of the dead... 12

No. 101 Brahman. Why should a single being appear to be multiple? Maia, Aoudia, what? Eidjad, Abka, Afna. Effective help for good works given by the Supreme Being. Water of life. Not knowledge, the great enemy. Pranou, the name of Being. Three Matrai, Nim Matrai [x] Pranou Deioutaha. Sarbbiabi, Anant, Tar, Soutschhem, Schokhl, Badat, Bark, Tadat, Pra Brahm, quid ... 17

No. 92 Brahman. In the explanation [x] Pranou. Whence Pranou, the name of Oum, was said: a special and longer explanation of the preceding and other epithets. Qualities of Radj, Tam, Satguen. Isan, Bhagwan, Metsir, Diw, what? senses unequal to the knowledge of the first being. Patience and forbearance prescribed for man. [x] What are the ashes of Sanias? But Akasch. Bratha, Kaitri, measures. Sandaha ... 20

10. OUPNEK'HAT HENSNAD, from Athrban Beid (excerpt).

No. 93 Goutam, rek'heschir, Sant, Sadjat, the ancients, the first advocates of unification, preachers. Parbati learned from Maha diw. Hens, the breath of Pram Hens, to whom his exposition must be delivered; by what means is its knowledge acquired; it is in all living things. Brahmtschari, who? Mantr, Hens Hens, unification prolation ... 27

No. 94 Brahman. A spiritual practitioner, bringing eternal joy, a breath, a mode of aspiration. Apan, wind; Pran. Tschekr what, how many Anahed. Adjpa. Aspiration and respiration, — 15. Hens, Pram Hens, quid. Djiw atma. Eight leaves of the Niloufer; of the heart of the Niloufer. According to the leaves of that heart which the natural heart regards, its different affections. Akni, Nirat, Baip, Ischan, Schali, Sak' Hepat, Teria, Nad, Djiw atma, Pram atma, Pram Brahm, Anahed Schabd, Sanklap, Baklap, Pan, Pap, Sadaschou Tschen, Kantha, Schank'heh, Bin, Tal, Pak'haoudj, Bans, dda dda ddha: Selouk ... 28

11. OUPNEK'HAT SARBSAR, from Rak Beid (excerpt).

No. XCV Knowledge, to obtain the Atma, the true way; the ancient patriarchs followed this way. Fire, the sun, the wind, the first objects of idolatrous worship; then, animals, man, vegetables, things of the earth. Act what? Maschghouli [x] Mokelan [x] outside; another, the interior of the body. Everything from, with food: eating and being... 35

No. 96 Development of the production of genital water (sperm). Pradjapat. Prani How beings, even spiritual ones, are the genital seed of one another... 39

No. 97 Exposition [x] to come [x] Prana into the body; from the foot to the brain: hence the name of the different parts of the body, the head; the four senses and the heart; thinking, in the head. Sarkeratschheh rek'heschir. Natural heat. Brahm in the warmth of the stomach, and in the heart... 39

No. 98 Discuss feelings with one another (over their size). He's kidding, what? Sins, the inward enemies of man. [x] Pran preeminence; hence its different names, Akt, Prabat Saim, Aheh, Apan... 41

No. 99 Brahman. Mokelan outside (body), and Mokelan inside, [x] Pran (breath) nature, attributes, qualities, operations, senses; from these, the children, the different parts of the world, the stars, the elements. Harnden, Rek'heschir. Enough, Tratrat what. Sat, t, i, meaning. Brahti's measure, the merit of his reading; in it all are measured. Tschehend, what? Dabrik tsema, Rek'heschir. Anything from the father, from the son; and vice versa. Mehdas was an old doctor. Explainer and herald of the senses, their Mokelan, and [x] Pran. P'hou P'hou, the sound that the breath makes as it goes out. Porsche The life of a man of one hundred years. Ssad ratsch, Bad, Garsch, Mad, Gardesnad, Bam, Bam diw, Atr, Bhardouadj, Schascht, Prakasch, Madbani, Tschhoudr Soukt Maha Soukt, Soukt, Rak, Arohedah, Pad, Atschher, [x] Pran names. Korban Mahabarat. Beschwamther, Rek'heschir, at the time [x] Mahabarat. Somreh year, 360 days. Akt. Bout akasch. In nature, what food, what eating? Some animals do not have bottom teeth. Atma in everything. In that man is more perfect than vegetables and other animals, he should be distinguished from them; in it five things. [x] Pran five divisions: as well as [x] Djak or Korban; namely, Aguen houtr, Darschen pouran mas, Tschatr mas, Pas, Sarm ... 42

No. C. [Fourth farewell.] Brahmen. Atma, in the beginning, and above all alone and unique, wills to produce the worlds, produces them and their guardians. Anbheteh, Marikh, Mar, Ap, Loupalan, what? In the first form of the animal, which came out of the water, the creation of its limbs and parts, together with the senses arising therefrom, and the elements, the stars adapted to them. Figures, of oxen, of horses, of men, were made present; he entered into this form of man the senses and their Mokelan. The hunger and thirst of those Mokelan. The person of a man from Apan, who takes food from Pran: from the path of Pran's foot, he enters it. Sensations, seats in the body, fun of action. Atma enters the body by way of the brain. Pedrat, Mendan, what ... 57

No. 11 The way [x] for the senses to enter, which are in the place of servants, is another: and the way [x] for the soul to enter the body, the brain (is). Three Aousthai, body, house [x] atma. Djiw atma, atma, whence the name. Tsched akasch, Avandr, what? Everything, in the body, Brahm himself. Fereschtehha, they speak enigmatically .... 62

No. 100 Adhiai the tenth (10). Brahman. The production of the fetus, on the back of the father. The triple birth of man. Of father, of mother, of child, of concord, of mutual benevolence, cause, reason... 63

No. 103 And in another place [x] mantr [x] Beid conforms to this (exposition), which: Bam diw. Death, the true liberation of man... 65

No. 44 Adhiai the eleventh (11). Atma, among the senses, etc. in the body, who Sensations are exercised by the atma, djiw atma. His names, Hardi, Kian etc. Atma all beings, Brahma himself, Brahm, producing and moving all things... 65

No. CV Deaai (old), which, at the time [x]. that this Oupnek'hat was begun and completed, it is necessary to pronounce, ... this is: the commandment of the heart and speech concord ... 67

12. OUPNEK'HAT KOKHENK, from Rak Beid (excerpt).

No. 16 Tschetr, Brahmani. Arn, Rek'heschir; Sopatkit, his son. A good work, in view of the reward done, is first the reward, the clean habitation of the moon, then the punishment of Djehenna, the metamorphosis. In the course of Monday, six storms of the year have been known. A month (half) of fifteen times, days. Diwdjan, the way of [x] Selouk, true deliverance. The order of the higher worlds. Brahma, the same as Djibril (Gabriel). A detailed and pleasant description of the ways to the highest place of happiness, that is, the seat [x] of Brahma, the guide, the things, and the agents which are found therein. Aousch, Behra, Al, Sabeh, Apradjat, Nahatschhen, Antatschar, Mansi, why? A sea of ​​vices; [x] To fall into it, to be drowned in it, is a danger and a cause: another sea returning the first youth. Blessed are the works returned to friends or enemies. Blessed, going to the throne [x] of Brahma, who is made on the way. A description of this throne. Blessed is the conversation with Brahma. Enough of what. Why is Brahma called man, woman, and neither? [x] The origin of the Linga. [x] Brahma's faculties, causes of works. . . Haranguerbehah. Brahma became a man ... 68

No. 157 [Brahmen.] Belank, rek'heschir. How [x] Pran, who is Brahm, should serve the senses, etc. ... 77

No. 108 An exposition of the manner of resignation (trust in God) and affected unwillingness (reluctance); that: the reward of complete denial, the effect. Betak, rek'heschir [x] Prani, who is the form [x] of Brahm, to the senses. Whence the force and action of the elements, the stars, the meteors, and the senses of the human body; when they cease, into which he enters. Maschghouli [x] Mokelan; another, [x] to the body. Hamatschel, the northern mountain; Band, the southern mountain. [x] Pran's discussion of the greatness of the senses. In an aggravating disease the prescribed Indian ceremonies; A man leaving life transfers his faculties, both physical and spiritual, with goods and wealth, to his son, who receives them; indeed, if he recovers his health, he is obliged to remain in the same voluntary poverty, or [x] to choose the state of Sanias. Partroun, Radjah, from Andr, who in the form of truth, [x] well educated man. Diwdas, Radjah [x] of Benares. Djeni, with three heads, slain by Andr. The greatest deeds, with the knowledge of God, as if obliterated; that is, they cannot stand with it. [x] The size of the meal. Through him the senses act. In [x] sak'hepat, and the man, at the time of death, his mind, his state, and his senses, which are not in control, have entered Pran: all the elements in Pran have been destroyed. With the help of knowledge, the senses and their organs act, as well as the intellect, [x] Pran, which resides in them, with the same knowledge, which, namely, the only true principle of the actions of the senses, man must have in his mind, will. Ten parts of knowledge, ten senses. Atma, Djiw atma. Indian predestination and reprobation ... 77

No. 90 The history of the direction (of the institution, of the teachers) [x] Adjat schetr (Djedashter), with (therefore) Darpat Palak: that form of history [x] Oupnek'hat Brehdarang was mentioned. Zinardari Kark. [x] atma with the knowledge of Andr [x] Djenian conquers, slays, and [x] Fereschtah obtains control ... 93

13. OUPNEK'HAT SATASTER, from Djedir Beid (excerpt).

No. 100 Eight of the cause of the universe of things, the origin, the life, the giving act, [x] Oupnek'hat in the century, opinions. Time, as if the first principle of beings; Haranguerbehah ... Djiw atma, [x] Atma, Brahm, as being from products, Atma working, taking pleasure, inferior, and therefore not the producer himself. Maya, consisting of 50 items. Bramtschekr, what? In it 48 things. Eight Vessels Eight Sadeh: Anma, Mehma, Lak'hema, Krma, Prapat, Prakrami, Aiescht, Schapt. The five senses, the elements, Pran, the state of man, the divisions [x] Aoudia. 50 Samskretic letters. Pram atma Djiw atma, Maya and the world, were destroyed in Brahm. Akrta. Santaster, doctor. Brahm is hidden in everything. Sank, Rek'heschir. Maschghouli [x] Brahm, two ways. Marbee, what? Place [x] Maschghouli. In this form [x] Salek of the heart of Brahm, in Maschghouli, will show himself. In Selouk eight (six) things. Deharna, part [x] Selouk, what. Roudr, unique; his operations, as attributed to the first, supreme Being: he then produces all things, then destroys them; Kilas, his seat. Sankra Tscharedj, doctor. Anand sroup, what? The body of a man, the city having nine gates. Hens. Teria, Lahout. Bran. First Being, woman and man; he himself leads man into error. Maya, eternal, the will of the first being. Two birds in a tree; the other taking the fruit thereof, that is, the pleasure of the reward of works; the other not taking Tsched akaschi. Mehtsir. Two Djiw atma, learned and unlearned. Captain Kiani. Maha atma Djiw atma in all creatures, animate according to the measure of being; neither woman, nor man, nor neither... 94

JV. 111 [Adhiai sixth.] The world is not produced by itself, nor time. The ultimate being is its cause and motive. Eight (six) ways [x] Djog. The system of obtaining perfection, liberation. Akla, what? Guidance, or efficacious grace from God. Six things, from the first being, which man knowing in himself, attains eternity. The supreme being neither produces nor is produced; like a spider, he brings it out of himself; first, [x] Brahma. [x] Sanias in four ways. Pram hens, what? ... 121

14. OUPNEK'HAT PORSCH, from Athrban Beid (taken down); that is, in this Oupnek'hat there is a lot of question and answer.

No. 112 Soukba, Bhardouadj Satkam, Sourdjabli, Koslbeid, Ati, Khindi, Pilad, Rek'heschiran. Fasting for one year. Again about the creation of the world. Having completed the mortification, Pradjapat produces things. Soum, Abhiat, Pran, Aftab: one eating, the other eating: Al ras, in heaven, what? Beishwanr, Basroup, Djat dida, Narain, Djout, Schensch akeren, Sat dha, the only names. The two only roads, the northern and the southern, were dedicated to the works, after death, for merit. The sun has the figure of the year, five or six feet, and the storms; 12 parts; cold, rainy season Batschehin is the name of the sun. Day, night, year [x] Fetschtah, world of souls, [x] Pradjapat. Moon Certain things pertaining to generation: to be observed in a certain manner for the time appointed for the act of generation. Brahmtscheradj what? To obey God, not for the sake of pleasure, man and woman should marry together. When the son; daughter; a son of feminine figure and character; daughter; manly figure and character; hermaphrodite; with a man's or a woman's face; or a simple piece of flesh, should be produced. Permissible lying on duty. The Gospels, on this subject, are superior to all religious records. Of man, worthy of Brahma lok (heaven), description ... 128

No. 111 Brahman. Bharkour, Rek'heschir. The five elements and the five senses, with Pran, a debate about excellence; having been praised by them for its excellence, a eulogy was given. King of the bees Pran appearing from Atma. Internal prana entered the body; its division, action, exit; which way There are 72,000 veins in the body. Pran external; its division, operations ... 137

No. 114 During sleep, all senses enter the heart. Tsavap, that is, a person of his own right. The body, the city of God. Five winds of the body, as many fires: Korban, the sacrifice, performed by them in the heart and by them. Djiw wind, in sleep, executes all actions. He carries, sold, in sleep blocked by the heart: hence, no dream. Pram atma is the soul of souls, in which all things, senses, faculties, corporeal, spiritual, subject and object, rest at the time [x] Sak'hepat. Bhout akasch and Hardi akasch, what? Chat. Krtar. Being great, unique, knowing, every form becomes...143

115 [Brahmen.] Pranou, the same as Oum, the name of the tribe and consisting of 1/2 Matra. Pra Brahm and Apra Brahm, what? [x] Maschghouli [x] Oum, for the reason [x] Matra until the death of the pronounced, merit and reward. He who has 3 Matra and 1/2 Maschghoul becomes a universal being. There are three ways of pronouncing that name: from the heart, with the unmoved tongue, the most perfect. Pra, apra ... 146

No. 116 Soukia, Rek'heschir. Koslharn Nanhatsch, Radjah. Raj Kamar Ratheh. Porsch, Djiw atma, in which 16 Kala; its operations, one produced from another. Enumeration of these 16 Kala. When deliverance from the body, Djioun, blessed. Audi. ... 148

15. OUPNEK'HAT DEHIAN BAND, from Athrban Beid (desumpturn): that is, drop [x] maschghouli.

No. 117 [x] Djog, or chief Selouk; the pronunciation of the name Oum, consisting of five elements, Akar, Aokar, Makar, Band, Nad. A single being, a tree; the appearance of beings, its shadow; the former, divided in all, infinite precision. Pranayanam, the breath of action, three parts, modes, ways: in their time, [x] Brahm, under the three agents, Beschn, of fiery color with 4 arms, Brahma, white-red, with 4 mouths, Maha diw, with 3 eyes in three Nilouferi, of course, in the honey of the navel, heart, and forehead, man must represent to himself. How half of Matrai [x] is returned to Oum: then man becomes the form of [x] Brahm. Explained by four comparisons. A wooden instrument suitable for eliciting fire ... 152

16. OUPNEKHAT MAHA OUPNEK'HAT, from Athrban Beid (taken): and this is Maha Oupnek'hat itself.

No. 118 Narain, the first one. He plays with himself: hence the origin of beings; 14 males; one being, intellect, woman. Of these, another ten; all forming one Porsch, one person, the cause of time, into which Djiw atma was introduced. [x] Maha diw production, description. Tarsoul. The egg where Brahma, with the four bears, created: Kaitri, Praschast, Tschakti, Anschetap; four books of Beid measure. Pram Atma.... 157

No. 119 Brahman. [Merces [x] Oupnek'hat mentioned.] He who, even not knowing the Beid, not bound by the belt, always reads it, meditates, the purest, enriched by the merit of all lessons, without ceasing, liberated, becomes absolutely happy... 160

17. OUPNEKHAT ATMA PRA BOUDEH, from Athrban Beid (taken down). That is, to understand [x] atma in a pure manner.

No. 120 Atma, separated from everything, and yet within the heart: Akar, Aokar, Makar, the letter Oum, its shape. Narayeni, having Schank'heh, Tschekr, Kada, Padam; his Maschghouli. To Bagbantheh (paradise) Maschghouli [x] Narayeni, the Supreme Being, he makes to arrive. Kesch, son of Diwgui. Being one in nature; Oum; Atma ... 162

18. OUPNEKHAT KIOUL, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 111 Aschoulain, Rek'heschir. Brahmbadia, what? Anand sroup, the supreme being. Sank'heh asn. [x] Maschghouli practices and ceremonies. The Supreme Being, Brahma, Mahadiw, Beschn, Pran, time, fire, moon, is everything. Schabdi, the fourth half of Matrai. Djiw atma. Suitable for fire-exciting wooden engines. Maya, with Atma; thence Djiw atma; the three things he takes, in which he plays, the three man's watching or not watching, the times, the bodies. Atma, the cause of beings, the soul. Djagrat, Sapen, Sak'hepat, the three states of man. The supreme being, Brahm, Pram atma, considering himself to be all man, Makt and liberated, reached the pure light. Shat-Roudri, what? To drink wine, [x] Brahman sin. Benares, the city of health, even in the body, within the two eyebrows.... 165

19. OUPNEKHAT SCHAT ROUDRI, from Djedjr Beid (taken down).

That is, a hundred names [x] Roudr; which is the making of everything destroyed.

No. 122 Pradjapat great [x] Roudr praise, in which all his arms, attributes, operations, form, are contained, and the whole nature, simultaneously, individually, the supreme and only Being, its author, mover, master, is expressed and pronounced. Nil kanteh.... 171

No. 123 Brahman. Continuation of the names [x] Roudr. Brahmand, orbis ... 174

No. 124 A series of the same names. Nehing. Anahed Schabd ... 176

No. 125 [Brahmen.] End of names and praise [x] Roudr ... 192

20. OUPNEKHAT DJOG SANK'HA, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 126 This is Oupnek'hat, Kaguel [x] Djog. By the blessing of Pradjapat [x] Maschghouli he reached the degree he holds. [c] Djogsank'ha, of the Maschghouli genus, meditation, practice, method. Padam asn. The body of man, the house; having a great pillar, 9 gates, 3 small pillars, and five Diw mokels: the names of all these. Satguen, Sadjouguen, Temouguen; five Pran Pranou (Oum) in the middle of that house. Vena Sak'hemna. Brahmlok, place [x] Djibril (Gabriel) ... 197

21. OUPNEKHAT DJOGTAT, from Athrban Beid (taken): that is the main [x] selouk.

No. 127 Pradjapat. Beschn, Djogui great. Maia, ra Beschn comts, quid. Mother, woman, father, son, grandfather, grandson, etc., are one and the same. The thing is, three numbers. Nim matrai fourth. Niloufer in the middle of the chest. With each letter of the name Oum pronounced, what is produced in man? K'hing large, maschghouli species. Benares in the body ... 200

22. OUPNEKHAT SCHIW SANKLAP, from Djedjir Beid (taken down).

No. 138 An exposition of the heart, attributes, faculties, works, seats, praise in the form of a litany; Korban, which has seven Houtas. Sandia ... 204

23. OUPNEKHAT ABRAT (ATHRB) SAKHA, from Athrban Beid (taken).

No. 29 Pilad, Ankra, Santkamar, early Indian people. Athriai, Rek'heschir. Oum first of all, the Creator pronounced. That name, the Creator, is great: its four feet are Matrai, or letters, Akar, Aokar, Makar, Ghounneh mim; and of them to various entities, agents, measures, the three states of man, reason. Vrath, a species of smallness. The colors with which the four [x] Oum matrai with their four Mokelan, the Indian ordered to represent him. How to pronounce this name. Mad, what: separated from Matra. Hence the name Oum, Pranou, Prali Tschetordha, Harta, Tar, Beschn, Brahma, Prakas, Badat, Maha diw. The wages of the Indians pronouncing Oum. Nad; Anahed ... 207

24. OUPNEK'HAT ATMA, from ATHRBAN BEID (taken down).

No. 130 Ankrai, Rek'heschir, an old doctor of the Indians. [x] Porsche three divisions; Atma, [x] outside; Atma [x] enter; Pram atma; the explanation of these three Atma; especially [x] Pram atma, the Supreme Being. Hence Anand sroup. Pram atma, Pra Brahm, Atma, Maya, that being, said. Maia, what ... 213

25. OUPNEK'HAT BRAHM BADIA, from Athrban Beid (taken down); that is, knowledge [x] to know the nurturer (keeper).

No. 321 Brahm badia, [x] Pram atma, Pram Brahm, the Supreme Being, Oum, which is Brahma, Beschn, Mehisch, knowledge; the first of the sciences. The name Oum is the same as the one named. [x] His body, his three Mothers, the letters, a, vau, m resting, with beings, stars, and meteors having a relation to them. Nim matra, his Atma, soul; on what account was it written? 72,000 current. [x] The way of pronouncing Oum, that is to sound. K'herial, a musical instrument. Voice [x] Pranou (Oum) from Brahm, issued from Tsched akasch, destroyed in them. He who knows all this will do without ceasing... 217

36. OUPNEK'HAT ANBRAT BANDEH, that is, the water drop of life, from Athrban Beid (taken).

No. 132 The species of the leader of the heart: pure, or free from volitions; not pure, taken by volitions, addicted. Nothing can be understood of Atma, nothing can properly be said; all negative He who knows himself to be Brahm, truly becomes Brahm himself. What is it? The nature of unification, truth. In the beginning, there was no production of things; in the end, no destruction. Always, continuously being one and the same... 221

No. 133 Atma, in the three states of man, in all, soul, one and the same: this dogma is elucidated by different comparisons. Bhout akasch, the first matter, without knowledge, knowledge. The cause of Mayan appearances. [x] Audia maya, and Anand sroup difference, effect. By mental meditation alone, man becomes Brahm. Two [x] Maschghouli [x] Brahm, vioe: small, large; these, making mention, I mention, and the mentioned, with the same thread, one and the same. Brahm alone remains in nature; a great man arrived at the traveler ... 223

No. 134 Criticism, prescribed in the reading of divine books. He who rightly knows himself as Brahm, should leave all books and knowledge. The uniqueness of the supreme being: comparisons. A wooden instrument suitable for making fire. Bas diw ... 226

27. OUPNEK'HAT TIDJ BANDEH, from Athrban Beid (taken down); that is, a drop of light.

No. 135 Tidj Bandeh, the exposition of the great Maschghouli. Sub-action of the body, of the senses, of the affections; the absolute abandonment of the necessities of life, required for that maschghouli. Three gates lead to it; third, confidence in the director. [x] Djiw atmai, or Hens, three seats; its description is the same as that of the Supreme Being: Brahm, Atma, Maha is akasch. Tidj Bandeh Maschghoul obtains that great Brahm... 229

28. OUPNEK'H. KARBEH, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

Brahm badia, which is the science of unification, the way [x] to know the truth of that, is the science of the human body.

No. 136 Body elements, parts. There are five things in which it is composed; namely, dust, water, fire, air, Bhout akasch: their description. Bodily senses, spiritual faculties; their places and object. Six meats, tastes of food, by which the body is preserved, cords by which it is bound. Seven Dehats Ten things which give strength to the body: seven tones. Seven colored fluids in the body. From bait, rope, chylus; whence the blood; and successively, one after the other, the different things which constitute the body. Hence conception, conception. In what period of time man's generation takes place, especially when the parts of the body are formed, intelligence arrives. On this occasion, on this occasion, a son, a daughter, soft-born, hermaphrodite, imperfect, defective, twins are born. Man proceeding from twenty-four principles: Aoudia; Mehtat; Ahankar; Bhout akasch etc. In this way, whence the body, in the belly, takes food. Djiw atma, the soul separated from the principles of man. In the ninth month, a perfect man, whole. The sin of man, in his very coming out of his mother's womb. Three Khallts, in the body; its three states. Production reasons. It is a joke, whence it was said. Three fires in the body. Four ways of eating and taking food. In the body, as in Korban, three agencies. Djadjman; understanding, instead of his wife [x] Djadjman. A spiritual and physical man, Korban. Dantschehna Ehram A description of the healthy body by its smallest parts, their number, etc. Mars. I will give ... 232

29. OUPNEKHAT DJABAL, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 137 Brahman. Brahspat, or Mustard. Djaknoulak. Kork'hit, Apmakt, what? Where Benares Its etymology: in which sense, the body of Benares is Kork'hit. Maha diw. Tatumes, Calmeh unification, at the moment of death, pronounced in the ear by Maha diw, the cause of liberation. Atr, rek'heschir. Barna, Asi, two rivers; what in the body Sandha ... 241

No. 138 Roudri's treasure; the merit of his mention. Djank, Radjah Badiheh. Sanias The four modes of perfection of Brahmtscharedj; Karhest; Banparast; Saniasi: description of this last degree, duties, practices, prayers; first of all, the suppression and abandonment of all volitions and affections, the zone itself, thrown into the fire. Genital water brought to the light Being. Tschetri, Bis, two professions of the Indians, and other states of life, how[x] Sanias acquire merit. He has nothing to say. When [x] Saniasi Djiw atma, Brahm, becomes the supreme Being. Samourtak, Adalak, Sopatkit, Darbasa, Bratheh, Nadak, Djedbhert, Detatri, Reivank, the great Sanias; their mode of life without any external habit of religion; as if drunk Dandi, Kamdli, Kakl, what? An image of the true Sanias, called Pramhens ... 243
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Re: Oupnek'hat, by Anquetil Duperron

Postby admin » Fri May 31, 2024 12:07 am

Part 2 of 2

[English Version by Google Translate]

30. OUPNEK'H. MAHA NARAIN, from Djedjr Beid (desumpt.)

No. 139 Anbeheh, Anp'heh, original water. Being the first, the dtscriptio of the last. Tsched akasch; Bout akasch. Maia, for the sake of singularity. The ultimate being, the Word. The distribution of time from the twinkling of an eye to a year. The first Haranguerbehah, from the original water; from him the sun Pradjapat in Haranguerbehah. He who knows himself as the supreme Being is the whole world. The sun is a particle of the Creator's light. The wife of the sun, why? A praise of the supreme, universal being, in the form of a litany. The knowledge of God, given by God himself. Andrew, Bran. Bin, Rabjah, knower of God. Kand'harpi (read: Kandharpi). Four sounds; three within the body; the great merit of knowing these. Madhou Tschehendai, son of [x] Beschvantr. Mortification, repentance, what? Three clean, Brahm. First of all, to avoid lies and ignorance. An all-devouring being. The seven Prans, ignts, of the earth. Brahma. Zehereh. Sing'hah. Maya, not produced. The three supreme colors of Being, its three primary qualities. Two Djiw atma. Only by abandoning all things, the universal, supreme being is obtained: it is in the heart of Niloufer. Nim matrai fourth, [x] Beid the beginning and the end. [x] Description of Narain, the supreme Being. The flower of Kileh. Fire within the body; its operations; Atma, in him. Brahma, Maha diw, Beschn, Andr. The light of the sun, the light of the three Beids, from which it derives its power. Sun's praise Adam Aorn was born [x] Pradjapat. What is great, in religion: rectitude; mortification; repression of the senses, internal and external; munificence; pure work; to give birth to children; the heart; Sanias: to understand everything from the sun, from heat, rain, vegetables, food, etc., to [x] Atma. The praise of food. Five [x] Djiw atma divisions, or treasures in man; Sanias, abandonment of all, except God. Qualities with substance, one thing to know: two souls, a dead man, for the season of the year, the way... 249

31. OUPNEKHAT MANDOUK, from athrbam beid (taken down).

Whatever exists is Pranou, which is the great name of Oum: its explanation is this, that:

No. 140 [x] Pranou, with the Atma system. [x] Atma has four feet, like [x] Pranou, four Matras. Their exposition. Augusta Djakrat The first seven members of the foot; with 19 things, appearing. 16 Kalai in the human body. Fire Beschvanr. Austhai Sapen. Nineteen things mentioned, strength. Two days. Aousthai Sak'hepat. Birak. Antrjami. Ousthai Teria Being supreme, most perfect, not knowing, not knowing. Pranou, Atma; its four feet, namely Akar, Aokar, Makar, Nim matrai fourth, the same as [x] Atma providing 4 feet, exposition ... 266

32. OUPNEKH. PANKL, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 141 Pankl, Rek'heschir. Kian, what; its fruits. The cause of truth, of himself and of his fellows, of the last deliverance from the body; no ceremony, including the burning of the body, for the dead who has attained such a degree... 271

33. OUPNEK'HAT TSCHEHOURKA, from Athrban Beid (taken down). That is, to cut the cul[trum [x] not knowledge].

No. 142 Deharna, Schivbanhou, Sandjout, what? [x] Deharna method. A pan wind extraction, led from the toe to the brain up to the Vein Sak'hemna. Five colors of veins. Heart, niloufer red color of the Creator's house. With the knife of the heart, with names and figures cut off, Djiw atma and Pram atma become one... 274

No. 143 Brahman. Marm big, what? Aoda, Pankla. 72,000 veins joined with the Sak'hemna vein. With a heart free of pure works and bad world, the ways of the veins, full of the smell of work, and all the bonds of the body, let him remain in the world of being, let him become Brahm... 276

34. OUPNEKHAT PRAM HENS, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 144 Nard. Brahmtschareh what? By this reason Hens, or Djiw atma, becomes Pram Hens, Pram atma. Brahma. Maha Porsch, [x] Sanias, not high, small, nor high, description of the greatest: in this also the cover of shame, and [x] Oupnek'hat reading, abandoned. The sex of the body, from [x] existence, to destruction, states, qualities; of them the perfect exponent of Sanias; who is bound to be free from all the affections, needs, and relationships of the soul, and to regard himself as atma. Kian, knowledge, true [x] staff of Sanias. False Sanias. Mantr, Dehian, Basna, Deharna, what? At what hour of the day, where, for what reason, with what intention, should a Sanias beg for a stake, what food should he receive: gold, silver, gems, even simply looking at them, is forbidden... 279

35. OUPNEKHAT ARANK, from athrban beid (taken).

No. 145 Adalak, Arn, Rek'heschir. Absolute, abandonment of neighbors, family, even all the necessities of life, affections, religious ceremonies, worship of the divine practice[x], abandonment of every wrong action, passion, pleasure, knowledge, prayer, described in parts; of course, perfect, Sanias. True liberation, immersion in Atma, total destruction, annihilation, the highest [x] Beschn degree, divinity. Seven Behescht; Bhoulok, Bhour lok, Sour lok, Meheh lok, Djenlok, Atap lok: seven earths; Tal, Atal, Batal, Soutal, Resatal, Talatal, Mahatal. Brahmand. Brahm tschari, Kerhest, Banparast; Kaitri v Sandhiai. Four things, the duties of an Indian, truly spiritual and religious, prescribed. The place where the Oupnek'hat is finished, the temperature; four months of rain ... 284

36. OUPNEK'HAT KIN, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 117 The heart, Pran, and the senses from the heart of the heart, [x] Pran [x] Pranha, that is, by the sense of the senses, Brahm, receive motion, through that supreme Being, they complete their proper action. This being perceives everything, and can be perceived by no one, as being the ultimate end. To make the intelligent, the understanding, and the thing understood, one. He who says that he does not understand, really understands; and vice versa; for what reason To know oneself, true knowledge; to reach oneself, true liberation... 291

No. 148 [Brahmen.] Kessah (story) of production. The war of good and bad angels. [x] Fereschtehha, in the beginning, pride, fall. Adam (the figure of man), first created [x] Fereschtehha, not known by fire and wind: Being the highest; his power [x] Andr, [x] to the king Fereschtehha, under the form of Aouma, or Ama (Eve), ][x] Parbati, [x] Maha diw's wife, showed herself. [x] Deiouta's wife, her power. Fire, wind and Andr, here first, and then greater, [x] Adam (Kadmon) of the Kabbalists 1 [Buddhaeus, Lib. city p. 316-318-325; according to Henry, the character of the Trinity, Chochma; that is, Verse], when they have recognized that Brahm is, they arrive at Brahm. Aouma was produced by the will [x] of Adam. [x] Djiw atma and heart, [x] Brahm to know. To do penance and good, this truly Oupnek'hat ... 294

37. OUPNEKHAT KIOUNI, from Athrban Bejd (taken down).

No. 149 Tadj serousch, rek'heschir. Tadjkita, his son. The ancient Indians faithfully fulfilled their vows, even if they were made inadvertently. The punishment for neglecting hospitality towards [x] Brahman. [x] Tadjkita, with King Almout (dead), conversation. Korbani (sacrifice), which (by it) they reach Behescht. Korban Tajkita; his merit, Mokel, being supreme. Three pure works prescribed by the Indian; mercy, first. Two, from ancient times, about the soul, Djiw atma, sentences: 1.a There is nothing other than the body; 2.a: separated from the body, different. On this difficult question, namely, what will happen after death, what is the state of man, [x] Fereschtehha doubt. A long life, a hundred years. The vanity of this world and its goods. O Fereschtehha, immortals ... 299

No. 150 According to Djozv. [Brahmen.] Conversation continued. Of two things, the bond of man to the good of this world or to the good of the other world, both opposites cannot be obtained at the same time: the latter must be chosen. He chose first, the servant of the king's death. The most difficult thing to understand: the institute submitted to be heard. King Almout himself was reduced to a lesser degree by lack of religious practice. Level [x] Haranguerbehah excellence. To know that the atma is one with the atma, separated from the body, is true happiness. Atma, Oum, Pranou, Brahm; its description; neither the product nor the producer. The body perishes, not the soul. Atma (soul) understands itself alone; in itself, in itself solumdoc comprehensible. Atma eats the world (meat) with the condiment (death); knowing that he did not exist... 307

No. CLI Djozv the third [Brahmen.] [x] King Almout's continuation of the institution. Djiw atma and Pram atma, in the middle of the heart; one in the other; light and shadow: how the qualities of the former are attributed to the latter. A car, etc., to Pram atma leading to the comparison. It is forbidden to look at the wages of the work. Veils covering the Supreme Being, Atma, from the senses to the Prakrat, and making its access difficult. Atma, in all things, from Haranguerbehah, to the feather of the stem, hidden; seen in singularity. The degrees of spiritual annihilation, from the senses, to the Atma. Atma Aschabd, what ... 313

No. CLII Djozv the fourth. [Brahmen.] Continuation of the conversation. Atma, God, draws man to himself by his own will and action, turns him away from himself; true predestination free, and reprobation. Djiw atma, separated from the body, works the senses. Being connected with the elements, the form [x] Haranguerbehah, of all the elements, fire, space in which the sun completes its course, Djiw atma, light, Porschi who, in the center of the heart, is the Atma himself: let man know that he is himself. All the productions, the qualities of one Atma, like water flowing from a mountain. . . 316

No. 33 Djozv the fifth, from Oupnek'hat Kiouni. [Brahmen.] Continuation of the conversation. Djiw atma, in the house (body), which has eleven doors, is the Atma; his description, under different figures, of his operations: with a dead body, the rest; in sleep, watching Porschi, producing things according to his will, is Brahm. I am Pran; Apan. After death, man continues to the world according to his actions and volitions, the Atma alone takes the shape of any thing, immune to its defects. Pran, Apan, Saman, Advan, Bian. Whatever is seen is Atma... 319

No. 44 Djozv the sixth From Oupnek'hat Kiouni. [Brahmen.] Continuation of the conversation. The world, a tree, whose root (Brahm, asthma) is above, and branches below; produced by a long time, not capable of corruption, asthenteh, always in motion. The world moves from Brahm and into Brahm (God). The elements, Deioutai, carry out their actions with the fear of God. Djem. [x] Atma has four ways of seeing: the fourth, a true Being like light; the world, the shadows, to look at, the best. Progress from the senses, ascending to the Atma: the scientific merit of this matter, the reward. Djioun, Makt, Madbeheh Makt, what? Certain knowledge, without hesitation, commanded. Djog, what? Two [x] Atma of finding the way; 1.2, to know him in himself, by himself; 1.2, his form to be ... 322

No. 150 Djozv the seventh. [Brahmen Narain.] Continuation of the conversation. Of a dying man. Unloosed by the restraint of wills, not by the bonds of knowledge, the Indian obtains in this world the immortal [x] Brahm. 101 combined heart veins. The Sak'hemna vein extended to the brain: for the vein through which the soul exits, the degree to which it reaches is different. The body is to the soul, Djiw atma, as the sheath is to the grass: one from the other absolutely, different, separate. A vow (prayer), to be pronounced by the king of Almout, at the beginning and at the end of which libel Oupnek'hat... 326

38. OUPNEK'HAT ANANDBLI, from Djedir Beid (taken down).
This vow is the beginning of this Oupnek'hat.

No. 156 Meters Bran, Ardjmam, Andr, Brahspat, Beschn, Brahma. The science of unification; prayer to Brahma, the Creator. [x] description of Brahm. The order of things, of appearance, one from another, from Atma, from which Bhout akasch, from which fire, etc. for food, animals. Djiw atma, the form of the principal portion of food; like a bird, whose parts correspond to the same parts of the human body. The excellence of food is Brahm. Ansami The body, a treasure of food, in the midst of which is a treasure [x] of Pran; like a bird, [x] the five Prans, representing man, the main food, by which all, all things exercise movement; Brahm himself: Atmai is the treasure of nourishment, the treasure [x] of Pran. . . 328

No. 157 Brahman. Five treasures in man (1st use of body, food); 2.us [x] Pran, in the middle of which, 3.us the treasure of the heart, the flying form, the treasure of Atmai [x] Pran; its parts: treasures corresponding to the species: in the middle of which; 4. us thesaurus [x] Kian; its parts: certain excellence of knowledge; It is Brahma. In the midst of which, the treasure of Anand, the form of joy; Atma treasure [x] Kian; its parts, corresponding to the type of treasure ... 331

No. 157 Question What is the end of not knowing God, or knowing God? The answer. Brahm, having made himself a maschghouli, makes himself much visible and multiplied; everything, being and not being, with and without quality, universal and particular, right and false: qualities, true being. Soukrat, what? Original taste, form [x] Brahm. A form of joy without a body, a great place. Djiw atma from Atma, or to separate a little; cause he reaps In fear of Brahm, the elements, the stars, Deioutai, perform their operations. For the blessed man in this world, [x] Kandherp, Kandherpani, the world of souls inhabiting, Adjan diw, Kram diw, [x] Fereschteh from himself, the beginning, Andr, Musteri, Pradjapat, Haranguerbehah, and the pleasant state of the previous hundred times, to make the following, always adding, and with the view of the reader of the Beid book without payment, joy, happiness after death: all these joys, the joys [x] of Brahma, the forms of joy, and [x] Porschi, who is within the heart, of him who is in the sun, which is one joy. particles Knowing that the five treasures of man are one with the five treasures of the world of the same kind, he becomes one and the same with the Being, in pure joy. By what reason is the Atma work pure and evil... 333

39. OUPNEK'HAT BHARKBLI, from Djedjr Beid (taken).

No. 190 Bhark, son of [x] Barn. Brahm, and the cause of its discovery. Food, Pran, heart, Kian, Brahm are not; that is pure joy. Brahm Badia, what? The reward of this knowledge. How the Prana and the body are one another's food; the reason for both. Water and fire, one the food of the other. Earth is food, Bhout eating akasch; the reason for both; hence the command to give food to those who come. Adiatham, Maschghouli over the body; namely, to know the power, the power of the senses, the parts of the body, the actions, the functions, [x] Brahm. Aodoulak, Maschghouli [x] Mokelan senses; namely, [x] it is good to acknowledge the creatures from the rain, the power of the meteors, the fame of the cause of wealth, the light of the stars, the pleasure of the carnal thing, Bhout akasch, the heart, [x] Brahm, in whom all these are destroyed. Again, the five treasures of man with the five worldly treasures of the same kind, one of the knower, and also in Atma the reward of the seer of all the worlds. Mad. Ha, Hai; three times A recommendation for food: to say that; his command to give ... 338

40. OUPNEK'H. BA'KHEH SOUKT, taken from Djedjr Beid.

No. 160 Porsch is immense, universal in nature, an infinite being in the midst of the heart of man, greater than all; three of his feet, three of his mother. From his breath, the movement of respiration, the production, preservation, and destruction of things: in this is his beauty. Haranguerbehah, from which rest and motion (Yn and Yang of China) the first production of that Porsche, one foot. Whence Vrateh, from whom Man (Adam Kadmon of the Kabbalists), the origin of many children; and also of animals, having teeth above, below, or having none above. The great Porsch, [x] the form of Korban, the man Kabir, a description taken entirely from nature. Haranguerbehah dies, is revived, Pradjapat in him, simply appearing with different figures, not produced. Praise of the sun: wealth and protection of his wife. To know the sun and the whole world as one's self is the cause of supreme happiness... 346

41. OUPNEKHAT DJOUNKA, from Athrban Beid (desumpt.); that is, Kakl (Cercinus).

No. 161 Atma, on eight feet, performs its operations 21,600 times. His description. The apparent world is a lie; Atma, Hens, soul, alone, all; not of science, [x] Maya's cause, invisible. [x] Maya, quality, essence, operations. Kamdehen what? His first reason for Maya and Being; Atma in Maya. Man consists of 25 things; Atma, 26.a, or 27.a Atma, one, two, three, five: resting and moving in it, things like bubbles appearing in the sea and destroyed. Successive appearance and destruction of thousands of beings... 351

42. OUPNEK'H. MRAT LANKOUL, from ATHRBAN BEID (taken); that is, the breath of death; which is the time of the limit of life, let it be exposed.

No. 162 Anschetap, the measure of which Mokel, Roudr, under the figure of fire, vanished, making Schabt. King Almout Madehmati; time, Porsch, with three eyes, or Roudr. Mantra to pronounce: Rat, Sat, Pram Brahm, Keschn panhal, Aourdeh lank, Proubatscheheh, Basch roup. Three great sins. His merit. Kaitri, measure. For the term of that mantra that has fallen from memory, the nearness of death. Namou Nomah ... 355

43. OUPNEK'HAT ANBRATNAD, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 163 Ancient wooden torches in India. Of science, which God knows best, to be left behind; ways of acquiring knowledge: exposition of his method. [x] The mystical explanation of Beschn and Roudr. Three, letters, kinds of bodies, degrees; Being supreme; in pure, soundless, [x] Pronunciation of Oum. Six [x] Selouk concordance: Pratiahar, Dehan, Pranaiam, Deharna, Tark, Samadeh: their detailed definitions. Certain knowledge acquired by reasoning on divine books. Retention of the breath, being the highest effective form of meditation; its three parts, Pourk, Kanihak, Reitschak: the manner of executing it. At which time perfect peace was acquired. Atma in everything, the greatest and the least, is equal. In Maschghouli, local, physical site. In one breath, 80 times, at the beginning, 12, [x] Oum prolation. Five conditions prescribed for Maschghouli. [x] Pran door, whence the bridge was called. Vena Sak'hemna. [x] Salek, to be left. In the sixth month of this practice, with absolute liberation, the form of the Indian Being becomes: for the number [x] of the five Matrai pronounced by the name Oum, it takes the form of Maschghouli, earth, water, fire, wind, Bhout akasch, having a relationship with those numbers. Sandhya, what? The common height of the Indians. In the space of 24 hours [x] Pran, who and Djiw atma, and four other winds, moved 21,600 times; of all the winds, 113, 180. Seats and colors of the five first winds. Benares in the brain ... 358

44. OUPNEKHAT BASCHKL, from Rak Beid (taken).

No. 164 Midha Natheh, rek'heschir, son of [x] Kabour; snatched from Andri by force: Andri, the supreme Being; his attributes Bratr, Shaitani killed by Andr. Maya, the cause of the appearance of a multitude of things. Heaven; atmosphere: one-wheeled car. Andr the whole of nature, marked out in detail; Roudr, Hens, the man himself, is everything ... 366

45. OUPNEK'HAT TSCHAKLI, from Djedjr Beid (taken).

No. 165 Seresti, a river, where Thanis is a famous city. Who is Brahman? Nimkehar, a city. K'herk'hit, the famous city. The spiritual Indians, perfect, bearing before them the outward appearance of little children. Atr, the Indian patriarch. The mode and condition of education among the Indians. The body compared to a cheap car; Djiw atma, animating it, leading it, noble, driver: without which, lacking, the body without movement, slides dead, rots. Tschhakli, Rek'heschir ... 372

46. ​​OUPNEK'HAT TARK, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 166 Bhardouadj. Djaknoulak. Tark tar, what? The name Oum, through letters, Matra, position. Its six parts: Brahm, is the atma; Tark tar, why was it said? [x] Maschghouli is distinguished by this name, reward, absolute, without ceasing, liberation. Three great sins (as among the first Christians) ... 378

47. OUPNEK'HAT ARKHI, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 167 The ancients of Rek'heschiran, gathered together to gain knowledge of the first, true Being, argued among themselves. Beschouamtr; old Rek'heschir; munde Fezza's exposition: the greatness [x] of Brahm, not Brahm himself. Djamdkan the ancient Rek'heschir. Various opinions about Bhout akasch: what exactly; [x] Brahm's greatness, not Brahm himself. The light of the sun, what: the magnitude [x] of Brahm, not Brahm himself. Goutam, the ancient Rek'heschir. Behescht, ancient Rek'heschir. Lightning and lightning, the size [x] of Brahm, not Brahm himself. Atma, Atma Andri, Brahm, is the supreme being; his attributes Schaittani, a snake, cut off by Andr ... 380

48. OUPNEKHAT PRANOU, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 168 Brahma in the lotus flower, produced by Brahm; He does penance himself. [x] Kalmeh Oum, Pranou, that the word of the Creator, the Creator himself, Brahm, exists before thought and mortification [x] Brahma; hence all Mantrhai: by the pronunciation of this name, Brahma knows everything; of this term two figures (heads) and four Matrai: with the help of these seals, sound, elements, stars, meteors, earth's productions, the books of Beid, [x] the unification of the Kalmeh, five names, five measurements, the circumference of the world, the six seasons of the weather, the faculties of the spiritual body and of the material, his Djiw atma, his clean state, the great Mantrhai, Oupnek'hata, commanded and forbidden; seven names [x] of Kalmeh unification, seven tones, arts, instruments, melodies, their Mokelha; Brahma perceived all this with his intellect. Bhour, Bhou, Souh, Ghanneh, Bradhast, Krat, Drhast, Mhit, Tat, Sam, what. Tschetrratheh, king of the officers of melody, Kaitri, Tarschetap, Djakti, Anschetap, Brahti, five measures; these are the greatest of all. Four months old Persians used in Oupnek'hat. To recite [x] Mantra with fruit, the required conditions: most effective, [x] Oum pronunciation; especially [x] Korbanhai, also at the beginning and end of every action. Oum, great akasch. The cognizant of all these reached the Being without ceasing. To obtain what is desired, practice ... 387

No. 169 Brahman. Soudha, a city [x] Andr, in which Fereschtehha was defeated by Djenian. Oum, the first emanation of the Creator; hence his son was said to be great; with his help [x] they defeat Djenian oi Fereschtehha, they kill them. Hence, in beginning any work, the necessity of emphasizing this word... 391

No. 170 Brahman. 36 about the name Oum, Pranou, questions, from Pradjapat, that to letters, type, composition, figure, number [x] Matrai; Mad, of terms, pronunciation, its mode, time, seat in the body, place of production; how many times to cast; the same measurements, color, heads, Mokel, explanation; to Beidha, elements, stars, worlds, body, reason, principle, effect, power and cause, etc. answers ... 392

Ab, Ap, Av, what? Kanoudj, an ancient kingdom. Ahh, doctor. In [x] the pronunciation of Oum requires six conditions. Biakarn, what? Sat, Djak Teria, Douapar. Athrbai, the author of the fourth Beid, at what time; [x] Rek'heschiran, [x] Oum will teach the power of pronunciation. Everything, resting and moving, from water; hence Oum (Pranou) and water, one. Bias, the ancient Rek'heschir. Rak'hi, what? [x] Athrban Beid, a commendation; the necessity of reading it. Four Beidha In the first Being, through meditation on Pranou, two levels of immersion: Narbaklap Samadeh, the highest; great sinking; Atmai pure, nothing existing outside him... 392

49. OUPNEK'HAT SCHAVANK, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

In this Oupnek'hat exposition (is) [x] victory [x] Fcreschtehha over [x] Djenian.

No. 111 War [x] Fereschtehha with [x] Djenian: Korbanha (sacrifice) morning, noon, evening, for the sake of obtaining victory: their Mokelan, Vas, Roudr, sun. A part of the sacrifice, an amulet, with the help of which the Djenian conquerors. Pranou, Oum, beginning [x] Kaitri, measures [x] Kalmeh unification, measures Tarschetap, Djakti. Pranou is greater than anything: why is it pronounced in the action of everything; early, slowly: Andr said; whence His praise: [x] Kalmeh carries the turn of unification. [x] Nim Matrai for the sake of excellence; with his help oi Fereschtehha [x] they defeat Djenian. Tarschetap, Djakti, measures. [x] Pranou in full form, or armed with the instrument of war, [x] Djenian is cut to death. [x] Pranou 4 horns, 3 feet, 2 heads, seven hands, three divisions: a great voice. Seven tones of music. With the command of Oum [x] Andr Maschghouli. Shavank Rek'heschir ... 403

50. OUPNEK'HAT NERSING'HEH ATMA, from Athrban Beid (taken down).

No. 172 The nature [x] of Atma, which is the form of [x] Oum, was set forth by Pradjapat, [x] Fereschteh. Everything, Djiw atma, Brahm. [x] Djiw atma three bodies (status Djakrat, Sapen, Sakh'epat): three [x] Brahm bodies; the three qualities of the collected elements (Haranguerbehah), gross elements (Pradjapat): the relation of these bodies to each other. [x] Atma has four feet. 1.i , 2.i, 3.i, 4.i description; him in four states, a clean report. Being the four worlds, states, who. [x] Mayan world. The fourth world, the state of Teria, in which there is one Atma, is a special image. Three states, degrees, the lower being successively absorbed by the higher, being Nature, that is, the state of Teria, the world of Lahout, sinks into itself... 412

No. 173 According to K'hand Atma, immune to the three states, is equal in them: its eight changes: knowledge and stupidity. The four worlds, or feet [x] Atma, and [x] Pranou (Oum) the four Matrai, make one. Four [x] Atma feet with four [x] Pranou (Oum) letters, Matrai compared separately. Akar, a in every letter; its mystical meaning and virtue: so and [x] Aokar, ou; and Makar, Mim Saken, m; and Ghanneh, nasal sounds. Makr, Nadi, what? Four states destroyed in Nim Matrai. Four [x] Nim Matrai, just as [x] Atma divisions, species, that is to say, being the thread of all, giving itself to the seeker, pure and perpetual knowledge, universal being, exposed, collated among themselves. In the great resurrection, or the end of the world, everything will be permeated with fire and set ablaze. This world, name, form, and yet the Atma, which is alone, has no second... 416

No. 174 K'hand the third. The same argument. To a man meditating on this matter, what is prescribed? In the seal also from the four Matrai, from the letters [x] Pranou, from the feet [x] Atma, what is contained: in each, four: he who meditates all these things, and annihilates them in himself, merit, reward. How is that done? In what part of the body, what Matrai, the whole of Pranou, should be represented to him. [x] Brahma, Beschn, and Mehisch have a mystical meaning. Again, these three agents, the four Matrai, [x] Pranou feet, three worlds or states, three bodies, [x] Djiw atma, the light form of knowledge, all these reduced to one, let the man who knows himself absorb it into himself... 421

No. 175 K'hand the fourth. Continuation of the same argument. Atma, the great Creator, known from the fourth [x] Pranou Matrai. He will say eleven words, their meaning. Sat, Tschat, Anand, what? Great Schoghl, the senses, the volitions, [x] Maya, the lie, whose children they are, believing that Atma is the lion bearing down everything, to kill, to subjugate ... 425

No. 176 Kand the fifth The same materials. Akar (Alef Maftouh) Matrai first, with [x] Brahm, Atma, the lion, bringing down souls, conferred; likewise Aokar (Vau Mazmoum) Maya, shown without real existence. Aokar, (Vau) and Makar (Mim Saken), similarly compared with [x] Brahm and Atma. Then the maschghouli was written to the Indian, and his wages ... 427

No. 177 K'hand the sixth. Continuation The sin of man Schaittan: how they conquered that Mokelan. In the first Being all things are contradictory qualities. Sin form [x] Atma returned; in what reason, in what sense. A sea of ​​duality, to be feared. A tribute to the original light. The effects and signs of supreme spiritualism; [x] Kakl to shave, to break the belt, to be drunk, with the senses, the mind seized. Horns, without horns, what? [x] Meaning of Nersing'heh. The three Fereschteh, Brahma, Beschn and Mehisch, when they take rest, escape nothing, reduced to one, Oum of the three Matrai... 431

No. 178 K'hand the seventh. Nova, [x] Matrai, a comparison of the letters [x] Pranou, with [x] Atma. The qualities and properties of these letters. Adj, Aschir, Amr, Adjr, Amrat, Abhi, Asouh, Amouh, Atsch, Abmas, Adouiet, what do they mean? The reward of knowing all these things. [x] Yes, a mystical explanation. Hasti, Anobhou, Vadjdan, knowledge, joy, what: this world is Brahm; the system of their attributes. Atma not tending towards the world, or tending, what does it accomplish; [x] Pranou (Oum) horns, to make one; the merit of all these knowledge ... 435

No. 179 K'hand the eighth. Continuation of the argument. Nim Matrai [x] Pranou, like the Atma, is the thread of all and the thread. Atma, unique in everything; the world, merely shown. Everything that exists is Oum; whence Atma, Oum, gives itself to the seeker: it is not given; in any sense Living beings do not have life by themselves, they receive it from Atma. The world has neither knowledge nor soul; Atma, entering into him, imparts them to him. The world, with the great Lord of the world, is absolutely one; whoever understands this becomes Brahm himself. All these things must be kept secret... 440

No. 180 K'hand ninth. Oum (Word of God), form [x] Atma: exposition of this (Atma). It is one and all; by [x] Maya appearing multiple; Djiw is the atma, free from long, broad, and deep expressions (that is, of matter); it is neither known nor unknown. Maya: a brief description of this principle, agent. The spectacle of the world, together and separately, as what is true, when there is nothing in itself; He shows falsehood, error, ignorance, as right, knowledge; to the actions of all, the agents, to the highest three qualities of the Being themselves, attributed to [x] Brahma, Beschn, Mehisch, it gives an apparent existence, [x] Atma makes the world's operations not knowing efficient: Difference between souls and Haranguerbehah. [x] Atma, the supreme being, the only one, without a second, similar, description of the pure spear. Five treasures in bodies. Djibril, Mikail, Asrafil, three attributes of the first Being. When everything, even inanimate, material, has come forth from the Supreme Being, it has a reason for it, it is its form; [x] Djiw atma and [x] Pram atma difference: man, both. [x] Atma natura: Man is light for himself; whence [x] Djiw sees atma: it is the form of existence and knowledge, from which everything that appears is made: this is his understanding of Brahm. [x] Atma description: senses, understanding, five winds, Pran, Apan, Advan, Saman, Bian, [x] Maya impervious: found by [x] Oupnek'hat. Hens Adjpa, what? Whatever exists is Atma. Four [x] Pranou, by letters, and [x] Atma states compared ... 443

No. 181 End [x] Oupnek'hat: Athrban, last, fourth [x] Beidha ... 454

No. 182 At that time, in the year Sultan Mohammed Dara Schakoh in the city of Dehli, [x] Oupnek'hat complete version, he [x] Oupnek'hat Persian text, described in Soubeh Aoud by Atma Ram ... ibid.

No. 183 Latin version, Oct. 9 1795 complete ... 455


The author's apology ... 456

The tireless care of the skillful and diligent printer ... ibid.
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Re: Oupnek'hat, by Anquetil Duperron

Postby admin » Fri May 31, 2024 6:24 am

[Latin Version]

Galliae, Europae status, quo tempore auctor scripsit ... 457

Creatio mundi, juxta Mahabarat ... 458

Particulares praxes, in omnibus relligionibus, verae, pietati praelatae ... 459
Oupnek'hat 9.i versio Anglica ... 462

Morales, politicae, philosophicae, in pretiosum [x] Oupnek'hat textum observationes.

§. I.

Patientia apud Indos, quid ... 467

Angli dominium maris constanter affectant ... 468

§. II.

Certitudinis fundamentum, recti regula, inter homines ... 469

§. III.

Novorum philosophorum, scilicet dialectica, et metaphysicae speculationibus praestantium, de origine mali, ejus poena, et Dei scientiae, potentiae, cum hominis libero arbitrio consensu, opiniones breviter expositae et discussae.


Leibnitzii ... 471

Ejus cum Arnaldo commercium epistolicum; erga magnum illum virum urbanitas, reverentia ... 475

Sententia Baylii ... 482

Iterum Leibnitzii ... 485

Ejus ut et recentium materialistarum philosophorum, mathemalicum delirium ... 487

Sententia Clarkii ... 488

Collinsii ... 489

Iterum Clarkii ... ibid

Kinguii ... 492

Arnaldi ... 497

Portus Regii effigies. Praecipui, celeberrimi, praestantissimi illius Instituti viri, S. Cyran, Singlin, Arnauld, Nicole, le Maitre De Sacy, Lancelot, Tillemont, Le Tourneux, Pascal ... 497

Mabillonius et Montefalconius, laudati ... 498

Sententia Mallebranchii ... 499

Iterum Arnaldi ... ibid.

Cartesii ... 500

Regis ... 502

Rursus Arnaldi ... 503

Baylii ... 504

Arnaldi ... 505

Petavii ... 509

Parvi-pedis (Petit-pied) ... 510

Boursierii ... 511

Sola rationis vi cognosci nequit creaturae ad Creatorem ratio ... 515

§. IV.

De imbecillitate humanae rationis.

Huetius, Grotius et Petavius notati ... 516

Ratio et fides duo cognitionis media homini ab Ente supremo concessa; legitimus eorum usus ... 518

Novorum physiologistarum stulta et faceta, e capitis forma petita, intelligentiae humanae mensura ... 522

De Annalium philosophicorum auctore ultramontano judicium ... ibid.

Curiae Romanae, scilicet Papae, qui se Ecclesiae supremum principem ac dominum 1 [Le Souverain de l'Eglise, avec lequel quiconque (le Pasteur constitutionnel etc.) ne recueille pas dissipe, solennellement reconnu. Monit. 19 Prair. an 10, p. 1065, Rome, 28 mai, 1802. Allocution de notre S. Pere le Pape, Pie VII, prononcee dans le Consistoire secret du 24 mai 1802. Verbum souverain, in Ecclesiae administratione inauditum, temporalem, absolute dominantem et coactivam denotat potentiam, quae nulli unquam in regimine spirituali data est, nec de ipso Ecclesiae unico capite, sponso, Christo Jesu vel dicta, vel proprie quod ad istam societatem diceretur. Subjugata, destructa Ecclesia Gallicana, cui pretiosum libertatum Ecclesiae universalis depositum, a Deo quasi creditum fuerat, quod in omnes alias Ecclesias exercet, publice, perfricta fronte, statim dominium annunciat, exerit, insanabilis Curia, qua cum, etiam supplicante, solida pax nunquam ineunda, fidum nunquam foedus sauciendum, Sedes, Curia Romana.] nuncupare audet, in novis cum Gallia (25 julii 1801. Constitut. 15 august.) Concordatis, scopus .... ibid.

Corporis humani successivus e terra ortus, in eam reditus ... 525

Assertus populorum Rectorum status ... 526

In etymologiis grammaticae legibus nimium non adhaerendum ... 529

Intellectus ad ens spirituale, a sensibus materialibus diversum, iis superius, pertinet ... 532

Pran, spiritus intus alit etc. Vergilii; ejus in omni actio ... 533

Contra divortium. De auctoris opere, quod inscribitur: Du Divorce considere au 19.e siecle etc. Quod ad ideas innatas, ac commercium, judicium .... 536

Filius patri, juxta egoistas philosophos, nullo beneficii jure adstringitur .... 537

Mundi [x] Brahma, et eorum quae in eo inveniuntur descriptio ... 541

Tertia patris, in filio, nativitas ... 544

Ens supremum ignoravit, qui graviter peccat ... 545

Vera et certa spirilualitalis basis ... 546

Entis supremi in bonum et malum influxus; nec minus inde hominis in suas actiones dominium. Quaestionum, supra mentis captum positarum, periculum ... ibid.

Brahm, cum Maia, illusione operans, Brahm est simpliciter, extra prodiens, apparens,  revera nihil agens ... 548

Indoustanica Alphabeta.

Samskreticum alphabetum Brahmanicum ... 551

Sciouricum ... ibid.

Malabaricum 2 [] ... ibid.

2. Tarde admodum operum, Indicas res scientias tractantium, P. Paulini A S. Bartholomaeo (nati anno 1748; in saeculo, Joann. Philipp. Vesdin), Carmelitae discalceati Germani (vide Philologisch-kritische Miscellaneen von Franz. Carl Alter, Professor der griechischen Sprache, der Philosophie Doctor; Wien [1799], p. 253-257), ad oram Malabaricam, Cochini Verapoli etc. ab anno 1776 ad annum 1790 missionarii, amici mei D. Silvestre de Sacy, regiae Inscriptionum et humaniorum litterarum Academiae olim socii, beneficio, mihi copia facta est. Hic praecipue agitur de ejus Sidharubam, seu Grammatica Sanserdanica, cui accedit Dissertatio historico-critica in linguam Samserdanicam, vulgo Samskret dictam, in qua hujus linguae existentia, origo, praestantia, antiquitas, extensio, maternitas ostenditur, libri aliqui ed exarati critice recensentur, et simul aliquae antiquissimae gentilium orationes liturgicae paucis attinguntur, et explicantur (Romae 1790). Opus istud, quamvis in omnibus cum auctore non sentiam, iis quae in Thesauro linguarum Indicarum, Tom. V, 2 part. (infra, p. 553) indicantur, adjungam; addita, quam eruditus missionarius, si potuit (lib. cit. p. 67), dare debebat, in grammatica, quod ad syntaxim jejuna, textuum, verborum Samskreticorum lectione, scilicet, caracteribus Europaeis pronunciatione: illudque cum Grammatica Bengalico-Samskretanica, eodem thesauro memorata, in alia compositione, Supplementi N.° I (infra, p. 841, not. 1), Laudata, conferam.

Figurae et numerus caracterum alphabeti Samskretico-Malabarici, a P. Paulino datorum (lib. cit. p. 76, 77, 81), iidein sunt ac illi quorum mentionem feci. Solummodo duas vocales addit, e longum et o iongum, et consonantes tres, la rra, e Tamulico ejusdem orae desumptas, unamque inter ra et rra sine pronuciatione.

De diversis alphabetis, quibus lingua Samskretica scribi solet, consuli potest idem missionarius, Dissertatione etc. (p. 5-8); de origine et sensu vocis Samskretam (p. 12-16); de verbis res metaphysicas, abstractas exprimentibus (p. 21, 22); de voce Oum (p. 25, 26, 51); de tribus Brahma, Vischnou, Schiven, et Lingam (p. 42-44, 60-62): advertendo semper auctorem, alieni meriti, Anglico quandoque excepto (Viaggio alle Indie Orientale etc. da Fra Paolino a S. Bartholomaeo, Carmelit. excalc. 1796 [versio Gallica, auct. Marchena, sub praelo], part. 2, cap. 3, p. 216, not. 9; cap. 4. p. 246. — Grammat. p. 177), parcum laudatorem; recto tamen judicio, consilio, bona mente (Viaggio, part. 1, cap. 11, p. 166; part. 2, cap. 6, p. 263), at in arguendo duriusculum (Grammat. p. 178), et forte, ut D. Juhei, subinvidum, caeterum raro theologum, geographum, chronologum aut certo criticum (Viaggio, part. 1, cap., 11, 166, 167 etc.; part. 2, cap. 9, p. 507, 308, 310; cap. 4, p. 240 et not. 5; Grammat. p. 177, 178), nunquam metaphysicum, praeconceptae opinioni, cui contraria, vel a qua simpliciter diversa, corruptiones, ignorantia, graves errores appellantur, libenter adhaerere. In lingua Samskretana (quemadmodum Goropius Becanus in Teutonico), qualis Verapoli, Odiampero, Angamali scribitur, discitur, et in doctrina Indiana, cuncta, etiam majorem partem librorum Zendicorum, ipsum Zendicum idioma (ipsi, ut et Calcutanae Academiae, nomine tantum notum), videre, ei soli litare; et generaliter Indicae litteraturae, libris sacris, vel scientias, alio a Malabarico-Samserdanico caractere, tractantibus, inclusae, prorsus expertem (Grammatic. p. 71-77), Brahmanum systema philosophico-theologicum, quamvis (p. 44, 50, not. 1) Deum seu dominum Ishvara, auctorem naturae, a natura et materia manifeste distinctum esse agnoscat, ad terrae, aquae, ignis elementorum mutuam in se, ac naturae materialis ipsius generantis, per Lingam figuratae, continuam actionem (eod. lib. p. 43, 60-62), minus caute referre.

Simili modo, in Viaggio etc. 1 [Vedasi, inquit auctor (Viaggio, part. 2, cap. 7. Relig. e Dei degli Indiani, p. 283), il libro Indico Oupnek'hat (Ubanacatha), tutto corroto e transformato da gli Arabi appresso Anquetil Duperron (Recherch. histor. sur l'Inde, T. 2, p. 29, 298 et seqq.) (versionem latinam non minus edaci dente corrodest il Fra Soave Paolino, qui opus ipsum in India nec legit, nec quidem cognovit); cosi la maggior parte dei libri Zendici, attributi a Zoroastro ed agli autori Persiani dal medesimo Anquetil, sono una pura e continua corrusione della lingua Samsterdana e della dottrina Indiana, travestita all Araba e Perstana (Ibid. cap. 6, p. 268). Tutto questo mi persuade che la lingua Zendica Persiana fu un antico dialetto Samserdanico che dal India passe in Persia, e che ritorno nell India con i Guari o Gabri Indiani.] (cap. 7, p. 273), Para Brahma et aliis Entis supremi nominibus explicatis, "Da questi termini Indiani, inquit, presi dal Vyagarna, o dal grande Grammatica Brahmanica, e dalli dizionari Indiani, ognuno vide, che gl'Indiani riconoscano un Dio solo, aeterno, infinito, supremo, che da se esista. Dove si crede un cotal ente, il materialismo e manicheismo non puo aver luogo." Vide et tria Indorum, super rerum origine, systemata (p. 274, 275, 276, 278, 279). Unde auctor concludit "che gl'Indiani credono la creazione del mondo fatta da Dio, benche essi non convengano "della maniera con cui prese la sua esistencia; 2.° che non sono Atheistae materialisti, poiche riconoscono un solo Dio supremo, prima causa della creazione, e primo creatore del mondo."

Et, nihilominus, australis Indiae partis relligionem, Deos, ut vocat, praebens, in Vischnou et Schiven (Maha diw, Roudr) qualitatum expositione doctus missionarius totus versatur.

Quo circa in ejus operibus frustra [x] Duitam vel duitam, emanationis, nihili, dogma vel profunda Indicae spiritualitatis, cum Ente supremo unionis mysteria; etsi paucula quaedam huc ducentia (Grammat. p. 66-68) leguntur; frustra entium spiritualium, materialium essentia, mentis, animae natura, cognitionis causa, fons, quaererentur. Linganismo, et praecipue [x] Schiven, physicis, et allegoricis aut mysticis attributis, occupari debuit, orae Malabaricae Brahman [x], quemadmodum celeb. Baldaeus, auditor.

Idem dicendum de alio ejusdem viatoris opere, quod inscribitur:

Systema Brahmanicum liturgicum mythologicum civile, ex monumentis Indici musaei Borgiani Velitris, dissertationibus historico-criticis illustravit Fr. Paulinus a S. Bartholomaeo, Carmelita discalceatus, Malabariae missionarius, academiae Volscorum Veliternae socius. Romae (1791).

Nihil ibi, etiam quando (Dissert. 9. Ciadurasmrama, de quatuor praecipuis Brahmanicis institutis, et cum primis de Samanaeis [ab yamam, id est, regula institutis, p. 53]) quarti instituti [x] Bhikshu vel Sanyasi Djogui effigiem praebet (p. 56-58-60); et (Dissert. 10) Sambhavom seu genesim mundi et rerum apud Indos tradit (p. 61-64, 73); nihil absolute philosophicum: tantummodo, ut in reliquo opere, popularis, etiam sacerdotalis, Brahmanicae cum ceremoniis, praxibus, mystica, figurativa, symbolica explicatione, vitae perfcctione, ac praeceptis moralibus, per Lingam, [x] Vischnou incarnationes, templa, sacella, Deos, statuas, imagines, initiationes, aras, sacrificia etc., externae relligionis facies, quemadmodum in Asiaticis (Bengalicis) inquisitionibus (Jone's Works, T. I, p. 229, 280); cuncta prsecipue, e pixstanli Samskiciico Dictionaiio slmarasingheh (supra, T. I, 428, not. 4), et quorumdam haud semper fidis missionariorum schedis, desumpta.

P. Paulini opera attente legere, meditari debet, qui veram linguarum Indicarum notitiam assequi desiderat, naevis, mendis, etiam erroribus quibus, ut omnes (meas non excipio) hujus generis compositiones, non caret, minime territus.

Si plures, in Carmelitarum, Cappucinorum, Jesuitarum ordinibus, sicut P. P. Paulinus a S. Bartholomaeo, Fr. Maria de Tours, Beschi, Calmet, Delalane, etc. linguarum Indicarum studio operam navassent, istorum idiomatum, praesertim Samskretici ope, janua litteraturae Indicae reserata, Europaeorum mentibus facilius cognita, forsitan magis arrisissent eximiarum illarum regionum scientiae, mysteria, relligio, saltem philosophica, usus, et doctrina.

Alphabetum Indoustanum ... 552

Maratticum ... ibid.

Canarinum ... ibid.

Talengaricum ... ibid.

Bengalicum ... ibid.

Tamoulicum ... ibid.

Ex iis linguis, quae ad Samskreticam propius accedunt ... ibid.

Novi operis, nempe Thesauri Linguarum Indicarum, cujus materia, penes auctorem, ad maximam partem composita et in ordinem redacta, expositio ... 553

Zendica et Pehlvica Dictionaria et Grammaticae, annunciata ... 554

Particula, in Indico systemate, forma totius ... 556

Relligiosis praxibus, cognitio jungenda ... 558

[x] Lingam origo ... 560

Imitationis Christi praestans liber, cum Brahmanum doctrina super Dei in cunctis actionibus intuendi praecepto, comparatus. Novum Testamentum, Indoustanice versum, maximo numero in India diffundunt Angli missionarii ... 561

Gerson, de quiete animae in Deo, laudatus ... 562

Djiw atma cum Cudworthi natura plastica, e Plotino imprimis quaesita, collatus. Summi opificis, cunctis vim impertientis, in 1.°, 2.°, 3.° gradu, eadem actio ... 565

Ens supremum a mundi sphera distinctum ... 570

Institutoris, in relligione Indica, necessitas ... ibid.

De restituenda in Gallia, per Universitates et Collegia, puerorum et juvenum institutione publica.


Circulaire du ministre de l'interieur (Chaptal) aux prefets des departemens, relativement a. l'instruction publique ... 571


Breves in istam epistolam observationes. In Universitate Parisiensi, collegio Mazarinaeo, institutionis dandae methodus; illustris et venerandi illius Instituti, excellentia, celebres magistri, et, ultimis temporibus, vitia ... 572


In puerorum educatione, ad id praecipue attendendum est; 1.° eorum mens, quasi terra, continua cultura sollicitetur; 2.° ipsi magistri recta institutione informentur: utrumque in universitatis regimine. Magistrorum gradualis promotio ... 579


Laudanda quidem inventa nova; nec tamen idcirco veteribus detrahendum, Pro peritae ministri Chaptal sollicitudinis successu, auctoris Universitatis Parisiensis alumni, votum; Faustum omen! ... 580

Pauperiem paii, quid sit apud Indos; quid esse debeat apud Christianos. Hujus temporis Christianorum mollis et commodae vitae consuetudo ... 581

Ente supremo hominem totum possidente, nec boni, nec mali ratio ... ibid.

Indica emanatio ... 584

In Indico systemate, qualitas, accidens, modificatio, forma, et Ens, producens ac productum, unum et idem ... 585

Quam pauco vivi possit. Vere liber. Sensuum, corporis servus, juxta Indos et solide Christianos ... 586

Entia sensibilia ex aere, spiritus duplici, actionis et reactionis, motu, originem ducunt ... 588

Verus in matrimonio et solum apud Indos legitimus rei carnalis scopus: alius moralis (1 Cor. VII, 2.) ... 590

Filius, filia, hermaphrodytus, simplex mola, unde procreentur ... ibid.

L'art de creer les sexes a volonte; celui de faire des enfans d'esprit; l'essai sur la physiognomonie ... de Lavater: tria saeculi hujus deliramenta. Quaedam de helvetico physionomane ... 591

[x] Oupnek'hat auctoris lapsus. Cognitae veritati contradicere nunquam permissum: jusjurandum inutile ... 599

In alto somno animae status ... 602

Entis supremi et unici, per tria, sublimis et diffusa expositio ... 604

Tres rerum productionis epochae ... 606

[x] Brahma, Mehisch et Beschn attributa, allegorice intelligenda ... 607

Hominis, in relligione, ad praxes singulares proclivitas ... ibid.

Agentium coelestium uxores, eorum qualitates ... 610

Oupnek'hat 19.um Anglice redditum. Qua fide! ... 613

[x] Roudr, attributorum, operationum scopus geminus ... 616

Serpentis, in Genesi, ad primum serpentem Indicum ratio ... 617

Indicus, ad profundam Entis supremi meditationem, corporis habitus, e libro Anbert Kind, juxta doctissimum Guinesium, et e celeberrimo viatore Bernierio, desumptus ... 619

Primus in speciem, vere primus, in republica ... 621

Mad, a Matra distinctum. Halhed, hac de re ... 625

Indicae doctrinae constans, per eosdem doctores, traditio ... 627

Emanationis, entis unicitatis dogma clare expressum. Nihil inde periculi; speculari et agere, inquibusdam materiis, valde diversa ... 628

Magnum et verum Asiaticae spiritualitalis, Indicae mysticitatis, e Dei, Entis unici, universalis, nomine, verbo extractum mysterium ... 629

Mali regiminis effigies: Indus supiens, in bona et mala fortuna immotus ... 630

Alte meditantis status. Facultatis spiritualis ad objectum ratio, quandam naturae identitatem supponit ... 633

Sapientis Indi fides, critica comitata. Perfectionem adeptus, media missa facit. Quatuor Indicae Institutionis statuum proprius character ... 634

De Calcuttanis Academicis judicium. [x] Bombaye Angli etiam notati: nihil, quod ad scientias, de bellatoribus et mercatoribus, in India expectandum ... 637

Oupnek'hat 28, Karbheh, de corpore humano, ejus elementis, partibus, earum mensura, pondere, de conceptu etc. cum brevibus indicationibus, lextus Persicus ... 638

Originalis peccati, apud Indos, vestigium, testimonium. Ea occasione Lingonensis Praesul (M. de la Luzerne) notatus. De peccato Adae, in posteris, brevis disquisitio. D. Gourlin, eruditi ac pii Theologi opera. Jesuitae reviviscentes; eorum Christianos informandi methodus. Nihil e veteri (nec novo) clero Gallicano expectandum. Ecclesiae Gallicanae libertatibus infensa semper Curia Romana (Monit. 19 prair. an 10, p. 1065, et not. 1 [ ]. Allocut. Pii VII, 24 mai 1802) ... 645-649 not.

Elias Propheta, conversionis Judaeorum auctor, in fine temporum, ante magnum diem Domini, venturus ... 650 not.

Maha diw, unificationis agens ... 654

Law of Menu memoratae. Res carnalis, ab Indo, mystice considerata ... 655

Muneris, officii sui debito adhaerens, statum suum submisso animo ferens, perfectionis externae merito fruitur ... 656

Turenni pietas, encomium; ejus exemplum Gallis militibus propositum ... 657

Moralis philosophia, quare nunc despiciatur ... ibid.

Saniasi Indo de nulla re, hoc meum est, dicere licitum ... ibid.

Indo et Christiano, idem hominis cujuslibet amor praescriptus; unde ... 658

Fidei certissimae vis et efficacia ... 659

Profunda Indorum spiritualitas, 48 latitudinis gradum habitanti haud intelligibilis ... 660

Varia, pro systemate de Entis unicitate, Entis supremi encomia ... 661

De tribus in Trinitate Personis, auctoris fides catholica ... 662

Ad supremum regimen aptius ingenium ... 664

E spinosismo, Indico more intellecto, quare nihil pro societate detrimenti formidandum ... 665

Magnorum novem, in systemate Indico series et ordo ... 667

De Ente supremo quare nihil affirmandum ... 669

Juramentorum, promissionum lues ... 670

Astronomi Gallici, adulatione astrologi. Mundorum in se invicem influxum unde hauriat Indus philosophus ... 671

Saniasi Indi, Entis supremi formae, adhuc, a quatuor annorum millibus in Cachmiro etc. existentis, cum celeberrimis antiquitatis philosophis, comparatio ... 675

Tres peccati gradus ... 676

Politicus, oeconomicus, administrativus, ineunte 19.° saeculo, Europae status. Gallicae vario ornatu Duanae fiscalium vestitus, solemni administrationis decreto praescriptus ... 677

Alimentum, ut medicina sumendum ... 681

In partibus Indiae borealibus Oupnek'hat compositum ... ibid.

Doloris aculeum sentire, quare Indo jussum: vere perfectus, ab omni sensibili alienus, hoc in mundo Angelus, ipse Deus est ... 682

E primo ente, omnia, materiale, spirituale, motus ... 684

Punctum contactus inter infinitum et finitum, nullum ... ibid.

Hominis cognitio solummodo negativa. Mentis imbecillitas ... 685

Angelorum bellum, superbia, poena. Humili corde Deus sese, qualis est, manifestat. Agentium coelestium uxores, eorum attributa ... ibid.

Adam et Aouma (Eva), apud Indos ... 686

Nihil omnino possidere tutius, in relligione, quin et commodius ... 688

Voti, etiam imprudentis, adimplendi necessitas; in Oriente doctrina ... Ibid.

Mortuorum status, communiter incognitus. [x] Oupnek'hat tempore, Saducaei Indi ... 688

Agentium coelestium gradus, pro actionum merito ... 690

Atma, in omnibus, ubique, nusquam ... 692

Naturae inertia ... 695

Cognitionis origo; ab Atma, Ente supremo; qua ratione. Quatuor visionis modi ... ibid.

Anima a corpore absolute diversa ... 698

Alimentum, simplex contra mortem remedium, Ens supremum ipsum est ... 699

Ad Ens supremum quisnam pervenit; ejus essentia; sibi ipsi Maschghouli facit; tum sese apparentem, emanatione, reddit. Unum ens, absolute, in se; diversa, pro mundi ordinatione, entia: inde boni et mali origo, distinctio, praemium, leges, officia. Qualitas et ens unum et idem ... 702

Diversi, apud Indos, ab homine, hoc mundo fruentis, ad verum Deum possidentem, semper, ea conditione ut operis mercedem non intendat, felicitatis gradus. Quatuor Djog; ut aetatum, unde formatio ... 704

Eleemosinae dandae et recipiendae, unde obligatio ... 706

Rei carnalis voluptas etiam Brahm, Ens supremum est; quomodo ... 707

In quocunque systemate (unius substantiae vel plurium), eadem quod ad libertatem, meritum, poenam, difficultates ... ibid.

Cognitio a Deo, innata, successim sese exerens ... 708

Natura tota sub unius Porsch, personae immensae, figura ... 709

[to be cont'd.]
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