Who Will Tell the People: The Betrayal of American Democracy

"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.


Postby admin » Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:18 am


Many wise teachers prepared me to write this book, too many to name, but I wish to thank them all. They include active politicians, critical editors and thousands of engaged citizens whom I encountered along the way during three decades as a reporter. My own education in politics was formed not from theory, but mainly from their experiences and insights and the hard questions they asked. This book borrowed freely from them.

I owe a special debt, as should be evident from the text, to the influence of three professional teachers -- Lawrence Goodwyn, Theodore Lowi and Thomas Ferguson. Courageous scholars are rarer than courageous politicians, but each of these thinkers has opened important new understandings of American politics by standing outside the confines of conventional academic thinking. The language of "democratic promise" is Goodwyn's. The resonant phrase "How may the people speak to power?" is borrowed from Lowi. My economic analysis of political institutions was enriched by what Tom Ferguson taught me.

Larry Goodwyn, in particular, served as a wise teacher and generous friend in his critical reading of the manuscript. An extended "democratic conversation" ensued between us on the ideas contained in this book, many of which were inspired by Goodwyn's own work on the neglected subject of democratic development. His patient questions and moral support amounted to a great gift from a brilliant teacher. Readers who intend to explore further into the meaning of democracy ought to begin with Goodwyn's engrossing accounts of people in democratic action -- The Populist Moment and Breaking the Barrier: The Rise of Solidarity in Poland.

I am also indebted to my editors at Simon & Schuster, Alice Mayhew and George Hodgman, who brought their own critical talents to this project and, like Larry Goodwyn, challenged my excesses and pushed to make the argument as coherent and direct as possible. I thank as well all of the other people at Simon & Schuster, including especially Marcia Peterson, Sean Devlin, and Stephen Messina for excellent copyediting, and also my agent, Lynn Nesbit, for her support and counsel.

The sum of everything I know about human relationships, how they are nurtured and sustained, I learned from my family -- my parents, Harold and Gladys Greider, and Linda Furry Greider, my wife, and my children, Cameron and Katharine, to whom this book is dedicated. The qualities that are missing in politics -- loyalty and trust, integrity and courage, honesty and responsibility -- I have found in my family. Learning from our children has been the most exalting experience of our lives; it continues in interesting new directions, The relationships they have formed as adults -- Katharine with David Ullman Andrews, Cameron with Lalou Lambelet Dammond -- enlarge the dimensions of our optimism for the future.
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Postby admin » Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:21 am


ABC, 93, 299-300, 302
abortion issue, 238-39, 277, 279
ACORN, 170, 210, 387-88
Acton, Lord, 20
Aders, Robert 0., 179
advertising, 311-12
activist use of, 320-23
for corporate image, 338-40, 346
Republican mastery of, 270-78
Advertising Age, 175
Advocacy Institute, 39, 181
Aetna Insurance, 42, 187
AFL-CIO, 99, 192, 193, 195, 248, 251,
255, 261, 386-87
"Age of Indifference, The," 315-16
Agnew, Spiro, 297
Agriculture Department, U.S., 147, 179,
airbags, 111-12, 142
Air Force, U.S., 339, 350
airline industry, 39, 108
Akin, Gump, 254, 257
Alabama, 158, 178, 352
Alar pesticide, 320-23, 328
Alinsky, Saul, 224-25, 228, 234-35,
Allied Communities of Tarrant (ACT),
Altman, Roger, 82
American Airlines, 343
American Association of Retired Persons,
19, 99, 248
American Bankers Association (ABA),
72-73, 76-77
American Chrome, 124-25
American Council for Capital Formation,
American Council on Life Insurance, 102
American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 48,
187, 300, 338
American Express, 258
American Israel Public Affairs Committee,
American Lawyer, 333
American Petroleum Institute, 263
Americans for Generational Equity 338
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990),
America's Funniest Home Videos, 326
Amnesty International, 172-73, 248, 324
Amoco, 281
Andrea Doria, 290
Anthony, Beryl, 72
apple growers, pesticides and, 320-23
Aquino, Corazon, 315, 320
ARCO, 138, 263
ARENA, 256
Arizona, 158, 237, 385
Arizona Republic, 384
Army, U.S., 350
Asarco, 124-25
Ashley, Thomas "Lud," 249, 253, 255
Aspin, Les, 52
Association of Bank Holding Companies,
249, 256, 258
AT&T, 42, 48, 254, 257, 339
Atlantic, 82, 185
Attali, Jacques, 387
Atwater, Lee, 261, 274, 281-82, 319
Audubon Society, 44, 215, 220
Automobile Import Dealers Association,
automobile industry, 394, 399
health hazards in, 119, 120, 121-22
regulation avoided by, 37-38, 1I1-12,
113, 142
Autopac, 256
Ayres, Richard, 127, 129, 132, 215

Babcock, Charles R., 259
Bagdikian, Ben H., 328, 329
Bailey, Douglas, 271
Baker, Howard, 73
Baker, James A., 111, 69, 70, 302
Baltimore, Md., 223
Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development
(BUILD), 223
Bangladesh, 381, 400
Bank Capital Markets Association, 258
banking industry, 91, 116, 258-60, 285
global economy and, 388, 391, 392,
393-94, 397-98
government bailout of, 69, 70, 283,
in lobbying on S&L bailout, 75-77, 78
Barrie, Robert W., 337
Bass, Gary D., 144
Bath Iron Works, 1I7-18
BBPO, 271
Beamish, Rita, 302
Bear Stearns, 258
Bechtel, 121
Beers, Steve, 173-74
Bell, Stephen E., 84, 85
Bellows, Jim, 317
Bentsen, Lloyd, 75, 251, 252
Bergsten, C. Fred, 82
Bernhard, Berl, 254, 257, 258
Bernstein, Carl, 297, 302
BA, 169, 170
Bhopal chemical disaster, 128
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Mahoning
Valley, 37
Billings, Leon, 171, 172
Black, Hugo, 348
Black Caucus, 261
blacks, 21, 153, 173, 291, 348
in civil rights movement, 203-8,
Blanchard, E. P., 139
Blumenthal, W. Michael, 387
Boeing, 112, 285
Boggs, Tommy, 45-46, 253, 254, 256;257,
Bonner, Jack, 36-39, 40, 51, 54
books, best-selling, 323
Bork, Robert H., 150
Boston Globe, 302
Bouton, Deborah, 164
boycott campaigns, 173-75, 338
Boycott News, 173
BP Chemicals, 137, 138
Bradlee, Benjamin C., 293-99, 305
Brady, Nicholas F., 76
Brazil, 366, 381
Brookings Institution, 48, 90, 132, 154,
300, 338
Brooklyn, N. Y., 222-23
Brown, Ronald H., 251, 252, 254, 257
Browning-Ferris Industries, 44, 168, 170
Brown v. Board of Education, 409
Brumbaugh, R. Dan, 69-70, 73
budget deficit, 95, 97, 282-83, 361, 371,
reduction plans for, 81, 92, 99-100
Budweiser beer, 272
Bumpers, Dale, 66, 133, 195
Bureau of Mines, U.S., 39
Burger King, 173
Bush, George, 44, 124, 130-31, 195,
258, 282, 302, 397
foreign affairs and, 63, 285, 315, 361,
368-69, 371, 372, 389
in 1988 elections, 22, 73, 261, 271,
275-76, 277
regulation impeded by, 1I0, 141-48,
158, 283, 333
S&L crisis and, 70, 75-77, 78, 210
tax issues and, 81, 83, 84, 89, 97,
citizen groups influenced by, 37-39,
54, 220
courts and, 110, 148-52, 154, 168,
333, 339, 348-55
economic tactics against, 169-70, 173175, 338
environmental regulation as viewed by,
24, 133-34, 353
executive salaries in, 397
industrial policy for, 373-74
legal constraints needed on, 156, 333,
as legal persons, 348-49, 353-55, 402
media intimidated by, 298
media owned by, 328-30, 335, 340,
as mediating institutions, 331-32, 336,
340, 343-48
as model for government, 47
political dominance of, 331-32, 343
public relations and, 48, 321-23
public view of, 170
regulation thwarted by, 26, 39, 105122,
124-30, 133, 134, 135-40,
212, 333, 334
Republicans and, 279-81, 282-85
tax burden shifted from, 79-81, 89-91,
94-96, 341-43, 355, 402
think tanks sponsored by, 37, 48, 51,
52, 82, 187-88, 300, 338
see also economy. global; specific
companies and industries
business lobbying, 215-16, 255, 256-57,
defining problems in, 43, 44, 76
ease of, at federal level, 141-48, 158,
178-82, 216
economic blackmail in, 138-40, 341
emotional climate in, 54-55
by foreign governments, 398-99
grassroots organizations in, 37-39, 54
public rationale in, 45-47, 88
see also specific industries and legislation
Business Roundtable, 338, 344, 398
Business Week, 345, 394

cable television, 328, 329, 335
Caesar, Pearl, 228
Califano, Joseph A., Jr., 254, 258
California, 158, 175-78, 223, 237, 339,
348, 354, 389
campaign contributions, see political contributions
Canada, 193
cancer risks:
from factory work, 119, 121-22
from food, 112, 320-23
pollution and, 55, 124-30, 165, 385
Carlton Group, 341
Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, 300
Carter, Jimmy, 82, 89, 171, 254, 261,
regulation and, 67, 113, 128, 135,
144-45, 146
CBS, 274, 302, 320
celebrities, political role of, 320-24
Center for Economic Progress and Employment,
Center for National Policy. 262
Center for Public Integrity, 398
Center for The People & The Press,
Center for the Study of American Business,
Central America, 256-257, 366
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 369,
illegal activities of, 365-68
proposed abolishment of, 360
Soviet threat exaggerated by, 363-65
Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 141, 256
Chambers, Edward T., 225
Channelview, Tex., 138
Charles E. Smith Management Company.
187-88, 198, 201
Chase Manhattan Bank, 48, 187, 256,
258, 281, 283
Chavez, Laura, 382
chemical industry:
health risks and, 55, 56, 124-25, 128,
129-30, 320-23, 390, 391-92
waste-disposal regulation and, 135-40,
142, 147-48, 156
Chemical Manufacturers Association
(CMA), 38, 129-30, 137-39, 142
Chemical• Waste Management, 137
Chemical Week, 136
Cheney, Richard, 373
Chevron, 48, 150-51, 220, 339
Chevron U.S.A. v. NRDC, 150-51
Chicago, Ill., 224
Chicago Board Options Exchange, 258
Chicago Tribune, 302
Children's Defense Fund, 262
Chile, 366
China, People's Republic of, 369, 381,
383, 399
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 158, 215
Choate, Pat, 398
Chrysler, 51, 112, 256, 343, 381, 393,
395, 399
Cincinnati Post, 288-89, 290-93, 301
Cincinnati Times-Star, 291
Citibank, 76, 258, 283, 285, 394
Citicorp, 38, 48
citizen groups, grassroots, 157, 161-82
civil rights movement and, 203-8,
224, 238, 409-10
corporate influence on, 37-39, 54,
Democrat aversion to, 263
economic strategies of, 169-70, 173-
175, 338
electoral politics avoided by, 238-41
growing participation in, 24, 170-71
national groups mistrusted by, 213-19
personal communication in, 222-38
citizen groups (cont.)
political organization in, 163--67,
206-7, 208-9
S&L bailout and, 77-78
see also specific organizations
citizen groups, national, 19, 58, 150,
157, 248-49, 256
corporate influence on, 219-20
media alerted by, 117
political reform and, 47-48, 49, 53
see also environmental movement;
specific organizations
Citizens & Southern, 256
Citizen's Clearinghouse for Hazardous
Waste, 56, 167, 178, 214
Citizens for Tax Justice, 79-80, 90. 341
Civil Aeronautics Board, 39, 108
civil rights, 124, 146, 291, 336
civil rights movement, 203-8, 224, 238,
civil service, 113-16
class conflict, 234-35, 236
civil rights movement and, 208
in environmental movement, 213-19
Republicans and, 276, 279
Claybrook, Joan, 212, 239-40
Clean Air Act (1970), 56, 171
nonenforcement of, 125-30, 132
worst offenders against, 124-25
Clean Air Act (1990), 56, 129-30, 132,
144, 215
debate on, 37-38, 51, 58, 158
Clean Air Coalition, 127, 129, 132, 215
Clean Water Act (1972), 142
Clifford, Clark, 254
Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras,
Codex Alimentarius Commission, 389390,
Cohen, David, 39
Cold War:
covert activities in, 365-68
end of, 359-60, 370-76, 377
Soviet threat exaggerated in, 362-65
Committee on Banking Regulations and
Supervisory Practices, 388
Committee on the Present Danger, 338
Common Cause, 259
communism, 276
see also Cold War
Communities Organized for Public Service
(COPS), 227, 229, 231, 239
computers, 47, 310. 328
Conference Board, 102, 353
Congress, U.S., 47, 62, 261, 310, 371
client relationships in, 26~27, 65-66,
91, 106, 210
committees of, 65-66, 67-68, 70; see
also House committees; Senate committees
distance from constituents in, 17, 64
in efforts to force regulation, 134-40,
143, 144, 154
hard choices avoided by, 132-34
Joint Committee on Taxation, 100
judiciary and, 149, 151, 154
pay raises for, 310
power ceded president by, 142-43,
151-52, 368--69, 390-91, 392
public deception by, 130-34
renewal needed in, 154, 155, 268-69
sneak amendments in, 40-42
see also specific legislation
Congressional Competitiveness Caucus,
Congress Watch, 181
Conservation Foundation, 44, 215, 216,
constituents, politicians' distance from,
17, 64
Constitution, U.S., 277
Bill of Rights, 348
Fourteenth Amendment, 348
Gonzalez on decline of, 62, 63, 64
power balance in, 151-52, 391
Consumers News and Business Channel,
Continental Illinois, 283
Conyers, John, 144
Coors, Joseph, 48
Cortes, Ernesto, Jr., 20, 28, 226-33,
237, 238, 240, 326
cost-benefit analysis, 56-58, 146
Council of Economic Advisors, 47, 48
Council on Capital Formation, 89
Council on Wage and Price Stability,
court system, 110, 148-52, 154, 168,
333, 339, 348-55
environmental organizations and, 126,
127-28, 149
Cousteau, Jacques, 312, 319
Covington & Burling, 138
Cox, Geraldine, 137-38
Crandell, Robert W., 132
crime bills, 123-24
Cuba, 364, 366
Cuomo Commission, 82
Current Affair, A, 316, 317
Cutler, Lloyd N., 134, 254, 258
Cyanamid, 138
CYRO Industries, 138

D'Amato, Alfonse, 27
Darman, Richard G., 84, 87, 89, 100,
Daschle, Thomas A., 37
deep-well waste disposal, 137, 138
Defense Department, U.S., 118, 360,
361, 370, 371, 372, 373
contractor fraud of, 112-13, 339, 350,
351, 352, 354
see also defense industry; military
defense industry, 52, 282-83, 285, 338,
340-41, 394
Cold War dominance of, 370-72
fraud in, 112-13, 339, 350, 351, 352,
in post-Cold War era, 371-74
Defense Science Board, 373
Delaware Paralyzed Veterans Association,
Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, 72, 252
Democratic Labor Council, 250
Democratic Leadership Council (DLC),
Democratic National Committee (DNC),
246-48, 249, 250-53, 266-67, 273
Democratic Party, 126, 155, 245-69,
274, 276, 280, 285, 291, 292, 336,
contributions to, 41, 194, 248, 250,
252, 253, 259-60, 273
declining local organization of, 246250, 251, 266, 267
influence of law firms on, 253-60
marketing expertise lacked by, 271-72,
membership of, 247-49
origins of, 246
policy formulation in, 260--64
renewal needed in, 264-69
S&Ls aligned with, 65, 67, 70, 72,
tax legislation and, 80, 83-84, 86,
88-91, 93, 96, 99-102
working class and, 90, 188, 191-92,
194, 253, 256, 267, 274
deregulation, 48, 67, 283
see also savings and loan crisis
Dingell, John, 128
Dobson, James, 324
Domestic Policy Council, 145
Donegan, Thomas J., 180
Doniger, David D., 127, 129, 130, 149,
151, 152
Dorgan, Byron, 39-42
Dow Chemical, 38, 42, 56, 125, 129,
138, 139, 216, 263, 339
Downs, Anthony, 50-51
Doyle, Frank P., 336-37, 340, 343-44,
Drexel Burnham Lambert, 41, 254, 258,
Drillman, Paula, 271
drug industry, 142
drugs, illegal, 187, 277
Dugger, Robert, 73, 76-77
Dukakis, Michael, 22, 75, 82, 84, 276,
Du Pont, 42, 115, 118, 125, 129, 137,
138, 139, 390

East Brooklyn Congregations, 222-23
Easterbrook, Gregg, 115
Eastern Airlines, 257-58, 352
Easter Seals Society of South Dakota, 37
economic democracy, 51-53
Economic Policy Institute, 262, 344-45
Economic Theory of Democracy, An
(Downs), 50-51
economy, global, 360, 362, 372, 377403
declining U.S. wages in, 395-97, 400
democracy threatened by, 377-78,
387-93, 401-3
international activism needed in, 378,
international agreements in, 387., ..93,
Mexican factories in, 379-87
national loyalty lacking in, 393-95,
Edison, Thomas A., 336
Edsall, Thomas B., 90, 342
education, 123, 124, 130-31, 314, 343-344, 398, 409-
in Texas, 226-27, 230-32
Ehrlichman, John, 112
Eizenstat, Stuart E., 145, 148, 254-55,
256, 258, 261
elderly, 19, 99, 248, 249
elections, 14, 23, 74-75, 313
activist distrust of, 238-41
marketing in, 270-78
participation in, 21-22, 177, 315
reform of, 268-69
elections of 1976, 89
elections of 1982, 93
elections of 1984, 278-79
elections of 1988, 22, 261, 271, 274,
275-76, 277, 278-79, 337
S&L bailout delayed for, 71-75
tax plans hidden in, 81, 83, 84
elections of 1990, 21, 268
El Paso, Tex" 230, 379
El Paso Times, 385
El Salvador, 256-57
Energy Department, U.S., 115, 116,
118, 352
Entman, Robert M., 305
environmental damage. see pollution
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), 44,
127-28, 214-15
environmental legislation, 143-44, 155156,
175-76, 212, 255
corporate efforts against, 36-39, 42-
45, 54, 111, 113,
158, 134-40,
158, 218, 334
corporate view of, 24, 133-34, 353
emotional climate and, 54
global economy and, 378, 389, 393
governmental violations of, 116-18,
public support for, 22, 131-32
at state level, 158
see also Clean Air Act (1970); Clean
Air Act (1990); Environmental Protection
Agency; Superfund law
environmental movement, 24, 42, 44,
143, 148, 149, 170, 205, 239
corporate influence on, 220, 339-40
global economy and, 389, 391
grassroots vs. national groups in,
legal action in, 126, 127-28, 149
TV used in, 320-23
waste disposal and, 136, 167-70, 385
worker concerns ignored in, 217-19
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
107, 121, 180, 216
cutbacks at, 115
studies by, 58, 118
weak enforcement at, 42-45, 109-10,
113, 118, 124-30, 133, 134-40,
142, 143-44, 151, 164, 165, 167,
179, 191, 320-23
Escandon, Ignacio, 384
Etzioni, Amitai, 352
Europe, Eastern, 194, 312-13, 315, 324,
380, 381
Europe, Western, 154, 193-94, 312-13,
European Community, 389
Evendale, Ohio, jet-engine plant at, 350,
Export-Import Bank, 340
Exxon, 48, 129, 187, 220, 285

Faber, Alberta, 119
Facoln, Sylvia, 384
FAIR, 299-300
Family Circle, 321
family issues, 280-81
Faux, Jeff, 399
Fears, Peter, 235
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 366
Federal Communications Commission, 39
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC), 69, 70
Federal Reserve, 63, 69, 70, 76, 82, 92,
97, 302, 388, 391
Federal Trade Commission, 180
Fenton, David, 322, 328
Fenton Communications, 322
Ferguson, Thomas, 262, 284, 285, 286
Field, Mervin, 176-77
Financial Democracy Campaign (FDC),
77-78, 209-11
financial industry, 40-42, 49, 52, 82,
285, 335, 350, 391
lobbying by, 67, 72, 78, 258-59
party affiliations in, 65
see also banking industry; savings and
loan crisis; specific institutions
Financial News Network, 335
First Bank System, 258
First Boston, 258
First National Bank of Boston, 348
Fishman, Charles, 25, 47, 273
Flynn, Raymond L., 77
Focus on the Family, 324
Foley, Tom, 86, 255, 261, 315
Folgers Coffee, 174
Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
112, 115, 147, 179
food industry, 147, 158, 179, 389-90
pesticides and, 320-23, 389
Food Marketing Institute (PM!), 179
food stamps, 153, 186
Ford, Gerald R., 144, 334
Ford, Henry, 11, 111-12
Ford Motor Co., 51, 111-12, 338, 343,
foreign affairs, 172-73, 256, 299, 324,
see also Cold War; economy, global
Foreign Service, 113-14
Fortino Maltos, Daniel, 381-82, 386
Fortuna, Richard C., 124, 136, 139-40
Fort Worth, Tex., 230-31
France, 154, 313
Free Congress Research and Education
Foundation, 21, 273, 278
Friedman, Thomas L., 302
Fujitsu, 257
Full Employment Act (1946), 47

Gabriel, Peter, 324
Gallup Poll, 84, 85, 316
Gannett newspapers, 302-3
Gans, Herbert J., 214
Gansler, Jacques S., 373
Garn, Jake, 52, 75
GE Capital, 335, 340, 342, 350
General Accounting Office, 69, 146
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), 390
General Electric, 48, 77, 174, 187, 220,
285, 331-55, 393
businesses bought by, 329, 335, 340,
342, 345
corporate image ads of, 338-40, 346
former government officials at, 332333,
illegal activities at, 112, 333, 338,
350-52, 353
layoffs at, 344-46
Mexican factories of, 379, 381-82,
384, 386
political influence of, 333-38, 341-43,
pollution and, 42, 118, 125, 129, 215,
351-52, 353
public agenda influenced by, 336, 340,
341, 343-48
social concern of, 336, 337, 343-44,
General Motors, 48, 51, 112, 204, 281,
325, 352
health violations of, 119, 120, 121-22
Mexican plants of, 379, 382, 386
Geoghegan, Thomas, 193
George Washington University, 190, 352
Georgia Baptist Convention, 37
Georgia Pacific, 263
Gephardt, Richard A., 255
German Democratic Republic (East Ger•
many), 313, 363
Germany, Federal Republic of (West
Germany), 154, 173, 193, 285, 361,
363, 374, 393, 396, 397-98
Gibbs, Lois Marie, 56, 167-68, 169-70,
182, 204, 214, 216
Gilder, George, 327
Gingrich, Newt, 276
Glauber, Robert R., 76
Glenn, John, 37, 144
global economy, see economy, global
Goldwater, Barry, 275, 283
Gonzalez, Henry B., 65
background and character of, 61-64
S&L warnings of, 61-62, 67, 71, 7374, 77, 78
on unbridled presidential power, 62-
64, 368-69
Goodwyn, Lawrence, 414
Goodyear, 124-25
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 313, 315, 363
Gorsuch, Anne, 135-36
Graf, Arnold, 219, 224, 230, 236-37,
Graham, Katharine, 293
grassroots organizations, see citizen
groups, grassroots
Gray, C. Boyden, 141, 142
Grbinick, Leonard, 119-20
Greenbaum, Bob, 164-65, 166, 182
Greenberg, Stanley, 395
Greenpeace, 172, 215
Green Seal, 174-75, 180
Greenspan, Alan, 70, 82-83, 92-93, 302
Greider, Linda, 314
Grenada, 62, 63, 364, 367
GROWL, 164
G-7, 391
Guatemala, 364, 366
Gulf War, 361, 362, 368-69

Habicht, F. Henry, II, 43-45, 139
Hamilton, Alexander, 17
"hammers, " regulatory, 135-40
Hand, Lloyd C., 254
Hanford nuclear weapons reservation,
118, 351
Hardesty, Rex, 196
Harvard University, 76, 277
Harvey, Paul, 324
Havel, Vaclav, 406, 414
Hayes, Denis, 174-75
hazardous waste, see waste, hazardous
Hazardous Waste Treatment Council,
136, 139
Head Start, 124, 343-44
Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW)
Department, U.S., 332
health care, 22, 154, 223, 343
health risks:
cancer, 55-56, 112, 119, 121-22,
124-30, 165, 320-23, 385
at foreign factories, 380, 383, 385-86
from pesticides, 310-11, 320-2f'389390,
in U.S. industries, 119-22, 142, 144,
145, 255
Healy, John G., 172-73, 324, 325
Hearst, William Randolph, 291, 292,
Heineman, Benjamin, Jr., 332, 333, 335,
Helms, Jesse, 173, 275-76
Heritage Foundation, 48, 282, 300, 338
Hernandez, Sonia, 231
Hessey, Jay, 185, 189
Hill & Knowlton, 24, 54, 321, 322
H. J. Heinz, 173
Holmes, Lessly, 204
Home Loan Bank Board, 68, 71, 72
Horowitz, Harry, 259
Horton, Willie, 74, 275, 276, 323
House committees:
Armed Services, 52, 116
Banking, 61, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77
Commerce, 116-17, 128
Public Works, 124
Rules, 67
Ways and Means, 91, 99, 252
House of Representatives, U.S., see Congress,
U.S.; House committees
housing, 77, 186, 222-23, 388, 392
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Department, U.S., 282
Houston Post, 230
Hughes Aircraft, 118, 352
human rights, 172-73, 256, 324
Hume, Brit, 302
Humphrey, Hubert H., 254
Hungary, 338-39
Hunt, Albert R., 302
Huntington, Samuel P., 217
Hurwitz, Geoffrey, 180
Hussein, Saddam, 361

Iacocca, Lee, 111-12, 323
IBM, 339, 393
Ignatius, David, 300
income, 86, 100, 101-2, 195-98, 223,
382, 395-97, 400, 403
Indonesia, 366, 381
Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) , 224238,
248, 260, 326
future prospects for, 233-38, 241
as model for Democratic party, 264,
265, 266
in Texas, 226-33, 235, 237, 240
INFACT, 174, 338
information politics, 36-39, 46-48, 59,
corporate domination of, 54-55, 90
Institute, W. Va., toxic chemical release
in, 121, 128
Institute for International Economics, 82,
338, 398
insurance industry, 42, 175-78
interest rates, 67, 83, 97
Interior Department, U.S., 115, 146
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 85, 219
International Court of Justice, 368
Iowa, 158, 251
Iran, 114, 366
Iran-Contra affair, 63, 368
Iraq, 361, 367
Israel, 239, 351

Jackson, Andrew, 246
Jackson, Jesse, 73, 77, 263, 281, 396
Jankowsky, Joel, 257
Japan, 315, 361, 363, 374, 397-98, 401
trade with, 256, 257, 285, 346, 373,
390, 392, 393, 394, 398-99
Japanese-Americans, 367
Jefferson, Thomas. 50, 246
job training, 344-46
Johnson, Lyndon B., 62, 130, 149, 254,
Johnson, Mary, 124
Jones, David C., 335
Jones, Reginald H., 341
Juarez, Mexico, U. S, factories in,
judiciary, see court system
Justice Department, U.S., 43, 116, 118,
333, 334, 339, 351
"Justice for Janitors" strike, 184-90,
201, 304

Keating, Charles, 27, 70
Kemp, Jack, 282
Kennedy, Edward M., 195, 196, 197,
Kennedy, John F., 130, 149, 364
Kennedy, Robert F., 252, 320
Kentucky, 16, 380
KFI 640 radio, 308-11
Kidder Peabody, 335, 350
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 203-8, 224,
238, 320
Kinsley, Michael, 329
Kissinger, Henry, 299
Knight-Ridder newspapers, 293
Koch, Edward I., 73
Kogod, Robert, 198
Korea, Republic of (South Korea), 352,
382, 393, 399, 400
Kravis, Irving B.. 102
Kuwait, 361

Labor/Community Strategy Center, 218
Labor Department, U.S., 114, 146, 147,
191, 344
see also Occupational Safety and
Health Administration
labor legislation, 193-94, 195-98
labor unions, 48, 99, 108, 250, 255,
257-58, 343, 345, 382-83, 386_87,
decline of, 163, 183-84, 191-94
minimum wage and, 195-98
strikes by, 184-90, 201, 256
see also specific unions
Lacovara, Philip A., 333, 350-51, 353
LA Law, 321
Laos, 366
Lapham, Lewis, 26
public values ignored in, 53-55, 58,
59, 131-32, 155
as symbolic gestures, 123-40, 152,
153, 157
see also regulatory agencies, regulation;
specific legislation
Leach, Jim, 64-65, 71, 74
League of Conservation Voters, 239
League of Women Voters (LWV), 216
Lebanon, 63
Lewis, Chris, 388
Lewis, Jake, 65
Leykis, Tom, 308-11, 313
Libya, 63
Life, 281
Lima, Ohio, chemical plant at, 138
Limbaugh, Rush, 310
Lincoln, Abraham, 273, 367, 405-6
Lincoln Savings and Loan, 70
Lipsey, Robert E., 102
Litan, Robert, 154
local and state government, 148, 157-58,
170, 176, 178-82, 216
Lorenzo, Frank, 257-58
Los Angeles, Calif., 308-11, 327
Las Angeles Times, 176, 302
Louisiana, 126
Love Canal, 135, 167-70
Lowi, Theodore J., 108, 126, 132, 152,
157, 285
Lynd, Staughton, 121

McCann Erickson, 271
McCarthy, Eugene, 252, 301
McCarthy, Joseph, 276
McCurry, Michael, 247-48, 249, 252,
253, 254, 259, 266--{;7, 268, 272
McDonald's, 173
McDonnell Douglas, 254, 371
McGovern, George, 252
McIntyre, Robert S., 90, 96, 341
McLaughlin Group, 338
McLean, Kenneth, 72
McNamara, Robert, 299
MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, 299-300,
McPherson, Harry c., 254
Mahoning Valley, Ohio, 119-22
Maine, 158, 390
Malek, Frederick, 114
Manatt, Charles T., 254, 258
Mandela, Nelson, 320, 325
Mankiewicz, Frank, 24, 54, 321, 323
Mann, Eric, 218
maquiladora factories, 379-87, 391, 400,
Marcus, Jean, 230-31
Marshall, Thurgood, 409
Martin Marietta, 263
Massachusetts, 341, 352
Matamores, Mexico, 382-83
Mayer, Carl J., 348
medfly spraying, 310-11
media, 14, 16, 39, 47, 71, 171, 272,
287-88, 299-302, 307-8, 407-10
activist attention to, II7, 205-6, 211,
celebrities and, 323-25
corporate intimidation of, 298
issues ignored by, 72-75, 77, 83, 91,
92, 93, 106, 107
ownership of, 328-30, 335, 340, 342
politicians' influence on, 299, 301-2
think-tank influence on, 300-301
see also print media; radio; television;
specific networks and publications
Media Monopoly, The (Bagdikian), 328
mediating institutions:
business's replacement of, 331-32,
336, 340, 343-48
decline of, 163, 183-84
see also Democratic Party; labor
mediating institutions (cont.)
unions; media; print media; political
parties; radio; Republican Party; television
Medicare, 81, 84, 100
Mellon, Andrew, 87, 88, 97, 100, 102,
Merrill, Michael, 193
Merrill Lynch, 90, 258
Metro Alliance. 228
Metropolitan Organization, The (TMO),
Mexican-Americans, 218, 229
Mexico, 364
U.S. factories in, 379-87, 391, 400,
Meyerhoff, Albert H., 176
Michigan, University of, 194
middle class, 46-47, 278
proposed tax-break for, 89, 98, 99,
tax burden shifted to, 79-104
Mika, Susan, 387
in Cold War, 362-65, 375
in Gulf War, 361, 362
in post-Cold War era, 359-60, 361,
362, 372-75
see also Defense Department, U.S.;
defense industry
Milken, Michael, 258
Miller, James C., III, 142
Miller Brewing, 38, 173
Mills, C. Wright, 362
minimum-wage laws, 195-98, 223.382,
mining industry, 39, 115, 256, 380
Minneapolis City Council, 257
minorities, 249, 336, 337
Mitchell, Andrea, 302
Mitchell, George, 86, 252, 255
Mitsubishi, 257, ~93
Mobil Oil, 38, 124-25, 129, 298, 352
Moe, Richard, 49, 254, 258, 261
Mondale, Walter F., 49, 95
Monsanto, 42, 129, 137, 138, 352, 390
Moore, Curtis, 110-11, 131, 216
Moore, Michael, 325
Morales, Lino, 385
Moran, John, 114-15, 121
Morgan Guaranty, 76, 258
Morgan Stanley, 41, 258
"Morning After, The" (Peterson), 82
Morris, David, 390
Morris, Lucille, 184-85, 189, 200
Moss, Melissa, 250
Mothers and Others for Pesticide Limits,
Motion Picture Association of America,
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 86, 130-31
CIA criticized by, 360, 363, 364, 367,
progressive tax proposal of, 98-99,
MTV, 313-14
Mullins, David W., Jr., 76
municipal waste, 164

Nader, Ralph, 47, 50, 77, 109, 111, 156,
170, 175, 278, 310, 329-30, 354
elective office eschewed by, 239-40
as model for activists, 211-13, 224,
National Association of Manufacturers
(NAM1, 58, 255, 256
National Cancer Institute, 55
National Committee to Preserve Social
Security and Medicare, 248
National Economic Commission (NEC),
83-84, 99, 257
National Finance Council, 250
National Highway Traffic Safety Admin
istration, 115
National Institute of Occupational Safety
and Health, 121
National Journal, 42, 52, 180, 301
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB),
108, 193, 237
National Parent-Teacher Association,
248, 320-21
National Rifle Association (NRA), 19,
238, 248
National Sherriffs Association, 37
National Toxics Campaign, 384-85
National Wildlife Federation, 216, 220
Natural Resources Defense Council
(NRDC), 44, 127, 149, 150, 176,
214, 215, 320-23
Navy, U.S., 117-18, 350, 371
NBC, 131, 302, 329
Nebraska Farm Bureau, 37
New Deal, 27, 47, 93, 143, 153, 283
regulation and, 107, 108, 348
New Hampshire, 352
New Jersey, 164, 279
Newman, Penny, 217-18
New Republic, 329
Newsweek, 302, 321, 361
"New World Order, " 361, 362, 372
New York, 164, 167, 251, 352
New York Academy of Sciences, 55
New York Stock Exchange, 90
New York Times, 45, 112, 131, 271,
274, 302, 394
Washington Post compared with, 295296, 297
weapons-plant pollution exposed by,
Nicaragua, 63, 114, 364, 365, 366,
Nightline, 299-300
Nixon, Richard M., 62, 82, 111-12,
114, 144, 277
Nobel Peace Prize, 366
Nogales, Ariz., 384, 385
Northrop, 112, 339, 352
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 112
nuclear-weapons plants, 116-17
Nunn, Sam, 37, 263

Occupational Safety and Health Act
(OSHA) (1970), 118-19
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), 57, 107, 145, 147148,
149, 348
weak enforcement by, 112, 115, 119122,
O'Connor, Patrick J., 254
O'Connor and Hanna, 254, 256-57,
O'Dell, J. Hunter, 206
Odendahl, Teresa, 220
O'Donnell, Kirk, 262
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), 57, 69
regulation scuttled by, 141-48, 154
Ohio, 251, 352
oil industry, 69, 142, 146, 156
pollution and, 56, 129, 137, 139-40
Olin Foundation, 281
Olshan, Karen, 271
OMB Watch, 144
O'Neill, Thomas P. "Tip, " 262
opinion polls, 22, 23, 170, 176, 239, 301
on environment, 22, 131
on foreign affairs, 362, 375, 393
on media, 302
on Republicans, 274, 278-80
on taxation, 22, 84, 85, 92, 93, 95
of young people, 315-16, 320, 325
Organization of American States, 367
Outside, 214-15
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
(OPIC), 339

Padioleau, Jean G., 296
Paget, Karen, 170, 171-72
Paine Webber, 258
Panama, 63
participation, see public participation
Patton, Boggs and Blow, 254 .
PBS, 299-300, 302
Penta, Leo J., 223
Pentagon, see Defense Department, U.S.
People, 316, 321
Pepsico, 257
Persian Gulf War, 361, 362, 368-69
pesticides, 310-11, 320-23, 389-90
Peter, Phillips S., 341
Peterson, Peter G., 82, 94
Philadelphia Daily News, 292
Philadelphia Inquirer, 101
Phil Donahue Show, 321
Phillips, Kevin, 280, 282
Phoenix, Ariz., 235
Physicians for Social Responsibility
(PSR), 366
Pinellas nuclear plant, 351-52
Pittston Coal, 256
Poland, 194
policy analysis, 47, 56-58
political-action committees (PACs), 48,
253, 259, 337
political contributions, 25-27, 90, 96,
106, 114, 194, 195, 337-38
committee assignments and, 65-66,
to Democrats, 41, 194, 248, 250, 252,
253, 259-60, 273
to Republicans, 41, 273, 281
political parties, 70, 88, 155
alliance between, 161
declining local organizations of, 20,
64, 163, 192, 346-47
traditional roles abandoned by, 52, 66,
71, 172
see also Democratic Party; Republican
Politics of Rich and Poor, The (Phillips),
pollution, 142, 155-56, 339
GE and, 42, 118, 125, 129, 215, 351352,
by government facilities, 116-18, 374
health risk and, 55, 56, 124-30, 165,
310-11, 320-23, 385, 389-90,
from Mexican factories, 384-85, 386
non-enforcement of laws against,
public concern about, 22, 131-32
see also environmental legislation;
environmental movement; Clean
Air Act (1970); Clean Air Act
(1990); Superfund law; waste,
Pollution Prevention News, 137
Populism, 87, 274-75, 278-80
pornography, 277
Port Neches, Tex., 124-25
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, 117-18
poverty, 22, 153, 198-201, 234-35,
343-44, 346
Powell Goldstein, 255
presidency. see White House; specific
Presidential Council on Competitiveness,
press, see media; print media; radio; television
print media, 287-99, 302-6
controversy avoided by, 297-99, 303
educational role avoided by, 303-6
modern transformations in, 293-99,
302-3, 306
working-class voice lost in, 288-93
see also media; specific publications
Procter & Gamble, 48, 174, 180
Progressive movement, 46-47, 213
Progressive Policy Institute, 198
Proxmire, William, 68, 69, 72, 75
Prudential Bache, 263
Pryor, David, 116
Public Citizen, 57, 109, 143, 148, 212,
public hearings, 47, 50, 73, 165, 168
public-interest groups, see citizen groups,
grassroots; citizen groups, national;
environmental movement
public opinion, see opinion polls
public participation:
in civil rights movement, 203-8, 224,
238, 409-10
community relations needed in, 223238,
corporate influence on, 331-32, 336,
340, 343-48
democratic conversation needed for,
disparaged by elites, 17-18, 89, 167,
electronic media and, 308-11, 312-13,
314-23, 326-30
as goal of New Deal agencies, 108
improvement needed in, 66, 152~58,
165, 286
through irregular politics, 23-25, 161182,
judicial aversion to, 150-51
lacking in global economy, 377-78,
387-93, 401-3
lacking in tax legislation, 81-85, 87,
89, 92, 93, 94, 97
measurement of, 170
media's possible role in, 303-6,
as necessary to enforcement of laws,
118-22, 130, 212-13
obstacles to, 11-28, 50-53
ordinary citizens absent in, 50-51, 59;
71, 76
organizational training and, 163-67
parties' possible role in. 264-69
at polls, 21-22, 177, 315
promising models of, 222-41, 409-11
public attitudes as barrier to, 202-21
tax exemptions and, 51-53
through voter propositions, 175-78
working class absent in, 163, 183-201
see also citizen groups, grassroots; citizen
groups, national
public rationale, 45-48, 55-56, 88
Public Relations Journal, 339
Public Service Indiana, 255
Publisher's Weekly, 323
Pulitzer, Joseph, 291
Pulitzer Prize, 295, 298

Quayle, J. Danforth, 74, 143-44

radio, 312-13, 324
talk shows on, 308-11
Raffaelli, John D., 92
Ramer, James, 165, 166
Ramsey, Stephen D., 334
RCA, 342, 379
Reagan, Ronald, 62, 63, 131, 150, 157,
181, 193, 280, 285, 334, 335, 336
covert actions approved by, 367, 368
defense buildup of, 364, 366
economic policies of, 48, 67, 81, 88,
89, 90, 92, 93, 282-83, 341
environmental record of, 42, 43, 128
regulation and, 110, 113, 115, 118,
128, 133, 135, 141-48, 170-71,
S&L crisis and, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73
young people's admiration of, 316,
real estate, 67, 91, 97
janitors strike and, 184-90
recession, 81, 82, 83, 284
Redbook, 321
Reed, John, 394
reform movements, 46-48, 49-50
regulatory agencies, regulation, 47, 169
conservative objections to, 108
corporate influence on, 26, 39, 105122,
124-30, 133, 134, 135-40,
153, 333, 334, 348, 354
courts and, 110, 126, 127-28, 148-52,
154, 168, 333, 339, 348-55
decisions postponed by, 124-30, 133
global economy and, 387-93
governmental violation permitted by,
"hammers" to force action by, 135140
media in enforcement by, 116-17,
privatization of, 115-16
public participation in enforcement by,
118-22, 130, 212-13
reforms needed in, 152-58
rise of, 107
see also specific agencies and legislation
Reich, Robert B., 107, 397
Reighard, Charles, 121-22
Reilly, William K., 44, 216, 220
politics and, 222-23, 225, 231-32,
TV and, 324, 325-26
Republican National Committee, 248,
Republican Party, 110, 155, 196, 197,
264, 270-86, 394
CIA opposed by, 365-66
commercial banks aligned with, 65,
constituency of, 276, 278-81, 282-86,
contributions to, 41, 273, 281
marketing expertise of, 270-78
media and, 291, 292
membership of, 248
public perception of, 274
spiritual vacuum in, 281-82
tax legislation and, 80, 84, 86, 88, 89,
91, 93, 100-101
Republic Steel, 119--20
research projects, policy and, 44-45, 51,
55-56, 256
Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), 210
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA) (1984), 135-40
"Responsible Care Initiative, " 129-30
Richards, Ann, 233
Rio Grande Valley', 223, 228
RJR Nabisco, 41
Robb, Charles S., 251, 263
Rockefeller Center, 315
rock music, 313-14, 324
Rockwell, 112
Rocky Flats, Colo., 116
Roger and Me, 325
Rolling Stone, 318, 320
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 46, 107, 283-84,
Roper, Burns, 95
Rosales, Fernando, 381
Rostenkowski, Dan, 91, 95, 99--100,
252, 342
Roth, William V., Jr., 37
Rubio, Fernando, 382
Ruckelshaus, William D., 43-45, 109-110,
127, 128, 130, 168-69, 170,

Sachs, Wolfgang, 387
Salomon Brothers, 41, 84
St. Germain, Fernand, 74
St. Petersburg Times, 351
San Antonio, Tex., 226-33, 239
Sarabia, Andres, 229, 236
savings and loan (S&L) crisis, 27, 40,
42, 60-78, 212, 258
action delayed on, 69, 71-73
bailout legislation in, 69, 75-78
cover-up of, 60, 61, 70-72
Democrats' allegiance in, 65, 67, 70,
72, 75
early warnings about, 61-62, 65, 67,
home-ownership goal ignored in, 61,
65, 67
lobbying in, 71-73, 75-77, 78
media in, 74-75, 210
1988 elections and, 71-75
public demonstrations and, 209-11
Sawhill, Isabel V., 188
Sawyer, David, 257
Scalia, Antonin, 151
Schlesinger, Tom, 78, 210-11
Schneider, Greg, 273
Schneider, Keith, 116-17
Schumer, Charles, 75
Scripps, E. W., 291, 293, 305
Scripps-Howard newspapers, 290-91,
Securities and Exchange Commission,
Securities Industry Association, 258
Seidman, William, 70
Senate, U.S., 50, 390
see also Congress, U.S.
Senate committees:
Banking, 52, 68, 69, 71, 72, 83
Budget, 84
Environment and Public Works, 1W-
111, 131, 171, 216
Finance, 92, 252, 341
Foreign Relations, 340
Intelligence, 364
Sentencing Commission, U.S., 333, 351,
Services Employees International Union
(SEIU), 185-90, 192
Sesame Street, 314
Shell Oil, 124-25, 137
Shrum, Robert, 259
Sidley & Austin, 332, 334
Sierra Club, 44, 127
Silberman, Laurence H., 151
Silverglade, Bruce, 180-81
Simon, Paul, 96
60 Minutes, 316, 320, 321
Smith, David, 196
Smith, David Bruce, 188-89
Smith, 1. T., 138
Smith, William French, 335
social programs, 123, 124, 153, 154,
186, 343-46
Social Security, 81, 84, 92-94, 98, 153-
154, 252, 283, 338
Society of the Plastics Industry, 178
Solidarity, 194
Solomon, Burt, 301-2
Sores, George:' 362
South Africa, 320, 325
Soviet Union, 369
Springsteen, Bruce, 172, 324, 325
Sri Lanka, 381, 382
StarKist Tuna, 173, 205
state and local government, 148, 157-58,
170, 176, 178-82, 216
State Department, U.S., 360, 366
Stavinoha, Marilyn, 227
steel industry, 56, 119-20, 125, 129,
142, 380
Stephens, Christine, 240
Sting, 172, 324
Stockman, David, 91, 283
STP, 163-67
Strauss, Robert S., 83, 94, 254, 257,
258, 261, 262-63
Streep, Meryl, 320-21, 323
Stringfellow acid pits, 217-18
Summers, Lawrence H., 82
Summerton, S.C., 409-10
Sununu, John H., 140
Superfund Coalition, 42-45, 54, 338
Superfund law (1986), 42-45, 118, 135,
136, 334, 351
Supreme Court, U.S., 150-51, 348, 349,
Sussman, Barry, 302
Synar, Mike, 116-17, 133

Taft, Robert A., 283, 291
Tarrance, Lance, 278-80
Task Force on Regulatory Relief, 141
taxation, 22, 43, 79-104
business favored in, 51-53, 79-81,
89-91, 94-96, 341-43, 355, 402
business lobbying on, 41-42, 81, 84,
89-90, 96-97, 338, 341-43
of capital gains, 89, 90, 97, 99-100,
102-3, 252
delinquent payments in, 85-86
exempt status of, 51 , 219-20, 262
global economy and, 378, 380, 394
graduated, origin of, 87
growing inequities in, 79-104
participation incentive needed in,
proposed progressive measures in, 89,
98-99, 101-2
reforms needed in, 156
S&L bailout and, 77
wealthy favored by, 79-104, 274, 280,
342, 398
tax legislation:
of 1977, 89
of 1978, 89-90
of 1981, 90-92, 341-42
of 1982, 92, 342
of 1983, 93
of 1984, 92
of 1986, 94-98, 342
of 1990, 99-102
Taylor, Paul, 263
television, 92, 174, 251
activist use of, 320-23
cable, 328, 329, 335
corporate image ads on, 338-40, 346
invited commentators on, 299-300
newspaper competition with, 293
ownership of, 329, 335, 340, 342
public participation role of, 308-11,
312-13, 314-23, 326-30
Republican mastery of, 270-78
rise of, 307-8
societal effect of, 311-20
world of young shaped by, 308,
see also media
term limitations, 64, 176
Texaco, 124-25, 129
Texas, 70, 126, 178, 223
community organization in, 226-33,
235, 237, 240
Texas, University of, 385
textile industry, 142, 145, 147, 198
Thailand, 381, 399
think tanks:
corporate sponsorship of, 37, 48, 51,
52, 82, 187-88, 300, 338
in Democratic policy formulation, 262
media influenced by, 300-301
tax code and, 51, 53
Third World, 285, 362, 372, 392-93,
Thomas, Larry, 178-79
Thomas, Lee, 44-45
Thomas Steel, 119
Thompson, Daniel, 164
Thompson, Richard, 188
Tierney, James A., 117-18
Tijuana, Mexico, 381
Tillich, Paul, 226
timber industry, 390
Time, 302, 316, 321
Times Mirror Company, 84, 315-16
trade, foreign, 81, 82, 256, 257, 387-93,
Transportation Department, U.S., Ill,
Treasury Department, U.S., 41, 87, 334,
S&L crisis and, 69, 73, 76, 77
Tully, Paul, 251, 252
Tungsram Company, 338-39
Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant,

Uebelhoer, Jane, 388
Union Carbide, 42, 121, 128, 168, 220,
Uniroyal, 124-25, 321-23
United Auto Workers (UAW), 120, 122,
United Mine Workers (UMW), 256
United Nations, 362, 367, 369, 389
United Way, 337
Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Urban Institute, 187, 188, 201
Urban League, 336
Urrabazo, Rosendo, 231
USA Today, 302-3
Utah Construction, 342
U-2, 324

Valdes-Villalva, Gueramina, 379--80,
383, 385-86
Valley Interfaith Project, 235
values, political process and, 53-55, 58,
59, 131-32, 155
Verner, Liipfert, 254
Vichery, Ohio, waste disposal at, 137
Vietnam War, 114, 249-50, 261, 363,
Virginia, 279
Vladeck, David, 57, 109, 143, 148-50
Voleker, Paul, 63
Volpe, John, III
voter participation, 21-22, 177, 315
voter propositions, 175-78
Voter Revolt, 175-78
Vulcan Chemicals, 137
Vulcan Materials, 138

Wald, Patricia M., 149-50, 151
Waldman, Michael, 212
Walker, Charls E., 43-44, 86, 88, 89-
90, 91, 96-97, 98, 99, 102, 337
Wall, M. Danny, 71, 73
Wallace, George C., 275
Wall Street, see financial industry
Wall Street Journal, 92, 100, 131, 173,
272, 276, 302, 321, 345
Washington, D.C.:
growing affluence of, 48-49
janitors' strike in, 184-90, 201
Washington, D.C., Circuit Court of Appeals,
149, 151
Washington, George, 246
Washington Center for Politics and Journalism,
Washington Post, 93, 115, 144, 170,
188, 190, 259, 263, 271, 276, 302,
304, 321, 342
Bradlee's transformation of, 293-97
post-Watergate retrenchment at,
staff of, 289, 294
think-tank influence on, 300
Washington Public Power Supply Systems
(WPPSS), 353
Washington Star, 298, 317
waste, hazardous, 42-45, 134-40, 142,
147-48, 156, 158, 167-70, 178,
180, 216, 217-18, 334, 351-52, 385
waste, municipal, 164
Waste Management, Inc., 216, 220, 352
Watergate scandal, 90, 296-97, 302
water shortage, 308-9
Waxman, Henry, 125, 144
wealthy, 153, 220, 397, 398
proposed tax hike for, 101-2
Republicans and, 273-74, 277, 279,
tax burden shifted from, 79-104, 274,
280, 342, 398
among tax delinquents, 85-86
Webb, Dave, 119
Weidenbaum, Murray, 48
Weisskopf, Michael, 144
Welch, John F., Jr., 337, 342, 345,
welfare, 153
Wenner, Jann, 318-19
Westinghouse, 350, 379
Weyerhaeuser, 125, 129, 220
Weyrich, Paul, 21, 273, 278, 279, 280,
What Americans Really Think (Sussman),
Whirlpool, 393
White House:
power accumulated by, 142-43, 151152,
360, 366, 367, 368-69, 390391,
regulation thwarted by, 27, 111-12,
141-48, 150, 154, 333
White House Correspondents Association,
Wichita, Kans., 138
Wilbur, Jan, 223
Williams, Clayton, 233
Williams, J. D., 254, 256, 257, 258
Williams, Leila, 189-90, 200
Wilson, John, 120
Wilson, Larry, 164, 165, 166
Wolferen, Karel van, 398
Woodward, Bob, 297, 302
workers, working class, 237
declining wages of, 395-97, 400
Democrats and, 90, 188, 191-92, 194,
253, 256, 267, 274
environmental concerns and, 217-19
job loss in, 22, 344-46, 378, 395
at Mexican factories, 379-87
minimum wage and, 195-98, 223,
382, 403
newspapers speaking for, 288-89,
poverty and, 198-201
proposed tax break for, 98
as removed from political process, 163,
strikes and, 184-90, 201, 256
Workers Against Toxic Chemical Hazards
(WATCH), 121, 122
World Court, 368
World War II, 361, 367, 375, 409
Wright, Jim, 70, 72, 75, 315

Yarborough, Ralph, 87
Yeager, Chuck, 323, 339
Yeutter, Clayton, 389
young people:
activist stars and, 325
TV influence on, 308, 314-20

Zimmerman, Bill, 177-78
Zuckerman, Mortimer, 185, 201
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