Republican Leaders ATTACK EACH OTHER in Most BIZARRE Way

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Republican Leaders ATTACK EACH OTHER in Most BIZARRE Way

Postby admin » Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:40 am

Republican Leaders ATTACK EACH OTHER in Most BIZARRE Way
by Ben Meiselas
Apr 9, 2023

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Republican leaders attacking each other on social media over Trump with literally no self-awareness.


I'm Ben meiselas from the Midas touch
Network so the whole Mega world is now
attacking each other you've got all
these different factions and each side's
claiming that they're normal and that
the other side is kind of weirdo loser
grifters but the reality is is that they
are all that and they have no
self-awareness and so this whole Maga
Civil War if you will it began because
the New York Times published a report
that Donald Trump and the Trump campaign
was going to hire someone named Laura
Loomer and Laura Loomer is the
right-wing extremist she calls herself a
white nationalist she
posts coveted disinformation she
handcuffed herself to the Twitter office
and claimed that Twitter's treatment of
her was the same as Nazi concentration I
I can go on and on and on but she posted
a statement saying that out of respect
for Trump I'm not going to comment on my
private conversations about whether or
not I'd be working for his campaign and
she said that Trump knows I've always
been very very loyal he likes me very
very much it's a shame that he's
surrounded by some people that would run
to a publication like the New York Times
that is notorious for attacking him in
order to try to cut me at the knees and
then Marjorie Taylor green responded to
this by saying the following then I'm
going to read you Laura loomer's
response as well as all these other
right-wingers response so Marjorie
Taylor green says Laura Loomer is
mentally unstable in a documented liar
she cannot be trusted she spent months
lying about me and attacking me just
because I supported Kevin McCarthy for
speaker and after I had refused to
endorse her last election cycle she
loves the alleged FBI informant and
weirdo Nick Fuente she tried to get
hired on the Yi the Kanye campaign after
the infamous Mar-A-Lago dinner but Kanye
West refused to hire her so now she's
running to Trump never hire or do
business with a liar Liars are toxic and
poisonous to everything they touch I'll
make sure he knows here Marjorie Taylor
green saying that Liars are toxic and
poisonous poisonous with absolutely zero
self-awareness and saying Laura Loomer
can't be trusted which is true but your
Marjorie Taylor green you can't be
trusted in anything that you say so then
Laura Loomer responds to Marjorie Taylor
green and Loomer goes Marjorie Taylor
green the only liar is you exclamation
point you hired the foreign National who
set up dinner at Mar-A-Lago and you
spoke at afpac where you were more than
happy to embrace Nick Fuentes
Kanye asked me to work on his campaign
and I said no because I told him I
endorsed Donald Trump but I support his
right to free speech you are a liar you
have a British foreign National who
openly attacks Trump every day working
for you and living in Rome Georgia I
have the receipts
um and then she goes on to say I have
screenshots of you telling me you want
me in Congress and that you were going
to endorse me you only changed your mind
once you made deals with McCarthy you
are D you are a disloyal liar and you're
working with someone who said he quote
wanted to make Trump miserable by
setting him up at Mar-A-Lago here you
are on video in case I need to refresh
your memory and here's the video that
Laura Loomer posted well just worry
about posting on social media because I
hate you really Mark Zuckerberg hates
you Jack hates you and it's all about
Twitter safety right I mean Laura knows
that Twitter safety good gracious they
they'd be terrified if she showed back
up on Twitter
now Rhonda Santa says
yeah did y'all okay I gotta tell you a
story on Laura I don't know if any of
you know this but you might know it when
she got kicked off of Twitter like
permanently banned This Woman This is I
loved her for this she went and
handcuffed herself to the front door of
the Twitter headquarters
is awesome
you see that's bravery
and they really really hated her because
she wouldn't back down and stop
reporting about one of my colleagues
that that Congressman ghosts are yeah
there's a woman named ilhan Omar that
Laura exposed
yeah Laura let us know she married her
brother yeah
yeah so these are these are the things
that we have to do so here's what I need
I need I need really great strong bold
America First candidates to run I need
to get them elected and I'm going to be
working very hard supporting Laura and
supporting other America First
candidates all over the country I need
you guys to help me support them because
what's going to happen in 2022 is I'm
going to make sure that those articles
of impeachment on Joe Biden get pulled
out of the Judiciary Committee and we're
going to have a hearing on those
okay so then Ali Alexander another Mega
Republican right-wing weirdo figure he
goes Marjorie Taylor green paid Milo y
one hundred thousand dollars to ghost
write her book Milo is a pederist a
thief and someone who bragged about
working with the FBI Over
Charlottesville Milo made several of her
Congressional Staff feel uncomfortable
Milo lived at marjorie's second home and
then Ali Alexander goes on to say about
Marjorie Taylor Green's post this is
false Margery and now I'm about to
embarrass you Laura Loomer politely
declined an offer to support the Kanye
2024 campaign she said she supported
Trump no matter what furthermore you
asked for a meeting with Kanye we
declined it after we fired your
consultant Milo talk to Isaiah Wartman
about the legality of his purchase too
want to get legal you lie to January 6th
families me and now this stop divorcing
the truth
and this right-wing guy Steve Peters
writes between Loomer and Marjorie
Taylor green the choice is clear the one
who isn't gargling McCarthy and then
Laura Loomer says why is Marjorie Taylor
green attacking and lying about the
person me who is doing all of the leg
work when it comes to opposition
research on Ron DeSantis and organizing
rallies in support of trump I don't
think I've ever seen Marjorie Taylor
green attack DeSantis publicly really
makes you wonder and then Ali Alexander
calls for a house ethics complaint to be
filed against Marjorie Taylor Greene
over hiding payments to Milo Y and using
government resources to coordinate
campaign activities and payments hidden
under Isaiah wartman's firm also violate
ultimate payee FEC regulations now what
now what oh my gosh
oh my gosh this is the Republican Party
y'all this is who the Republican party
is like petulant third grade fascist and
no offense to third graders and so okay
let me just show you Laura Loomer in
case you didn't know Laura Loomer she
ran for congress Twice first in Palm
Beach and then she ran in the 11th
District where the villages are located
um she lost both times and when she lost
the primaries uh in the 11th District in
she accused her opponent another
Republican of engaging in fraud and and
and all this and stuff stealing ballots
and stuffing or what about stuffing
whatever they say this is Laura Loomer
crying and lying about voting about
voter fraud when she lost the primaries
to another Republican candidate playing
this clip we are losing our country
because of big Tech election
interference and I am pleading with the
Republican party to please start taking
this issue seriously please because the
American people deserve representation
and that's a that's why I ran for
congress in 2020. it's why I ran for
congress in 2022 and it's why I'm going
to keep fighting for all of you
here's a photo of Laura Loomer on Nick
Fuente show here's Nick Fuente saying
that Laura Loomer is her best friend
here's Laura Loomer Laura Loomer
announcing that uh she's on gab which is
the white nationalist friendly social
media platform Laura Loomer said that
um uh believes that she is a white
nationalist I'll try to get you the
exact terms that she used when she said
that she's supports white nationalism
she also said president Trump should
physically refuse to leave the White
House as a form of sit in protest
against voter fraud
um she said that she hopes that she got
coveted to prove that it's no worse than
food poisoning and she compared covid to
eating a bad fajita oh and then she said
someone asked me are you pro-white
nationalism and she said yeah I'm
pro-white nationalism here's a post
where someone said over 2 000 migrants
have died crossing the Mediterranean so
far this year and Laura Loomis goes good
here's to another 2 000 more
um you know and then she's competing
against what Marjorie Taylor green who
says this like she posts photos of
herself at the gym you know saying
calling Biden cursing at bite in here I
mean play play this clip
Joe Biden you're not a president you're
a piece of and you got Marjorie
Taylor green by the way this is the
video of Marjorie Taylor green and Nick
Fuentes play this clip we are honored we
are humbled and excited to Welcome to
the stage right now for our first speech
and we love to get to know her much
better I think this is going to be
the beginning of something great the
representative from Georgia Marjorie
Taylor Greene
all right
oh and here's Marjorie Taylor green
chasing after uh survivors of school
shootings play this clip
David why are you supporting the red
flag laws
then Nicholas Cruz wouldn't have killed
anybody in your high school or at least
protected them why are you supporting
red flag gun laws that attack our Second
Amendment right
and why are you using kids to get to as
a barrier
do you not know how to defend your
I'm a gun owner I have a concealed carry
permit I carry a gun with for protection
for myself and you are using your lobby
and the money behind it and the kids to
try to take away my second amendment
you don't have anything to say for
you can't defend your stance
how did you get over 30 appointments
with Senators how'd you do that how did
you get major press coverage on this
and how did you get kids why do you use
why kids you know at school in school
zones they were protected by with
security guards with guns there would be
no mass shootings at schools
do you know that
and you have nothing to say
no words someone walking
he's got nothing to say
he has nothing to say because there
really isn't anything to say you guys he
has nothing to say because he's paid to
do this he has the walk away March he's
got the um he's got the women's March
and they're funding all of this every
town gun USA they're funding all this
stuff okay that was David Hogue right
there David we saw him inside the Senate
building he had 30 30 um appointments
where he ran around and got to talk to
Senators I got shocked to none none he
had media coverage all over the place I
had zero guess what I'm a gun owner I'm
an American citizen and I have nothing
but this guy with his George Soros
funding and his major liberal funding
has got everything
I want you to think about that that's
where we are and he's a coward he can't
say one word because he can't defend his
statement and folks this is the modern
day Republican party and I know large
media networks want to normalize it and
call them conservative and as I always
say here at the Midas touch Network
there's it's not conservative can we get
back to normalcy can we get back to
decency can we get back to compassion
look do I agree with everything Biden
says no do I agree with everything the
Democrats do know but like they're
adults in the room like they're trying
to solve problems they're talking about
the issues they're not engaged in this
radical extremism weirdo-ness like they
just they just aren't
what you do the mega Republicans oh AOC
she's such a leftist right because she
cares about the climate that makes you
uh that makes you that makes you a
radical leftist because people believe
in equality and that you shouldn't treat
certain human beings like they're
cockroaches that that that's a that's a
leftist ideal now it should be just a
human value should all Americans we
should objectively support our democracy
we should stand for Law and Order we
should say insurrectionists are bad we
support free and fair elections covet is
bad we need to stop pandemics we need to
protect the health and safety of
Americans we should talk about hey we
don't support q and on Cults we don't
like Q Anon we should talk about that
we should then talk about jobs and we
should talk about the economy and better
wages and working conditions and health
care and education we talk about those
things I know the Maga Republicans oh
you you're with Kanye and you've got
Milo and he lives in your garage and and
I love Trump more than you love Trump
what are you talking about people
some crazy deranged stuff
but we're going to call it out here
we're going to keep exposing it I'm Ben
Marcellus from the mightystudge network
hit subscribe we're on our way to 1.5
million subscribers thanks to your
incredible support so please hit
subscribe also check us out at Midas Touch minus touch we've got
great content on patreon join there it
helps fund the network also wherever you
get your audio podcast just search Midas
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there search Midas Touch podcast now hit
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free to subscribe to our YouTube until
next time I'm Ben mycellus thank you so
much for watching
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Re: Republican Leaders ATTACK EACH OTHER in Most BIZARRE Way

Postby admin » Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:49 am

Trump Wanted to Hire Laura Loomer, Anti-Muslim Activist
by Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan
New York Times
Fri, April 7, 2023 at 11:54 AM MDT ... 00065.html

Trump Wanted to Hire Laura Loomer, Anti-Muslim Activist

Former President Donald Trump recently told aides to hire Laura Loomer, a far-right, anti-Muslim activist with a history of expressing bigoted views, for a campaign role, according to four people familiar with the plans.

Trump met with Loomer recently and directed advisers to give her a role in support of his candidacy, two of the people familiar with the move said. On Tuesday, after Trump’s arraignment in New York, Loomer attended the former president’s speech at Mar-a-Lago, his resort and residence in Palm Beach, Florida.

Some of Trump’s aides were said to have concerns that such a hire would cause a backlash, given her history of inflammatory statements and her embrace of the Republican Party’s fringes.

That proved to be correct: The New York Times’ report on the potential hire ignited a firestorm among some of Trump’s most vocal conservative supporters, and by late Friday, a high-ranking campaign official said Loomer was no longer going to be hired.

Reached by phone Friday morning, Loomer said, “Out of respect for President Trump, I’m not going to comment on private conversations that I had with the president.”

“The president knows I have always been a Trump loyalist,” she added, “and that I’m committed to helping him win reelection in 2024. He likes me very much. And it’s a shame that he’s surrounded by some people that run to a publication that is notorious for attacking him in order to try to cut me at the knees instead of being loyal to President Trump and respecting their confidentiality agreements.”

Loomer twice ran unsuccessfully for Congress and is known for offensive, attention-grabbing behavior.

She once described Islam as a “cancer” and tweeted under the hashtag “#proudislamophobe.”

In 2018, she was barred from Twitter for violating its hateful conduct policy. To protest the ban, Loomer, who is Jewish, affixed a yellow Star of David to her clothes — just as “Nazis made the Jews wear during the Holocaust,” she said — and handcuffed herself to the entrance to Twitter’s New York headquarters.

Twitter said she was violating its rules, while she said she was being barred for conservative activism. (She was reinstated after billionaire Elon Musk bought the platform.)

Loomer sent The New York Times a screenshot of the tweet that prompted her ban for hateful conduct. In the tweet, she describes Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., as “pro Sharia” and “anti Jewish.”

“I know a lot of people don’t like me, but that’s their problem, not mine,” she said Friday. “I have proven my loyalty to President Trump countless times over, and even if other people try to malign me and undermine President Trump’s wishes, I will continue to be a ride-or-die Trump supporter. Trump deserves loyalty, and he deserves to have loyal people working for him who do not leak to the press.”

She was also barred from ride-hail apps Lyft and Uber for making bigoted comments about Muslim drivers. Asked about these comments, in which she called on Twitter for “a non Islamic form of Uber or Lyft,” Loomer said she was responding to a Muslim driver “throwing me out of an Uber for being a Jew on Rosh Hashana.”

In a 2017 appearance on a far-right podcast called Nationalist Public Radio, Loomer described her beliefs.

“Someone asked me, ‘Are you pro-white nationalism?’ Yes. I’m pro-white nationalism,” Loomer said. “But there’s a difference between white nationalism and white supremacy. Right? And a lot of liberals and left-wing globalist Marxist Jews don’t understand that.” She added, “So this country really was built as the white Judeo-Christian ethnostate, essentially. Over time, immigration and all these calls for diversity, it’s starting to destroy this country.”

Her remarks on the podcast were brought to light in 2021 by a blog called Angry White Men that tracked white supremacy movements.

In a statement, a representative for Trump did not address a question about whether plans were afoot to hire Loomer, saying instead, “The entire movement is united behind President Trump and his campaign, and it will take everyone rowing in the same direction in order to beat Biden and take our country back.”

The news of Loomer’s potential hire drew criticism from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., a far-right Trump ally.

“She spent months lying about me and attacking me just because I supported Kevin McCarthy for Speaker and after I had refused to endorse her last election cycle,” Greene wrote on Twitter.

Warning that Loomer “can not be trusted,” Greene said of Trump, “I’ll make sure he knows.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene

Laura Loomer is mentally unstable and a documented liar.

She can not be trusted.

She spent months lying about me and attacking me just because I supported Keven McCarthy for Speaker and after I had refused to endorse her last election cycle.

She loves the alleged FBI informant and weirdo Nick Fuentes.

She tried to get hired on the Ye campaign after the infamous Maralago dinner, but Kanye West refused to hire her so now she's running to Trump.

Never hire or do business with a liar.

Liars are toxic and poisonous to everything they touch.

I'll make sure he knows.

Laura Loomer

@RepMTG the only liar is YOU!

You hired the foreign National who set up the dinner at Mar a Lago, and you spoke at AFPAC where you were more than happy to embrace Fuentes.

Ye Asked me to work on his campaign, and I SAID NO because I told him I endorse Donald Trump, but I support his right to free speech. You are a liar.

You have a British foreign National who openly attacks President Trump everyday working for you and living in Rome, Georgia. I have the receipts.

I have screenshots of you telling me you want me in Congress and that you were going to endorse me. You only changed your mind once you made deals with McCarthy.

You're a disloyal liar and you're working with someone who said he "wanted to make Trump miserable by setting him up at Mar a Lago".

Here you are on video in case I need to refresh your memory.

Ali Alexander

This is false, Marjorie, and now I'm about to embarrass you.

Laura Loomer politely declined an offer to support Ye24. She said she supported Trump no matter what.

Furthermore, YOU asked for a meeting with Ye. We declined it after we fired your consultant, Milo.

Talk to Isaiah Wartman about the legality of his purchase too. Wanna get legal?

You lie to J6 Families, me, and now this. Stop Divorcing the Truth.

Ali Alexander

Marjorie Taylor Greene paid Milo Y $100,000 to ghostwrite her book.

Milo is a pederast, a thief, and someone who bragged about working with the FBI over Charlottesville.

Milo made several of her Congressional staff feel uncomfortable.

Milo LIVED at Marjorie's second home.

Trump’s 2016 campaign focused heavily on anti-Muslim sentiment, and as president, he barred travel from several predominantly Muslim countries. He has been a supporter of Loomer’s, backing her Florida congressional campaign in 2020, when she ran to represent a Palm Beach County district that included Mar-a-Lago.

“Great going Laura,” he wrote on Twitter when she won the Republican primary. “You have a great chance against a Pelosi puppet!”

She lost that race in the fall, in which she was supported by her friend Roger Stone, Trump’s longest-serving adviser. In the 2022 midterm elections, she came close to ousting incumbent Republican Rep. Daniel Webster in another Florida district in the primary, winning 44% of the vote.

“I ran for Congress as the first deplatformed candidate in United States history,” Loomer said Friday. “I’m a Jewish conservative woman, a Trump loyalist and a free speech absolutist, and I also used to work for Project Veritas, too,” she added, referring to the conservative group that conducts sting operations on news outlets and liberal organizations. “It’s not like I’m some kind of fringe person. I won the GOP primary in 2020, and President Trump literally voted for me.”

In recent months, Loomer has caught the attention of people in Trump’s inner circle — and Trump himself — by posting videos on social media that personally attack his potential rival for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida.

Loomer has accused DeSantis and his wife, Casey, who had breast cancer, of wanting “to play the ‘cancer survivor’ card to make people think they are untouchable from criticism.”

On Twitter in February, Loomer posted, “Ron and Casey DeSantis are social climbers who will NEVER be Donald and Melania Trump,” adding, “Ron DeSantis will never have what it takes to be ICONIC like Trump.”

Loomer also organized a group of Trump supporters outside an event in Leesburg, Florida, where DeSantis was signing his new book.

“Anybody who follows me knows that I’m the person who has been independently leading the charge on opposition research, aggressively exposing damning and consequential stories about Ron DeSantis and other Trump opponents,” Loomer said Friday.

c.2023 The New York Times Company
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