Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade C

What you are allowed to think and what you do think are two different things, aren't they? That's another way of saying that this forum may be NSFW, if your boss is a Republican. A liberal won't fire you for it, but they'll laugh at you in the break room and you may not get promoted. Unless you're an engineer, of course, in which your obsession with facing reality is not actually a career-disabling disability.

Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade C

Postby admin » Sat Nov 04, 2017 6:45 am

Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade Center Assumes Mythic Qualities
by Shaila K. Dewan
August 18, 2001



The affair of the balcony ended, if indeed it ever began, with the appearance in July of a slender book of curious title, obtainable in very few places, one of them being an art gallery in a frosted storefront on Broadway near Franklin Street.

Called ''The B-Thing'' and produced by four Vienna-based artists known collectively as Gelatin, the book is demure to the point of being oblique. What little explanation it contains appears to have been scribbled in ballpoint. Among the photos and schematic drawings, there are doodles of tarantulas with human heads.

In short, the book belies the extravagance of the feat it seems to document: the covert installation, and brief use, of a balcony on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center, 1,100 feet above the earth. Eight photographs -- some grainy, all taken from a great distance -- depict one tower's vast eastern facade, marred by a tiny molelike growth: a lone figure dressed in a white jacket, standing in a lectern-size box.

The contemporary art world, of course, is rife with acts of subversion followed by boasting, which is known as ''documentation.'' In that context, the beauty of the balcony was that it so literally pushed the envelope. Yet since that Sunday morning in March 2000, when the balcony was allegedly installed and, 19 minutes later, dismantled, the affair has taken on the outlines of an urban myth, mutated by rumors and denials among the downtown cognoscenti.

Although the book appears to seek notoriety, the artists have gone coy. Their dealer, who witnesses say watched the event from a hotel suite, now claims it never happened. Either the balcony was an elaborate hoax meant to look real, or the inverse is true: it really happened, and the closer it comes to being found out, the more those involved would prefer for everyone to think it was a hoax.

In the spring of 2000, Gelatin and 14 other artists shared free studio space on the 91st floor, where the group's artmaking appeared to consist of building a clubhouse out of cardboard boxes.

But Ali Janka, a member of Gelatin reached by phone in Vienna, said that the blindered view afforded by the narrow windows had inspired them to find a way to step outside. ''After you have a certain idea, you can't go back,'' he said, ''because everything else seems very weak compared to it.''

Mr. Janka was happy to talk about the project, at least at first. After weeks of planning, he said, one night Gelatin -- he, Florian Reither, Tobias Urban and Wolfgang Gantner -- waited in the studio until dawn. At the appointed moment, the four, wearing harnesses, unscrewed the aluminum moldings that hold the window in place and used two large suction cups to remove the glass (air pressure adds about 300 pounds to the effort). As warm air streamed past, they outfitted the window with a cantilevered box, big enough for only one person at a time.

''The amazing thing that happens when you take out a window,'' Mr. Janka said, ''is that the whole city comes into the building.''

Other artists in the studio have heard rumors of the balcony, but most are dubious. ''I can tell you that it never happened,'' said Geoffrey Detrani, whose space was next to Gelatin's. ''To remove a window would be a pretty serious structural breach.''

But Gelatin, fearing expulsion from the country, had gone to great lengths to conceal their plot. The clubhouse afforded privacy and storage. By prior agreement, the group confiscated all film and video of the project taken by invited witnesses.

Still, how did a balcony escape the notice of one of the most security-conscious office towers in the world? An examination of the security system revealed that it was focused on the ground floor and basement, Mr. Janka said, adding, ''There's no surveillance on the facade itself.''

That is true, said Cherrie Nanninga, the director of real estate for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which until recently ran the World Trade Center. Port Authority officials, shown a copy of ''The B-Thing'' by a reporter, reacted with disbelief, then outrage. Although their own investigation turned up no evidence, Ms. Nanninga said, ''we have no reason to believe it didn't happen.''

Window removal is considered so dangerous that when it is done the streets below are cordoned off, she said. ''It was really a stupid and irrational act that in my view borders on the criminal,'' she said, adding that the stunt had jeopardized the studio program, whose space is donated by the Trade Center.

Removing the window may have been dangerous, but according to Walter Friedman, the owner of Dependable Glass, which performs that service for the World Trade Center, it is not that difficult. All it takes is four guys, some readily available equipment -- and nerve, Mr. Friedman said.

Nerve is not something Gelatin lacks. They specialize in projects that require participants to sign a waiver.

In a piece called ''The Human Elevator,'' strong men on scaffolding hoisted people to the roof of a three-story building in Los Angeles. And patrons in Munich were greased with baby oil and invited to slide naked down an esophaguslike chute formed by the bellies of a crew of overweight Germans.

Although Gelatin, which is representing Vienna in the Venice Biennale, has not shrunk from physical risk, they seem to think that merely discussing the balcony with a reporter was dangerous, perhaps because they are currently seeking permission to live on a vacant lot on Canal Street, as part of a forthcoming exhibition.

''If you write about the balcony, maybe you can just not write about it too much,'' Mr. Janka called back to say after the initial interview, the first of several calls protesting the appearance of an article, despite the fact that the artists had published the book.

To others involved in the project, it seemed reasonable that the appearance of ''The B-Thing'' meant secrecy was no longer necessary. Josh Harris, the Internet entrepreneur once known for holding extravagant art parties, explained that Leo Koenig, the 24-year-old art dealer who represents Gelatin, got him involved.

The night before the B-Thing, Mr. Harris said, he rented a top-floor suite at the Millennium Hilton, across the street from the Gelatin studio, and invited people to what guests described as a night of decadence. Near dawn, he and several others took cameras and boarded a helicopter, communicating with Gelatin via cell phone.

''We had to fly twice around the building before we could see them,'' said Mr. Harris, who is thanked in the book.

Afterward, Gelatin appeared at the hotel, where their success was toasted at a euphoric breakfast, according to five other witnesses, including Tanya Corrin, a video producer and writer, and David Leslie, a performance artist. ''We just applauded the gutsy originality of it,'' Ms. Corrin said. ''I think we all left feeling, wow, we just did something amazing, and nobody knows.''

Mr. Koenig now says the balcony never happened and, at any rate, he didn't see it. The book, which costs $35 and was printed in a run of 1,200 copies, is meant to provoke questions about its veracity, he said.

At the suggestion that the project might have been faked, Mr. Harris seemed almost offended. He produced March 2000 credit card bills bearing charges of $2,167.44 from the Millennium Hilton and $1,625 from Helicopter Flight Service.

At about the same time that Mr. Harris was digging up proof, Gelatin was removing almost every trace of it from their Web site.

Moukhtar Kocache, the director of the studio program, insisted that the photos of the balcony were obviously faked. But digital manipulation experts disagreed. George Dash, the co-owner of Nucleus Imaging on East 30th Street, and a colleague, John Grasso, used magnifying loupes to examine a copy of ''The B-Thing.'' Neither could detect inconsistencies. ''The angles are all too perfect,'' Mr. Grasso said. ''It looks real to me. Absolutely. I've been doing this for 22 years.''

The balcony may be an art prank in the lineage of Yves Klein, who in 1960 disseminated a picture of himself leaping blithely out a window, an image revealed years later to be the product of deftly spliced negatives. But in its audacity, it seems more akin to tricksters who tested the limits of the World Trade Center in the 1970's, including Philippe Petit, who walked a high wire strung between the towers.

''This building needs things like that to happen, because otherwise it would die inside,'' said Mr. Janka, who was under the impression that Mr. Petit had been deported for his action.

Although the Port Authority has not yet decided what, if any, action it will take against Gelatin, Mr. Janka might be relieved to learn that Mr. Petit, who still lives in New York, was simply required to give the city a free performance. He obliged by walking a tightrope to the top of the Belvedere Castle.
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Re: Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Tra

Postby admin » Sat Nov 04, 2017 6:47 am

Floor 91, Tower 1 = 911

By propaganda: This view of the Gelatin boys looking out the WTC north tower -- the side of the building where the balcony is said to have been placed -- faces east showing the east river and downtown bridges:


By propaganda: Here is the floor plan from Gelatin's handwritten notes as well as the Millennium Hilton (which is east of the north tower):


By propaganda: And this image is looking at the east face of WTC north tower and the balcony, clearly showing the Hudson River to the left:


By propaganda: When I was looking at these images earlier I noted the following two handwritten notes made by Gelatin that appear to show the balcony on the west face of the WTC north tower: Not really sure what to make of this other than it clearly is a contradiction, since the balcony was located on the east face of the north tower.



By Thunkerdrone: If you ask me, this looks like it could be the schematics for a pivoting body/dummy launcher. it appears to be a weighted bag in the box on the left, and some sort of weighted block at the far right, with what might be a pivot point built into the legs holding up the box on the left, so that when the right side is released, the weighted left box swings downward, through the window, toward the outside of the building & topples its contents (person, corpse, or dummy either standing or laid flat within the device) out the window:

By do2read: I agree. I was looking at it the other day, and realized that a cantilevered structure has no use for a middle set of legs, unless they are to be used as a fulcrum. I also noticed that the design called for unattached counterweights. Place the weights, place the dummy, remove the weights, say goodbye to the dummy. 300 metres of pure bliss!


You can see another diagram of it (with a 150 kg. weight referenced)


By thunkerdrone: remember all those highly flammable empty cardboard boxes stacked close to all the windows: btw, the image looks fake. Note how the steel outer columns appear to be MELTING from the flames. Since when does steel burn and melt like this in a fire?


By thunderdrone: also, what could be test photos/ video stills of it here: (used to gauge how well concealed the device would be while still creating the illusion of a person standing there for television.) of course once the box itself had been painted black, it would be far harder for observers to distinguish, with the dry ice machines used to create a smoke screen.


By thunderdrone: this is another very strange photo, with all sorts of blurry b.s. going on.

By Clive: The air vents were near the windows? If you look at all the photos there is lots of crowding at the windows -- perhaps/maybe the dummies were installed in the vents to be released at the appropriate time -- the white smoke was possibly installed there as well. Check the 'person' standing/sitting at window ledge towards the top right of photo -- not even facing the fresh air. This may explain the crowding effect and why arms/legs/torsos are everywhere. Each one in this photo has a similar shaped head and no hair IMHO -- hmmmm! Perhaps they were having a bad hair day! Just a thought! Also I'm sure I've read somewhere that there is a floor plan of each floor. Has anyone checked the floor plan with Gelitins drawn floor plan?

By propaganda: yeah Clive at 400% those appear to be faceless fakes... No doubt about it.


By do2read: If you blow this up a little more looks to me like the "sill" is the the leg of a very bad dummy with something bulging out of his back. Hung in an impossible position, as a person's COG would be far outside the window. The red background really does look like fire in the less blown up picture. Here it looks like exactly what it was, a stage background behind a dummy ready to launch after his fuzzy distant photo op is over. And......cue zoom on camera 22, launch!

By brian smith: Good point about there not being any clear images of the people in the buildings. What kind of cameras were these news stations using that day? There should be plenty of images where faces are identifiable.


By EquinoX: How Odd for them to envision such a picture.


By thunkerdrone: Did anyone see that pic with everything scheduled according to an exact plan, i.e.: out by 10 am, breakfast at 7, etc.? It sure looks like they are piecing together a complete plan for 9/11 jumpers. That part about 'trojan box with B inside' also caught my eye. B stands for what? Body? So maybe they did use cadavers.

By Clive: The word spiegel is mentioned in those drawings also. Does it mean mirror? Somehow have a mirror attached to see what is going on on the outside of the towers, below the towers?
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Re: Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Tra

Postby admin » Sat Nov 04, 2017 6:48 am

By Charles Drago: I have been sitting on this (non) story since 2003, when I purchased a copy of The B-Thing, a slim, hardcover volume comprised of drawings, color photographs, and minimal text by one or more authors identified as "Gelatin."

The book is copyright 2001 Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Koln. I'll include more credits at the end of this post.

In short, the work purports to document a March 6, 2000 attempt by art students occupying "studiospace provided by the lower manhatten cultural council (all quoted passages are reproduced as they originally appear, replete with poetically licensed grammar, punctuation, spelling, and line breaks) on the "91. floor of world trade center 1."

"gelatin is on a floor with other artists who are part of this studio program.
gelatins space (the window, where the action will happen), is walled in with a
system of cardboard boxes.
other artists sharing 91. floor do not know what we are planing and doing.
the construction of the balcony and all other preparations are not visible
for them."

The narrative continues:

"the balcony is a prefabriacted construction, made by gelatin.
one person at a time will be able to stand on it.
the balcony will be camouflaged.
it will be built to be as less visible as possible for any passerby on the street.
it will be taken apart the moment after beeing pulled back in."


"one window will be taken out.
the removing of the window is done in a professional and secured action.
no constructive parts of the building will be removed or damaged.
there will not be any visible traces, after the window will have been put
back in."

Finally (for this post)"

"nobody but gelatin is officially involved into the project.
there will be an attorney telling gelatin how to behave.
there will be an attorney responsible to handle the case for gelatin."

A brief section of glossy color photographs "documents" the project. Individuals, apparently of college age, are depicted; all males are turned away from the camera. Two Asian females appear in full-face shots. The majority of pages depict drawings and calculations.

Photos of the balcony -- a narrow, cramped space protruding between exterior support columns -- appear to have been taken from ground level, and these images are grainy and, well, unconvincing. Also, there are photos that appear to have been shot from the balcony itself.

This is a most troubling and thought-provoking little publication. If what it documents is nothing more than a successful prank-as-statement by European and Asian art students, then what does it tell us about the vulnerability of the WTC, just prior to the attacks, to this sort of "tampering"?

Or is there more to the story?

Art students ... Hmmm ...

From the copyright page, more credits:

Text: Tex Rubinowitz
Photos: Maria Ziegelbock, Thomas Sandbichler, Susanne Wimmer, Gelatin
Translation: Jonathan Quinn
Reproductions: Cyberlab, Vienna
Layout: Johannes Heuer
Print: Groebner Druck, Oberhart
Binding: Papyrus, Vienna

Courtesy: Leo Koenig Inc./New York
Galerie Meyer Kainer/Vienna


More on the WTC Gelatin project, in the form of a sales blurb for the book:

The only legitimate proof of [the] activity is a piece of chewing gum placed by the group, stuck to the exterior of the building at a perilous height. (Art Monthly)

The Austrian collective, Gelatin, has gained an international reputation for ambitious projects that thrive on surprise and hyper-real bodily sensation. Each project pushes physical boundaries and audience expectations.

The B-Thing uncovers the truth behind the rumours of Gelatin's construction of an improvised balcony on the 91st floor of the World Trade Centre in New York in 2000. Through preparatory notes written by the boys, diagrams and colour photographs, we are finally able to glimpse the pink sunrise over New York from Gelatin's eyes and to see how their home-made balcony emerged like a 'pimple on the building's eelslippery face.'

The rumours continued however and Moukhtar Kocache, Director of Visual Art and Media at the WTC, felt the need to deny that the action ever took place, claiming that any documentation 'simply demonstrates [Gelatin's] art of deception.' Although he praised their success 'in addressing the mythological and iconic dimensions of America, New York and the Twin Towers,' and continued, '[they] use the system of the art world, a system they love to critique as a vehicle ... And because they are boys and like to play ...'

Suddenly, on 11 September 2001, this playful project became an historic document.

The Gelitin (note the spelling difference) website:

The Gelitin B-Thing page: ... b4f7a916c6

Curioser and curioser.
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