Internet Defamation as Profit Center, by Ann Bartow

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Re: Internet Defamation as Profit Center, by Ann Bartow

Postby admin » Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:37 pm

Ann Bartow, Internet Defamation as Profit Center: The Monetization of Online Harassment wrote:Neither civil nor criminal laws offer effective tools to prevent, address, or punish online speech, which is viewed by many as being vested with very broad First Amendment protections. [33] Current Internet norms may foster civility in some specific contexts, [34] but, as a general matter, gender based harassment is broadly permitted online.


33. See, e.g., Eugene Volokh, Cheap Speech and What It Will Do, 104 YALE L.J. 1805 (1995); Jacqui Chang, Appeals Court: First Amendment Protects Forum Trolls Too, ARS TECHNICA, Feb. 7, 2008, ... ls-too.ars.
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Re: Internet Defamation as Profit Center, by Ann Bartow

Postby admin » Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:59 pm

Ann Bartow, Internet Defamation as Profit Center: The Monetization of Online Harassment wrote:See also Posting of Kate Harding to Shapely Prose, ... -real-name (Apr. 14, 2007). Harding comments on the trials of self-identifying on the Internet, and specifically addresses the fact that men also experience harassment:

The only person I know who’s suffered serious harassment as a result of expressing opinions on the internet is my very large boyfriend. When it was happening, he felt frightened and powerless, which was the harassers’ secondary goal—the primary one being to make him shut up forever. They didn’t succeed at the primary goal, and this is all well in the past. But when I met him, not quite a year ago, and Googled him, as you do, I instantly found a site devoted entirely to explaining why and how my soon-to-be-boyfriend was a pathetic bitchass vile fuckwad who sat around in his parents’ basement trying to abridge people’s freedom of speech and had the i.q. of a fencepost and smelled like a monkey and deserved to be killed slowly and painfully and didn’t know shit about shit BUT OH HE WOULD LEARN WHEN TEH [sic] INTERNETS ROSE UP AGAINST HIM which was totally forthcoming and also he’d never seen a naked woman in his life.
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Re: Internet Defamation as Profit Center, by Ann Bartow

Postby admin » Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:00 pm

Ann Bartow, Internet Defamation as Profit Center: The Monetization of Online Harassment wrote:Iravani turned next to AutoAdmit. She complained that she couldn’t concentrate on her work, was now embarrassed to be seen in public, and had begun therapy. “I can’t tell you how much I would appreciate it if you would simply deactivate this thread and make my life go back to normal,” she pleaded in an email. “I am a nice person and don’t deserve this humiliation.” This time, Ciolli, who’d grown impatient with such complaints, snapped back in an AutoAdmit post, writing, “Do not contact me . . . to delete a thread, especially if I have no idea who you are and have never spoken to you in my entire life.” If he kept receiving similar requests, he warned, he would just post them all on the message board for everyone to see. The discussion about Iravani then metastasized, appearing on a website (which Cohen and Ciolli were not directly involved with) that linked to AutoAdmit called T14Talent. Without her knowledge, Iravani had been entered in a contest to name the “most appealing women” in the top 14 law schools in the country.
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Re: Internet Defamation as Profit Center, by Ann Bartow

Postby admin » Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:00 pm

Ann Bartow, Internet Defamation as Profit Center: The Monetization of Online Harassment wrote:See also Open Communities, Media, Source, and Standards, (Mar. 21, 2008) (stating that “the frequent misogynistic attacks by this larger cultural movement on women are offensive, and their methods are contrary to the liberal values of free speech and open discourse”); Posting of womensspace to Women’s Space, http://womensspace.wordpress. com/2007/08/04/blogging-while-female-warning-may-trigger (Aug. 4, 2007) (sharing a post she received which stated, “In fact, I want to feel you now. I’d like to tie you down, take a knife, and slit your throat. I’d penetrate you over and over in all orifices, and create some of my own to stick myself in”).
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Re: Internet Defamation as Profit Center, by Ann Bartow

Postby admin » Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:01 pm

Ann Bartow, Internet Defamation as Profit Center: The Monetization of Online Harassment wrote:139. See, e.g., Posting by Laurelin to Laurelin in the Rain, http://laurelin.wordpress. com/2007/04/15/on-censorship (Apr. 15, 2007, 22:22) (“Censorship is also a term that gets bandied about a lot. If one refuses to publish a comment on one’s site, whether because one believes it to be unhelpful, cruel, irrelevant or anything else, one runs the risk of being accused of censorship.”); Posting by Rachel Cervantes to Tilting at Windmills, ... cry-censor ship-when-a-feminist-tells-you-to-piss-off (Dec. 14, 2008).

“Nothing ‘outs’ your boring, ‘me-too’ infantile wails as quickly as charging a feminist with censorship when she curtails your idiotic ranting. The ‘censorship’ bleating unequivocally exposes your petulance along with your limited intellectual abilities. Ok, children, listen up: Censorship is not what happens when a feminist refuses to publish nonsense on her personal blog. . . . Censorship is what happens when an authority suppresses dissenting ideas.”
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Re: Internet Defamation as Profit Center, by Ann Bartow

Postby admin » Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:02 pm

Ann Bartow, Internet Defamation as Profit Center: The Monetization of Online Harassment wrote:140. Rebecca Tushnet, Copyright as a Model for Free Speech Law: What Copyright has in Common with Anti-pornography Laws, Campaign Finance Reform, and Telecommunications Regulation, 42 B.C. L. Rev. 1, 71 (2000). Rebecca Tushnet has written (though not specifically in the context of online speech):

As Kent Greenawalt has noted, the democratic aim of promoting courageous citizens, “independent of mind and hardy emotionally,” does not mean that all kinds of hardiness are equally desirable goals for First Amendment jurisprudence. Greenawalt argues that fortitude in the face of serious and imminent threats of violence is not the kind of hardiness that is valuable for democratic citizenship; thus, penalizing such threats does not conflict with the goal of creating robust and vigorous citizen-communicators.
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Re: Internet Defamation as Profit Center, by Ann Bartow

Postby admin » Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:03 pm

Ann Bartow, Internet Defamation as Profit Center: The Monetization of Online Harassment wrote:Id. at 52. One blogger has expressed her view of appropriate online speech norms as follows:

[I]n a patriarchy one’s intent has little bearing on how one’s fast and loose metaphrasery may be experienced by a member of an oppressed class; the onus is on the privileged to cut it the fuck out, not on the aggrieved to toughen the fuck up.

Posting of Twisty to I Blame The Patriarchy, 02/21/qui-a-coupe-le-fromage (Feb. 21, 2009, 19:31).
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