Stochastic Terrorism

Gathered together in one place, for easy access, an agglomeration of writings and images relevant to the Rapeutation phenomenon.

Re: Stochastic Terrorism

Postby admin » Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:22 pm

Will Judge Chutkan Gag Trump amid His Escalating Violent Rhetoric? Trump was right when he said his supporters listen to him “like no one else.”
by Karen Friedman Agnifilo
Oct 16, 2023


Donald Trump claims that his words are protected by the First Amendment giving him license to say whatever he wants no matter the consequence. Thus far he appears to be right.

Since his declaration for presidential candidacy – the ultimate legal defense in practice – he is largely left untouched other than an anemic finger wagging recent gag order in his New York civil fraud trial telling him to stop threatening court staff. However, not only are his words not protected by the First Amendment, they also potentially rise to the level of prosecutable crimes and actionable conduct. That is because when it comes to free speech, context is everything.

For example, as the age-old example goes, you aren’t free to falsely yell “fire” in a crowded theater. If that causes a stampede and someone dies, one could be prosecuted for reckless manslaughter, because courts have held that this would constitute “conduct” not “speech” and thus it is not protected. If for example, that same theater is totally empty, there will be no consequence; context is everything.

Donald Trump’s words almost always result in inciting others to act — and he knows it.

As he said on May 10, 2023, in his televised CNN Town Hall, his supporters listen to him “like no one else” and, he uses them like personal weapons. Being admonished or told to stop, only fuels his behavior and he continues to attack, even after observing the horrific consequences of his words.

Many examples are listed below, but no other example is as clear as when he fired up an armed crowd of supporters on the Ellipse on January 6 and then pointed and shot them toward the Capitol. As so many who stormed the Capitol that day have said, they heard him loud and clear and thought they were doing what he asked them to do.

Trump can no longer claim ignorance that his words cause violence, and as such, he should be held responsible for anything that happens as a result of his violent rhetoric as he will have proverbial blood on his hands.

The Special Counsel said in a recent filing for a gag order, “The defendant knows that when he publicly attacks individuals and institutions, he inspires others to perpetrate threats and harassment against his targets.”

Two examples cited in the motion were a Texas woman inspired to call Judge Chutkan a racist term and threatened to kill her if trump wasn’t re-elected; and, a Utah man who threatened to kill President Biden and made threats to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and New York Attorney General Letitia James on Truth Social.

Trump’s language has always been racist and inflammatory, so this is nothing new. Recall before he was elected President, saying things such as referring to “shithole countries” in Africa and immigrants as violent gang members, or boasting about grabbing women in their private parts. He is also known for using racist references such as “animal” and “rabid” to describe Black district attorneys while also calling them “racist” and also lying about their personal lives.

During Monday's hearing in the Federal January 6th case, on whether or not to impose a limited gag order on Trump, the Special Counsel will not focus on the threats and violence of Trump’s words. He will instead be focusing on the need to protect the integrity of the trial, the evidence and future jurors, and this will be by design.

The Special Counsel will argue that a limited gag order is needed in order to both ensure that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee’s free speech is protected, while at the same time the right to a fair trial is protected.

If Trump were any other criminal defendant, however, today’s hearing would not be to determine whether or not to impose a limited gag order; instead, it would be about whether or not to detain him in jail during the pendency of the criminal case due to his flagrant flouting of the rules by his threats, taunts and inciting violence. Trump is being treated differently than every other defendant, but not in the way he claims – this is the opposite of a witch hunt – he is being treated with kid-gloves and allowed to get away with things no other defendant has or would.

Below are several highlights of Trump’s escalating attacks on judges, prosecutors, witnesses and civilians. They are cruel, overtly racist, verifiably lies and at a minimum reckless; although, one could argue they are deliberately said and intended to incite the very violence that ensues and thus criminal.

September 29th, 2020 – During a debate for president, after refusing to condemn white supremacy he said:

Proud boys: “stand back and stand by”

Aaron Rupar
"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by": It bears repeating -- there has been no presidential debate moment more disqualifying than this
8:41 AM · Sep 30, 2020

November 2020 – The day after election day, Trump’s crime spree began when he launched a disinformation campaign that he had won in order to steal the election and intimidate anyone who disagreed with him.

BBC News (World)
"This is a fraud on the American public... we were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election"
Trump claims election victory, but with millions of uncounted votes it is too early to credibly make that claim
12:38 AM · Nov 4, 2020

Undaunted, defendant Trump continued to attack people who he knows were already threatened and harassed as a result of his words.

For example:

November 17, 2020 – Defendant fired his director of Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency after he made statements assuring the integrity of the election. Trump attacked him again and one of Trump’s attorneys said he “should be drawn and quartered. Taken out at dawn and shot.”

Daniel Chaitin
VIDEO of former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova, who is now a member of the Trump legal team, saying on Newsmax that former Trump cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs “should be drawn and quartered. Taken out at dawn and shot.”
5:57 PM · Nov 30, 2020

He and his family received death threats and had to evacuate their home.

December 8th, 2020 – He filed a lawsuit and put Trump on notice of the threats and harassment, yet Trump continued to attack him anyway.

In 2020, defendant and his co-conspirators spread false accusations of misconduct against Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the Georgia election workers. As a result, they were inundated by racist threats and intimidation. Ten days after a release of a transcript of an interview they gave to the Select Committee, the defendant, despite knowing the threats the election workers had received and the clear falsity of the claims of misconduct, attacked them again and repeated the lies on Truth Social.

December 2020 – Trump attacked Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan who had been harassed after the defendant inspired his followers to do so by labeling him a “RINO Never Trumper” who was “dumb or corrupt” and urged “we need every great Georgian to call him out.” He reported he received death threats. Despite this, after he was called to testify in the Georgia Grand Jury, the defendant posted that he shouldn’t testify.

Donald J. Trump
Georgia Lt. Governor @GeoffDuncanGA is a RINO Never Trumper who got himself elected as LG by falsely claiming to be "pro-Trump". Too dumb or corrupt to recognize massive evidence of fraud in GA & should be replaced! We need every great Georgian to call him out!
7:21 PM Dec 7, 2020
Donald Trump targets GA Lt. Gov. Duncan
realDonaldTrump / twitter

December 1, 2020 – A Georgia election official held a widely televised press conference in which he pleaded with the defendant to stop, saying if he didn’t “someone’s going to get hurt, someone’s going to get shot, someone’s going to get killed.”

The Hill
Gabriel Sterling: "Someone's going to get hurt, someone's going to get shot, someone's going to get killed. And it's not right."
9:45 AM · Dec 2, 2020

As outlined in the special counsel’s motion for a limited gag order, in United States v. Trump, several examples are cited by the Special Counsel of horrific attacks on public servants, election workers and others.

Between 11/3/2020 and 1/6/21, he went after numerous individuals whom he targeted who were then subject to threats and harassment:

Defendant tweeted about (redacted) who said there was no evidence of election fraud. After the tweet, there was an increase in the volume and severity of graphic and personal threats against him and his family. Realdonaldtrump/status/132652585175265689"

Pence, during the 2020 election, whose home address was listed on the Internet and whose family was threatened with violence after the defendant and surrogates publicly derogated him for certifying the election.

(Redacted) during the 2020 election, who received threatening communications after Pence certified the election and the defendant issued public posts about them.

(Redacted) who required additional police protection after defendant targeted him on Twitter for rejecting one of defendant’s election challenges.

Jan 6th 2021 – The insurrection.

March 23, 2023 – Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan adopted anonymous juror measures to protect juror privacy “keeping jurors’ identities secret from the parties upon findings that in the context of the defendant’s repeated attacks on “courts, judges, various law enforcement officials and other public officials, and even individual jurors in other matters.”

March 24, 2023 – Between 1AM and 2AM, Trump posted on Truth Social threatening “death and destruction” if he was criminally charged in NY after posting an image of himself holding a baseball hat next to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s head. He also called Bragg a “degenerate psychopath that truly hates the USA!” in the same post.

Donald J. Trump
What kind of person can charge another person, in this case a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country? Why & who would do such a thing? Only a degenerate psychopath that truely hates the USA!
Marr 24, 2023, 1:08 AM
Donald Trump threatens "death and destruction" in advance of h is first arrest
realDonaldTrump / Truth Social

Donald J. Trump
Just 10% of Manhattan Residents Voted for Anti-Trump DA in 2021 Election
Anti-Trump Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg won the votes of only 10% of Manhattan residents in New York City's 2021 election cycle.
National File
The infamous baseball bat tweet
realDonaldTrump / Truth Social

Hours after the post the DAs office received a threatening letter with white powder.

March 18th, 2023 – Defendant posted an erroneous claim that he was to be arrested three days later and urged people to protest and “take our nation back” – eerily reminiscent of January 6th. And then when his allies said to peacefully protest or not at all Trump said “our country is being destroyed and they tell us to be peaceful.”

Donald J. Trump
Trump's false tweet about his upcoming arrest and a call to action to his followers.
realDonaldTrump / Truth Social

Trump also called Bragg an animal and “Soros backed animal” and a “degenerate psychopath who hates the USA.

Donald J. Trump
Trump calls DA Bragg a "Soros backed animal" in a Truth Social post
realDonaldTrump / Truth Social

May 10, 2023 – Trump admitted his supporters listen to him “like no one else.”

April 4, 2023 – Manhattan DA indictment for election interference/hush money case.

April 12, 2023 – Bragg was sent a powdery substance with a threatening letter that said “ALVIN: I AM GOING TO KILL YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!” (one of “several hundred threats”)

June 8, 2023 – Trump is arrested as part of the Mar-a-Lago documents case.

June 2023 – Trump calls Jack Smith a “thug” and “deranged."

June 12, 2023 – AG James talks about having received numerous death threats as a result of Trump’s racist language, including calling Letitia James a “Racist A.G. Letitia ‘Peakaboo’ James”

July 5, 2023 – Trump says Jack Smith looks like a “crackhead."

Donald J. Trump
Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden. But watch, the Fake News Media will soon start saying that the amount found was "very small," & it wasn't really COCAINE, but rather common ground up Aspirin, & the story will vanish. Has Deranged Jack Smith, the crazy, Trump hating Special Prosecutor, been seen in the area of the COCAINE? He looks like a crackhead to me!
Trump calls Special Counsel Jack Smith a "crackhead" in a social media post.
realDonaldTrump / Truth Social

August 2, 2023 – Trump is indicted by Jack Smith for Jan 6th.

August 4, 2023 - The day after he was arraigned, the defendant tweeted “If you go after me, I’m coming after you."

Donald J. Trump
Donald Trump makes a threat on h is social media app following his arraignment in DC.
realDonaldTrump / Truth Social

Followed by several posts: Trump attacked Judge Chutkan when he referred to as a “fraud dressed up as a judge in Washington, D.C. who is a radical Obama hack” and a “biased Trump hating judge” and claimed he can’t get a fair trial from her.

August 5, 2023 – Trump called Mike Pence “liddle” and said that he’s gone to the “dark side” and called him “delusional” and “he was not a very good person.”

Donald J. Trump
WOW, it's finally happened! Liddle' Mike Pence, a man who was about to be ousted as Governor Indiana until I came along and made him V.P., has gone to the Dark Side. I never told a newly emboldened (not based on his 2% poll numbers!) Pence to put me above the Constitution, or that Mike was "too honest." He's delusional, and now he wants to show he's a tough guy. I once read a major magazine article on Mike. It said he was not a very good person. I was surprised, but the article was right. Sad!
Aug 05, 2023, 10:20 PM
Trump calls Mike Pence "Liddle" in a post.
realDonaldTrump / Truth Social

August 7, 2023 – He called Jack Smith “deranged” and accused his “thug prosecutors” of leaking information to the media.

August 8, 2023 – Talking about Fani Willis, Trump called her a racist and a “rabid partisan” and spread a false story that she had a relationship with a gang member she was prosecuting

August 15, 2023 – Trump is indicted in Georgia.

August 18, 2023 – Grand jurors in Fulton County received death threats with one online poster saying “these jurors have signed their death warrant by falsely indicting President Trump.”

August 2023 – Trump attacked the DOJ calling it the "Department of Injustice" and calling the Special Counsel’s Office a “team of thugs” and reiterated the lie that the election was “rigged and stollen” (sic) in response to Giuliani’s arrest.

August 28, 2023 – Again, Trump called Jack Smith deranged and his team “thugs” and lied that they were caught going to the White House to indict him. He reiterated that this is a witch hunt, that Joe Biden is “crooked” and that Judge Chutkan is a “Trump hating judge.”

August 17, 2023 – Trump attacked his former Attorney General Bill Barr (also a witness in the January 6th case), regarding the subject of his testimony.

Trump blasts GA prosecutors and election “riggers."

September 22, 2023 – Donald Trump threatened General Mark Milley and suggested he be executed. Prosecutors later wrote, "No other criminal defendant would be permitted to issue public statements insinuating that a known witness in his case should be executed; this defendant should not be, either."

Week of of 10/2/23 – Trump escalated his conduct by attacking Judge Engoron’s law clerk during the civil trial posting on his Truth Social account a photo of her and accusing her of being Chuck Schumer’s girlfriend, forcing the judge to issue a gag order.

Also, referring to NY AG Letitia James, Trump said: “You ought to go after this attorney general.”

Trump also said that Judge Engoron should be disbarred and criminally prosecuted.

@Acyn • Follow
Trump: This is a judge that should be disbarred. This is a
judge that should be out of office. This is a judge that
some people say could be charged criminally for what
he's doing. He's interfering with an election
11:32 AM Oct 2, 2023

October 4, 2023 – Fulton County DA Fani Willis reports that she has received 150 personal threats in the past two months, including death threats, ones that use the “n-word” and other racist tropes including calling her a “Jim Crow Democrat whore.”

October 15, 2023 – The night before his gag order hearing, Trump attacked Judge Chutkan and called her “a highly partisan Obama appointed Judge” and all the prosecutors and judges involved in his various cases “political Hacks and Thugs.”

Donald J. Trump
Tomorrow is a big day for Democracy. A Leaking, Crooked and Deranged Prosecutor, Jack Smith, who has a terrible record of failure, is asking a highly partisan Obama appointed Judge, Tanya Chutkan, who should recuse herself based on the horrible things she has said, to silence me , through the use of a powerful GAG ORDER, making it impossible for me to criticize those who are doing the silencing, namely Crooked Joe Biden, and his corrupt and weaponized DOJ & FBI. They want to take away my First Amendment rights, and my ability to both campaign and defend myself. In other words, they want to cheat and interfere in the 2024 Presidential Election. Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before. It is strictly Banana Republic kind of "stuff." These political Hacks and Thugs are destroying our Country. Let's see what happens on Monday in Judge Chutkan's courtroom. Will America survive, or not? I'll be campaigning in the Great State of IOwa, where I am leading by 50 Points!!!
Oct 15, 2023 at 10:28 PM
Trump attacks Judge Chutkan the night before his hearing
Truth Social

In addition to a request for a limited gag order, on 10/10/23, the Special Counsel, in another court filling, asked the Court for a prohibition against publicizing jurors’ identities because of his “continued use of social media as a weapon of intimidation in court proceedings.” This is one more way the Special Counsel is seeking to protect the integrity of the trial and protect jurors from Trump’s violence.

At a bare minimum, Judge Chutkan must impose this limited gag order on defendant Trump whose rhetoric has escalated in the face of judicial admonishments without any concern for the carnage left in its wake.

Not only does Trump thumb his nose in the face of judicial authority making a mockery of the justice system, but he is also putting lives at risk.

Someone must stop these calls for violence before someone else gets hurt.

Karen Friedman Agnifilo served as Chief Assistant District Attorney of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. She is the co-host of Legal AF podcast on the MeidasTouch Network and a CNN Contributor.


by Karen Agnifilo
Oct 17, 2023

Federal Judge Tanya Chuktan has finally ordered a gag order on Trump for his continued threats and harassment of court staff and prosecutors. Former Prosecutor and Host of Legal AF, Karen Friedman Agnifilo reports.


The gag order has finally, finally come out from Judge Tanya Chutkan after a hearing yesterday to discuss whether or not Donald Trump should finally have some consequence for his vicious and violent attacks on everyone, from prosecutors, to witnesses, to judges, to court staff. You name it he has been issuing threats, and he has been saying things to people, that has caused other people -- like his followers; many of his followers -- to engage in violent conduct, and violent behavior. And it's well documented. In fact, if you go to, and look under contributors, I recently wrote an article that lists, in chronological order, all of the various times that Donald Trump has literally -- this isn't meant to be 100% comprehensive -- but you'll get the gist: it's all of the times he's threatened people. And there are links to the actual threats, so you can see for yourself. If right before there's an indictment of him, and he puts a baseball bat next to Alvin Bragg's head, is that then calling for death and destruction? Is that a threat? I think so. Or you can see where, right around the time that he was being sued by Attorney General Tish James, he makes threats about her, and makes racist comments, and he says things like, "If you know you come after me, I'm coming after you," I mean, over and over and over again. He said that General Milley, one of the witnesses potentially in the case, that he should be shot by firing squad. I mean really violent, vicious, racist comments, over and over and over again.

And what we put in this article that we wrote, we put exactly the dates that he was indicted or arraigned as well. So you can see how it's really cause and effect, cause and effect, cause and effect, and how he's really actually threatening these specific people, and that he is trying to intimidate witnesses, and judges, and court staff, and prosecutors. And it just couldn't be more clear. So I invite you to go to, and read that article.  

But let's see what the gag order is that finally was issued. So Jack Smith brought it to the Court's attention, but he framed it slightly differently than I'm framing it, which is, he said, "Look, there needs to be a gag order, because otherwise potential jurors and witnesses, etc., are going to be impacted, and we have to protect the Integrity of the proceeding, we have to protect the case we can't let extrajudicial statements come out that could poison the jury in any way, or make it so that that proceeding isn't fair, that the jurors aren't fair and impartial." And he did it that way by design, because Donald Trump declared his candidacy for President in order to put himself in a category where he has a heightened right to free speech, because he's a political candidate. And so, in some ways, it's the ultimate defense to a crime, because any other defendant, frankly, if they engaged in what Donald Trump was engaging in, and saying the things that he's saying, they'd be put in jail. And there is no other criminal defendant who would ever be allowed to get away with what he has gotten away with in this case, and continues to get away with in this case, over and over and over again. But you got to be careful because he's a political candidate, and he has a right to free speech, and as a candidate, Judge Chutkan, who's an amazing federal judge, she was posing hypotheticals: "Okay, he can comment on the facts of a case, if asked, because he's running for office, but why does he have to call Jack Smith a 'thug'? Why does he have to call him a 'crackhead'? Why is that an important part of commenting on the case, you know? Why does he have to threaten people? Why does he have to call names?" And she kept posing hypotheticals, and she really caught John Lauro, the defense attorney, flat-footed. And so he kind of didn't know how to respond, or what to say. So instead, what does he do? He raises his voice, you know, and yells, because, you know, that's what what people do when when they don't have actual substantive answers to a question. And, you know, she told him to tone it down, and he's like, "I have toned it down; I am toning it down, Judge." I mean, it's just really ridiculous that this is what they're doing. She even said, at one point, "You know, you're clearly playing to an audience different than the court," which is her way of saying, "You know, what you're doing is not effective, and clearly you're doing this just to influence the public, because you're not doing anything to help yourself here."  

But let's look at our actual order. It's three pages. It just came out.



Criminal Action No. 23-257 (TSC)


For the reasons set forth below and during the hearing in this case on October 16, 2023, the government’s Motion to Ensure that Extrajudicial Statements Do Not Prejudice These Proceedings, ECF No. 57, is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part.

Under binding Supreme Court precedent, this court “must take such steps by rule and regulation that will protect [its] processes from prejudicial outside interferences.” Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333, 363 (1966). The First Amendment does not override that obligation. “Freedom of discussion should be given the widest range compatible with the essential requirement of the fair and orderly administration of justice. But it must not be allowed to divert the trial from the very purpose of a court system to adjudicate controversies, both criminal and civil, in the calmness and solemnity of the courtroom according to legal procedures.” Id. at 350–51 (cleaned up); Seattle Times Co. v. Rhinehart, 467 U.S. 20, 32 n.18 (1984) (“Although litigants do not surrender their First Amendment rights at the courthouse door, those rights may be subordinated to other interests that arise in this setting. For instance, on several occasions this Court has approved restriction on the communications of trial participants where necessary to ensure a fair trial for a criminal defendant.”) (quotation omitted). Here, alternative measures such as careful voir dire, jury sequestration, and cautionary jury instructions are sufficient to remedy only some of the potential prejudices that the government’s motion seeks to address.

In order to safeguard the integrity of these proceedings, it is necessary to impose certain restrictions on public statements by interested parties.
Undisputed testimony cited by the government demonstrates that when Defendant has publicly attacked individuals, including on matters related to this case, those individuals are consequently threatened and harassed. See ECF No. 57 at 3–5. Since his indictment, and even after the government filed the instant motion, Defendant has continued to make similar statements attacking individuals involved in the judicial process, including potential witnesses, prosecutors, and court staff. See id. at 6–12. Defendant has made those statements to national audiences using language communicating not merely that he believes the process to be illegitimate, but also that particular individuals involved in it are liars, or “thugs,” or deserve death. Id.; ECF No. 64 at 9–10. The court finds that such statements pose a significant and immediate risk that (1) witnesses will be intimidated or otherwise unduly influenced by the prospect of being themselves targeted for harassment or threats; and (2) attorneys, public servants, and other court staff will themselves become targets for threats and harassment. And that risk is largely irreversible in the age of the Internet; once an individual is publicly targeted, even revoking the offending statement may not abate the subsequent threats, harassment, or other intimidating effects during the pretrial as well as trial stages of this case.

The defense’s position that no limits may be placed on Defendant’s speech because he is engaged in a political campaign is untenable, and the cases it cites do not so hold. The Circuit Courts in both United States v. Brown and United States v. Ford recognized that First Amendment rights must yield to the imperative of a fair trial. 218 F.3d 415, 424 (2000); 830 F.2d 596, 599 (1987). Unlike the district courts in those cases, however, this court has found that even amidst his political campaign, Defendant’s statements pose sufficiently grave threats to the integrity of these proceedings that cannot be addressed by alternative means, and it has tailored its order to meet the force of those threats. Brown, 218 F.3d at 428–30; Ford, 830 F.2d at 600. Thus, limited restrictions on extrajudicial statements are justified here. The bottom line is that equal justice under law requires the equal treatment of criminal defendants; Defendant’s presidential candidacy cannot excuse statements that would otherwise intolerably jeopardize these proceedings.

Accordingly, and pursuant to Local Criminal Rule 57.7(c), it is hereby ORDERED that:

All interested parties in this matter, including the parties and their counsel, are prohibited from making any public statements, or directing others to make any public statements, that target (1) the Special Counsel prosecuting this case or his staff; (2) defense counsel or their staff; (3) any of this court’s staff or other supporting personnel; or (4) any reasonably foreseeable witness or the substance of their testimony.

This Order shall not be construed to prohibit Defendant from making statements criticizing the government generally, including the current administration or the Department of Justice; statements asserting that Defendant is innocent of the charges against him, or that his prosecution is politically motivated; or statements criticizing the campaign platforms or policies of Defendant’s current political rivals, such as former Vice President Pence.

In addition, the sealed version of the government’s Motion to Ensure that Extrajudicial Statements Do Not Prejudice These Proceedings, ECF No. 56, is DENIED as moot.

Date: October 17, 2023

Tanya S. Chutkan
United States District Judge

"OPINION AND ORDER: For the reasons set forth below and during the hearing in this case on October 16, 2023, the government’s Motion to Ensure that Extrajudicial Statements Do Not Prejudice These Proceedings, ECF No. 57, is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part." So Jack Smith asked for a limited gag order, not a full gag order. And she is giving him some of what he asked for, but not all of it. So this is her way of being fair, and not just being one-sided. She then goes on to say "Under binding Supreme Court precedent, this court “must take such steps by rule and regulation that will protect [its] processes from prejudicial outside interferences.” She cites Shephard v. Maxwell, a case from 1966. The First Amendment does not override that obligation. “Freedom of discussion should be given the widest range compatible with the essential requirement of the fair and orderly administration of justice. But it must not be allowed to divert the trial from the very purpose of a court system to adjudicate controversies, both criminal and civil, in the calmness and solemnity of the courtroom according to legal procedures.”...

“Although litigants do not surrender their First Amendment rights at the courthouse door, those rights may be subordinated to other interests that arise in this setting. For instance, on several occasions this Court has approved restriction on the communications of trial participants where necessary to ensure a fair trial for a criminal defendant.”) ... Here, alternative measures such as careful voir dire, jury sequestration, and cautionary jury instructions are sufficient to remedy only some of the potential prejudices that the government’s motion seeks to address."

So interestingly, she seems to signal here that the jury is going to be sequestered in order to safeguard the Integrity of these proceedings. "

"... it is necessary to impose certain restrictions on public statements by interested parties. Undisputed testimony cited by the government demonstrates that when Defendant has publicly attacked individuals, including on matters related to this case, those individuals are consequently threatened and harassed.... Since his indictment, and even after the government filed the instant motion, Defendant has continued to make similar statements attacking individuals involved in the judicial process, including potential witnesses, prosecutors, and court staff.... Defendant has made those statements to national audiences using language communicating not merely that he believes the process to be illegitimate, but also that particular individuals involved in it are liars, or “thugs,” or deserve death.... The court finds that such statements pose a significant and immediate risk that (1) witnesses will be intimidated or otherwise unduly influenced by the prospect of being themselves targeted for harassment or threats; and (2) attorneys, public servants, and other court staff will themselves become targets for threats and harassment. And that risk is largely irreversible in the age of the Internet; once an individual is publicly targeted, even revoking the offending statement may not abate the subsequent threats, harassment, or other intimidating effects during the pretrial as well as trial stages of this case.

"The defense’s position that no limits may be placed on Defendant’s speech because he is engaged in a political campaign is untenable, and the cases it cites do not so hold. The Circuit Courts in both United States v. Brown and United States v. Ford recognized that First Amendment rights must yield to the imperative of a fair trial. 218 F.3d 415, 424 (2000); 830 F.2d 596, 599 (1987). Unlike the district courts in those cases, however, this court has found that even amidst his political campaign, Defendant’s statements pose sufficiently grave threats to the integrity of these proceedings that cannot be addressed by alternative means, and it has tailored its order to meet the force of those threats. Brown, 218 F.3d at 428–30; Ford, 830 F.2d at 600. Thus, limited restrictions on extrajudicial statements are justified here. The bottom line is that equal justice under law requires the equal treatment of criminal defendants; Defendant’s presidential candidacy cannot excuse statements that would otherwise intolerably jeopardize these proceedings.

"Accordingly, and pursuant to Local Criminal Rule 57.7(c), it is hereby ORDERED that:

"All interested parties in this matter, including the parties and their counsel, are prohibited from making any public statements, or directing others to make any public statements, that target (1) the Special Counsel prosecuting this case or his staff; (2) defense counsel or their staff; (3) any of this court’s staff or other supporting personnel; or (4) any reasonably foreseeable witness or the substance of their testimony.

"This Order shall not be construed to prohibit Defendant from making statements criticizing the government generally, including the current administration or the Department of Justice; statements asserting that Defendant is innocent of the charges against him, or that his prosecution is politically motivated; or statements criticizing the campaign platforms or policies of Defendant’s current political rivals, such as former Vice President Pence."

She throws that in there because he's also a witness.

"In addition, the sealed version of the government’s Motion to Ensure that Extrajudicial Statements Do Not Prejudice These Proceedings, ECF No. 56, is DENIED as moot."

Signed Judge Tanya Chutkan.

So essentially, what she is doing, is she is saying, he can't threaten people. And he can talk about issues, he can comment on the issues, but he can't threaten people.

And I think, you know, the fact that you have to tell a former President of the United States, order him not to threaten people, is a sad state for this country. That anyone needs to be told that, but especially someone who's the former President of the United States. I don't know what bizarro world we live in, but that's where we are. And she signaled that she's going to sequester the jury, meaning they don't get to go home. She's going to protect them during the pendency of the trial so that they don't get any information outside the trial, just from what appears in court.

So it's very interesting that she didn't order that, but she addressed that those measures could protect the jurors. So she's clearly considering it. And Donald Trump is officially gagged.

So this is big news. Let's see if he can keep to it, and what will happen if he violates it. That will be interesting, because again, any other defendant would be held in contempt if he violates it, and incarcerated until the trial. Nobody's been willing or interested in doing that thus far, but that is how normal defendants would be treated. Let's see what consequence he would get if he violates it, or I should say, when he violates it.

So thank you for listening. Boogie and I thank you for listening. I'm Karen Freedman Agnifilo with LegalAF. Join me and my co-hosts Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok every Wednesday and Saturday for LegalAF. And boogie says 'goodbye.'
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Re: Stochastic Terrorism

Postby admin » Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:38 pm

A 6-year-old Palestinian-American was stabbed 26 times for being Muslim, police say. His mom couldn’t go to his funeral because she was stabbed, too
by Holly Yan, Brad Parks, Lauren Mascarenhas and Virginia Langmaid
Updated 8:16 PM EDT, Mon October 16, 2023


Loved ones and strangers united in grief Monday at the funeral of a 6-year-old Chicago-area boy who was killed because he was Muslim, officials say.

Wadea Al Fayoume was stabbed 26 times Saturday by his family’s landlord in Plainfield Township, Illinois
, the Will County Sheriff’s Office said.

His 32-year-old mother, Hanaan Shahin, also suffered more than a dozen stab wounds, the sheriff’s office said.

Shahin’s serious injuries prevented her from attending her son’s funeral, said Ahmed Rehab, executive director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Chicago office. In accordance with tradition, deceased Muslims are buried as soon as possible after death.

The mother “will be feeling Wadea’s loss more than anyone, but she is forced to mourn alone rather in the warm embrace of family and community at this time,” Rehab said, adding she “is fighting serious bodily injuries at the hospital, not to mention the mental trauma of the gore she experienced and witnessed.”

The attack is now being investigated by the Department of Justice as a hate crime.

“This incident cannot help but further raise the fears of Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian communities in our country with regard to hate-fueled violence,” US Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement.

The boy’s parents are from a village in the West Bank, Rehab said. Wadea’s mother moved to the United States 12 years ago, his father moved to the US nine years ago, and Wadea was born in the US.

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker was among the mourners who attended Wadea’s funeral Monday, his office said.

“To take a six year old child’s life in the name of bigotry is nothing short of evil,” Pritzker said in a statement. “Every single Illinoisan – including our Muslim, Jewish and Palestinian neighbors – deserves to live free from the threat of such evil.”

Court document reveals what led up to attack

The family’s landlord, Joseph M. Czuba, 71, is charged with first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, two counts of a hate crime and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, the Will County Sheriff’s Office said.

Joseph M. Czuba. Will County Sheriff's Office/AP

While Czuba did not make a statement to detectives, investigators determined the victims were “targeted by the suspect due to them being Muslim and the ongoing Middle Eastern conflict involving Hamas and the Israelis,” the sheriff’s office said.

According to a Monday court filing, Czuba’s wife told investigators after the incident that on October 11, he told her he wanted Wadea and his mother to move out of the home. The wife also told investigators that Czuba “believed that they were in danger and that (Shahin) was going to call over her Palestinian friends or family to harm them,” according to the filing.

Shahin told authorities, according to the filing, that on October 11, Czuba also confronted her “about what was going on in the Middle East.”

Shahin told authorities that on Saturday, moments before the stabbings unfolded, Czuba told her he was angry at her for what was going on in Jerusalem.

“Shahin stated she responded to him ‘let’s pray for peace.’ Shahin stated Czuba gave her no chance to do anything. Shahin stated that Czuba then attacked her with a knife,” according to the filing.

Shahin told police she was able to get away by locking herself in the nearby bathroom, but was not able to get her son. While in there, she called police, according to the filing. “While on the phone with 911 Hanan stated, her son was being stabbed,” the document said.

Responding officers found Czuba outside. Shahin was sitting in the front of the house with “multiple facial wounds and was bleeding profusely,” the filing said.

The boy was transferred to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, the document said.

Suspect appears in court

Czuba spoke only briefly at an initial court appearance Monday in Joliet, telling Judge Donald DeWilkins that he intended to have his assigned public defender represent him in the case.

Prosecutors told the judge Czuba and his tenant, Shahin, got into an argument Saturday over the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The argument became heated and Czuba turned violent toward Shahin, according to the prosecution.

The mother went to hide in the bathroom and call 911, and while hiding, she later told investigators, she could hear her son being stabbed by Czuba, prosecutors said.

The prosecution read statements from Shahin in court that said Czuba had been following the recent Middle East conflict closely and had asked the family to move out of the residence once the conflict started.

His attorney, Kylie Blatti, told the court Czuba is married and has no prior convictions. But the judge ordered Czuba to be held without bond.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled for October 30.

A peaceful family destroyed by violence

The boy’s family lived on the ground floor of the house for two years without “previous notable issues” with Czuba, the Council on American-Islamic Relations said.

That tranquility was shattered Saturday.

A woman called 911 saying her landlord had attacked her, according to the sheriff’s office. Authorities went to the home about 40 miles southwest of Chicago and discovered the grisly scene.

When deputies arrived, they found Czuba sitting on the ground, near the home’s driveway.

The mother and son were found in a bedroom. “Both victims had multiple stab wounds to their chest, torso, and upper extremities,” the Will County Sheriff’s Office said.

Both were rushed to a hospital, but the 6-year-old did not survive.

Wadea’s wounded mother texted the boy’s father from the hospital and described what had happened.

She said the landlord “knocked on their door, and when she opened, he tried to choke her and proceeded to attack her with a knife, yelling, ‘you Muslims must die,’” CAIR said.

“This despicable hate crime is a shameful reminder of the destructive role Islamophobia plays in our society,” Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said.

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden condemned the attack. [!!!]

“As Americans, we must come together and reject Islamophobia and all forms of bigotry and hatred,” the Bidens said in a statement.

“This horrific act of hate has no place in America, and stands against our fundamental values: freedom from fear for how we pray, what we believe, and who we are.”

The Bidens noted the “child’s Palestinian Muslim family came to America seeking what we all seek – a refuge to live, learn, and pray in peace.”

Devastation in the Middle East spreads to the US

Thousands of civilians – including dozens of US citizens – have been killed in Israel and Gaza since Hamas militants launched deadly attacks in Israel more than a week ago and Israel responded by pounding Gaza with airstrikes.

At least 1,400 people in Israel were killed during Hamas’ rampage, the Israel Defense Forces told CNN on Sunday. They include children who were “butchered,” the Israeli military said.

Israel’s subsequent strikes on Gaza have killed more than 2,750 people – including many women and children, according to the Palestinian health ministry. Conditions in Gaza have deteriorated into a “complete catastrophe,” aid workers said, with Palestinian civilians suffering dwindling access to water and food.

MARYAM MOSHIRI: The Israelis would say, “Well, look, you know, we are defending ourselves. We are targeting Hamas targets in Gaza. We are trying to put an end to what we believe is a terrorist organization once and for all.”

DANIEL LEVY: Do you really keep a straight face when you say that? Do you think terrorist organizations, embedded in populations who are denied their most basic rights, are ended once and for all in a military campaign? Does that happen in history? Can someone credibly tell me that when the leadership of a country says, “We are cutting off food, electricity, water, all supplies to an entire civilian population,” that they’re targeting militants?

I’m sorry, these kind of lies can’t be allowed to pass. And when you tell yourself the lie, it leads to the wrong policy. If anyone told me that what the militants did on the weekend was a legitimate response to years and years of occupation, I would say, “No, you’re wrongheaded. You’ve lost sight of humanity and reality.” And if anyone tells me that what Israel is doing in Gaza today is a legitimate response to what happened on the weekend, it’s exactly the same.

MARYAM MOSHIRI: And yet they are saying it. And yet the international community is saying that.

DANIEL LEVY: Yes, and people need to challenge them on it, because it’s a lie. And we’re warmongering if we allow them to get away with it.

-- “Step Back from the Brink”: Ex-Israeli Peace Negotiator Daniel Levy Decries Israel’s Actions in Gaza, by Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow

As the crisis escalates in the Middle East, so do reports of possible hate crimes in the US.

A New York City bus passenger wearing a turban and a mask was punched multiple times Sunday by someone who tried to remove his turban, police said.

Police also charged a 19-year-old with assault and harassment as a hate crime after he allegedly attacked a Columbia University student who was hanging up posters on campus in support of Israel last week.

And the stabbing death of 6-year-old Wadea highlights the need to stop hate-fueled attacks, CAIR said.

“The Islamophobic rhetoric and anti-Palestinian racism being spread by politicians, media outlets, and social media platforms must stop,” the group said.


6 Year Old Child Murdered After Right-Wing Influencers Push Hate Online: Wadea Al-Fayoume, a 6 year-old Palestinian American, was stabbed 26 times
by Troy Matthews


A 6-year old child in Plainfield, Illinois, Wadea Al-Fayoume, was murdered by his landlord this week who stabbed him 26 times. His crime? Being a Palestinian American.

Joseph Czuba, 71, is accused of killing Wadea Al-Fayoume and seriously wounding his mother, Hanaan Shahin, 32, who was also stabbed more than a dozen times in what the Justice Department is calling a hate crime.

"Both victims in this brutal attack were targeted by the suspect due to them being Muslim and the ongoing Middle Eastern conflict involving Hamas and the Israelis," the local Sheriff's office said.

President Biden said, "this horrific act of hate has no place in America, and stands against our fundamental values: freedom from fear for how we pray, what we believe, and who we are."

The attack follows a week of online posts that declared Friday to be an alleged "day of rage" among muslims worldwide, who were "declaring jihad" against the United States and the western world following the Hamas attack on Israel.

The "day of rage" amounted to nothing, and the only violence of note in the United States over the weekend was the brutal murder of Wadea Al-Fayoume by a terrorist who was acting on the provocation of MAGA influencers online.

The right wing hate machine is in full swing, driving their deranged followers into fear of the U.S. being infiltrated by terrorists, and a looming muslim terror attack without evidence, only for views and clicks and likes. An exact pathetic copy cat of the rhetoric that followed 9/11 which led to an explosion of anti-muslim hate crimes.

Only this time they have social media.

It was only a matter of time before their callous disregard for innocent lives, at best, and at worst a calculated attempt to provoke violence, was going to result in innocents being murdered.

This is also directly a product of Elon Musk's control of Twitter, now called X. Musk disbanded the department responsible for content moderation, flooding the massive social media app with violent hateful rhetoric with a ready audience of people all too willing to take seriously what the influencers were posting just for views.

Using the conflict in Israel as an excuse to perpetrate and promote violence in the U.S., against anyone of any faith or background, is despicable.

Both Musk and the influencers that benefit from his ego-driven lack of decency have blood on their hands.

Here are some of the posts on X leading up to the attack:

Laura Loomer
The former head of HAMAS just gave a global call for Muslims worldwide, and especially those living in America to commit acts of Jihad (warfare against non Muslims) this Friday. HAMAS is calling on… Show more
Middle East
Former Hamas chief calls for protests, neighbours to join war against Israel
October 11, 2023 3:18 AM EDT

8:47 AM · Oct 11, 2023

Nick Sortor
Former Hamas Chief Khaled called for a "global day of jihad" and said Muslims should "SHOW ANGER" on Friday to "send a message of rage to Zionists and TO AMERICA."
In response, the NYPD… Show more
2:14 PM · Oct 12, 2023

Rep Andy Biggs
Hamas has called for a global day of jihad tomorrow.
I condemn all types of violence and urge Americans to be safe.
Stay vigilant. Protect yourselves.
6:20 PM · Oct 12, 2023

Laura Loomer
Source tells me #Chicago is a terror hot spot where identified, violent Islamic terror cells and lone wolves are being monitored today.
I would stay far away from City Hall in Chicago. Palestinians said they are planning to “storm” City Hall in Chicago today on Global Day of… Show more
Alderman Silverstein is trying to pass a Anti-Palestinian Resolution
Show UP to block this Resolution!
October 13th, Friday
1:00 PM
121 N La Salle St
Support Palestine!

7:27 AM · Oct 13, 2023

Joey Mannarino
The leader of Hamas just called for a Global Day of Jihad this Friday.
Do not leave your homes that day unless there is an emergency.
Avoid public transit.
Avoid airplanes.
Avoid public events.
3:45 AM · Oct 11, 2023

Stephen Miller
Pro tip: design your nation’s immigration policy so you don’t have to worry about a global day of jihad.
2:39 PM · Oct 12, 2023

Crypto King
The leader of Hamas just called for a Global Day of Jihad this Friday.
Imagine if Israel said they’d intentionally terrorism throughout the world.
Hamas + Hezbollah are a cancer.
We should be thanking Israel for what the majority of the world does NOT have balls for.
9:41 AM · Oct 11, 2023

Benny Johnson
Donald Trump says he would reinstate his travel ban if elected: “If you’re coming from somewhere full of people who want to kill Americans, we will not let you in.”
3:48 PM · Oct 16, 2023
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Posts: 36228
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: Stochastic Terrorism

Postby admin » Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:46 pm

Alabama man indicted for threatening Fulton County District Attorney and Sheriff regarding Trump case
by U.S. Attorney's Office, Northern District of Georgia
Monday, October 30, 2023

Forms of indirect incitement

Narratives of insecurity

Professor Abdelwahab El-Affendi has developed a theory that suggests lone wolf attacks and similar mass violence events occur as a result of "narratives of insecurity", where the aggressor(s) are motivated out of a sense of cataclysmic impending danger to their culture, race, religion, or way of life.[28]

Scripted violence

The phrase "scripted violence" has been used in social science since at least 2002.[29]

Author David Neiwert, who wrote the book Alt-America, notes:

Scripted violence is where a person who has a national platform describes the kind of violence that they want to be carried out. He identifies the targets and leaves it up to the listeners to carry out this violence. It is a form of terrorism. It is an act and a social phenomenon where there is an agreement to inflict massive violence on a whole segment of society. Again, this violence is led by people in high-profile positions in the media and the government. They're the ones who do the scripting, and it is ordinary people who carry it out. Think of it like Charles Manson and his followers. Manson wrote the script; he didn't commit any of those murders. He just had his followers carry them out.[30]

Stochastic terrorism

Stochastic terrorism refers to political or media figures publicly demonizing a person or group, inspiring their supporters to commit a violent act against the target of the speech. Unlike incitement to terrorism, this is done using indirect, vague or coded language, which allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence. Global trends point to increasing violent rhetoric and political violence, including more evidence of stochastic terrorism.

It is in this manner that the stochastic terrorist is thought to randomly incite individuals predisposed to acts of violence. Because stochastic terrorists do not target and incite individual perpetrators of terror with their message, the perpetrator may be labeled a lone wolf by law enforcement, while the inciters avoid legal culpability and public scrutiny.[31][32]

In their 2017 book Age of Lone Wolf Terrorism,[31] criminologist Mark S. Hamm and sociologist Ramón Spaaij discuss stochastic terrorism as a form of "indirect enabling" of terrorists. They write that "stochastic terrorism is the method of international recruitment used by ISIS", and they refer to Anwar al-Awlaki and Alex Jones as stochastic terrorists.[31]: 157 

In the wake of escalating attacks on the LGBT community in the early 2020s, including bomb threats on children's hospitals and the Colorado Springs nightclub shooting, right-wing activists such as Matt Walsh and Chaiya Raichik of Libs of TikTok have been accused of stochastic terrorism.[33][34][35][36]

-- Lone wolf attack, by Wikipedia

For Immediate Release

ATLANTA - Arthur Ray Hanson, II, has been indicted by a federal grand jury in Atlanta on charges of transmitting interstate threats to injure Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and Fulton County Sheriff Patrick Labat because of their connections to the Fulton County, Georgia, investigation of former President Donald Trump. Hanson made his initial appearance in federal court in Huntsville and will be formally arraigned in Atlanta on November 13, 2023.

“Sending interstate threats to physically harm prosecutors and law enforcement officers is a vile act intended to interfere with the administration of justice and intimidate individuals who accept a solemn duty to protect and safeguard the rights of citizens,” said U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan. “When someone threatens to harm public servants for doing their jobs to enforce our criminal laws, it potentially weakens the very foundation of our society. Our office will labor tirelessly with our federal, state, and local law enforcement partners to help ensure that law enforcement officials are free to serve our communities without the threat of physical attack.”

“Threats against public servants are not only illegal, but also a threat against our democratic process,” said Keri Farley, Special Agent in Charge of FBI Atlanta. “The FBI’s mission is to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution. We take this responsibility very seriously and seek to punish those who engage in this type of criminal behavior, and to send the message that such conduct will not be tolerated.”

According to U.S. Attorney Buchanan, the indictment, and other information presented in court: On August 6, 2023, Arthur Ray Hanson called the Fulton County Government customer services line twice and left two voicemails—the first for Sheriff Labat and the second for District Attorney Willis. During both calls, Hanson threatened violence against the officials.

In his message for the Sheriff, Hanson made statements that included: “if you think you gonna take a mugshot of my President Donald Trump and it’s gonna be ok, you gonna find out that after you take that mugshot, some bad [expletive]’s probably gonna happen to you;” “if you take a mugshot of the President and you’re the reason it happened, some bad [expletive]’s gonna happen to you;” “I’m warning you right now before you [expletive] up your life and get hurt real bad;” “whether you got a [expletive] badge or not ain’t gonna help you none;” and “you gonna get [expletive]ed up you keep [expletive]ing with my President.”

In Hanson’s message for the District Attorney, he made statements that included: “watch it when you’re going to the car at night, when you’re going into your house, watch everywhere that you’re going;” “I would be very afraid if I were you because you can’t be around people all the time that are going to protect you;” “there’s gonna be moments when you’re gonna be vulnerable;” “when you charge Trump on that fourth indictment, anytime you’re alone, be looking over your shoulder;” and “what you put out there, [expletive], comes back at you ten times harder, and don’t ever forget it.”

Arthur Ray Hanson, II, 59, of Huntsville, Alabama, was indicted October 25, 2023. Members of the public are reminded that the indictment only contains charges. The defendant is presumed innocent of the charges and it will be the government’s burden to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt at trial.

This case is being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Bret R. Hobson and Brent Alan Gray are prosecuting the case.

For further information please contact the U.S. Attorney’s Public Affairs Office at or (404) 581-6016. The Internet address for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Georgia is

Updated October 30, 2023
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Posts: 36228
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Re: Stochastic Terrorism

Postby admin » Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:26 am

Zombies aren’t real—or are they? Meet 5 parasites that use mind control.
It's no Halloween movie: These parasites can hijack the brains of other creatures—and make them act in horrific ways.

by Mary Bates
National Geographic
October 22, 2018 ... e-behavior

Parasites are organisms that live alongside a host, sometimes even taking control of the host. For example, parasitoid wasps like this one will catch a spider, paralyze it with their sting, force it to weave a strange kind of web, then lay their eggs on the spider's abdomen. PHOTOGRAPH BY ANAND VARMA, NAT GEO IMAGE COLLECTION

Zombies may still be a thing of fiction, but some parasites more or less turn their hosts into the walking dead.

These masters of mind control manipulate their hosts from within, causing them to act in self-destructive ways that ultimately benefit the parasite.

"Some parasites can alter the behavior of their host in ways that give the parasite a better home, or provide more nutrients, or cause the host to move to a different environment," said Janice Moore, a biologist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins.

This strategy seems to work, she added: "A parasite that can alter the behavior of its host, and in doing so improve its own transmission, is going to be favored by natural selection," she said.

Here's a selection of a few parasites and the hosts they turn into zombies. Read on—if you dare.

1. Web-slinging Costa Rican wasps

Females of the Costa Rican wasp Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga lay their eggs on the abdomens of unlucky orb spiders called Plesiometa argyra.

After living off its host for a few weeks, the wasp larva injects a chemical into the spider that makes it build a strange, new kind of web, unlike anything it's built before.

But this new web isn't for the spider: It's meant to support the cocoon that the wasp larva will build after finally killing and eating the spider.

2. Jewel wasps and zombified cockroaches

When the female jewel wasp is ready to procreate, she finds a cockroach to serve as a living nursery for her young.

First she injects a toxin into the roach that paralyzes its front legs. Then the wasp strikes again in the roach's head. Frederic Libersat of Ben-Gurion University in Israel and colleagues discovered that the venom targets a specific area of the brain responsible for initiating movement.

Stripped of its ability to move of its own free will, the cockroach can be grabbed by the antenna and guided to a burrow, where the wasp will lay her egg on the victim and entomb them together.

The wasp larva slowly consumes the cockroach for several days before pupating in its abdomen, emerging as an adult about a month later.

The jewel wasp (Ampulex compressa) hunts cockroaches and takes over their decision-making processes. Its ultimate goal is to entomb the cockroach alongside the wasp's own larva—which then slowly consumes the cockroach before emerging as an adult. PHOTOGRAPH BY ANAND VARMA, NAT GEO IMAGE COLLECTION

3. Mind-controlling flatworms

As an adult, the lancet liver fluke—a type of flatworm—resides in the livers of grazing mammals such as cows.

Its eggs are excreted in the host's feces, which are then eaten by snails. After the eggs hatch inside the snail, the snail creates protective cysts around the parasites and coughs them up in balls of mucus.

These fluke-laden slime balls are then consumed by ants. When the flukes wiggle their way into an ant's brain, they cause the insect to climb to the tip of a blade of grass and sit motionless, where it's most likely to be eaten by a grazing mammal. That way, the liver fluke can complete its life cycle.

4. Flatworms and a fishy dance of death

The fluke Euhaplorchis californiensis begins its life in an ocean-dwelling horn snail, where it produces larvae that then seek their next host, a killifish.

Once it finds a fish, the parasite latches on to its gills and makes its way to the brain. But this isn't its final stop.

The fluke needs to get inside the gut of a water bird in order to reproduce. So inside the killifish's brain, the fluke releases chemicals that cause the fish to shimmy, jerk, and jump.

Jenny Shaw and colleagues at the University of California, Santa Barbara, found that the parasite decreases serotonin and increases dopamine levels in the fish's brain. The switch in this brain chemistry stimulates the fish to swim and behave more aggressively.

These moves attract the attention of birds, which may eat the fish
—and the flukes. The flukes mate, and their eggs are released back into the water in the bird's droppings to be eaten by horn snails and start the cycle anew.

5. Hairworms and suicidal crickets

Hairworms have a perpetual challenge: They infect landlubbing insects like crickets, but the parasites must make their way to an aquatic habitat in order to reproduce.

Researchers at France's Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique figured out how they accomplish this feat. Hairworms produce mind-controlling chemicals that cause their cricket host to move toward light. Because water bodies reflect moonlight, this often sends crickets toward lakes and streams.

The crickets jump in and drown, and the hairworms emerge, ready to find their next victim.

Horsehair worms (Paragordius varius) are known to infect house crickets and cause them to commit suicide by jumping into a body of water. The worm then emerges and makes the water its home. PHOTOGRAPH BY ANAND VARMA, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

Editor's note: This story was originally published November 2, 2014. It has been updated.


This parasite manipulates the minds of wolves, rats—and maybe even you.
Toxoplasma gondii infects up to a third of the world’s human population at any given time. It likely has a much wider impact on animal behavior than anyone thought.

by Mary Bates
National Geographic
November 29, 2022 ... -cats-mice

The new study is the first to show parasites can influence behavior in gray wolves.

What makes a wolf decide to strike out on its own or assert leadership of its pack? That question has long intrigued scientists. Now, a new study shows that gray wolves infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii are more likely to become top dog than uninfected wolves.

The finding forces us to think more broadly about what influences how animals act, says study co-author Kira Cassidy, a wildlife biologist with the Yellowstone Wolf Project, a Montana-based nonprofit that oversees research on the predators in Yellowstone National Park.

“We know that behavior is influenced by all sorts of factors, including past experiences, genetics, current circumstances, and social context,” she says. “Now we can add parasites to that list.”

Toxoplasma gondii is a single-celled parasite that infects at least one-third of the world’s human population at any given time with the disease toxoplasmosis.
While the infection is usually mild, it can be fatal to the young or immunosuppressed. Toxoplasma can only reproduce in the intestines of domestic or wild cats, yet it is widespread in nature, and can infect any warm-blooded animal. It’s also famous for its ability to manipulate its hosts, most notably in making rodents reckless around house cats. (Read how Toxoplasma affects human brains.)

Found worldwide, Toxoplasmosis gondii is a single-celled protozoan that can infect almost all warm-blooded animals. PHOTOGRAPH BY SCIENCE HISTORY IMAGES, ALAMY STOCK PHOTO

For the new study, published recently in Communications Biology, Cassidy and colleagues drew on 26 years of behavioral data and blood samples from Yellowstone wolves, going back to when the canines were reintroduced to the park in 1995. They also analyzed the spatial distribution of cougars in the park and blood samples from the big cats, which are known Toxoplasma hosts.

The results showed that wolves living in territories overlapping with cougars were more likely to be infected with Toxoplasma than wolves without feline neighbors.

What’s more, wolves that tested positive for the parasite were 11 times more likely to disperse from their pack and more than 46 times more likely to become a pack leader than uninfected wolves.


Forms of indirect incitement

Narratives of insecurity

Professor Abdelwahab El-Affendi has developed a theory that suggests lone wolf attacks and similar mass violence events occur as a result of "narratives of insecurity", where the aggressor(s) are motivated out of a sense of cataclysmic impending danger to their culture, race, religion, or way of life.[28]

Scripted violence

The phrase "scripted violence" has been used in social science since at least 2002.[29]

Author David Neiwert, who wrote the book Alt-America, notes:

Scripted violence is where a person who has a national platform describes the kind of violence that they want to be carried out. He identifies the targets and leaves it up to the listeners to carry out this violence. It is a form of terrorism. It is an act and a social phenomenon where there is an agreement to inflict massive violence on a whole segment of society. Again, this violence is led by people in high-profile positions in the media and the government. They're the ones who do the scripting, and it is ordinary people who carry it out. Think of it like Charles Manson and his followers. Manson wrote the script; he didn't commit any of those murders. He just had his followers carry them out.[30]

Stochastic terrorism

Stochastic terrorism refers to political or media figures publicly demonizing a person or group, inspiring their supporters to commit a violent act against the target of the speech. Unlike incitement to terrorism, this is done using indirect, vague or coded language, which allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence. Global trends point to increasing violent rhetoric and political violence, including more evidence of stochastic terrorism.

It is in this manner that the stochastic terrorist is thought to randomly incite individuals predisposed to acts of violence. Because stochastic terrorists do not target and incite individual perpetrators of terror with their message, the perpetrator may be labeled a lone wolf by law enforcement, while the inciters avoid legal culpability and public scrutiny.[31][32]

In their 2017 book Age of Lone Wolf Terrorism,[31] criminologist Mark S. Hamm and sociologist Ramón Spaaij discuss stochastic terrorism as a form of "indirect enabling" of terrorists. They write that "stochastic terrorism is the method of international recruitment used by ISIS", and they refer to Anwar al-Awlaki and Alex Jones as stochastic terrorists.
[31]: 157 

In the wake of escalating attacks on the LGBT community in the early 2020s, including bomb threats on children's hospitals and the Colorado Springs nightclub shooting, right-wing activists such as Matt Walsh and Chaiya Raichik of Libs of TikTok have been accused of stochastic terrorism.[33][34][35][36]

-- Lone wolf attack, by Wikipedia

These findings aren’t all that surprising to Gregory Milne, an epidemiologist at the Royal Veterinary College in London who was not involved in the study.

“It’s quite consistent with what we know about Toxo in other animals,” he says. “It adds to the growing body of evidence that this parasite can cause meaningful behavior changes.”

Fatal attraction

An animal can become infected with Toxoplasma by eating another infected animal, or through contact with egg-like cysts of the parasite that are shed in cat feces.


... @catturd2 is entirely real. Selling himself as an everyman comedian and poop-inspired mischief-maker of the MAGA movement, he has acquired 1.4 million Twitter followers, legions eager to hear him roast American liberalism in all its absurd forms. Raging about everything from the FBI’s overreach to people’s pronouns, he has developed bonds not only with other right-wing influencers, but also Donald Trump, who has amplified him on numerous occasions; Tucker Carlson, who gave him effusive primetime coverage for trolling a Democratic congressman; and Twitter CEO-for-now Elon Musk, who is bending over backward to address @catturd2’s frustrations with the site. Channeling many streams of misinformation into a single torrent, he’s hit upon an explosive formula for derailing — or even directing — public discourse.

Day to day, @catturd2 is riffing with J.K. Rowling and dunking on libs with Ron DeSantis spokesperson Christina Pushaw. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has taken a selfie wearing one of his T-shirts and, as a guest on his podcast in 2021, said that it was preferable to Fox News. Trump wrote him a get-well message after he went to the hospital for a gastrointestinal condition in April 2022. Sharing that message in May, @catturd2 emphasized how special it was that the former president would extend such courtesy to “an old country, average person” like himself. This is the balance he chooses to strike as a digital MAGA warrior: anonymous and ordinary, yet plugged into the mainframe of ideological power....

-- Who Is @Catturd2, the Sh-tposting King of MAGA Twitter? How one cranky Florida man caught the ear of Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson — with fart jokes, by Miles Klee, Rolling Stone


The Florida sun was blazing when I pulled into the driveway of one of the most famous and mysterious conservative internet personalities in America.

A white pickup truck coming up the lane quickly reversed toward the house at the sight of my car. The truck then stopped abruptly and honked, so I pulled to the side, got out, and started toward it.

The driver leaned on the horn and a woman inside yelled out the window, “You’re on private property!”

The truck raced back to the residence the owner fondly refers to as Catturd Ranch. This is the closest any reporter has gotten to Catturd, the right-wing internet personality who glibly describes himself as “the turd you can’t flush.”

In five short years, he’s gone from an unknown fecal-themed member of the MAGA reply guys to a powerhouse influencer. His missives have solicited responses from the likes of Elon Musk and are frequently reposted by former President Donald Trump. Yet, despite his fame and nearly 2 million Twitter followers, 1 million Truth Social followers, and hundreds of thousands who have listened to his podcast, Catturd remains largely a mystery.

Even as he became famous—or infamous, depending on your perspective—Catturd managed to keep his real name a secret for years. Then, in early 2023, the QAnon Anonymous podcast, after following up reporting by Rolling Stone, revealed that the man behind the internet fursona is Phillip Buchanan, a 58-year-old white guy who lives in a rural part of the Florida panhandle....

-- Twitter icon Catturd, a Trump favorite, revealed: 'Are we having fun yet?', by Claire Goforth Claire Goforth

If the parasite finds itself in a non-feline host, it can take up residence in different areas of the body, including the brain, and persist there for years. Because the parasite needs to end up in a cat’s gut to reproduce, and it has evolved clever ways to make that happen. (Get the facts on parasites, and why they matter.)

For instance, rodents infected with the parasite are more active and less fearful around predators, such as a domestic cat—delivering the parasite to its preferred home. Remarkably, Toxoplasma-infected mice and rats even lose their fear of the scent of cat urine, and may even become attracted to the smell.

Many of the findings in rodents come from carefully controlled laboratory studies, and only recently have researchers begun investigating the impact of Toxoplasma infection in the wild.

Toxoplasma gondii can only ​reproduce in the ​digestive systems of ​cats, wild or domestic. Above, a blue ​Sphinx cat is seen at a cat show in England. PHOTOGRAPH BY SHIRLAINE FORREST, GETTY IMAGES

One study found that chimpanzees infected with Toxoplasma are attracted to the urine of leopards, their natural predators. In another study, researchers showed that infected spotted hyena cubs are more likely to approach—and get killed by—lions, according to study co-author Eben Gering, an evolutionary biologist at Nova Southeastern University in Florida. (Read how toxoplasmosis is harming endangered seals in Hawaii.)

“We are just starting to scratch the surface of how the behavioral effects of Toxo infection—known from rodents, confirmed in wild animals, and now seen in highly social animals like hyenas and wolves—influence group dynamics and behaviors that have ecological consequences,” he says.

Risky business

Accumulating evidence suggests that people with toxoplasmosis take more risks than those who are uninfected, for instance by driving more dangerously, which often leads to fatal traffic accidents.

The effects aren’t always negative, though: In one study of college students and business professionals, those infected with Toxoplasma were more likely to either major in business or start their own businesses. And in countries with higher rates of infection, people were less likely to cite fear of failure as a reason for taking on a new entrepreneurial activity.

It's not known exactly how the parasite, a distant relative of malaria, causes such changes in mammals. (Learn about more parasites that mind-control their hosts.)

Milne says that there is some evidence that the parasite may affect neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, or hormones, such as testosterone. It’s also possible that the parasite causes low-grade inflammation, which then impacts behavior.

Whatever the mechanism, it’s becoming clear that parasites—particularly Toxoplasma —play a significant, and underappreciated, role in animals’ lives. Scientists estimate that around 40 percent of animal species are parasites, and they probably comprise a majority of yet-to-be discovered species.

“A lot more of our behavior than the average person would guess could be influenced by this parasite,” Gering says.


Who Is @Catturd2, the Sh-tposting King of MAGA Twitter? How one cranky Florida man caught the ear of Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson — with fart jokes
by Miles Klee
Rolling Stone
February 9, 2023


ON A RECENT “Weekend Update” segment for Saturday Night Live, Michael Che relayed the news that Ronna McDaniel had just won a close reelection as chair of the Republican National Committee. He then ran down the list of McDaniel’s failed challengers, including some real ones (MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell) and a few joke picks (Kevin Sorbo, Kyle Rittenhouse). Among the latter was “Twitter user @CAT_TURD_2.”

That mention got a big laugh. To most, it probably sounded like a throwaway gag: the writers inventing a crass, right-wing internet troll who had a genuine shot at leading the Republican Party. Only someone truly immersed in the culture wars would know that they had created no such character.
Sure, they’d modified his handle, but @catturd2 is entirely real. Selling himself as an everyman comedian and poop-inspired mischief-maker of the MAGA movement, he has acquired 1.4 million Twitter followers, legions eager to hear him roast American liberalism in all its absurd forms. Raging about everything from the FBI’s overreach to people’s pronouns, he has developed bonds not only with other right-wing influencers, but also Donald Trump, who has amplified him on numerous occasions; Tucker Carlson, who gave him effusive primetime coverage for trolling a Democratic congressman; and Twitter CEO-for-now Elon Musk, who is bending over backward to address @catturd2’s frustrations with the site. Channeling many streams of misinformation into a single torrent, he’s hit upon an explosive formula for derailing — or even directing — public discourse.

Catturd ™
The FBI interfered in the 2016 election.
The FBI interfered in Trump’s entire Presidency.
The FBI interfered in the 2020 election.
The FBI Interfered in the 2022 election.
Where TF is the GOP?
11:05 AM · Dec 19, 2022

Catturd ™
Pronouns are for losers.
11:45 AM · Jan 19, 2023

David Wynn Miller (1949 – 2018[1]), also styled :David-Wynn: Miller or David-Wynn: Miller,[2] was an American tool and die welder,[3][4] pseudolegal theorist,[4] and leader of a tax protester group within the sovereign citizen movement.[5] A self-proclaimed judge, Miller is best known for creating "quantum grammar", a version of the English language to be used by people involved in judicial proceedings. He asserted that his constructed language, which is purportedly based on mathematics and includes unorthodox grammar, spelling, punctuation and syntax, constitutes the only "correct" form of communication in legal processes. His views also include a variation of the strawman theory. People seeking remedy with Miller's syntax in court have not met with success. His language is incomprehensible to most people and the pleadings that use it are routinely rejected by courts as gibberish.[1][4][6][7] Since Miller's death, his language has seen continued usage by other people within the sovereign citizen movement.[1]...

Miller lived in Ohio before moving to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He claimed that at the age of 25, he died for half an hour when an inept surgeon removed both his kidneys and adrenal glands. His heart restarted spontaneously while outside his body during autopsy. Following this, he said his IQ became 200, his endorphin levels were six times normal, and he stopped aging.[8][9]

Miller's activism stemmed from his own frustrating experience with the legal system.[1] During the 1980s, he went through a divorce proceeding[10] and appeared pro se in numerous child custody hearings (67, according to his website) losing every time.[8] Having become convinced that the judiciary was rigged and governed by linguistic maneuvering[1] and that the English language had been deliberately modified to enslave the people,[8] he decided to override the system by developing his own theory of language to be used as a form of legalese.[8][11]

Miller claimed to have created his language in 1988[12] by discovering "the mathematical interface in the truth that certifies all 5,000 languages, frontwards and backwards."[13] According to Miller, the use of his language guaranteed success in court cases and it could also be used to eliminate taxes and disbar judges.[4][14] In the following years, he promoted it through seminars, books and videos.[13]

Miller's constructed language, known in full as "CORRECT-SENTENCE-STRUCTURE-COMMUNICATION-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR" (shortened as "C.-S.-S.-C.-P.-S.-G."),[15][16] is also variously called, with or without capital letters, "PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR",[1] "CORRECT-LANGUAGE",[1] "QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR",[16] "Quantum language",[4] "Quantum Grammar",[17][18] "Truth Language"[10] "Syntax Language",[12] "In the Truth",[17] "Syntax sentencing"[8] or "QUANTUM-MATH-COMMUNICATIONS".[1] The name "Quantum Grammar" eventually became of common usage in the sovereign citizen environment.[17]

Miller's design involves sentences that begin with prepositional phrases, using the word For : it is easily recognizable, among other traits, by the constant and repetitive use of the phrases "for the" and "with the"[14] and by the absence of action verbs, except in gerund form. Users of the dialect reject the use of adjectives, adverbs and pronouns.[4] The language also has an abundance of punctuation. For example:

Miller's ideas about language are notably rooted in the idea that only nouns have legal meaning and that their meanings are static and absolute.[1][8] This had led Miller to arbitrarily recast words' definitions and roles according to his own understanding and convenience.[1] Among the idiosyncratic rules of the language he created, sentences must contain at least 13 words and use more nouns than verbs,[10] sentences used in court filings must start with prepositional phrases,[11] a preposition is needed to certify a noun,[19] and a word that starts with a vowel followed by two consonants means "no contract" and will therefore void any document.[12][20]

Although the language he pioneered is incomprehensible to most people, Miller asserted that it can end all forms of misunderstanding and conflict[1] and called mainstream English language a "fiction".[12] Miller has also been described as leading a "linguistic cult". ...

Besides his pseudolegal ideas, Miller was a proponent of the 2012 phenomenon[24] and also adhered to a wide variety of conspiracy theories, some related to 9/11.[13][23] He claimed that Mastercard gained control of the US economy on September 17, 1999 and that the steel beams and all the plastic items in the World Trade Center buildings were plastic explosives which created an electromagnetic pulse as a coverup for a $12 trillion electronic heist committed during 9/11.[13] Through his website, Miller advocated the use of alternative "health products" and promoted theories regarding chemtrails or UFOs, as well as vaccine misinformation.[8]

-- David Wynn Miller, by Wikipedia

Say No to Pronouns! Why are so many people opposed to this part of speech?
by Grayson Bell
Mar 10, 2022

I have seen an increase in protests against the use of pronouns. Some people literally stating that they will never use them, even wanting to ban the use of pronouns. Why is there such a fuss over this essential part of speech?

Increased anti-transgender sentiment

As transgender people have gained more rights and visibility, there has also been an increase of people speaking against the transgender community, including a marked increase in legislation against trans people, with Texas attempting to criminalize anyone supporting or providing transgender healthcare for young transgender people.

Because of this increase in anti-transgender sentiment over the past few years, more people are speaking out against the mere mention of pronouns. If these bigots see people with pronouns in their social media bios or wearing them as pins, they will often bully and harass them. Early on, these people only protested the singular use of they/them, gender-neutral pronouns that many non-binary and other genderqueer people use.

Now there’s backlash against any mention of pronouns, condemning transgender people and allies alike. Ironically, many people who claim to never use pronouns will include several pronouns in their online rants, not realizing what an essential part of speech they are.

Willful ignorance of grammar

Many people who protest the use of pronouns, while still using them, are being willfully ignorant. They can’t all be oblivious to the irony behind their statements. What’s even worse are those who insist that they/them are not singular pronouns, and then immediately use them as singular pronouns.

Part of the problem is a lack of proper education, but a larger part is outright bigotry. These people associate pronouns only with the LGBTQ+ community. A few who don’t take issue with the use of pronouns will still proclaim that the only pronouns are he/him and she/her, leaving they/them out entirely.

They also focus this entire debate on personal pronouns, forgetting that there are many other types of pronouns that exist. This includes a long list of indefinite pronouns, such as another, both, each, everything, few, many, nothing, or something, to name a few. Pronouns are an essential part of speech and balking against their use is absurd.


Besides having an issue with people displaying personal pronouns, and using they/them as a singular pronoun, the emergence of neopronouns has stirred up even more controversy against the transgender community.

Neopronouns are third person gender-neutral pronouns that are not officially part of the English lexicon yet. Some people within the transgender community are adopting these gender-neutral pronouns, instead of using they/them.

Some examples of the more commonly used neopronouns include ze/hir/hirself, zie/zir/zirself, ey/em/emself, or ne/nem/nemself. They are used in the same way any other personal pronouns would be used.

Ayden went to zir local grocery store to get food for zirself.

I admit, I struggle more with these pronouns myself, although I do my best to use them when I am told someone’s pronouns. However, if I forget, I will more often slip into using they/them instead of using a gendered pronoun for anyone that does not identify with a gender. It’s the polite thing to do.

New words are added to dictionaries when they come into widespread use, and the bigots of the world want to prevent neopronouns from being recognized as legitimate pronouns. However, their attempts at mocking or outright banning the use of them may have the opposite effect, as this raises the awareness of them.

Evolving language exposes bigotry

For those critics out there, you must remember that language is always evolving. Modern English would sound strange to anyone from a century or more in the past. If we travelled back over five hundred years, we would begin to struggle to understand and be understood.

You can’t use that’s not a word, or that’s improper grammar as an excuse in your attempt to silence the transgender community. New words enter the English lexicon every year, and not all rules of grammar are set in stone. Refusing to adapt to the ever-changing use of language merely serves to highlight prejudices and bigotry.

So, stop trying to drag the English language back to the 1950s. We’ve come a long way from that era and we’re closer to the 2050s than ever before. Language must reflect the current times we live in, and not be stuck in some falsely idealized past.

Thank you for reading. If you enjoy my writing and are not yet a member of Medium, for a nominal fee you can join to support me, and unlock my articles and all the content on this platform.

-- Say No to Pronouns! Why are so many people opposed to this part of speech?, by Grayson Bell

Catturd ™
The New World Order learned a lot watching how easily people around the world handed their freedoms away on a silver platter and obeyed them without question.
6:36 PM · Jan 31, 2023

Day to day, @catturd2 is riffing with J.K. Rowling and dunking on libs with Ron DeSantis spokesperson Christina Pushaw. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has taken a selfie wearing one of his T-shirts and, as a guest on his podcast in 2021, said that it was preferable to Fox News. Trump wrote him a get-well message after he went to the hospital for a gastrointestinal condition in April 2022. Sharing that message in May, @catturd2 emphasized how special it was that the former president would extend such courtesy to “an old country, average person” like himself. This is the balance he chooses to strike as a digital MAGA warrior: anonymous and ordinary, yet plugged into the mainframe of ideological power.

Catturd ™
Wow - everyone knows about my recent hospital stay - I just received a hand written get well message from President Trump. What a great person to do that for an old country, average person like me. So humbled. So excited.
2:46 PM · May 13, 2022

While @catturd2’s rhetoric is mostly unoriginal, he produces an incredible amount of it, covering a wide breadth of topics, and has a proven ability to spread it. Anyone drawn in by his folksy demeanor will soon be treated to claims that Pfizer sponsored “unholy satanic performances at the Grammys,” fresh material for the QAnon forums. He stokes fear by warning that China “owns” the Biden family while endorsing the far-right activists Project Veritas over the “lying propagandists” of mainstream media. These takes are scalding hot enough to accrue tens of thousands of likes and retweets. He also packages arch-conservative notions in what sounds like pithy common sense: the insistence that Americans should not have the option to vote by mail, even as the pandemic raged, led @catturd2 to argue in September 2020, “If Nancy Pelosi can get her hair done in person — you can vote in person. Pass it on.” One of those to pass it on, via retweet, was the then-President of the United States.

Catturd ™
I think I’m gonna buy a bunch of cows for the Catturd ranch, and feed them nothing but beans - so they can fart 24/7 just to piss Democrats off.
5:27 PM · Jul 1, 2021

Tucker Carlson has taken notice as well. On July 12, 2022, Tucker Carlson Tonight ran a brief segment reporting that Biden’s family calls him “Pedo Peter,” a bit of conjecture based on an unverified leak of personal data from an iCloud account purportedly linked to the president’s son, Hunter Biden. Carlson’s segue into this piece of the show was vague yet revealing: “So, a lot of people online are wondering why, according to Hunter Biden’s electronic devices, Joe Biden’s family refers to him as ‘Pedo Peter.’” One of those people, as it happened, was @catturd2, whose two tweets that morning alluding to the “Pedo Peter” claim received more than 11,000 and 26,000 likes, respectively — well over 100 times the engagement that others using the nickname on Twitter received. @catturd2, in fact, was part of a small cadre of major conservative influencers (including Tim Young, Lavern Spicer, and Raheem J. Kassam) who gave the meme the online traction it needed to make the leap to cable TV.

A few months later, in December, Carlson explicitly acknowledged the civic contributions of @catturd2. Opening a Friday evening show with a sarcastic farewell to outgoing Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of the few Republicans who had voted to impeach Trump for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Carlson recounted how Kinzinger had lost his temper on Twitter several weeks before, when @catturd2 shared a meme ridiculing American support for Ukraine. “Our heart goes out to Catturd tonight, who’s probably cowering in a litter box somewhere, waiting for Adam Kinzinger to show up with sharpened nails,” Carlson joked. “Mock the Ukrainian flag? Get scratched. Those are the rules, Catturd. It’s a tough town. Meow!”
He delighted in Kinzinger’s overreaction as @catturd2 had in provoking it. And, naturally, @catturd2 was more elated still at this wink of approval from Carlson — to his mind the only trustworthy anchor left at Fox News.

Catturd ™
Good morning to everyone except Pedo Peter.
4:21 AM · Jul 12, 2022

Tucker Carlson
Why does Joe Biden's family privately refer to him as "Pedo Peter"?
9:33 AM · Jul 13, 2022

Catturd ™
OMG - Did anyone to see Tucker Carlson’s monologue?
6:07 PM · Dec 16, 2022

Two weeks ago, @catturd2 tweeted that he would not participate in this Rolling Stone profile — while reaping engagement by announcing it was in the works. He did not directly respond to multiple interview requests. Nor did several of his associates, among them Jewels Jones, with whom he hosts a Monday-Friday live podcast called In the Litter Box.

His evasiveness and air of anonymity notwithstanding, the real identity of @catturd2 is not hard to deduce. Rather than reveal his name, however, we’ll call him “B.” He lives in a town of a few thousand in the Florida Panhandle. On Twitter, B. has freely acknowledged the location of his “ranch in the middle of nowhere,” but it’s also listed in his 2019 registration for a small company, Catturd LLC, through which he sells beanies, bumper stickers, and refrigerator magnets. B.’s age and birthday match the information @catturd2 has shared in public tweets. He’s in his late 50s, has multiple ex-wives but no children, and apparently lives alone except for his pets. From a rural home, and behind the signature profile image of a smug-looking cat in glasses, he holds sway over the faction of the Republican base that idolizes Trump and DeSantis, along with congressional hardliners like Reps. Greene, Matt Gaetz, and Lauren Boebert.

BORN IN THE MID-1960s, B. has said he served in the U.S. Army as a young man
and came to the Gulf Coast of Florida when he got out in 1985. It wasn’t long before he found the woman who would become his first wife, at a gym. She was 19 years old, just starting college, while he was in his early twenties. “He was older and so much more experienced than I was,” she wrote in a book she self-published in 2018, in which she did not refer to B. by name. The pair were wed in September 1986, three months after they’d met, and had the marriage annulled in 1988.

“I wasn’t physically perfect enough, my flaws were many and glaringly obvious, at least to the man I’d married,” B.’s first ex-wife recalls in her book. “His words struck me in a way that seeped under my skin, beneath my bones, and created within me a roaring doubt.” She did not respond to a request for an interview.

Catturd ™
I normally cover all relevant political events here at @catturd2.
But there's no way I'm watching the psycho Democrat lunatic communist debate.
If I wanted to listen to someone nagging, scolding, fussing, calling me a loser and criticizing me, I'd just get married.

7:38 AM · Sep 12, 2019

By 1991, B. had married and divorced again, and, later, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. He married a third time a few years after that, to a woman we’ll call “H.” She was a dancer when they first crossed paths, while B. was devoting himself to music. Eventually he fronted a rock band with an extremely silly, fruit-themed name, which gigged at establishments like Bullwinkle’s Saloon in Tallahassee and Bubba’s Pizza in Panama City Beach, and was reportedly on the radar of the Dust Brothers, producers who worked on Beck’s Odelay. H. tells Rolling Stone that she was around for the formation of the band. B.’s talents instantly captivated her, she says, and his bandmates were at their wedding.

“He was very handsome, and with his singing and playing, he swept me off my feet,” H. remembers. “He used to work late-night at the post office, and I worked until 4 a.m., then he spent the whole morning serenading me. I fell hard.”

H. and B. drifted apart around 1998, she says, as he strove to get his band on the map. “Well, him and his band headed one way, and I went the other,” H. explains. “I think he was doing the pushing, he was so talented.” She can’t pinpoint exactly when the band broke up, as it was sometime after the couple’s own parting. “I still love him, but we were just going in different directions,” H. says. Their divorce was official in 2002, and H. hasn’t seen or spoken to B. since.

It was sometime in the 2010s that a “Catturd,” almost certainly B., emerged as an internet personality on the blog comment service Disqus. The account bears the same avatar as Twitter’s @catturd2, while the user was similarly prolific, lodging more than 55,000 comments and receiving three times as many upvotes. Though the main profile is set to private, Disqus Catturd’s replies are visible on old stories from websites including the far-right Breitbart, which played a critical role in shaping the aggressive pro-Trump narratives that led his 2016 victory. This closed ecosystem would’ve been the ideal proving ground for B. to hone his political voice and gain a following. Years later, his Twitter fans remember him as a top commenter from this era of conservative blogging, and Breitbart has since reported extensively on his Twitter hijinks: @catturd2 is mentioned in around 200 of their articles.

B. was too late to score the @catturd handle on Twitter; someone else claimed it way back in 2010. And he has denied ever tweeting from @CATTURD1, an account that has been suspended. Whether he picked his current handle for a backup account or as he first joined the site, we know that he logged in as @catturd2 in September 2018, ahead of that year’s midterm elections, and in no time at all was receiving a boost from Pizzagate conspiracy peddler Jack Posobiec. “Today is my 9th day on Twitter. Jack Posobiec has retweeted me 5 times,” B. tweeted that same month. “And I’ve got almost 400 new MAGA friends.”

Catturd ™
Today is my 9th day on twitter.
Jack Posobiec has retweeted me 5 times.
I just saw a Trump rally.
And I've got almost 400 new MAGA friends.
This is good as it gets for a turd.
9:06 PM · Sep 29, 2018

Back then, as now, B. could be vehement in his attitude, and turn anything into a partisan issue. Hurricane Michael ravaged the Florida Panhandle in October 2018, right as he launched his Twitter career, and he documented the wreckage to his property, blaming Democrats for lackluster recovery efforts while alleging that Florida had received no federal assistance. “Scumbag Democrats won’t release the money until more is paid to Puerto Rico who got TONS already and their corrupt Gov. blew it,” he tweeted in April 2019. “This is BULLSHIT!” (Florida had received nearly $1 billion in federal disaster relief by that point.)

But what seemed to help B. quickly amass MAGA connections and clout, apart from any notoriety he may have leveraged from his Disqus days, was a rude and irreverent approach to American political circus. While becoming a reply guy for the likes of Posobiec and other Trump-loyal influencers — including Bill Mitchell, Dan Bongino, and Candace Owens — he also positioned himself as a cartoonish figure: the self-proclaimed “MAGA turd who talks shit.” Early tweets saw him quipping, about a photo of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, “I thought John Denver died years ago.” He portrayed his cat alter-ego visiting Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in prison: “I bought you Swiss, American, Mozzarella, and extra sharp Cheddar for Christmas,” reads the caption. “Best present I could think of for a rat.” Several months into this schtick, @catturd2 could boast retweets from Tom Fitton, head of the conservative activist group Judicial Watch, and Sebastian Gorka, a former official in the Trump White House.

Catturd ™
Just got retweeted by @SebGorka.
@TomFitton retweeted me last month.
I’m getting closer to my goal in life ... to be retweeted by the greatest President in US history - @realDonaldTrump.
It would be like winning the lottery for a mere turd.
8:47 AM · May 10, 2019

Lots of B.’s content, like the @catturd2 character, is fart-and-feces-related. His feed scans a bit like a bathroom-themed version of the anti-Resistance. It is with a supreme fondness for the scatalogical gag that B. has devised rallying cries such as #FreeTheFarts, #WetBuzzardFart, #CatturdsFartingArmy, #FartingSound (Trump retweeted one of those posts as the U.S. death toll from Covid-19 hit 200,000), #PoopyPantsBiden, #PoopGate, #ShartWeek, and countless more. Even when he’s not hammering those tags, B.’s got anal activity on the brain, fantasizing about a person wearing a medical face mask while taking a dump, for example, or how he could feed cows beans so they release more methane with their flatulence. Following his hospital stay for a bowel obstruction, he couldn’t resist noting that he was “full of shit.” A running joke on leftist Twitter is that B. is not a true MAGA crusader but a fart fetishist enlisting gullible Trump supporters to insert his kink into the conversation with the assurance that it will “trigger the libs.”

After establishing his Twitter account in 2018, it took @catturd2 just over a year to rack up 100,000 followers, an audience he would quintuple by the end of 2020. However, the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic initially overshadowed his efforts to branch out in a new direction: as a writer. In January 2020 he self-published, as Catturd, The Adventures of Cowfart, Literally, a parodic tale of climate denialism aimed at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, followed in February by a sci-fi novel, Rabbitskin, whose plot contains a parallel to Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead: B.’s protagonist is awaiting execution for blowing up a corporate building and killing hundreds in a mass slaughter that they believe “might end up saving this sorry planet.”

After launching those titles, B. set about dismissing the deadly health crisis as overblown, and scoffed at masking and vaccination, raising his profile alongside many extremists capitalizing on the national upheaval that came with the virus. In the wake of the 2020 election, B. hyped the so-called “Big Lie” — the false narrative that rampant voter fraud had cost Donald Trump the presidency. By November, his follower account had swelled to 400,000, a number that continued to grow as Trump himself, on Nov. 30, 2020, retweeted three @catturd2 posts casting doubt on the election results. Trump has retweeted @catturd2 seven times in all, dating back to December 2019, when B. praised Fitton and Judicial Watch. After learning Trump had shared that post, B. tweeted: “I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!”

Catturd ™
I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!
I got retweeted by President Trump
Wooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!
7:19 AM · Dec 19, 2019

B. has meanwhile done fine work exploiting the mechanisms of Twitter to enhance his stature. Misinformation researcher E. Rosalie Li found that he significantly ramped up use of hashtag campaigns around September 2020, when his star was most rapidly ascending. These organized actions are made to trend through coordinated posting: @catturd2 urges other MAGA foot soldiers to spam the site with a particular catchphrase until it can be covered as news by friendly right-wing media. When, for instance, Bank of America allegedly closed an account that B. and Jewels Jones had opened for In the Litter Box, he whipped up the slogan #BankOfAmericaIsCommieTrash, which led to a favorable writeup in Gateway Pundit by Jim Hoft. In October 2021, when Fox News and the New York Post inaccurately blamed President Biden for supply chain shortages, B. took credit for the coverage, having driven the tags #EmptyShelvesJoe and #BareShelvesBiden to the top of Twitter’s trending bar. After the 2022 midterms, Donald Trump Jr. promoted @catturd2’s theory that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was declining to tout baseless claims of voter fraud in Arizona because he had wanted GOP candidates Blake Masters and Kari Lake to lose. Wherever B. got that idea, Trump Jr. picked it up from him.

Catturd ™
LOL - our #EmptyShelvesJoe just made the New York Post.
New York Post
#EmptyShelvesJoe trending on Twitter amid Biden's supply chain crisis
3:41 PM · Oct 14, 2021

Catturd ™
This week - you @catturd2 followers have made 2 hashtags go #1 nationwide, Even Fox News has been talking about it.
Of course, they’ll never give us credit for it - but I will.
Thank you you’re awesome.
4:50 PM · Oct 16, 2021

Elsewhere, Li’s review found, @catturd2 was an essential part of mass-mobilization efforts to smear Rep. Ocasio-Cortez for supposedly misrepresenting what happened to her during the January 6 Capitol riot (she hadn’t) and Fauci for torturing puppies (another specious accusation). In both cases, the related tags trended on Twitter, and B.’s tweets about Fauci offered “the same misinformation that led to Fauci’s office receiving 3,600 calls in 36 hours — many of which contained violent threats,” according to Li. She further notes that @catturd2’s favored tactics appear to violate Twitter guidelines against platform manipulation and targeted harassment.

Catturd ™
Somewhere in the USA right now - someone is in their home, alone, taking a dump with a mask on - and it's because of the smell.
100% guaranteed.
6:26 AM · Feb 10, 2021

“I think Catturd is a very sophisticated troll,” says Sander van der Linden, a professor of social psychology at the University of Cambridge and author of the forthcoming book Foolproof: Why Misinformation Infects Our Minds and How to Build Immunity. It can be “very tricky,” he says, to prove someone like B.’s hidden touch — as in the case of Carlson picking up the “Pedo Peter” allegation from unspecified social media users — “because you need to be able to trace behavioral outcomes (with harm potential) to the troll’s activity and disentangle it from other potential sources of influence.”

At the same time, @catturd2 “displays all of the key signs of a troll campaign,” van der Linden explains, as his aim “is to clearly manipulate public opinion by artificially amplifying extremist and polarizing viewpoints.” The key difference is that while so many troll campaigns rely on “accounts with almost no followers, and most of the accounts were in the periphery of the social network,” B., as @catturd2, has a “massive following,” which places him at the center of the network, and he’s “being amplified by hugely influential ‘nodes’” like Elon Musk, says van der Linden. “So in that sense, I think Catturd can potentially be considered more dangerous.”

B.’S FLAIR FOR TROLLING AND GOSSIP, however, exceeds his accomplishments in traditional punditry and impact on electoral outcomes. So far, @catturd2 has served as MAGA cheerleader for three hugely disappointing cycles: Democrats taking the House of Representatives in 2018, Trump’s loss in 2020, and a Republican underperformance in 2022 that even Tucker Carlson admitted was “embarrassing.” Each time around, B. has confidently predicted a GOP landslide, and each time, he’s been wrong, settling deeper into revanchist fury. He voices special contempt for those in the party he sees as part of the Washington establishment, like McConnell, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and Sens. Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, and Lisa Murkowski. But those politicians are hanging on to their seats, while some of the more extreme candidates he’s backed, including Lake and Masters, have failed to attain office. Even if you have @catturd2’s’s support, you can’t rely on it forever: he went from tweeting “I fully support Ted Cruz in any future political endeavors” to calling Cruz a “gutless coward” whose “political career is over” in the space of a year.

It’s not the only inconsistency. Practically ever since Musk completed his acquisition of Twitter, a deal that B. and his fellow travelers hoped would liberate them from the supposed censorship of Big Tech, he has whined that nefarious “algorithms” continue to limit his reach, with Musk eagerly (if vaguely) answering him like a 24/7 tech support bot. The tantrums are all the more unjustified in light of @catturd2 crossing the million-follower mark just two weeks after Musk took the reins. There’s nothing the CEO can realistically do to appease B., whose tweets about being throttled by shadowbans ironically receive hundreds of millions of views.

Catturd ™
Replying to @amuse and @twitter
Sure I do.
Elon Musk
profile visits
9.28M [down]39.4%

Elon Musk
This is bizarre. Looking into it.
11:24 AM · Jan 20, 2023

From those long-ago efforts to break through with his band to his ceaseless networking as @catturd2, B. has labored intensely to earn the attention he has finally secured. Now, as a distinguished Florida voter, eager to see Trump campaign for president once more but strongly supportive of Ron DeSantis, his own governor and a potential 2024 candidate, he sits astride the nuclear bomb that is the Republican party’s future. At the moment, he hopes DeSantis will neither run nor accept a vice presidential nomination. “We need him here in Florida,” he’s tweeted. “What he’s done for my state is a miracle and is extremely important.” Nevertheless, should DeSantis lead the GOP ticket, B. is prepared to go “all in.”

Decades past their marriage, H. is surprised by what B. churns out as @catturd2, content she views as satire. “I really never thought that he was so political,” she tells Rolling Stone. “Opinionated, definitely.” But, she adds: “It was all music with us.” Without talking to B., it’s hard to know whether he still plays guitar or writes songs. If so, he doesn’t share this side of himself online. As for why he might find inspiration in Trump, H. says, “I can give you my opinion, but it would only be mine: Both are passionate, outspoken men.” Were she to reconnect with her ex-husband, she’d want to talk about “the good times” they shared together: “My son lived with us, and he was [B.’s] sidekick for a while. [B.] watched him when I worked, and I know [my son] would like to see him. He was only about eight, and we went fishing a lot.” In one of the wedding photos H. sends, she and B. pose with her smiling boy — the portrait of a family that didn’t last.

Despite the renown he enjoys in his role as a Twitter heel, B. occasionally voices a hint of regret. “Getting old is a hell of a thing,” he recently mused. “Your mind is willing — but your body just won’t cooperate.” Once, before he was an internet celebrity, he replied to a woman who shared a photo of herself with a tube of chapstick tucked in her cleavage, “Stop getting me excited. Litter boxes are lonely,” he wrote, adding a sad face emoji. And while he always professes to be laughing his fucking ass off at Biden, or congressional Democrats, or climate change believers, or the vaccinated, or Black Lives Matter protesters, it never feels as genuine as when he talks about the beloved dogs and cats he’s rescued and nurtured back to health. Maintaining his level of clout as a political heckler, B. acknowledges, is a tiresome job for a lone man pushing 60. When you weigh up what he gets in the bargain, it doesn’t seem like much.
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Re: Stochastic Terrorism

Postby admin » Wed Nov 15, 2023 4:14 am

Trump’s incendiary ‘vermin’ remarks prompt backlash
by Brett Samuels
The Hill
11/14/23 6:00 AM ET

Trump Spokesperson Steven Cheung on Criticism Over "Vermin" Comments
Trump Echoes Hitler's Words on the Campaign Trail
by MeidasTouchNetwork


[Hitler] I will get rid of the "Communist" "Vermin"

[Trump] I will get rid of the "Communist" "Vermin"

[Hitler] I will take care of the "Enemy Within"

[Trump] I will take care of the "Threat From Within"

[Hitler] Jews and Migrants are Poisoning Aryan Blood

[Trump] Migrants are "Poisoning the Blood of our Country"

[Hitler] "One People, One Realm, One Leader"

[Trump] "One People, One Family, One Glorious Nation"

"Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House."

Former President Trump prompted backlash for comparing his political enemies to “vermin” who needed to be exposed, with critics drawing comparisons to dictators from decades ago.

Trump, in a Veterans Day speech in New Hampshire, pledged to “root out … the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country,” the latest in a growing line of increasingly incendiary comments about his political opponents heading into the 2024 election.

The former president warned the audience of supporters that “the threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within. Because if you have a capable, competent, smart, tough leader, Russia, China, North Korea, they’re not going to want to play with us.”

Democrats and even some Republicans expressed alarm over Trump’s comments, equating them to the type of rhetoric used by dictators during World War II and suggesting it was a sign of how Trump would conduct himself if elected to a second term in the White House.

The Trump campaign dismissed the criticism. But the “vermin” comment is just the latest in a growing string of remarks that have raised alarms for Trump’s critics.

“On a weekend when most Americans were honoring our nation’s heroes, Donald Trump parroted the autocratic language of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini — two dictators many U.S. veterans gave their lives fighting, in order to defeat exactly the kind of un-American ideas Trump now champions,” Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates similarly said the comments echoed Hitler and Mussolini, suggesting Trump’s language “would be unrecognizable to our founders, but horrifyingly recognizable to American veterans who put on their country’s uniform in the 1940s.”

Jim Messina, who managed President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, described Trump’s remarks as “from the same authoritarian propaganda playbook” used by dictators.

Trump’s comments, which he also posted on Truth Social on Saturday, come as he’s leading the Republican presidential primary contest by an average of nearly 60 percentage points. A slew of recent polls have shown him leading President Biden in several key battleground states that will likely determine the outcome of the 2024 race.

The Trump campaign rejected comparisons between Trump and old dictators, with spokesperson Steven Cheung saying in a statement that “those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”

His denigration of his political rivals as “vermin” forced Republicans into the familiar, uncomfortable position of having to try and defend Trump, the front-runner to be on the party’s presidential ticket next year.

Republican National Committee (RNC) chair Ronna McDaniel was asked on multiple Sunday morning shows about the remarks, and she declined to condemn or directly address the former president’s language.

“I’m not going to talk about candidates that are in a contested primary. That’s — you can talk to him about what he’s saying,” McDaniel said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), one of the most outspoken Trump critics in the GOP, wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, that Trump was using “the same Nazi propaganda that mobilized 1930s-40s Germany to evil.” She added that history would judge “every Republican who is appeasing this dangerous man.”

Prior to Saturday’s remarks, Trump has spoken fondly of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has been accused of rolling back democratic norms, and he has praised the leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping, whom Biden has described as a “dictator.”

Trump has in recent days also hinted at what could be waiting for his political opponents if he returns to the White House. At a Florida rally last week, Trump told supporters he would be allowed to investigate Biden since he himself was indicted, and he pledged to have the Justice Department “investigate every Marxist prosecutor in America.”

And in a Truth Social post Monday, he attacked special counsel Jack Smith and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco as “deranged” and suggested they would end up in a “Mental Institution” by the end of his next term because they suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

“I don’t really think that pitting Americans against each other is going to help us in a time when a lot of people are suffering, and that’s what this type of rhetoric is aimed to do,” said Sarah Matthews, a former Trump White House and campaign spokesperson.

“And I think him using this kind of increasingly erratic rhetoric, it just doesn’t seem to penetrate through as much in Americans’ minds because they’re so used to him saying these kinds of crazy things,” she added. “And that’s what’s concerning.”
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Re: Stochastic Terrorism

Postby admin » Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:03 pm

by Michael Popok
Nov 17, 2023

David Depape was convicted unanimously by a jury in the hammer attack on speaker Pelosi‘s husband last October and now faces up to 50 years in federal prison. Michael Popok of Legal AF explains that the jury did not believe the defense that all that DePape wanted to do was put on a unicorn costume and live stream interview Pelosi, but had no intention of obstructing her official proceedings in attacking her husband.


David DePape Convicted Of Assault And Attempted Kidnapping Charges
by U.S. Attorney's Office, Northern District of California
Friday, November 17, 2023

For Immediate Release

Jury Concluded DePape Attempted to Kidnap Nancy Pelosi and Assaulted Paul Pelosi on Account of Her Official Duties as Then-Speaker of the House of Representatives

SAN FRANCISCO – A federal jury convicted David DePape of assault and attempted kidnapping charges today in connection with his Oct. 28 intrusion into the home of Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul Pelosi, announced United States Attorney Ismail J. Ramsey and Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent in Charge Robert K. Tripp. The verdict follows a trial before the Hon. Jacqueline Scott Corley, U.S. District Judge.

U.S. Attorney Ramsey stated, “We are grateful to the jury for their deliberations and the justice that this verdict signifies. Our public servants and their families deserve to work and live without threats and violence. Defendant’s violent plan to kidnap then-Speaker Pelosi was rooted in his virulent disagreement with her as a result of her official position. His violent plan ended with the assault on Mr. Pelosi. Today’s verdict brings justice to the Pelosi family and to the idea that violence has no place in politics.”

“The brutal and premeditated assault on Mr. Pelosi in the sanctity of his own home was fueled by DePape’s misguided ideology. I am deeply gratified by the jury's verdict, which has ensured that DePape will face the full weight of justice," said FBI Special Agent in Charge Tripp. "The unwavering collaboration between the FBI, the San Francisco Police Department, the San Francisco District Attorney's Office, and the United States Capitol Police played a pivotal role in securing this victory. We remain steadfast in our commitment to protecting our communities from those who seek to divide us through acts of violence and hatred.”

The evidence at trial established that weeks before the attack, DePape, 43, of Richmond, California, targeted Nancy Pelosi, who was then Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, and collected personal information about her, including her home address. DePape kept the information in a computer file he labeled “favorite politicians.” DePape intended to kidnap the then-Speaker, hold her hostage, and break her kneecaps.

The evidence at trial demonstrated that on the night of the assault, DePape used public transportation to travel from the East Bay to San Francisco while carrying two backpacks that contained a hammer, sledgehammer, duct tape, rope, zip ties, and electronic items, among other items. After arriving at the Pelosi residence, DePape used the hammer to break the window of a glass door and enter the home. Then-Speaker Pelosi was not home and her husband, Paul Pelosi, was sleeping on the third floor of the home. DePape roamed the home until he found Mr. Pelosi in the third-floor bedroom.

The trial evidence demonstrated that DePape woke Mr. Pelosi and, while standing three to four feet from him holding the hammer and restraints, made various threats including, “I will take you out.” Mr. Pelosi managed to walk to his bathroom and call 9-1-1, during which he carefully used language to alert the emergency operator to the situation without agitating DePape.

Mr. Pelosi convinced defendant to go downstairs to the first floor and continued talking to DePape. When the police arrived, Mr. Pelosi opened the door and the police ordered DePape to drop the hammer he was holding. Instead, DePape struck Mr. Pelosi three times with full force, fracturing his skull. The responding officers immediately tackled Depape and took him into custody.

On November 9, 2022, a federal grand jury indicted DePape, charging him with one count of assault upon an immediate family member of a United States official with the intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with the official while engaged in the performance of official duties or with intent retaliate against the official on account of the performance of official duties, and one count of attempted kidnapping of a United States official on account of the performance of official duties. The jury convicted DePape of both charges.

Judge Corley scheduled a status conference for December 13, 2022, at 10 a.m. The assault charge carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison and the attempted kidnapping charge carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. However, any sentence will be imposed only after consideration of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and the federal statute governing the imposition of a sentence, 18 U.S.C. § 3553.

The National Security and Cyber Section of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California is prosecuting the case. FBI San Francisco, the U.S. Capitol Police, and the San Francisco Police Department are investigating the case.

Updated November 17, 2023
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